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1. How is the linguistic system in your region?

The official state language of Moldova is Romanian. Gagauz, Russian, and Ukrainian
languages are granted official regional status in Gagauzia and/or Transnistria. English and
French are the most popular foreign languages taught in most schools in the Republic of
2. How languages are spoken there?
Sometimes French, Italian, or Spanish are taught first. These languages are often used by
Moldovan expats and working migrants in other countries, including France, Italy, Ireland,
Spain, and the United Kingdom. Usually the migrants learn the new languages after arriving in a
new country. Moldovans of older and middle generations are generally bilingual in the
Romanian language and Russian, due to the long influence of and trade with the Soviet Union.
3. How important is English in your country?
Most Moldovans learn English as their first foreign language in schools, few speak it at a
sufficiently advanced level to be able to communicate and understand it freely.
4. Are there linguistic minorities in your country? How are they treated?

In localities with significant minority populations, other languages are granted official
status alongside the state language.

Gagauz is an official minority language in Gagauzia, and has significant regional speaker
population. 114,532 people or 4.1% identified Gagauz as their native language.
Ukrainian has co-official status in the breakaway region of Transnistria. In the main part
of the country, 186,394 people declared it native, and (of these) 107,252 or 3.8% speak it as a
first language.
Most minority members are scattered across the country, though the Gagauz region
forms a self-governing administrative unit, while Ukranian and Bulgarian communities live in
compact settlements.

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