Ernest Shand Selected Works

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Norn | ONTO] HAND TUN TN Ye—Dy7-#-LAOBRCRULEFSUAZR Eprrep sy Perer JERMER eel Ernest Shand Selected Works for guitar solo Edited by Peter Jermer ¥5—-YOOROD Yrvv KfFinse A-9—+ 4 xI7—-OR GG236 GR) BRE St GENDAI GUITAR CO.,LTD. 1-16-14 Chihaya, Toshima-ku, Tokyo, Japan Bx Beery: : Andante Religioso Op.87 TRAC pee BOR Prelude et Impromptu TRACK 2 BU I Pensieroso TRACK gyn gtyh) Phyllis - Gavotte mA Fou Gradle Song Op.99 Lee TRACK 6 ‘TRACK7 wit A Fragment iC (BFOEISTOBS) u Coin du Feu pre ZLAWA me TRACK 9 rsovie ‘Mazurka é TRACK 10 ende TRACK 11 TRACK 12 ‘TRACK 13 TRACK 14 ‘TRACK 15 RACK 16 Bin OPT He aueeEe a 9 20 22 24 25 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 Biographical notes ERNEST WILLIAM WATSON was born on January 31st 1868 in Hull, Engnd ater wat win ach ond mar ght im a the plano. He made his fst public appearance wien paying for an Jidiene at Derby College, his Toeal school However thee eo cleat ANidece for musical sudes ata London Conservatory. In 1886 he became a professional actor and from that time onward he made himself known tothe public by the name of ERNEST SHAND. His Tetors debut took place in Hull's Lecture Hall In the same year he sated fo get involved with guitar playing. When itoting for demanding solo Iteratie he finally Came across Dioniso Rguade’s Rondo ap. I which, with his father’s asitance, he finally ‘Metaged to pay to bis own satiation, In about 1888 he met Magar SONY PRATTEN who wos very touched by his ular plying She gave inim lessons which mainly contributed to the expressiveness and Infeulaton of his playing. vse Madam Prten, too, who in 1894 st, ublshed one of is compottons, the Pemtr A Vr p31." When she ied in 1895 Shand dedicated his Famer Marth op 88 he. In 1890 he maried the actress LOUISA NELLIE SMITH, te frst of their four children being their daughter PHYLLIS CATHERINA who later won (quite a reputation as an actress and made the acquaintance of G-B. SHAW. After 1895 Shand dedicated more time to composing forthe guitar and performing as a professional guitar player and wrote several articles for fuitar journals. One year later his Improved Method for the Guitar, op. 100 tras published, which shorly afterwards led to a second edition. In the Same year he gave the fist performance of his Premier Concer pour Guitare 1 Quatuer, op, a piece which was not to be performed again until 1947/48 by julian Bream. [Alter several unsuccessful efforts to make his career in London he feturned to his acting profession and travelled to Australia, where the Sidny Herald gave an enthusiastic review about one of his concer. Back in England he strictly reduced his concert activities but continued to compose diligently and by about 1910 several of his pieces had been published by Schott During the war he visited Nottingham where he sang a patriotic song. right before a concert. A Russian auditor felt so offended by this act that he violenty attacked Shand later during the concert and injured him so severely that he was sill suffering from the consequences several months later. The Russian continued to send him threatening letters, but he never {got caught. Shand's career as a perfoming artist was cuined and in 1918, fre retired to Birmingharn where he died of heart failure on November 26h, 1924, (The biographical details were mainly taken from a Ph.D. thesis by Stewart Button, Garland Publishing, New York & London, 1989) The Music The guitar music of Emest Shand clearly reflects the spirit and taste of its period. “As an obviously self taught composer he often links up several ‘musical ideas without developing the musical substance in detail. His melodic and harmonic structures are based on romanticism and many of the elements he employed can be found in the early guitar works of VILLA-LOBOS. There is, for example, a truly striking resemblance between Shand's Gavotte Roce and the Scbowish-Chiro by Villa-Lobos, and many of his chordal shifts and fingerings seem to anticipate modem jaz ‘guitar playing. Although polyphonic notation for the uitar had already been established tthe Legamg of the 19th century, te edtrs of Shand's printed music employed 3 vilinlike notation, "Ths fs confusing with regard to the Rarmonic svucture, making it dificult forthe guitarist to recognize the mmelodiharmonic interchange. fc to resume its | hope that this new edition will enable Ernest Shands musi en place in the contemporary guitarst's repertoire thus giving even me People the opportunity to enjoy these truly chaning pieces. (My acquaintance with Ernest Shand “The name of Emest Shand frst caught my atention at the beginning ofthe ightes sin a small book entitled The Evolution of the Clasieal Guitar by WMLAppleby there were several articles from the journal Guitar News ing back to the year 1965, amongst them a section on tis English fenlleman who was reported to have writen more than 200 solo works Ferthe gitar, one guitar method and a full concer fr this instrument! Several years later, while browsing in an antiquarian’s shop, happened to come across the six solos published By SchotuMainz in 1910, 1 think it was the piece titled I! enierxe which first inspired me to tke up ‘my guitar to check out some lost notes in the bassline of the printed Ccudon.. My interest had been aroused and in the course of time | was Sble to collect about 40 pieces (@ handful of copies was generously given fo me by Schot¥/Mainz, most of them however were sent to me a5 tnicrotma-copies from the archives ofthe Britsh Museum in London). In 1987 | finally decided to take some pieces into my performer's repertoire. "Apart Irom if Penueraro the pleces were Légende, Chenin, Vanente Macurke 200A Fragment. All of these pieces clearly show the Composer's characteristics and were quite easily to decipher (even in their peculiar printing style), A lite later | added Cradle Song and Prelude et mprempre, pieces which always remind me of Edvard Grieg, so | recorded the later for a Norwegian radho station, In the course of time slight *alterations* and/or ‘additions" have been made by myself Those musical alterations either turned out to have Slipped into my fingers “allimproviso" during public performances or ~ after a thorough analysis ofthe musie - seemed to make sense inorder to fenhance the musica elect ofa particular piece. There are, however, only three occasions where these interventions deserve to be mentioned : | added a small introduction consisting of Sltogether four bars to the Vale lgire in order to point out the actual beginning of the piece which seemed to me somewhat sudden. In the middle section of the same piece | decided to lead the melody through several voices. In the Andante Relig | have tried to intensify the middie Section with an additional melodic line. Finally | decided to slightly bridge the Songe dmour and to intensity the musical quality by added semiquavers In February 1996 I was given the opportunity to record a CD with all the smusic that has now been printed in this edition. Unfortunately, due to its Small qumber of copies and the company's limited distibution facilities * this CD (OutsidercD0122, ts Musikproduktion D-82467 Garmisch- Partenkirchen) has so far found litle circulation. My Special thanks are due to Mr Sugawara for his enthusiasm and support in the preparation if his edition January 1998 Peter Jermer (English translated by Dr.Christian Kelnberger) Peter Jermer 1976 - 1982 studied Classical Guitar with Barbara Polasek at Richard- Strauss-Konservatorium in Munich and Composition with Daffyd Llywelyn. Masterclasses with Angel Romero, Alvaro Pierri, Joe Rass Jazz- guitar) and Leo Brouwer. Mr.Jermer played Chamber-music with The "Hense-Quartett" (Guitar Quartet), the "Suddeutsche Kammersolisten" (String-Quartet) and the Soprano singers Yasuko Hashimoto and Yoshiko Nitta. ind together with his In the last 10 years he recorded 6 CDs as a soloist ai fellow-musicans on the distinguished OUTSIDER-label in Garmisch- Partenkirchen Exept pieces for solo-guitar Mr.Jermer composed songs for Soprano and Guitar on poems by R.M.Rilke and O.Hepp, "Missa ad Finem Saeculi’ for Soprano and Guitar and film-scores He also did fine arrangements for Solo-Guitar such as Gospelsongs, Standarts and Music by Astor Piazzolla. ; Jermer is running a Guitar-Class at the Jazz- Since several years Pete! "Staedtische Musikschule Starnberg" / Bavaria. ; lis latest work to be published is a Method for Guitar edited by “Edition Kossack" in Rheinfelden / Germany. Prelude et Impromptu ise & mer Revised and Fingered by Peter Jer ne Andante con moto hoy a TT jo . mits + [ SWI ~ | al, S YW ~ ° © con eo 203 by GENOA GUITAR CO. toy Hicaton Conrigh Scud Aloe cresc. —! 1 oa aa] = 4 |] Pensieroso wee ae Emestg hang Andante 1 : T aa F x a tempo (© Copyright 2003 by GENDAI GUTTA Irteratona Petal Cong Secured Ali CO, Lid ~ Tokyo, its reserved Phyllis - Gavotte 749 (IIb) Emest hy a, Revised and Fingered by Peter Jermer W i a TT owe ate eons R4 P &y GENOA! GURTARCO, ternational a ae freratonl Cony Seca. All ighereancd ena the f., ane > Cradlesong Fok Revised and Fingered by Peter Jermer Erne Shang ct Andante . sd » Tah {© Copyright 2003 by GENDAL f International Copyright Secu : Printed in Japan| a GUITAR CO, tnd — Tokyo, red, Al righ reserved prin aA / VS oddest dell SS SS at TWH | Scie A Fragment we Revised and Fingered by Peter Jermer Andante Ernest Shand pte ANd at: Meu 22 4, 200 by GENDN GUITAR CO. Tb. rl Copy Secured Al ghis Molto Lento aes Presto screams iis Set Shh Au Coin du Feu Fire side musings WMT (WWFOTETOLS) Revised and Fingered by Peter Jermer Andante alee Emest Shand. a © Copyright 2003 by GENDAI GUITAR CO.,Ltd Tokyo Inertia Cyphers Mea Printed in Japan “ “ és cate Sata 2 Tn tl Rl EE 22 Varsovie Mazurka Why ORLA Revised and Fingered by Peter Jermer Emest Shand | | | 2h 2003 by GENDAI GUITAR CO..L18— Tokyo. nal Copyright Secured. All ight reserved Japan a tempo ws Psd Eg | 4 be Bi: : Revised and Fingered by Peter Jermer Lége n de Andante con molto espressione ™ ® 24 Ernest Shand pe vom am7 10 am7y is h i. “ad, eo Spee pegs re _ * Trg DE === gity feeoi ps ne 1. Jae a) af heouam = = 0 1 Sle = =a ? = =e q 4 Tr rT r ¥ ritedim. © Copyright 2003 by GENDAI GUITAR CO. Toby Incrational Copy Secured Al ths eseved Pred in oo ‘nie a, 25 Chanson See Revised and Fingered by Peter Jermer aaa Andante eT tu Eest Shand of P P PPB + eres. dim. Hi DO. al Fine {© Copyright 2003 by GENDAI GUITAR CO, Ltd - Tokyo. International Copyright Secured. All sights reserved Printed in Japan gee satel Ly eS! ee __ % 26 Mazurka Russe Revised and Fingered by Peter Jermer BYTMT AIH Moderato Ernest Shand o = . vw W 1d 09.21 mal alli 4 rT jah 2003 by GENDAI GUITAR CO.Lid - Toby. a! Copyright Secured. All sights reserved Japan r os SST olehglab bel oat tabdeg tas ) Prop a apt 1 a sppalp baad Lele} Seo F cP Pr non ay OO NN ani \ i ae Revised and Fingered by Peter Jermer Commodo ea a = Gavotte Rococo aoe + {© Copyright 2003 by GENDAI GUITAR CO.,Ltd ~ Tokyo, Intemational Copyright Secure. ll ight reserve Printed in Japan Emest Shang I ccc ‘ Lh and ata 92 Auf Wiedersehn BLohS Revised and Fingered by Peter Jermer Andanti i | (e espressivo Ermestshang | =— pitt presto con energico | oe ’ {© Copytght 2003 by GENDAI GUITAR CO, Lid Tokyo. Intemational Copyright Secured. Al igh reserved Printed i Japan el A thn BH. A TE A 34 | A Forgotten Strain . BHeKKAUH 4 — vied and Fgura by Peter emer Erne Shan op 6 % Andante maestoso 7 ‘ =, s 2 gy 2 2 £3 t - * pitt presto ‘a P {© Copyright 2003 by GENOA! GUITAR CO, Ltd Tokyo, | International Copyright Secured. All igh reserved Printed in Japan Se Songe d’Amour no Revised and Fingered by Peter Jermer Ernest Shand Andante a — Riad or r farml2 = WP ORF 7 oF fads Beds Fe vr sip. we. © Copyright 2003 by GENDAI GUITAR CO.,Ltd — Toby. International Copyright Secure. Al cighs reserved Printed in apan # RIP IYZY (yay Medi) Facsimili of original Schott editions. ANDANTE RELIGIOSO. agesr SEA:8 9 IL PENSIEROSO [ ornane PHYLLIS-GAVOTTE pe rire rt yt an glad sgt eed Pe ei sy is tre Z YR, dare ted ened ao ; ' gees oh fad ey sig 7 ‘ 4 4 4 panna DD a A EE CGA IR Cradle Song. A Fragment. AU COIN DU FEU Fire side Musings) VARSOVIE MAZURKA CHANSON Catan, Ss Mazurka Russe, i | j ‘ j ———— GAVOTTE ROCOCO AUF WIEDERSEHN. ERNEST SANT OF A FORGOTTEN STRAIN, ERSEST SEND Opn APIS. tel A SONGE d’AMOUR, Introductionet Romance dott ecttetee ty bor ypete F 3

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