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 Name: Hassan Raza

 Registration No: 1711188
 Product under consideration is Rooh Afza Go
 Promotional budget is Rs. 5 million
 Market: Pakistan
 Duration: 2 months
 Objectives:
 Create awareness regarding the product among 20% of the targeted
 5% of the targeted population should try the product

TASK 1: Identify at least 3 promotional method/tools that should be utilized to

promote the product and allocate Rs. 5 million among them. Provide reasoning.

PROMOTIONAL METHOD 1 Advertising This is because advertising is

best way to promote such
Tool Budget Logic
Billboards 2.5 Million I will advertise through
billboards in targeted areas
because of low budget. It will
create strong bond with
Broadcast Ads 1.5 Million The advertisement will be
play in between the news and
popular drama serials, so
almost public of Pakistan
watching dramas and news at

PROMOTIONAL METHOD 2 Public Relations Because through Public

Relations, the brand will
make strong relationship with
customers and large scale
Tool Budget Logic
Sponsorships 0.5 Million By sponsorship with sports,
we can easily promote this
product because everyone
likes sports in Pakistan.
Events 0.5 Million By organizing small events
with public like games,
singing competitions and
lottery prize distributions to
build strong image in public.

PROMOTIONAL METHOD 3 Sales promotions Because everyone in Pakistan

is willing to buy product
which has discounts and
additional gifts, so we can
easily promote this product.
Tool Budget Logic
Premiums and gifts 0.7 Million We can attach on glass or cup
with Roh Afza bottle, so
everyone is willing to buy it.
Samples 0.3 Million We also promote through
giving free samples to public
for tastes. That will build
good image too.

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