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Name: ___Cole Williams_____________________________________

Class: ____6__________________ Topic:
SHEET ______gov.__________________

Questions / Main Ideas Notes / Details / Definitions / etc.

• What makes you a citizen?

Citizenship • Born here
• Born outside the country to American parent/s
• Naturalized here

Requirements • At least eighteen years old.

• A lawful permanent resident of the United States.
• Resident and physically present in the United States for at least five
years at the time of application.
• Of good moral character.

Themes I see in the Citizenship and the requirements


Other Questions I may have Why do you have to be 18 to just get citizenship?
about the information Why is there so many rules to becoming one?
Please list three things you
learned today (Required)
You must be 18 to be a citizen
Your character speaks in how you’ll become a citizen
The law will determine whether you become one or not

Please explain how one I didn’t have to go through this process because I was already an American
thing you learned today citizen.
relates to you. BE


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