Borg 'S Scales in Strength Training From Theory To Practice in Young and Older Adults

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Borg’s scales in strength training; from theory to

practice in young and older adults
John P. Buckley and Gunnar A.V. Borg
Appl. Physiol. Nutr. Metab. Downloaded from by CONCORDIA UNIV on 11/16/14

Abstract: This study is the first to apply Borg’s psychophysical equation to measuring responses to strength training with
weights machines. Theoretical constructs of Borg’s scales were assessed in younger and older adults to estimate the appro-
priate load and number of repetitions required to meet recommended practice guidelines. A younger group (YG; 20 males,
20 females; aged 19–38 years) and older group (OG; 13 males, 13 females; aged 50–75 years) participated in 3 experiments.
Experiment 1: YG performed 2-repetitions of incremented loads during triceps–elbow extensions and knee extensions to
level 7 on Borg’s CR10 Scale. Experiment 2: YG (n = 16) then performed 12-repetitions at the loads from experiement 1
that elicited CR10 ratings 1.5, 3.0, and 5.0. Experiment 3: OG performed 15-repetitions of “lat-pull” and leg press at
15-repetition maximum (RM) load. In experiments 2 and 3, CR10 or Borg RPE were measured every 2 repetitions. Experi-
ment 1 revealed classic psychophysical response growth exponents between 1.1 and 1.8, which were greater in arms than
legs (p < 0.001) and in females (p < 0.001). Theoretical estimates of 1RM were derived from the growth curves for the
weights eliciting CR10 ratings of 1.5, 3, and 5. CR10 ratings of 3 to 6 fell within estimates of 40%–70% 1RM. Experi-
ments 2 and 3 revealed, for constant load exercise “over time” (12 and 15 repetitions) from an initial CR10 rating of 4 to 6,
a linear increase of 1 scale point for every 3 to 4 repetitions. In conclusion, Borg’s equation has been used to set theoretical
estimates of a %1RM. Relevant to current practice guidelines was the ability to set appropriate loads in relation to perform-
ing recommended numbers of repetitions (e.g., if the CR10 rating is >6 after 2 repetitions, the weight is likely be too heavy
to complete 12 to 15 repetitions).
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Key words: resistance training, perceived exertion, younger people, older people, psychophysical scaling, responses to load
and duration.
Résumé : Cette étude est la première à appliquer l’équation psychophysique de Borg aux réponses des sujets s’exerçant sur
des appareils de musculation. On applique les constructs théoriques des échelles de Borg chez des adultes jeunes et âgés
afin de prédire la charge appropriée et le nombre requis de répétitions pour se conformer aux recommandations en matière
de pratique de l’activité physique. Un groupe de jeunes adultes (YG; 20 femmes et 20 hommes âgés de 19 à 38 ans) et d’a-
dultes âgés (OG; 13 femmes et 13 hommes âgés de 50 à 75 ans participent aux trois expérimentations. Expérimentation 1 :
le YG déplace des charges incrémentielles par série de 2 répétitions au cours d’exercices d’extension des coudes et d’exten-
sion des genoux jusqu’au niveau 7 de l’échelle CR10 de Borg. Expérimentation 2 : le groupe YG (n = 16) effectue 12 répé-
titions avec les charges de l’expérimentation 1 qui ont suscité des cotes de 1,5, 3,0 et 5,0 sur l’échelle CR10.
Expérimentation 3 : le groupe OG effectue 15 tractions dorsales et autant de développés des jambes (15RM). Au cours des
expérimentations 2 et 3, on prend note des cotes CR10 ou RPE de Borg à toutes les 2 répétitions. Dans l’expérimentation 1,
on obtient la réponse psychophysique classique : la valeur des exposants évoquant la croissance positive de la courbe varie
de 1,1 à 1,8 ; elle est d’ailleurs plus élevée au cours des exercices des membres supérieurs (p < 0,001) et chez les femmes
(p < 0,001). On obtient des estimations théoriques de 1RM d’après les courbes d’accroissement associées aux charges pour
lesquelles on attribue des cotes de 1,5, 3 et 5 sur l’échelle CR10. Les évaluations allant de 3 à 6 sur l’échelle CR10 corres-
pondent aux estimations allant de 40 % à 70 % du 1RM. Pour les efforts prolongés (12 et 15 répétitions) avec une charge
constante au cours des expérimentations 2 et 3, la cote initiale de 4 à 6 sur l’échelle CR10 augmente linéairement de 1 point
à toutes les 3 à 4 répétitions. On utilise l’équation de Borg pour faire des estimations du % 1RM. Sur le plan des recom-
mandations en matière d’activité physique, il est possible de déterminer les charges convenables pour réaliser le nombre re-
commandé de répétitions; par exemple, si l’évaluation sur l’échelle CR10 est supérieure à 6 après 2 répétitions, la charge est
probablement trop lourde pour se rendre jusqu’à 12–15 répétitions.
Mots‐clés : entraînement contre résistance, perception de l’intensité de l’effort, personnes jeunes, personnes âgées,
échelonnage psychophysique, réponses selon la charge et la durée.
[Traduit par la Rédaction]

Received 3 December 2010. Accepted 3 May 2011. Published at on 6 October 2011.
J.P. Buckley. Department of Clinical Sciences, The University of Chester, Parkgate Road Chester, Cheshire CH1 4BJ, UK.
G.A.V. Borg. Department of Psychology, University of Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden.
Corresponding author: John P. Buckley (e-mail:

Appl. Physiol. Nutr. Metab. 36: 682–692 (2011) doi:10.1139/H11-078 Published by NRC Research Press
Buckley and Borg 683

Introduction and the CR10 Scale. Other RPE scales have been promoted
for use during strength training but their design properties
Strength training for health and fitness has now become an
have not been clearly described in relation to the classic and
integral part of national physical activity guidelines for
accepted psychophysical principles of Stevens’ Power Law
younger and older adults in the United States, United King-
(Stevens 1961) and Borg’s equation (Borg 1961, 1962; Ek-
dom, and Canada (, 2008;
man 1962):
O’Donavan et al. 2010;1, 2011). It is also rec-
ommended in key professional guidelines and reviews for R ¼ a þ cðS  bÞn
health and rehabilitation (Liu and Latham 2009; Braith and
Beck 2008; Volaklis and Tokmakidis 2005; Hass et al. where R is the rating of perceived intensity; S is the strength
Appl. Physiol. Nutr. Metab. Downloaded from by CONCORDIA UNIV on 11/16/14

2001). Multi-joint exercise using machines are reported to be of the external stimuli (e.g., weight lifted); a, c, and b are
better for overall functional muscle strength compared to sin- correction constants; and n is the important exponent that de-
gle joint exercises; the former seeming to be more appropri- scribes the curvilinearity of the response line (curve).
ate for general health, fitness, older, and clinical populations In applying Steven’s power law, the classic studies on per-
(Hass et al. 2001). ceived heaviness of incremental handheld weights have
Guidelines of the American Heart Association (AHA) and shown a positively accelerating growth exponent in the range
the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) (Pollock of 1.4 to 2.0 with an average of 1.6 (Stevens 1961, 1989;
et al. 2000; Williams et al. 2007) and the above cited re- Borg 1962, 1973, Borg and Ottoson 1986) but no reports to
views have recommended using Borg’s (6–20) rating of per- date on perceived exertion to incremented loads of weight-
ceived exertion scale (RPE Scale), in young and older lifting exercises, either with free-weights or machines, have
adults, for setting strength training intensities. There are, reported on this phenomenon.
however, no known studies on validating Borg’s scales for
strength training in older people; hence this raises the ques- Perceived exertion as function of time (repetitions)
tion of age being a mediating factor. RPE training zones Absent in all studies or guidelines recommending the use
(11–light to 15–hard), like in aerobic exercise, have been of RPE during strength training is guidance on how effort
given but with no clear guidance of why these levels are perception is expected to change as a function of time
given or when during the set of repetitions the rating is to
For personal use only.

(e.g., working at a fixed load for a set number of repeti-

be made. tions). Furthermore, there is the need to assess if this
change is different for different muscle groups, types of ex-
Perceived exertion as a function of intensity (weight lifted) ercises (single joint vs. multi-joint exercises) or types of
Many in sports medicine and exercise science are likely to muscular contractions (isotonic, isometric, isokinetic). The
be unaware that muscle sensations related to weight or “heav- AHA–ACSM joint guidelines (Williams et al. 2007) do
iness” were the focus of the first psychophysical scaling stud- mention that RPE will increase across a number of repeti-
ies performed by Weber and Fechner in the mid 1800s tions but they did not state by how much it might be ex-
(Stevens 1957, 1961). No studies to date on typical and prac- pected to change. In referring back to principles of
tical strength testing and training procedures have properly psychophysics, however, it has been noted that for submax-
evaluated perceived effort in light of this long history of psy- imal constant loads of muscle work, where changes in per-
chophysical scaling theory. The most appropriate type of rat- ceived exertion are measured as a function of time (e.g.,
ing scale to rate localized sensations of muscle work is one
number of repetitions performed), the slopes of these re-
with ratio properties that can accommodate for the curvilin-
sponses have either been negatively accelerating or ap-
ear responses to incremented muscle work (Stevens 1957,
proaching linearity (Stevens 1989).
1961, 1989; Stevens and Mack 1959; Borg 1961, 1962,
1973, 1998; Borg and Borg 2001). In essence the 1 scale
that meets these criteria is Borg’s CR10 Scale (Borg 1998, Study aims
2004; Borg and Borg 2001). Surprisingly it is Borg’s RPE The general aim of this study was to assess Borg’s psy-
(6–20) Scale, designed to measure a composite of all body chophysical model, equation, and CR10 Scale during
sensations for aerobic-type activity and not localized muscle strength training using weights machines. The 3 specific
sensations, which has been the focus of most of the strength aims were (i) to add to the theoretical evidence-base
training and perceived exertion validation studies (Gearhart et within the context of psychophysical scaling across incre-
al. 2001, 2002, Lagally et al. 2002, McGuigan and Foster mental loads of weights found on “weights-stacks” ma-
2004, Suminski et al. 1997; Tiggemann et al. 2010). An chines; (ii) to assess changes in RPEs as a function of
exception to this is Pincivero et al. (2003) who assessed time (e.g., over a number of repetitions) in younger and
CR10 responses to various loads (10% to 90% 1-repetition older adults for setting out a recommended weight and
maximum (RM)) of isometric knee flexor exercise; more of number of repetitions (12 to 15) (Pollock et al. 2000; Wil-
an experimental than a wider practice-based application. liams et al. 2007); and (iii) to provide a practical time sav-
All of these validation studies on Borg’s scales have been ing alternative method for use in health promotion and
performed on young adults and they reported gender not to rehabilitation settings for determining an effective training
be a mediating factor. Gender differences are still to be as- weight; as compared with the traditional 1RM method that
sessed more fully with regard to Borg’s equation (see below) is felt to require potentially greater amounts of time and
1O’Donovan et al. 2010 is a supporting document for the pending publication of the Chief Medical Officer’s report on Physical Activity and
Health from the Department of Health for England.

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684 Appl. Physiol. Nutr. Metab. Vol. 36, 2011

motivational effort than the methods described and dis- older individuals. In the older participants it was decided to
cussed in this present study. pace the limb movements with a stopwatch along with verbal
guidance as it was felt that with background noise from
Materials and methods within the gym, this may impede the participants hearing. In
keeping with the ACSM recommendations (Kraemer et al.
Rationale and general methods to all study parts 2002; American College of Sports Medicine 2009) and the
There were 3 experiments in this study. The first 2 experi- AHA and ACSM joint statements (Pollock et al. 2000; Wil-
ments involved young healthy active adult participants and liams et al. 2007) for untrained to intermediate level partici-
the third experiment involved regularly active older partici- pants we used moderate to slow limb movement pacing for
pants. All data were collected in real gymnasium settings. each repetition. Therefore, the concentric phase of the move-
Appl. Physiol. Nutr. Metab. Downloaded from by CONCORDIA UNIV on 11/16/14

There was a progressive rationale to the order of the 3 ex- ment for the prime muscle group was performed in 1.5 to
periments. Experiment 1 was designed to focus on evaluating 2.0 s and the eccentric phase in 2.5 to 3.0 s. All testing ses-
the classical theoretical psychophysical properties that under- sions were preceded and proceeded by a 10 min “warm-up”
pin the construction of Borg’s CR10 Scale in relation to and “cool-down”, respectively. These exercises consisted of
measuring responses to incremental loads of muscular work. light intensity cycle ergometry or motorized treadmill activity
Experiment 2 progressed from the theoretical concepts in ex- that was graduated up to (or down from in the case of the
periment 1 by providing the derived fixed loads to evaluate cool-down) 60% of age-estimated maximum heart rate
changes in perceived exertion over a typically recommended (HRmax).
number of repetitions (12) for young healthy adults perform- To attain statistical power greater than 85%, with a = 0.5
ing strength training in keeping with AHA and ACSM guide- and a large effect size of 0.4 for analyses of variance and
lines (Pollock et al. 2000; Williams et al. 2007). This 0.35 for regression analyses, a minimum sample size of 14
experiment used single joint muscle actions (“triceps” elbow was calculated. The underlying assumption being that for a
extension and “quadriceps” knee extension), which are often practically–clinically meaningful response, a 10% change is
used for enhancing strength and muscle tone (Hass et al. required in a RPE score and allowing for a standard deviation
2001). In experiment 3, a similar evaluation to experiment 2 of 1.5 scale points for any given mean rating.
was applied. However, in keeping with AHA and ACSM rec-
For personal use only.

ommendations for these populations (older people and some Experiment 1

with a clinical condition), the exercises were performed over
a greater number of repetitions (15). Furthermore, to reflect This experiment had 2 components to it. The first compo-
the need for weight training to include functional movements nent was the first time that Borg’s equation, R = a + c(S–b)n,
as well as being strength promoting in these populations has been used to assess the change (growth) in perceived ex-
(Hass et al. 2001), multi-joint exercises were performed (lat- ertion with incremented loads when using weights machines.
issimus dorsi pull-downs (“lat-pull”) and leg press. The AHA In light of this analysis not being done before and thus not
and ACSM guidelines (Pollock et al. 2000; Williams et al. knowing whether there would be a gender bias, separate
2007) for older or clinical populations focus on the “applied” analyses were performed on males and females. The aim of
relevance of fatigue occurring at or around the last repetition this first component would provide theoretical “ground
(e.g., the 15th repetition) and hence our choice of the 15RM work” for this current study and future studies to establish,
as the reference point rather than the 1RM. for use by practitioners, more clearly defined relationships
Prior to assessing any of the participants in this study, eth- between the numerical and categorical levels on Borg’s
ical approval from the related academic institutions was given CR10 Scale and percentages of a given repetition maximum.
and each participant gave his or her informed consent. None As with all of the key studies previously noted (Gearhart et
of the participants had experience in using RPE scales during al. 2002, Grant et al. 1994, Lagally et al. 2002, McGuigan
strength training exercise. All participants had been correctly and Foster 2004, Pincivero et al. 2003, Suminski et al.
instructed and experienced at using the weights machines de- 1997), the underlying assumption has been that a localized
scribed later. On the first time the Borg scales were used, the maximal muscle effort for a 1RM corresponds to the terminal
standardized instructions with both written and verbal de- point on the rating scale (in this case “10 – a sensation of
scriptions were given to each participant according to Borg extremely strong, max”). The trend-lines could thus be used
(1998, 2004) and Gearhart et al. (2001). On all subsequent to estimate the various percentages of a 1RM for any point
sessions participants were reminded of the key elements of on the Borg’s CR10 Scale.
these rating of exertion procedures, specifically the anchoring The second component of this experiment allowed for the
of the verbal and numerical values and the focusing on the determination of the 3 fixed loads (weights) that each partic-
muscular sensations arising either with each incremented ipant would use in experiment 2. These weights would equate
weight (experiment 1) or each repetition (experiments 2 and 3). to CR10 ratings of 1.5, 3, and 5.
During all testing sessions the Borg scale was kept in full
view of the participant at all times. For each participant dur- Participants and testing sessions
ing each of the tests the exercise machines were adjusted ap- Forty participants consisting of 20 males (aged 19–
propriately to his or her stature (leg length and arm length). 35 years; height 178.1 ± 5.7 cm; body mass 72.1 ± 4.6 kg)
Appropriate instruction on the correct movement technique and 20 females (aged 23–38 years; height 169.0 ± 4.0 cm;
for each of the exercises was given prior to each test using a body mass 64.2 ± 8.2 kg), who exercised recreationally be-
very light weight. Limb movements were paced using a met- tween 3 and 5 h per week, were recruited either by poster or
ronome for the younger individuals and a stopwatch with the invitation from within a university psychology department.

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Each participant performed both an elbow (triceps) extension Participants and grouping into CR10 or RPE evaluations
using a “high-pulley” machine and knee extension exercise Participants were recruited from a health and exercise club
using a seated thigh extension machine (Nordic Gym, Care- database, which has a high proportion of people over the age
taker Scandinavia AB, Bollnas, Sweden). Participants carried of 50 years. The aim was to have 2 groups of at least 15 par-
out 2 repetitions of a given weight for the triceps exercise, ticipants perform the same set of strength exercise trials but
then rested for at least 2 min and performed the same for the 1 group using Borg’s CR10 Scale and the other using Borg’s
knee extension exercise, rested for 2 min and then returned to 6–20 RPE Scale. Testing of the latter group was for purposes
the next weight increment for the triceps exercise, and so of making comparisons to previous studies and the ACSM
forth. This was repeated until participants reached the weight and AHA recommendations.
that elicited a rating of 7 on the CR10 scale. In keeping with
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Fifty members, who were over the age of 50 years

guidelines of the National Strength and Conditioning Associ- (25 men and 25 women), were selected at random from this
ation (, this process provided enough rest database and invited to participate in the study. Thirty of
(>4 min) for each muscle group to mitigate the effects of these members agreed to participate after informed consent
muscle fatigue on the test results. The first resistance level and health screening by an Accredited Clinical Exercise
involved performing the exercise with no weight and was rep- Physiologist (British Association of Sport and Exercise Sci-
resented in the data as 0 kg. In keeping with Lynch et al. ences; BASES) and (or) a United Kingdom Chartered Physi-
(1999), where female arm and leg strength are ∼50% and otherapist in accordance with respective professional
∼60% that of men, respectively, the elbow extension weight guidelines (British Association for Cardiac Rehabilitation
increments for the females and males were 2.5 kg and 2006; BASES 2006) and codes of practice. This convenience
5.0 kg, respectively, and for the leg extension 5.0 kg and sample of willing volunteers included healthy individuals and
7.5 kg, respectively. CR10 perceived exertion ratings were others with previous cardiovascular disease or musculoskele-
measured after the second repetition at each weight incre- tal conditions. Those participants with any medical history or
ment. It was felt that 2 repetitions gave adequate time (8 to condition risk, who were previously referred to exercise for
10 s) for participants to perceive and judge the necessary health or rehabilitation, were cleared for participation by a
muscular sensations required to give a rating on the CR10 medical doctor. None of these participants were in an acute
scale. No motivational feedback was given. The intermediate or rehabilitation phase of treatment (all regularly exercising
For personal use only.

relative weights were denoted for CR10 ratings of 1.5, 3, 5, for more than 6 months or more since any formal treatment
and 7 by the corresponding abbreviations of W1.5, W3, W5, or medical therapy), and all of whom who had previously
and W7. been deemed appropriate to use the 2 different exercise ma-
chines by the BASES Accredited Exercise Physiologist or
Experiment 2 the United Kingdom Chartered Physiotherapist.
This experiment aimed to evaluate Borg’s theoretical Four participants did not complete all the trials because of
model for the change or growth (slope) in perceived exertion unexpected social commitments. Thus 26 of the members
as a function of time (over a given number of repetitions), at completed all the trials, which resulted in 2 groups of 13 par-
pre-set weights determined in experiment 1. Of the 40 partic- ticipants. The final CR10 group, aged 67.4 ± 6.8 years, con-
ipants from experiment 1, 16 (8 male) were able to return sisted of 5 females (height 159.4 ± 4.8 cm; body mass
1 week later to complete this experiment. The group mean 63.8 ± 1.9 kg) and 8 males (height 170.6 ± 3.1 cm; body
descriptive values from experiment 1 remained the same. mass 78.4 ± 13 kg) and the final RPE group, aged 61.2 +
With a main feature of this experiment involving tests of dif- 5.7 years, consisted of 8 females (height 163.9 ± 5.4 cm;
ferences in perceived exertion and knowing such type of body mass 74.9 ± 11.3 kg) and 5 males (height 174.8 cm ±
analysis in the past showed no gender bias (Lagally et al. 2.2; body mass 81.2 ± 9.3 kg). As in experiment 2, male and
2002; Pincivero et al. 2003), the data were pooled. A gender female data were pooled.
subgroup analysis was still performed to further confirm the
current assumptions of no gender bias. Testing sessions of older people
This group were instructed to complete 12 repetitions (in The first testing session involved appropriate instruction
keeping with AHA and ACSM guidelines for young healthy and (or) correction for standardized movement technique and
individuals), or as many as possible at the same relative in- posture with the leg press and latissimus dorsi (lat-pull)
tensity during the same single joint exercises of experiment 1 weights machines (Force Fitness Ltd, Bolton, UK). As per
(triceps elbow extension and leg–knee extension). The loads Lynch et al. (1999), the starting weights were set at 50% and
were the submaximal weights from experiment 1 (W1.5, W3, 25% body mass for the leg press and lat-pull, respectively.
and W5). As in experiment 1, the same process of providing Participants completed 15 repetitions and gave a rating of ex-
rest periods and alternating between muscle groups was ap- ertion after every odd numbered repetition. At each session
plied to mitigate the effects of muscle fatigue. (2 to 3 per week), the amount of weight for the lat-pull was
increased by 2.5 kg for females and 5.0 kg for males. Simi-
larly for the leg press, the respective increments for males
Experiment 3 and females were 7.5 kg and 10 kg. In reflecting “real prac-
This experiment aimed to reflect the AHA recommenda- tice” for teaching individuals to use weights machines safely
tions (Pollock et al. 2000; Williams et al. 2007) for resistance and effectively, it took between 4 and 6 sessions (with at
training in older or clinical populations by evaluating changes least 1 day between sessions) before each participant had pro-
in CR10 and RPE during 15 repetitions of lat-pull and leg- gressed up to a weight where they could not perform more
press exercises at an intensity–weight that elicited a 15RM. than 15 repetitions (a 15RM). To make participation in the

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study as similar and convenient to participants’ normal at- Analysis of the positively accelerating growth in perceived
tendance as possible, it was decided to take this progressive exertion (growth exponent values noted in each panel of
“bight-sized” approach rather than making their attendance Fig. 1) revealed that in both males and females the growth
to the centre being perceived as something extraordinary to was greater in the triceps (arm) exercise compared to the leg
normal attendance. The CR10 and RPE scale responses extension exercise (F[1.38] = 53.473, p < 0.001). Furthermore,
measured in the final session, where a 15RM was achieved, the growth exponents for both triceps and leg extension exer-
were the ones used for analysis. cises were greater in the females (F[1.38] = 15.609, p <
0.001). These mean growth exponents for males and females
Statistical analyses performing leg extension and triceps extension exercises have
been calculated with a = 0 (from Borg’s equation: R = a +
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Multi-factor analysis of variance was used to assess c(S– b)n), to take account of the fact that “rest” or no de-
changes or differences in CR10 or RPE scores in relation to tectable muscle action (“nothing at all”) represents “0” on
both gender and type of exercise (e.g., arms or legs) as af- Borg’s CR10 Scale. A significant interaction effect between
fected by the following parameters: increases in the amount exercise and gender was also apparent (F[1.38] = 22.791,
of weight lifted, the growth exponent in RPE with increments p < 0.001), with post hoc analysis showing the main effect
in weight or in the case of the number of repetitions per- for gender was in the triceps extension (Figs. 1D and 2).
formed, and the slope (or curvilinearity) of the line of re-
sponses between the first and the final repetition performed
%1RM theoretical estimations
at a constant weight.
Figure 2 illustrates the group mean growth curves from the
1RM theoretical estimate graphs and equations exponents derived from the curves in Fig. 1 and being fac-
tored into Borg’s equation. These curves represent theoretical
Borg’s equation (previously noted) was applied in estimat-
estimates of the trend for estimating the %1RM from a sub-
ing theoretical estimates of a 1RM. For the sake of simplic-
maximal effort for a given weight and its corresponding
ity, functions were determined with the constant a from
CR10 rating.
Borg’s equation set to zero. The c values for selected levels
were created through graphic interpolation of each participant
Experiment 2
with a precision of 0.005. Thus, the c value here corresponds
For personal use only.

with the individual’s estimation of his or her strength. A Figure 3 summarizes the group mean change in CR10 rat-
higher c value indicates a broader dynamic range (Borg and ings for young adult males and females (pooled data) with
Karlsson 1976), where in this case it is an ability to perform the exception of the first weight increment (W1.5) for the leg
exercises at higher loads. Data were excluded for individuals extension exercise illustrated in Fig. 3A, whilst performing
who chose to terminate testing before a rating of 7 had been 12 repetitions at 3 pre-set weights. The slope of the regres-
reached or if a rating below 1.5 was absent. The %1RM esti- sion lines for males and females at the this first weight incre-
mates for a given value on the CR10 scale were then deter- ment (W1.5) of leg extension exercise were significantly
mined by the following process using Borg’s equation: (i) as different (p = 0.02) where at all other increments for both
stated earlier the 1RM is assumed to coincide with a rating of leg or arm exercises there was no significant gender differ-
10 (Wmax10) (Gearhart et al. 2002, Grant et al. 1994, Lagally ence. Each of these 3 weights corresponded to the amount
et al. 2002, McGuigan and Foster 2004, Pincivero et al. of weight that previously elicited, after 2 repetitions, CR10
2003, Suminski et al. 1997); (ii) extrapolation of the calcu- ratings of 1.5 (W1.5 – diamonds), 3 (W3 – squares), and 5
lated growth curves for each participant was made from the (W5 – triangles).
final absolute weight (kg) lifted that elicited CR10 ratings of Mean values and regression lines (Fig. 3) were estimated
7 up to the estimated weight that would theoretically coincide for perceived exertion across the 12 repetitions. The corre-
with a rating of 10; (iii) conversion of these absolute values sponding equations are all described in Fig. 3 and all the as-
from the 1RM estimate into a %1RM; (iv) calculating the sociated correlations were very strong (>0.95). Had it not
group mean ± SD CR10 ratings for each 10% increment of been for this natural ceiling effect at maximum performance
the 1RM. level, the mean values for the entire group would probably
have been higher at this level. To compensate for this to in-
clude all participants, the reported regression equations for
W5 in Fig. 3 are based on the median values.
Experiment 1
Figure 1 summarizes the results from experiment 1 in the Experiment 3
young males and females, where there is a positively acceler- Male and female data in this experiment are pooled as sub-
ating growth in the CR10 score for each increment in weight. group analyses showed no gender effect on the slope of the
The highest data point in each of the graphs in Fig. 1 is a CR10 or RPE responses. The results summarized in Figs. 4A
weight lifted by all the participants; for the participant with and 4B illustrate that for both Borg’s CR10 Scale and Borg’s
the least strength this will have been his or her terminal RPE Scale there was a positive linear growth in the rating of
weight that coincided with a CR10 rating of 7. For the males exertion as the exercise progressed up to the 15th repetition.
and females performing the triceps exercise, the mean CR10 The change in exertion ratings for both scales, between the
values at 0 kg, which represents the value of a in Borg’s 1st and 15th repetition, was significant (p < 0.001). Although
equation (R = a + c(S–b)n), were 0.4 and 0.2, respectively. the average ratings taken from both exertion scales appear to
Similarly for the leg extension, CR10 values at 0 kg for be less during the leg press compared with the lat pull up to
males and females were also 0.4 and 0.2. the 7th repetition, these differences were not statistically sig-

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Fig. 1. Mean CR10 scale ratings of perceived exertion performing 2 repetitions at incremental amounts of weight. (A) Male leg extension;
(B) female leg extension; (C) male triceps extension; (D) female triceps extension. Grth Exp = Group mean (SD) Growth exponent describing
the curvilinearity of the trend line. *, Triceps extension significantly greater than leg extension (p < 0.001); †, females significantly greater
than males (p < 0.001).
Appl. Physiol. Nutr. Metab. Downloaded from by CONCORDIA UNIV on 11/16/14
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Fig. 2. Relative group mean growth curves of CR10 ratings for tri- nificant. The regression equations of the relationship between
ceps extension and leg extension exercises at theoretically estimated the number of repetitions and the perceived exertion re-
%1RM in young adult males and females. Data were derived from sponses on the CR10 and RPE scales for the “Lat pull
the absolute values in Fig. 1. In the accompanying table (Table 1) down” are presented in Fig. 4A and 4B with a trend for the
are the CR10 standard deviations (±SD) for each 10% increment. slopes to be steeper in the arm vs. the leg exercise but these
From these growth curves, data were extrapolated from CR10 rat- were not statistically significant. For all these regression
ings of 7 up to the 1RM that coincided with a CR10 of 10 (Wmax). equations the correlation coefficient (r) was 0.99.

This study evaluated perceived exertion responses during
resistive exercise training both in terms of the intensity
(weight lifted) and duration (number of repetitions) in
younger and older individuals. In keeping with principles of
psychophysics summarized by Stevens (1989), as illustrated
in Figs. 1 and 2, the perceived exertion ratings grew in a pos-
itively accelerating fashion (relative to a given intensity) with
each added weight for both the leg extension and triceps ex-
tension exercise. This is the first time that Borg’s equation,
which underpins the original design of Borg’s scales from al-
most 4 decades ago, has been applied to evaluate perceived
exertion responses to incremental work using weight-stacks
machines typically found in most fitness centers. The growth
exponent values in this present study ranged from 1.1 to 1.8,
which compare favourably to the growth exponents for incre-
mented loads of muscular work of 1.45 to 1.7 (averaging 1.6)
as noted for many decades (Stevens. 1989). However, this is
the first time such an evaluation has covered different muscle
groups using a system of weights machines.

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688 Appl. Physiol. Nutr. Metab. Vol. 36, 2011

Table 1. Standard deviations (SD) of the CR10 ratings from Fig. 2 at each increment for triceps and leg extension
(ext) exercise.

±SD CR10 10%1RM 20%1RM 30%1RM 40%1RM 50%1RM 60%1RM 70%1RM

Female tricep 0.3 0.4 0.8 0.8 0.9 1.1 1.7
Male tricep 0.4 0.8 0.8 1.2 1.3 1.5 —
Female leg ext 0.5 1.0 1.3 1.5 1.8 1.8 —
Male leg ext 0.5 1.0 1.0 1.3 1.3 1.8 —

Fig. 3. Regression analysis of males and females combined (M&F), Fig. 4. Changes in CR10 (A) and rating of perceived exertion (RPE)
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or where the slopes were significantly different of males (M) and (B) scores during 15 repetitions of “lat-pull” (diamonds) and leg-
females (F) these are presented separate; the change in CR10 ratings press (squares) strength training exercises in older males and fe-
(y) for a given number of repetitions (x) at 3 different weights (WR) males. (A) CR10 ratings to 15-repetition maximum (15RM) in
that on a previous occasion elicited CR10 ratings of 1.5, 3, and 5 older adults; (B) RPE to 15RM in older adults. Weights were set at
after 2-repetitions. (A) Leg extension young group; (B) Triceps ex- a level of a 15RM in keeping with Williams et al.’s (2007) guide-
tension young group. Triangles, CR10 5 (M&F); squares, lines.
CR10 3 (M&F); circles, CR10 1.5 (F); diamonds, CR10 1.5 (M).
*, Regression equation is based on the median CR10 values for each
2 repetitions in all participants to accommodate for the fact that not
all were able to complete 12 repetitions at a weight which on a pre-
vious occasion elicited a CR10 rating of 5 after 2 repetitions.
For personal use only.

differences between leg and arm exercise and men and

women all but disappeared. The gender bias towards women
reporting that a weight used for arm exercise (triceps) feels
lighter (Figs. 1 and 2) for any given proportion of estimated
maximum may reflect the biomechanical, neuromuscular, and
histochemical differences found in the upper arm function be-
tween men and women (Bilodeau et al. 1992; Anders et al.
2004; Kawakami et al. 2006). These studies also showed
that such gender differences were much less apparent in the
functioning of the legs, which corresponds with the growth
exponents being more similar between men and women in
the leg extension responses (Figs. 1 and 2). This also corre-
sponds with Lynch et al. (1999) who reported that there was
less of a difference in leg strength than in arm strength be-
tween men and women. Pincivero et al. (2003) found little
Muscle–limb and gender comparisons difference in males and females when measuring CR10 re-
In experiment 1, when comparing the leg with arm exer- sponses during isometric muscular contractions for knee-
cises, both men and women had greater growth exponents flexor hamstring work at intensities between 10% to 90%
for the arm exercises. In both the arm and leg exercises the MVC.
women demonstrated larger growth exponents. When the rat- A concurring point with Pincivero et al. (2003) is that
ings of exertion were converted to a relative measure of when our participants returned for a second time to use the
weight (Fig. 2), then with the exception of the triceps, the CR10 scale (experiment 2), their CR10 ratings at the same

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Buckley and Borg 689

weight after 2 repetitions were lower. This was true at all Table 2. Theoretically modeled and estimated relationships be-
weights used as illustrated by the y intercept values all being tween Borg’s CR10 Scale and the percentage of a 1-repetition
lower in the regression equations than the pre-set CR10 val- maximum (%1RM) for muscular strength exercises (based on
ues (Fig. 3). A very similar pattern and magnitude of this fa- triceps–elbow and knee extensions in young healthy adults).
miliarization has been shown after repeating incremental
Verbal descriptor of elicited
aerobic step tests and exercise treadmill exercise in cardiac
muscular sensations CR10 rating %1RM
patients (Buckley et al. 2004, 2009). Interestingly, when the
Very weak 1 15
female participants in experiment 2 performed 12-repetitions
Weak 2 30
at a fixed-load light intensity (CR10 rating = 1.5; Fig. 3 leg
Moderate 3 40–45
extension) they demonstrated a steeper rate of fatigue in the
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Strong 5 60–65
legs than the males, possibly demonstrating a greater muscu-
Very strong 7 75–80
lar endurance in the males. Another possibility is the matter
Extremely strong 10 100
of greater variability and lower accuracy and precision of
perceiving exertion at lower intensities as a result of the
physical stimulus “signals” simply being weaker (Buckley et sponses with various types of muscular work (e.g., isometric,
al. 2004). These comparisons in males and females do re- isotonic, or isokinetic). The variation in the curvilinearity of
quire further study with greater numbers of participants. perceived exertion responses found in this present study and
considering those of Pincivero et al. (2003) could potentially
1RM estimates be a function of either the muscle group used (e.g., legs or
The concept of estimating a 1RM in this study is based on arms) or the type of muscular contraction (dynamic or
theoretical modeling, where further research is required to isometric). What does seem apparent is that the estimated
add more precision to these estimates by comparing esti- %1RM values summarized in Table 2 are similar to those
mated with actual 1RMs, in a similar way to studies that reported for %MVC by Pincivero et al. (2003), with the ex-
have estimated maximal aerobic power (Faulkner et al. 2007; ception of women performing triceps exercise.
Morris et al. 2009) from submaximal efforts. It is, however, More recently, Pritchett et al. (2009) reported that during
encouraging to see that the relationships of the theoretically resistance training when the muscle is taken to failure, the to-
For personal use only.

estimated %1RM and CR10 ratings summarized in Table 2 tal work performed influences the acute RPE more so than
show good transferability to the results in experiment 3 on the percentage of a 1RM. This is in contrast to the conclu-
older people. With a 15RM load approximating a load that sions of Stevens and Mack (1959), Borg (1973), and of La-
equates to 50% to 60% 1RM (Pollock et al. 2000; Williams gally et al. (2002). It is important, however, to consider how
et al. 2007) and its corresponding CR10 rating being 5 to 6 the anchoring of maximal effort is described to the partici-
described in Table 2, one can see that the first 3 repetitions pant, as the causes of muscle failure during only a few repe-
in Fig. 3 have similar ratings of 5.5 and 6.5. From the au- titions may be quite different physiologically when compared
thors’ experience of applying this procedure in real practice, with muscle failure from multiple repetitions (>15); hence
the amount of trial and error needed to select the correct giving rise to differed sensations that are either influenced
weight for a novice or clinical patient has been greatly re- by the intensity of effort or changes in effort sense due to fa-
duced by using Borg’s scale. The utility of this method of tigue gradually occurring at a fixed intensity. This has clearly
performing 2 repetitions, taking a rating of exertion and re- been shown during aerobic endurance activity (Utter et al.
peating this in a incremented fashion until a weight is found 2002; Fontes et al. 2010); an area that certainly merits further
that elicits a rating of 5 on the CR10 scale is certainly felt to study.
save much time compared with the 1RM method. It may be
argued that in research the 1RM method for determining the Responses as a function of time (repetitions) and effects of
correct weight for strength training has now been shown to exercise mode and age
be safe in older populations and even in those with higher- In experiments 2 and 3, perceived exertion responses were
risk cardiac disease (Hass et al. 2001; Pu et al. 2001; Vola- measured at equal time-points during the performance of 12
klis and Tokmakidis 2005; Braith and Beck 2008). It is felt and 15 repetitions in younger and older participants, respec-
that in addition to saving time, another advantage over the tively. The key difference to experiment 1 is that here
1RM method, is that the RPE method avoids the need of the changes in perceived exertion were measured as a function
higher motivation effort required to attain a true 1RM. With- of time (number of repetitions) and not as function of inten-
out the appropriate motivation, the 1RM method will not sity. This may partially explain the presence of a bias in fe-
provide a true maximum and hence subsequent percentage male arm exercises found in experiment 1 (functions of
calculations of weight as a %1RM will be incorrect. strength) not found in experiments 2 or 3 (tests of muscle fa-
Pincivero et al. (2003) reported more of a linear growth in tigue over time). Women at all ages have shown to have a
CR10 ratings for intensities between 10% and 90% of a max- proportionally lower arm-to-leg strength ratio as compared
imum voluntary contraction (MVC). They found no gender with men (Lynch et al. 1999).
bias in CR10 ratings across this intensity domain. However, In keeping with the theoretical models described by Borg
their participants performed isometric exercises lying prone and Borg (2001) and Stevens (1989), the change in perceived
and involving the hamstring muscle group with the knee exertion across time (over the course of a given number of
fixed at 30° of flexion (fairly unconventional or nontransfer- repetitions) grew in a linear fashion. The younger partici-
able to muscle activity in daily life). It therefore appears that pants’ responses were measured at 3 different weights. Figure
future work also needs to compare the psychophysical re- 3 illustrates a trend that the steepness of the slope of per-

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690 Appl. Physiol. Nutr. Metab. Vol. 36, 2011

ceived exertion responses across 12 repetitions is a function tion the weight would be considered too heavy. In referring
of the amount of weight used. This seems naturally sensible, back to the classic psychophysical principles of performing
in that as one uses weights that are an increasingly greater short duration localized muscle work, Borg’s CR10 Scale
proportion of one’s maximum strength, the rate of fatigue lends itself to be used as the preference for rating perceived
will become greater until a point where a decreasing number exertion during muscular strength training.
of repetitions can only be completed with each weight in-
crease; up until a weight equal to a 1RM. For both arm and Conclusions
leg exercises performed at the same relative intensity in
young (Fig. 3) and older participants (Fig. 4), the slopes In the main neither gender nor age were notable mediating
were similar (between 0.2 and 0.3). A similar trend was true factors when using Borg’s CR10 Scale to guide strength
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for those who were using Borg’s RPE Scale. However, in the training at loads and repetitions commensurate with recom-
older individuals the visual difference in the slope of the line mended professional practice guidelines. In keeping with
(Fig. 4) between leg press (slope = 0.2) and triceps extension classic principles of psychophysics, when perceived exertion
(slope = 0.3) was noticeably greater when measured with was measured as a function of load–intensity (amount of
Borg’s CR10 Scale compared with those measured with weight used) it grew in the expected curvilinear fashion and
Borg’s RPE Scale. This merits further study to demonstrate when measured as a function of time–duration (number of
that the Borg CR10 Scale, with its obvious finer increments repetitions) it grew in the expected linear fashion. When
at the lower end of the scale, is a more sensitive and thus a strength training is performed at intensities recommended for
more appropriate measurement scale than the Borg RPE performing 12 to 15 repetitions (e.g., approximately >50%
Scale for assessing localized muscle sensations during 1RM), the slope of the perceived exertion responses equate
strength training as mooted by Borg (1998). to an increase of 1 scale point for every 3 to 4 repetitions.
When the weight elicited a rating between 5 and 6 on The appropriate weight that will allow one to perform 12 to
Borg’s CR10 Scale in the first few repetitions, the ratings 15 repetitions at a recommended intensity can be set by find-
proceeded to grow over the course of the repetitions with the ing a weight, which after 2 repetitions, will elicit a rating of 5
same slope (∼0.30) during the leg exercise in both the to 6 on Borg’s CR10 Scale. For health promotion and reha-
younger and older participants. For the same perceived exer- bilitation settings, this is certainly far less time-consuming
For personal use only.

tion starting point for the arm exercises, the slopes were dif- and more amenable than using the traditional 1RM method
ferent in the younger and older people but it needs to be for determining an appropriate weight. Future work is re-
acknowledged that there were 2 distinct differences in the ex- quired in 3 areas of using Borg’s CR10 Scale to (i) assess
ercises performed. The young participants performed 12 rep- further the psychophysical principles of the curvilinear rela-
etitions of single-joint exercises where perceived sensations tionship between the percentage of various repetition maxi-
are localized to a single muscle group, whereas the older par- mums and Borg’s CR10 Scale; (ii) increase the number of
ticipants performed 15 repetitions of multi-joint muscle exer- reports, both theoretical and practical, for using perceived ex-
cises. Single joint exercises, with fewer stimuli to interpret, ertion during weight training in older people; and (iii) con-
may be easier to more accurately judge exertion sensations sider how either of these areas are mediated (or not) by
compared with the multiple joint exercises, which may have different types of muscular contractions (isotonic, isometric,
varied levels of stimuli coming from the different muscles in- isokinetic) and single and multi-joint strength exercises.
volved in the exercise. On the whole, with the exception of
single-joint arm exercises or low-intensity leg exercise, this Acknowledgements
present study further concurs with many previous studies No funding has been received for this project except for
that at the same perceived (relative) intensities of muscle ex- the support given by the authors’ affiliated institutions. We
ertion (especially during leg muscle training), neither gender would first like to acknowledge the work of Ola Gustafsson
nor age appear to create a notable bias in ratings measured at the University of Stockholm for his valued assistance in
on Borg’s CR10 Scale. Further study is warranted on compa- the participant recruitment, gymnasium work, and data analy-
rative differences in legs and arm exercises and multi- and sis within the Swedish location of the study. Second is to ac-
single-joint exercises. knowledge the work of Glen Robbins and Chris Bradford
from Keele University, United Kingdom, for their efforts in
Considerations for practitioners participant recruitment and gymnasium work with the older
In practical terms and with relevance to the AHA–ACSM participants at the Lifestyle Exercise & Physiotherapy Centre,
guidelines (Pollock et al. 2000 and Williams et al. 2007), ex- Shrewsbury, United Kingdom.
periments 2 and 3 of this present study have highlighted 2
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