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Nama : Muhammad Ridwan

NIM : 17230011

Prodi : Economic Development

I have a best friend, At the same time a girlfriend Dini zamratul aulia, she was born 25 juli 2001.
she is a beautiful woman, white, tall, black hair, thick eyebrows, cheeks are cubby wkwkwk,
nose pug, red lips and have black eye color. he really likes doraemon, likes to read let alone read
horror novels. And he was very afraid of ghosts.She likes foods like meatballs, fried rice and
satay. she people are very timid with reptile, example snakes, lizard. She is a scout member,
while at school, we often follow the Scout event together. can be said love limited to tent peg

If first know while still sitting on the Bench senior hight school. At that time he just sat on the
bench junior hight school. Now we live long distance relationship.

long distance relationship ,

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