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NIM 16431005





Presented to

University of Muhammadiyah Gresik

In partial of fulfilment of the requirements

For the degree of sarjana in English Language Education



NIM 16431005





This is to certify that the Sarjana’sthesis of FRANSISCHA BELLA ARIANI has been
approved by the thesis advisors for further approval by board of Examiners.

Gresik, 3 Oktober 2020

Advisor I

Dr. Yudhi Arifani, M.Pd.

Gresik, 3 Oktober 2020

Advisor II

Rohmy Husniah, M.Pd.

Table of Contents
TITTLE SHEET.................................................................................................................................... ii
APPROVAL SHEET........................................................................................................................... iii
TABLE OF CONTENTS..................................................................................................................... iv
LIST OF TABLE................................................................................................................................... v


1.1 Background Of The Study............................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Research Question........................................................................................................................... 2
1.3 Purpose Of The Study..................................................................................................................... 2
1.4 Limitation Of The Research............................................................................................................ 3
1.5 Significant Of The Study 3
1.6 Definition Key Of Terms................................................................................................................. 3


2.1 Theoritical Framework.................................................................................................................... 4

2.1.1 Origin Of English Specific Purpose...................................................................................... 4
2.1.2 English Specific Purpose....................................................................................................... 5
2.1.3 The Objective Of Teaching English Of Specific Purpose 6
2.1.4 Need Analysis........................................................................................................................ 6
2.1.5 Office Administration............................................................................................................ 7
2.2 Previous Study................................................................................................................................. 9


3.1 Research Design............................................................................................................................ 11

3.2 Population And Sample................................................................................................................. 11
3.2.1 Population Of The Research 11
3.2.2 Sample Of The Research..................................................................................................... 11
3.3 Instruments.................................................................................................................................... 11
3.3.1 Questionnaire 11

3.4 Data Collection Procedure............................................................................................................. 13

3.5 Technique Of Analyzing Data....................................................................................................... 13
REFERENCES.................................................................................................................................... 15

APPENDICES..................................................................................................................................... 18

Table 3.3.1 The Contents of the Questionnaire..................................................16

Table 3.5 The Points of Likert Scale..................................................................17


Appendix 1. Questionnaire for Students.................................................................23

Appendix 2. Questionnaire for English Teacher and Special Subject Teacher.......33



1.1 Background Of The Study

English Specific Purpose first appeared in 1960, emerged from the need for
communication in English mainly on the field of trade, science, technology, etc. (Swales,
1988). English for Specific Purpose (ESP) is a branch of the English Foreign Language
(EFL). English Specific Purpose (ESP) refers to research or teaching that focuses on student
communication needs. English Specific Purpose (ESP) is a language teaching approach that
aims to meet certain learning needs (Tom Hutchinton., & Waters., 1987). According to
(Dudley Evans, Maghie Jhon., 1998) that the foundation of the English for Specific Purposes
(ESP) is a very simple question "Why do learners need to learn a foreign language?" The
answers to these questions will relate to the required language and learning context, and will
also establish a need in the ESP (English Specific Purpose).

At Vocational High School, English has the function of preparing students to enter the
the world of work related to the majors they have taken. In Indonesia, after students graduate
from Junior High School, they can choose to continue to high school or vocational high
school. In the report of Databoks in 2017/2018, there was 13,710 Vocational high school in
Indonesia which have a various major.

SMK Taruna Jaya is one of the Vocational high schools in Gresik, which has existed
since 52 years ago and currently there are 3 majors, accounting, marketing, and office
administration. There are three English teachers in SMK Taruna Jaya, however, the three
teachers do not teach different majors, but rather teach each level. The teaching book they use
is the same as the teaching book used by teachers in high school, English For General (EFG).
It is unfair to students in vocational high school, because of their learning need is to prepare
to enter the world of work. Their English needs and interests differ from those of high school
students. Hutchinson., T., & Waters (1987), argue that learners have different needs and
interests, which will influence their motivation to learn and the effectiveness of their learning.

Office administration is one of the departement in SMK Taruna Jaya, A major that
prepares students to work in offices, or to become secretaries. The teacher should design an
appropriate syllabus for office administration, based on the needs of the Students' office
administration. It aims to prepare learners to be ready to work in the company, usually called
a target situation, which is a situation where students will use the language they have learned.
Therefore, to design an ESP course, the teacher first identifies the target situation. After
identifying the target situation, then proceed with a rigorous analysis of the linguistic features
of the situation. The features that have been identified will form the syllabus of the ESP
course. The Process is usually known as Need Analysis (Tom Hutchinson & Alan Waters.,

In Indonesia, there has been a lot of previous research to find Need Analysis on
Vocational High School students. Verenita et. Al (2017) under the title "English for
Agriculture Vocational Students: A need Analysis Study at SMK Negeri 2 South Bengkulu"
The study found that Reading and Speaking is the most important skill for students of the
Agriculture program. The next journal came from Fatmawati (2017) titled "Need Analysis in
English for a specific purpose at vocational school: a descriptive research at the eleventh
grade students of marketing major of SMK Negeri1 Demak in the academic year of
2016/2017" the study found that students in the marketing department wanted to learn
English because they wanted to be able to communicate using English in their Marketing
activities and chose Speaking skills as a very important skill to learn. Next from Lestari
(2018) titled "The Need Analysis of English material on Hotel Hospitality students at SMKN
1 Bojonegoro" The study found that students in the Department of Hotel and Hospitality
needed speaking and listening and they needed to learn special vocabulary related to their
majors. Amiruddin (2018) titled "A Need analysis on English materials for computer and
network engineering students at SMKN 2 Makassar" Found that students in computer and
network engineering are in need of speaking and listening to build good communication that
will help them in the workforce, and they also need writing skills to make good reports when
they are in the workforce. Last article coming from, Mentari (2019) "A Need Analysis of ESP
for Office Administration Program at SMK Negeri 2 Purworejo in the Academic Year of
2018/2019" Research finds what materials should be contained in Office Administration
books. The research conducted by Mentari (2019) about Need Analysis for office
administration, is judged to be less satisfactory because only focus of finding the material
that should be contained in the Book for Office administration, there is no target situation
Analysis, no learning Need Analysis, etc. The Instrument used is quistionaire, and within the
questionnaire given by Mentari contains only 16 skills that must be strengthened by the
students of office administration, and only 2 answer options are agree or strongly agree. In
short, the previous article authors do not do the Analysis Target Need, and Analysis Learning
Need, that is why in questionnaire contains only 16 skills that must be strengthened by the
students administrative Office unknown from which the author found 16 skills.

Based on the problems and some previous research above, researchers believe that
looking for the need to study at the Students of office administration in SMK Taruna Jaya is
also very important to do. The result of this research can be used to give suggestions to SMK
Taruna Jaya to be able to design specific English Material for Office Administration.

1.2 Research Question

What are the learning needs in English Specific Purposes of the eleventh and twelfth grade
Office Administration Department?

1.3 Purpose of The Study

The purpose of this study is to find out the learning needs of the eleventh and twelfth-grade
students at Office Administration.

1.4 Limitation of The Study

To make this reasearch can be more focused and profound, the author limits this
research to seek only Need Analysis in English language learning for Office Administration.

1.5 Significant of The Study

1. For the teacher

a. This study informs the needs of office administration in English learning.
b. This research will be a reference to create a Lesson Plan and create a Syllabus that
suits the interests of the students of office administration.

2. For the school

a. This study will provide insight to the school on English Specific Purpose (ESP)
for the teaching and learning process in English.
b. This study will make schools consider designing specific materials for students of
the Office Administration.

1.6 Definitions Key of Terms.

There are some key which is necessary to make this discussion more obvious.
Namely, English Specific Purpose, Need Analysis and Office Administration major. English
Specific Purpose (ESP) refers to research or teaching that focuses on student communication
needs. Need Analaysis is the process of seeking the learning needs of students who consider 2
(two) needs, i.e. Target Need and Learning Need. Office Administration Majors, is one of the
majors in Vocational High School which has the main objective to establish a student to be
able to become an administrative staff at the office or secretary.



This chapter dicusses literatures related to this research, those are origin of ESP,
Definition of ESP, and Need Analysis.

2.1 Theoritical Framework.

2.1.1 Origin of English Specific Purpose (ESP)

English Specific Purpose (ESP) according to Tom Hutchinson & Waters

(1987) There are at least 3 factors that affect the development of English Specific
Purpose (ESP) namely: The Demand of a Brave New World, A Revolution of
Linguistic, Focus on The Learners.

a. The Demands of a Brave New World.

The end of the World War in 1945, has marked a new era. In the event of an
expansion that makes the world unified because it is dominated by 2 (two)
strengths, namely technology and commerce. In their relentless progress they
received many requests to immediately set the international language. Since the
United State hasi held the world economic power, the International language
option has fallen on the English language.

Since the English language has become a lingua franca, many people want to
learn English because English is the key to entering the International world. For
that reason it was born a generation of new learners who were conscious and
knew specifically why he had to learn English.

b. Revolution In Lingustic.

In the first, the purpose of linguistics was to describe the English grammar
rules. However, a new study paid attention to the way English can be used in real
communication (Widdowson,1978; Tom Hutchinson, A waters 1987). In that
research, Tom Hutchinson and Waters found that the language we use to speak
and write varies greatly, and the context of language use varies from one context
to another.In English Language Teaching, it appears that the English language for
commerce, is different from English for engineering. This idea grows naturally
along with the development of English courses for specific groups of learners.

Tom Huthinson and Waters, 1987:

If the language differs from one situation to another. Then it should be able to
find and determine the features of a particular situation and then be used as the
basic features for the student's course.
c. Focus on the Learner.

The development of psychology education has contributed to the development

of the ESP. ' Students have different needs and interests, which will influence
their motivation to learn ', this statement provides support for the development of
appropriate courses and relafan with the needs and interests of learners.

The assumption underlying this approach is that clear relevance of English

courses to their needs will increase the motivation of learners and thereby make
learning better and faster.

2.1.2 English Specific Purpose.

English Specific Purpose is a subcategory of English Foreign Language. In

general, English Foreign Language has 2 (two) branches, namely English General
Purpose (EGP) and also English Specific Purpose (ESP). Under English Specific
Purposes there are 2 (two) branches, namely English Occupational Purposes (EOP)
and English Academic Purposes (EAP). See picture below;

Branched of English Foreign Language Adapted By Chai (2018).

Ken Hyland (2007) English Specific Purposes (ESP) refers to the study that
focuses on specific communication needs and the practice of socializing within a
particular group. Diane D. Balcher (2004) Defining English Specific Purpose is one
way to give students access to use the language they want and need to achieve their
academic goals or the jobs they want in the future. Laurence – Anthony (2018)
English Specific Purposes (ESP) is an approach to language teaching that targets
academic needs or the future work of learners focused on the necessary language,
genres, and skills to address needs through the use of General or Specific teaching

materials and methods. From several definitions of these experts, the definition of
English Specific Purpose can be concluded, which is a method of teaching a language
that is focused on the needs of the students ' communication.

2.1.3 The Objectives of Teaching English for Specific Purposes.

In the early years, Objective of English Specific Purposes (ESP) is to provide

linguistic knowledge that serves to find the subject of linguistic features in specific
languages (Swales, 1985; Helen Bastukermen, 2006). Train student communications
to the target situation (Munby,1978).

2.1.4 Need Analysis.

According to Tom Hutchinson & Waters (1987), One of the distinguishing

General English and English Specific Purposes, is English Specific Purpose aware of
the needs of learners. For Course Design, English Specific Purposes requires Need
Analysis, because in Need Analysis there is awareness of the Target-Situations.
Presented by the definition, it can be concluded that The purpose of the English
Specific Purposes is to prepare learners to use English in specific areas, which can be
for academic, profession, workplace areas, etc. From that reason, it is important for
teachers to really find out the needs of students.This is Important for teachers to create
syllabus or design courses based on the analysis of student learning needs.Sylabus
based on needs, tends to motivate students, who see clear relevance of what they are
learning (Helen Bastukermen,2006).

Need Analysis refers to a process in the course of development. In this

process, the language and skills the learners will use in their target or workplace based
on their vocational identification and consideration of current learners ' State of
knowledge, seeking to know their perception of their needs, and the lack in the
context of teaching (Helen Bastukrmen,2010).

The needs analysis process includes (Bastukrmen,2010):

A. Analysis Target Situation: is a process to identify the tasks, activities, and skills of
learners who are aiming to know the use of English for what purpose.
B. Discourse Analysis.
C. Present Situation Analysis: Identify what learners already know, and what is
unknown, what the learners can and can't do. This Analysis is as demanding as the
demands of the target situation.
D. Learner Factor Analysis: Identifying student factors, such as their learning
motivation, how they learn, and how they are perceptual about their needs.
E. Teaching Context Analysis.

Tom Hutchinson and Waters (1987) Divide 2 ways for Need Analysis,

1. Target Need. Target Need consists of 3, namely:

A. Necessities , The type of needs determined by the demands of the target
situation. For example: Bussinessman needs English to understand business
letters, to communicate properly and effectively during promotional
B. Lacks, Looking to know what students are already aware of and who are not
yet known.
C. Wants, is derived from the subjective needs of learners. Wants means that
students need to know what they want to learn. If learners know what they
want, they will make an effort to accomplish what they want.
2. Learner Needs.
Defined as a way to think about what route can be taken to learn English for their
specific purpose

From some explanation above can be concluded that Target Need and also
Learning Need is the component that must be in the instrument to analyze the needs
of students

2.1.5 Office Administration.

A. Administration.

The use of administrative terms has been widely used in Indonesia. Almost
every day when we open newspapers, especially the column about job openings, there
is a lot of labor demand as an Adimisnistrasi or secretary staff (Sheedy N. 2008).Most
of the literature uses office administration and office management to refer to the
administration, in fact its position has the same meaning even though the
administration is more widely used for the country, while management is more related
to the company (Haryadi, 2009).

Then what exactly does the word administration own?. The word
administration comes from the Dutch language, which is the meaning of '
Administratie '; Records, correspondence, lightweight bookkeeping, typing, and so on
in the conduct of business (Suwarno Handayaningrat, 1988).The administration is the
preparation and recording of data and information systems with the intention to
provide information and make it easier to regain it if needed. Data and information
that is related to the activity of the organization, either for internal or external interests
(Halima, 2018). Administration, in fact, is the job of handling information (Prajudi
A,1980). Planning, controlling, and organizing office work, as well as the
mobilization of those that do so to achieve the objectives that have been established
(George R.T, 1982). But according to The Liang Gie (1980), The administration is a
whole series of structuring activities to the basic work undertaken by a group of
people in achieving a specific goal. The administration is the whole of the process of
working two or more persons that are based off certain rationality to achieve a pre-
defined goal (Sondang, 2002).
From some of the above definitions can be concluded that the definition of
administration in the divide into 2 (two) meanings, namely; In a narrow sense, the
administration is the drafting and recording of data and information for the purpose of
providing information to the needy, and to facilitate the re-enquiry when it is needed
again. And in the broad sense, the administration is a cooperation activity that is done
by two or more people based on the division of work that has been determined.

According to Quible (2001), there are five types of administrative support

functions, namely:

a. Routine function: Is the administration function that requires minimal

thinking on archiving and duplication.
b. Technical function: Is the administration function that requires opinions,
decisions and office skills.
c. Analysis functions; Administration functions that require critical and
creative thinking along with decision-making capabilities, such as making
purchase decisions, etc.
d. Interpersonal functions: Administration functions that require assessment
and analysis as the basis of decision making and skills related to others as
well as coordinating the team.
e. Managerial functions: A functioning administration that requires planning,
organizing, measuring, and programming.
B. Office Administration

Office management is a thorough briefing on activities such as

transportation, manufacturing, warehousing, and sales (William Spriegel &
Ernest, 1953; Diah Wijayanti 2018). Office management is the planning,
organizing, coordinating and supervising of office work and the implementation to
achieve the established objectives (George R. Terry, 1962; Diah Wijayanti, 2018).
Office administration as a function relating to the management and direction of all
stages of the company's operations, namely the process of data processing,
communication, and memory of the organization (WH Evans, 1963; Badri Munir
S, 2008). Office management as a branch of management science that focuses on
services, records, analyzes information, plans or communicates it to secure
organizational assets and promotes administrative services to achieve
organizational objectives (Badri Munir S, 2008).

From the definition of the experts above can be concluded that the office
administration is a series of activities to plan, organize, direct, supervise, and
control to organize the work in order in the office to achieve the purpose of the

C. Roles and Function of Office Administration.

There are several roles and functions of office administration that have
been submitted by Diah Wijayanti 2018, namely:

The role of office administration, namely:

a. Communication Media for two or more parties who are in business or

b. Historical Media to reveal events in the past.

Office administration functions, namely:

a. Technical function, is the function of skills related to technology that aims

to obtain such information through a computer, typewriter, fax.
b. Function of maintenance and duplication routines, which are functions for
doing archival and copying activities such as copy, scan, etc.
c. Managerial function, which is the function in which there is a principle of
planning, organizing, implementation, and supervision to all human
d. Interpersonal function, a function that can be a guide to the evaluation of
human resources that pertain to employee career promotion and
termination of employee's employment.
e. Analysis function, which is the function to make all the administrative
process as a consideration material for decision making by the leader.
f. The reminder function, which is a function to remind, that relates to a
document, both written and electronic will be an important occurrence.
g. The function of validity, the function of a document administration that
can be a proof of a transaction, which can someday be needed again.


The first research came from Mazdayasna & M.H Tahririan (2008). The journal was
entitled Developing a profile of the ESP needs of Iranian students: The case of students of
nursing and midwifery. The research shows that most students feel that they need and want to
master appropriate English before they get their special course, and most students report that
they need to read reading journals in Persian and English while studying subjects, this
research also shows that that students have a clear perception of their language requirements
for academic studies and also their future careers according to the major they have taken.

The second research came from, Dehnad, Bagherzadeh r, Shoaleh Bigdeli, Hosseini F
(2010) entitled Syllabus revision: a needs analysis Study. From this study it was found that
Writing Skill (89%) was the main need they chose, followed by Reading (60.7 %), Speaking
(58.9%), Listening (40.7%). In reading skills research, it is known that their need is to read
journals and textbooks in their field of study. In Listening research, the student's need is to
learn listening skills to participate in class. The results of writing skills research, the student's

need is that they want to write a paper to be published in an international journal, the need for
speaking skills shows that students need speaking skills to participate in class.

The third research came from Chunyan Shao, Shuya Guan (2020) with a journal
entitled ESP for Art Major Undergraduates: From the Perspective of English Learning
Motivation. The study found several motivations from art students, among them, participants
considered English not only for media or a means of speaking, the main motive for learning
English was to help their artistic creations or help them to better understand art. Also, for
them English is a necessary tool to request export of art from China. Arts students also
believe being fluent in English can facilitate their individual development.

The fourth journal came from Elisabet Arno-Macia, Marta Agular Perez, Diemar Tazl
(2020) with the title Engineering students perceptions of the role if ESP course in
Internationalized Universities. The results of the study inform that analyzing needs helps ESP
courses to better meet academic demands. Student expectations, ESP courses should support
students in academic-specific communication as well as professional-specific



This chapter involves research design, population and sample, Instrument and data

3.1 Research Design

This type of research is the quantitative research approach which uses the descriptive
method. Descriptive research is research that does not make comparisons of variables in other
samples, and does not look for variable relationships in other samples (Muslich Ansori,
2017). According to Ajat Rukajat (2000) descriptive research is a study that seeks to describe
phenomena in real terms, because this research is to make descriptions, pictures or paintings
systematically, factually and accurately, and to find out the relationship between the
phenomena being investigated. This study aims to find or analyze the learning needs of
Office Administration students.
3.2 Population and Sample

3.2.1 Population of the Research

The target population in this study is level 11 and 12 of the Office Administration
Department at SMK Taruna Jaya Gresik, English teacher, and also a special subject
teacher. There is 1 class at each level, Level 11 Office Administration consists of 23
female students, and level 12 consists of 24 female students. There are 4 English
teachers who teach at SMK Taruna Jaya, and there are 5 special subject teachers who
specifically teach about Office Administration. The total of the target population in
this study was 56, consisting of students, English teachers, and special subject

3.2.2 Sample of the Research

To find a sample in this study, the researcher refers to the opinion of the expert
Arikunto (2008), namely Population Research, if the sample is less than 100, it is
better to take all. Based on this opinion, the researcher decided to take the entire
population, namely 56 consisting of Office Administration Students, English teachers,
and Special Subject teachers.

3.3 Instruments

3.3.1 Questionnaire
A questionnaire is a series of several questions or statements posed by
researchers to respondents or groups that want to be studied. The purpose of this
Research is to obtain information from the subjects studied (Robert H. Gault, 1907).
Questionnaires on this study Adapted from Mazdayasna & Tahririan's (2008)
questionnaire were used to investigate participants' expectations of the ESP courses
offered in the questionnaire.

The questionnaire in this study consists of three sets consisting of,

questionnaire for language teachers, questionnaire for teacher special subjects, and
questionnaire for students majoring in office administration.

The questionnaire for language teachers and teachers of special subjects
consists of 3 parts. The first part, items 1-31 explores the teacher's perspective on the
needs of learning English in Office Administration students. In the second part of the
questionnaire number 32-36, the teacher will evaluate students' English proficiency by
showing the extent to which they have developed language competence. The third part
aims to explore the opinions of teachers and teachers of special subjects, about the
guidance of English for Office Administration students, the language needs of Office
Administration students, and the length of the English Specific Purpose course that
must be given.

The questionnaire for students consists of 3 parts. The first part consists of 5
personal questions regarding name, age, sex, English test results, Know or now
knowledge of English Specific Purpose. The second part consists of 21 statements
based on four main English language skills. Namely, listening is in items 1 to 1-6,
Speaking is in items 7-12, Reading is in items 13-17, and Writing is in items 18-21.
The third part, consists of 6 multiple-choice. Multiple-choice was designed to find out
students' opinions about their language demands, the attitude they should have in
language teaching, the length of English classes, their opinions on their English
teachers, and the suitability of textbooks for them.

3.3.1 Table

The contents of this table is a brief summary of the contents of the

questionnaire, which consists of: Variables, number of items, measurements,

Variables Survey Items Measurements References

Information :
Name, Age,
Gender, English 5
test results, Know
or now knowledge
of English Specific 5 point Likert Scale Mazdayazzna
Purpose. from Not Important &Tahririan’s
Need of English 21 (1), Slightly (2008)
Use : important (2),
Listening 6 Moderately
Important (3),
Speaking 6
Important (4), Very
Reading 5 Important(5)
Writing 4
Language demand
opinion: 7

3.4 Data Collection Procedure

The first stage, questionnaire is translated into Bahasa Indonesia so that

students and teachers can more easily understand the contents of the questionnaire.
Questionnaires for students are distributed online using Google Form media.
Researchers sent a Google Form Link containing quesionnaire to the Office
Administration student Chat Group on WhatsApp, and then the researcher asked the
students to open and answer every question item that was already available. Before
asking students to answer questions, the researchers briefly explained what English
Specific Purpose is, and what the purpose of English Specific Purpose is.

The second stage, the researcher goes to the school and meets a language
teacher and teacher of special subjects, the researcher informs them a little about his
research, then conveys the purpose of the research, and asks them to fill out a
questionnaire. Some Teachers may finish answering questionnaires on the same day,
but if some teachers want to delay collecting questionnaires, they can first save the
questionnaire and collect at least 3 days after the questionnaire is given by sending by
e-mail or WhatsApp.

3.5 Technique of Analyzing Data.

After checking all questionnaires, The Statistical Package for the Social Science
(SPSS) software was used to analyze the data. The statistical tools used in this study are:

1. The Cronbach Alpha coefficient is used to calculate the reliability on the

2. 5 Point Likert Scale is used to assess the level of English language needs of Office
Administration Students.

Table 3.4

Scale Mean Range Need Level

1 1.00 – 1.49 The lowest need
2 1.50 – 2.49 Low need
3 2.50 – 3.49 Moderate need
4 3.50 – 4.49 High Need
5 4.50 – 5.00 The Highest Need

3. Arithmetic mean (X) and Standard Deviation (S.D) are used to calculate the average
level of English skill needs of Office Administration students. The highest average
score (X) describes the highest need of the students. Standard Deviation (S.D)
describes the distribution of respondents' scores.
4. Weighted Scores are used to sort the needs of the most frequently used to the least
used in the main needs of language skills (Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing).


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Appendix 1

Peserta yang terhormat,

Kuesioner berikut adalah bagian dari proyek penelitian yang menyelidiki kebutuhan belajar
siswa Administrasi Perkantoran.
1. Nama :
2. Umur :

Mohon centang (√) pilihan yang relevan untuk setiap pertanyaan.

3. Jenis Kelamin : (a) Laki-Laki (b) Perempuan

4. Apakah anda mengulang dalam ujian Bahasa Inggris ?
(a) Ya (b) Tidak
5. Apakah sebelumnya anda pernah mendengar tentang English Specific Purpose?
(a) Ya (b) Tidak

Dibawah ini adalah bagian kedua dari kuesionaire yang bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi
pendapat anda tentang kebutuhan Bahasa Inggris yang akan diungkapkan menggunakan
empat keterampilan Bahasa Inggris Yaitu Listening (Mendengarkan), Writing (Membaca),
Reading (Membaca), Speaking (Berbicara). Mohon centang (√) pilihan jawaban yang paling
relavan untuk setiap pertanyaan.

Listening skills / Keterampilan mendengarkan

Sebagai siswa Administrasi Tidak Sedikit Cukup Penting Sangat-

Perkantoran, saya membutuhkan Penting Penting Penting Sangat
keterampilan Listening Bahasa Penting
Inggris untuk :
1. Listening skills untuk
paham tentang topik umum.
2. Listening skills untuk
memahami guru pada saat
3. Listening skills untuk
memahami isi presentasi di
dalam meeting, seminar.
4. Listening skills untuk
media massa berbahasa
5. Listening skills untuk
mendengarkan intruksi
dalam situasi yang nyata
6. Listening skills untuk bisa
memahami apa yang
diucapkan kolega atau tamu


Speaking skills / Keterampilan Berbicara

Sebagai siswa Administrasi Tidak Sedikit Cukup Penting Sangat-

Perkantoran, saya membutuhkan Penting Penting Penting Sangat
Keterampilan berbicara Bahasa Penting
Inggris (Speaking skills) untuk :
7. Berpartisipasi dalam
diskusi kelas
8. Berbicara di acara seminar,
rapat, dan presentasi
9. Tanya jawab dikelas
10. Tanya jawab di seminar
11. Menelfon dan menerima
telfon dengan tamu asing
12. Berbicara langsung dengan
kolega, klien, dan tamu
asing di kantor

Reading skills / Keterampilan membaca

Sebagai siswa Administrasi Tidak Sedikit Cukup Penting Sangat-

Perkantoran, saya perlu Penting Penting Penting Sangat
Mengembangkan Keterampilan Penting
membaca Bahasa Inggris (Reading
skills) untuk :
13. Membaca dokumen atau
surat perkantoran yang
berbahasa Inggris.
14. Membaca artikel di
International Jurnal.
15. Membaca laporan-laporan
kantor yang Berbahasa
16. Membaca surat kabar atau
majalah Berbahasa Inggris.
17. Membaca teks di Internet.

Writing skills / Keterampilan Menulis

Sebagai siswa Administrasi Tidak Sedikit Cukup Penting Sangat-

Perkantoran, perlu Penting Penting Penting sangat
Mengembangkan Keterampilan Penting
menulis (Reading skills) saya untuk:
18. Membuat catatan sekolah
19. Menulis Surat dalam bahasa

20. Menulis laporan kepada
pimpinan menggunakan
bahasa inggris.
21. Menulis makalah
Berbahasa Inggris

Bagian ketiga dalam kuesionnaire ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi pendapat anda selaku
siswa Administrasi Perkantoran terhadap sikap pengajar bahasa, kesesuaian materi yang telah
diberikan, dan harapan anda dalam lamannya kelas Bahasa Inggris, dll.

1 2 3 4 5
22. Saya sudah puas dengan
topik yang terkandung pada
buku pelajaran Bahasa
Inggris saya.
23. Saya merasa puas dengan
metode pengajaran yang
telah diberikan guru saya
selama ini.
24. Saya puas dengan evaluasi
yang diberikan oleh guru
25. Saya merasa puas dengan
banyaknya budaya asing
yang diajarkan di kelas

26. Disekolah saya lebih suka mengerjakan tugas________________

(a) Sendirian
(b) Berpasangan
(c) Berkelompok

27. Jika kelas Bahasa Inggris khusus untuk Administrasi Perkantoran ada, berapa lama
seharusnya kelas tersebut diadakan?
(a) Sekali setiap minggu (3 jam)
(b) Dua kali dalam seminggu (1.5 jam)
(c) Tiga kali dalam seminggu (1 jam)

28. Saya ingin menguasai Bahasa Inggris untuk_______

(a) Bisa bersaing di dalam kelas
(b) Bisa berbicara dengan orang asing
(c) Untuk mempersiapkan memasuki dunia kerja

Appendix 2

Peserta yang terhormat,

Kuesioner berikut adalah bagian dari proyek penelitian yang menyelidiki kebutuhan belajar
siswa Administrasi Perkantoran.
Dibawah ini adalah bagian pertama dari kuesionaire yang bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi
pendapat anda tentang kebutuhan Bahasa Inggris yang akan diungkapkan menggunakan
empat keterampilan Bahasa Inggris Yaitu Listening (Mendengarkan), Writing (Membaca),
Reading (Membaca), Speaking (Berbicara). Mohon centang (√) pilihan jawaban yang paling
relavan untuk setiap pertanyaan.

Listening skills / Keterampilan mendengarkan

Siswa Administrasi Perkantoran, Tidak Sedikit Cukup Penting Sangat-

mereka membutuhkan Penting Penting Penting Sangat
keterampilan Listening Bahasa Penting
Inggris untuk :
1. Listening skills untuk
paham tentang topik umum.
2. Listening skills untuk
memahami guru
3. Listening skills untuk
memahami isi presentasi di
4. Listening skills untuk
media massa berbahasa
5. Listening skills untuk
mendengarkan intruksi
dalam situasi yang nyata
6. Listening skills untuk bisa
memahami apa yang
diucapkan kolega atau tamu

Speaking skills / Keterampilan Berbicara

Siswa Administrasi Perkantoran, Tidak Sedikit Cukup Penting Sangat-

mereka membutuhkan Penting Penting Penting Sangat
Keterampilan berbicara Bahasa Penting
Inggris (Speaking skills) untuk :
7. Berpartisipasi dalam
diskusi kelas
8. Berbicara di acara seminar,
rapat, dan presentasi
9. Tanya jawab dikelas
10. Tanya jawab di seminar

11. Menelfon dan menerima
telfon dengan tamu asing
12. Berbicara langsung dengan
kolega, klien, dan tamu
asing di kantor

Reading skills / Keterampilan membaca

Siswa Administrasi Perkantoran, Tidak Sedikit Cukup Penting Sangat-

mereka perlu Mengembangkan Penting Penting Penting Sangat
Keterampilan membaca Bahasa Penting
Inggris (Reading skills) untuk :
13. Membaca dokumen atau
surat perkantoran yang
berbahasa Inggris.
14. Membaca artikel di
International Jurnal.
15. Membaca laporan-laporan
kantor yang Berbahasa
16. Membaca surat kabar atau
majalah Berbahasa Inggris.
17. Membaca teks di Internet
18. Membaca instruksi dari

Writing skills / Keterampilan Menulis

Siswa Administrasi Perkantoran, Tidak Sedikit Cukup Penting Sangat-

perlu Mengembangkan Penting Penting Penting sangat
Keterampilan menulis (Reading Penting
skills) saya untuk:
19. Membuat catatan sekolah
20. Membuat catatan dari buku
21. Menulis makalah untuk
sebuah presentase
22. Menulis Surat dalam bahasa
23. Menulis laporan kepada
pimpinan menggunakan
bahasa inggris.
24. Menulis makalah
Berbahasa Inggris
25. Menulis Intruksi untuk
klien, tamu, atau kolega.
26. Menulis peraturan-
peraturan di Kantor.

General Study Skills

Siswa Administrasi Perkantoran, Tidak Sedikit Cukup Penting Sangat-

membutuhkan Bahasa Inggris Penting Penting Penting sangat
untuk : Penting
27. Belajar Kosa Kata umum
28. Belajar percakapan semi
29. Belajar Teknologi
30. Belajar kata baru dengan
kalimat sinonim dan
31. Bagaimana mempraktekkan
kosa kata perkantoran di
situasi nyata dan

Bagian kedua bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi pandangan instruktur mata pelajaran khusus
dalam hal apa yang kurang dalam siswa Administrasi Perkantoran setelah lulus kursus bahasa
Inggris khusus. 'Kekurangan' tercermin dalam penilaian instruktur mata pelajaran khusus
tentang keterampilan bahasa siswanya pada skala seperti yang dijelaskan di bawah ini. Harap
centang (√) pilihan yang relevan untuk setiap pertanyaan.

1 2 3 4 5
32. Saya menilai kemampua
mendengarkan (Listening
Skills) siswa Administrasi
Perkantoran telah
33. Saya menilai kemampuan
berbicara (Speaking Skills)
siswa Administrasi
Perkantorn telah meningkat.
34. Saya menilai kemammpuan
menulis (Writing Skills)
siswa Administrasi
Perkantoran telah
35. Saya menilai kemampuan
membaca (Reading skills)
siswa Administrasi
Perkantoan telat meningkat.
36. Saya menilai kompetensi
komunikatif mahasiswa
ilmu kedokteran sudah

37. Disekolah siswa Administrasi Perkantoran lebih suka mengerjakan
(d) Sendirian
(e) Berpasangan
(f) Berkelompok

38. Jika kelas Bahasa Inggris khusus untuk Administrasi Perkantoran ada, berapa lama
seharusnya kelas tersebut diadakan?
(d) Sekali setiap minggu (3 jam)
(e) Dua kali dalam seminggu (1.5 jam)
(f) Tiga kali dalam seminggu (1 jam)

39. Bahasa Inggris harus diajarkan oleh?

(a) Guru Bahasa Inggris
(b) Guru Mata Pelajaran Khusus
(c) Kedua guru, baik itu guru bahasa inggris ataupun guru mata pelajara khusus.


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