Liliana, Actividad 4

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Practice 1 / Práctica 1

A. Write the correct –ing forms of the following verbs. / Escriba las formas -ing correctas de los
siguientes verbos.

1. Meet. Meeting

2. Leave. Leaving

3. Make. Making

4. Finish. Finishing.

5. Travel. Traveling

6. Go . Going

7. Drive. Drivinig

8. Play. Playing

9. Start. Starting

10. Read. Reading.

11. Win. Wining

12. Write. Writing

13. Visit. Visiting

14. Try. Triying

15. Stop. Stoping

16. Watch. Watching

17. Work. Working

18. Stay. Staying

19. Cook. Cooking

20. Wear. Wearing

B. Rewrite the sentences with the correct form of the present continuous. / Reescriba las oraciones
con la forma correcta del presente continuo.

1. Mrs. Robinson (teach)… the lesson today. Mrs. Robinson is teaching the lesson today.

2. Hi! What you (watch)…?. Hi! What you whatching?

3. I (write) …. an e-mail. I writing an e-mail.

4. You (work) … at the moment. You working at the moment

5. Sara (clean) … her bedroom. Sara claeaning her bedroom.

C. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the present simple or present continuous. /
Complete las oraciones con la forma correcta del presente simple o presente continuo.

1. I usually (wear) a) wear a uniform for school but today I’m (not wear) b) not wearing it because
it’s Sunday.

2. We (to be) a) to be from Bogota but we (live) b) living in Santa Marta now because our parents
(work) c) working here at the moment.

3. John always (play) a) playing occer on Fridays but today it (rain) b) raining.

4. My mom often (cook) a) cooking dinner for us. Today, she (visit) b) visiting her parents so my dad
(order) c) ordering a pizza delivery.

D. Look at the image and match the people to what they are doing. / Observe la imagen y relacione
cada persona con la acción que está haciendo.

1. Mary and Joey. E. are watching Tom open the presents

a. are running.

2. Izzy and Teddy. C. are eating cake

b. is making funny faces.

3. Jake. B. is making funny faces

c. are eating cake.

4. Callie and Paul. A. are runnig

d. is opening presents.

5. Tom. D. is opening presents.

e. are watching Tom open the presents.

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