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PRMICI Junior High School -


Quarter 2/Week 2/October 26-30, 2020

Name: _________________________________________Section: _________________ LRN:______________


In this lesson, the student will be able to discuss risk and protective
factors in substance use and abuse.

Warming Up!

Write True if the sentence states a fact. Write False if it does not. Write your answer on the space
provided before the number.

_____ 1. A drug is used responsibly when a person takes it more than the prescribed amount.

_____ 2. A drug-dependent individual is a person who is addicted to a certain drug.

_____ 3. A drug is any substance that promotes health and well-being.

_____ 5. The first stage of drug dependence progression is experimentation.

Build Up!

Do you agree with the current programs of the government against drug use and abuse? Why or why


Let’s Understand!

Substance Use and Abuse

Illegal drugs are substances that, when taken, affect the mind and body of a person. Many young people
start using drugs because of curiosity, peer pressure, or sometimes personal problems. They think that they can
control their drug use, until such a time happens that they are already hooked on them.

People use substances in both responsible and irresponsible ways. Study the differences among
responsible substance use, abuse, and dependence.

Health 9 Teacher
PRMICI Junior High School -
Responsible Substance Use Substance Abuse Substance Dependence
Use of a substance according solely Deliberately use of drugs or Continued use of drugs even if they
for its purpose: to promote health substances without any health or harm one’s mind and body, including
and well-being medical reasons. his or her relationships with other
people; leads to a full-blown
Example: Example: addiction already, until one’s
judgment and common sense are
Taking prescription drugs according Taking drugs without prescription; affected.
to a doctor’s instructions. keeps taking drugs because they
alter his or her mood.

Stages of Progression to Drug Dependency

Stage 1: Trying-out Stage

A person is persuaded to try a new drug, and he or she tries it.
Stage 2: Getting the Desired Effect
A person likes the feeling that he or she gets from the drug, so he or she continues to use it.
Stage 3: Developing Tolerance
The person needs the drug not because of the pleasure it gives but because his or her body needs
it. His or her body develops withdrawal symptoms when he or she does not take the drug.
Stage 4: Denial Stage
The person does not admit that he or she is hooked into the drug. He or she keeps saying that he
or she can quit taking it anytime.
Stage 5: Depending on Drugs Stage
The person becomes hooked and dependent on drugs. His or her body craves for the sensation it

Factors that Influence Substance Use and Abuse

Have you ever wondered why there are teens who use drugs? There are factors that lead to how drug
abuse starts and advances.

According to the US National Survey on Drug Use and Health, children are already starting to abuse drugs
at 12 or 13 years old, and some even at an earlier age. The drugs that are often abused are marijuana, inhalants,
alcohol, tabacco/cigarretes, and prescription drugs such as anti-anxiety medication and sleeping pills. Most
substance abuse cases among the young do not escalate to abusing other drugs. However, if drug abuse continues
later into adolescence, abusers will become more heavily involved in the present substance that they are currently
taking. They will then progress to other drugs while continuing the abuse of substances that they have started.

These are risk factors and protective factors in drug use and abuse. Many factors can add to a person’s risk
for substance abuse. Risk factors are factors that raise the chance of a negative outcome, whereas protective factors
reduce the risk.

The following table shows how risk factors affect an individual’s chances on abusing illegal substance and the
protective factors that can be done as intervention.

Risk Factors Protective Factors

Lack of self-respect and early aggressive behaviour Practice self-respect and self-control
Peers who use drugs Wise choice of friends
Drug availability Strict implementation of anti-drug use policies and
Resilience or learning how to control one’s behaviour
and decision.
Inability to express emotions Practice resistance skills
Feelings of rejection Healthy social skills
Unhappy family relationships Healthy family relationships
Learning disability Practice anger management skills and improve academic
Health 9 Teacher
PRMICI Junior High School -
Poverty Improvement of community’s economic condition.

The more protective factors an individual has or practices, the less his or her risk of giving in to drug
abuse. Still, the lack of protective factors does not give a person an excuse to take illegal drugs. In
the end, it is still up to him or her if he or she is going to use harmful drugs or not.

Problem Solver!

As a grade 9 student, you are asked to submit a slogan about the fight against substance abuse and dependence.
What slogan are you going to submit? Write it on the cloud below.

Understanding Check!

Choose one among the risk factors and protective factors discussed above and explain. Your output will be assessed
based on the rubrics below.

The idea is relevant to the question and organized. 5 Score:

Some of the idea is not relevant to the question and unorganized. 3
The idea is not relevant and unorganized. 1

Risk Factor

Health 9 Teacher
PRMICI Junior High School

Protective Factor

Curriculum Guide, MELCS, Curriculum Map, internet, Book (Practical MAPEH 9).

Health 9 Teacher

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