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SSN College of Engineering

Power Quality


Answer any 10 Questions

Each 5 Marks


1. Consider a balanced 3 φ system with following phase voltages.

V a = 100∠0
V b = 150∠ − 100
V c = 75∠100

sequence components are computed as.

A. V a0 = 31.91∠ − 50.48 V; V a+ = 104.16∠4.7 V, V a− = 28.96∠146.33 V

B. V a0 =21.91∠ − 50.48 V; V a+ = 104.16∠4.7 V, V a− = 28.96∠100.33 V
C. V a0 = 11.91∠ − 50.48 V; V a+ = 104.16∠4.7 V, V a− = 28.96∠90.33 V
D. V a0 = 51.91∠ − 50.48 V; V a+ = 104.16∠4.7 V, V a− = 28.96∠120.33 V

2. Consider a 3-phase 4 wire system supplying resistive load, shown in Fig.1. below.

Determine the power consumed by the load and feeder losses.


A. 3V 2/R, (r/R) 3V 2/R

B. 3V 2/r, (r/R) 3V 2/R

C. 3V 2/R, (r/R) 3V 2/r

D. 3V 2/R, (1/R) 3V 2/R

3.Power analysis of the above circuit Fig.1. results in the Arithmetic PF and Vector PF

A. PF v=1, PFa=0.866

B. PF v=0.866, PFa=1

C. PF v=1, PFa=1

D. PF v=0.866, PFa=0.866

4. Consider the following three-phase system Fig.2. It is given that voltages V a, V b and V c are
balanced sinusoids with rms value of 220 V. The feeder impedance is r +j x = 0.02+j0.1 Ω. The
unbalanced load parameters are: RL = 12 Ω and XL = 13 Ω. Compute the following.


The currents in each phase, i.e., Ia, Ib and Ic and neutral current, In.

A. 29.31∠−60◦ A, 29.31∠120◦ A, 18.33∠120◦ A

B. 15.31∠−60◦ A, 29.31∠120◦ A, 18.33∠120◦ A

C. 29.31∠−60◦ A, 15∠120◦ A, 18.33∠120◦ A

D. 29.31∠−60◦ A, 29.31∠120◦ A, 15.33∠120◦ A

5. Losses in the system Fig.2

A. 47.80W

B. 30W

C. 25W


6.For the above circuit Fig.2. The active and reactive powers in each phase and total three-phase
active and reactive powers.

A. Pa = 3224.1 W, Qa = 5584.30 Var, Pb = −3224.1 W, Qb = 5584.30 Var

Pc = 4032.6 W, Qc = 0 VAr

B. Pa = 2000 W, Qa = 5584.30 Var, Pb = −3224.1 W, Qb = 5584.30 Var

Pc = 0W, Qc = 0 VAr

C. Pa = 1000 W, Qa = 5584.30 Var, Pb = −3224.1 W, Qb = 5584.30 Var

Pc = 4032.6 W, Qc = 4032VAr

D. Pa = 7000 W, Qa = 5584.30 Var, Pb = −3224.1 W, Qb = 5584.30 Var

Pc = 6000 W, Qc = 0 VAr

7. Arithmetic, vector and effective apparent powers based on the above circuit Fig.2.

A. 16928.84 VA, 11874.32 VA, 8629.19 VA

B. 11000 VA, 11874.32 VA, 8629.19 VA

C. 8000 VA, 11874.32 VA, 8629.19 VA

D. 6000 VA, 11874.32 VA, 8629.19 VA

8. A 3-phase, 3-wire system is shown in Fig. 3. The 3-phase voltages are balanced sinusoids
with RMS value of 230 V. The 3-phase loads connected in star are given as following. Za = 5 + j12 Ω,
Zb = 6 + j8 Ω and Zc = 12 − j5 Ω.

Line currents, i.e., Ia, Ib and Ic in polar form.

A. 26.67∠−46.56◦ A, 7.88∠−158.43◦ A, ∠116.3◦ A

B. 15∠−46.56◦ A, 7.88∠−158.43◦ A, ∠116.3◦ A

C. 26.67∠−46.56◦ A, 15∠−158.43◦ A, ∠116.3◦ A

D. 26.67∠−46.56◦ A, 15∠−158.43◦ A, ∠116.3◦ A

9. Load active and reactive powers and power factor of each phase for Fig 3.

A. Pa=4218, Pb=1419 Pc=5703; Qa =4456Var, Qb=1126Var, Qc=36811VAr

B. Pa=4218, Pb=0 Pc=5703; Qa =4456Var, Qb=1126Var, Qc=36811VAr

C. Pa=4218, Pb=1419 Pc=0; Qa =4456Var, Qb=1126Var, Qc=36811VAr

D. Pa=4218, Pb=1419 Pc=5703; Qa =4456Var, Qb=0 Var, Qc=36811VAr

10. Compute various apparent powers and power factors based on circuit Fig 3.

A. Sa= 13,663.82, Sv= 12,807, Se 14,859; PF a=0.83,PF v=0.8855,PFe= 0.7632

B. Sa= 13,663.82, Sv= 12,807, Se 14,859; PF a=0.83,PF v=1,PFe= 0.7632

C. Sa= 13,663.82, Sv= 5000, Se 14,859; PF a=0.83,PF v=0.8855,PFe= 0.7632

D. Sa= 13,663.82, Sv= 12,807, Se 14,859; PF a=0.83,PF v=0.8855,PFe= 1

11. Consider the following voltage and current in single phase system.

Active Power P and Reactive Power Q.

A. P=2208 W and 1275VAr

B. P=2208 W and 0 VAr

C. P=0 W and 1275VAr

D. P=100 W and 1275VAr

12. For the voltage and current described in problem 11 the apparent power S and Power factor pf

A. 2673.31VA and 1

B. 2673.31VA and 0.8261

C. 1000 VA and 0.8261

D. 3000VA and 0.6

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