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Offset and linear spread geometry in the MASW method

Article  in  Journal of Geophysics and Engineering · May 2010

DOI: 10.1088/1742-2132/7/2/S07


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3 authors:

Ünal Dikmen Muzaffer Özgü Arısoy

Ankara University General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration of Turkey


Ismail Akkaya
Yuzuncu Yil University


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Offset and linear spread geometry in the MASW method

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2010 J. Geophys. Eng. 7 211


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J. Geophys. Eng. 7 (2010) 211–222 doi:10.1088/1742-2132/7/2/S07

Offset and linear spread geometry in the

MASW method
Ünal Dikmen1,2 , M Özgü Arısoy2 and İsmail Akkaya2
Earthquake Research Center, Ankara University, 06830 Ankara, Turkey
Department of Geophysical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Ankara University, 06100 Ankara,

Received 16 December 2009

Accepted for publication 25 March 2010
Published 4 May 2010
Online at

This paper evaluates the effect of near offset and geophone configuration on dispersion image
for linear spreads in the multichannel analysis of surface waves (MASW) method. In order to
determine the effect of near offset, MASW records were collected for a variety of offsets and
the corresponding calculated dispersion images were compared for a fixed layout. To reveal
the spectral resolution of dispersion images, MASW records were collected using nine
different types of linear spread configuration, then dispersion images for each MASW record
were calculated using the phase velocity analysis technique and were compared to the present
preferable linear spread type for a MASW survey. The results show that at least one pair of
near offset shots is required for distinguishing the fundamental mode from the higher modes
without ambiguity, and for picking a dispersion curve in a wide frequency range. The first shot
distance should not be longer than four times the geophone interval, and the second shot
distance should be equal to or longer than the one-third spread length, depending on the power
of the seismic source. A better dispersion image resolution and dispersion curve in the wide
frequency range can be obtained by using the SL-type geophone configuration. Besides this, in
a survey in which higher frequencies are more important, the SII-type configuration may be
preferable. With the SII-type spread configuration, the fundamental mode can easily be
distinguished from the higher modes.

Keywords: MASW, dispersion, phase velocity analysis, offset, linear spread geometry

Introduction changing the spread configuration, MASW data can be

collected and great penetration depth can be obtained. The
The characteristics of soil materials (e.g. shear modulus, other advantages of the method are the fast data acquisition,
elasticity modulus, bulk modulus, fundamental vibration easy data processing and overcoming a low-velocity layer
frequency, seismic amplification and Poisson ratio) are closely problem.
related to the shear wave (S) velocity. Therefore, the Although the popularity of the method in geotechnical
determination of S velocity variations of subsurface layers engineering has increased, no widely accepted rules have been
is important in geotechnical engineering. In geotechnical developed for field parameters (e.g. spread geometry, offset
surveys, conventional seismic methods (refraction, borehole and geophone interval). In applications, a linear spread with
seismic) are generally used in determination of the subsurface a constant geophone interval is usually adopted due to the
S velocity variation. Recently, multi-channel analysis of addition of the conventional seismic refraction survey. Field
surface waves (MASW) has been used as a complementary parameters such as geophone spacing, spread length, spread
method for conventional seismic methods. MASW is the geometry and seismic source directly influence the quality
only alternative if the application of conventional methods of data, dispersion image resolution and penetration depth.
is difficult due to a high level of noise contamination or Among the field parameters, geophone spacing controls the
inconvenient field conditions. In a refraction survey, without high-frequency range of the dispersion image and is therefore

1742-2132/10/020211+12$30.00 © 2010 Nanjing Geophysical Research Institute Printed in the UK 211

Ü Dikmen et al

related to the resolution of shallow depths. Spread length The method is based on the determination of the dispersion
controls the highest recordable wavelength and is related to the properties of surface waves created by a transient point
lower frequency range of the dispersion image. The sampling source and recorded by a number of receivers placed on the
interval and record length including the surface waves do not ground. In MASW applications, a number of low-frequency
directly influence the resolution of the dispersion image. In (e.g. 1–10 Hz) vertical component geophones (e.g. 24 or
most of the MASW experiments, sampling intervals and record more) are set on the ground and connected to a multi-channel
lengths between 0.5 and 2 ms and 0.5 and 2 s respectively recorder via a land streamer. This type of data acquisition
are accepted for most situations. However, it is generally configuration resembles a conventional seismic refraction
acceptable that a MASW record with a single offset is adequate survey. However, MASW field parameters (e.g. source power,
to determine the subsurface S velocity variation. sampling interval, record length) are more flexible than seismic
The present study evaluates the effects of the near offset refraction or reflection survey. The data-processing of MASW
distance and linear spread configuration on the dispersion records consists of three main steps: (1) extracting surface
image for MASW surveys. In order to demonstrate the waves from field records, (2) calculating dispersion image
effect of the near offset distance on the dispersion image, and picking the field dispersion curve and (3) inverting the
MASW records were acquired for a variety of offsets and the field dispersion curve to determine the subsurface S velocity
corresponding calculated dispersion images were compared variation.
for a fixed layout. To reveal the spectral resolutions of In the first step, MASW records are scanned within a
dispersion images, MASW records were collected by nine certain frequency (e.g. 1–50 Hz) and phase velocity (e.g.
linear spreads with different geophone configurations. The 10–1000 m s−1) range is used to extract surface waves
dispersion images of each set of MASW records were from the other seismic phases (e.g. direct arrivals, multiple
calculated by means of the phase shifting technique and reflections, refractions and scattered waves). In the second
compared, in order to identify a preferable linear spread step, extracted surface waves are used to compute dispersion
type for MASW surveys. A different type of linear image. A number of numerical analysis techniques have
spread configuration geometry and two near offset distances been developed for computation of dispersion image (e.g.
were proposed to obtain high-quality data, high-resolution frequency wave number, slant stack, spatial autocorrelation
dispersion image and dispersion curve in the wide frequency or phase shifting). All of the techniques are based on the
range. determination of the spectral characteristics of data, which
are collected in the space-time (x, t) domain. A surface
wave dispersion image represents the variation of phase
MASW method velocity versus frequency. Fundamental and higher modes of
surface waves constitute the predominant part of the calculated
MASW is a non-destructive seismic survey method, dispersion image. A Rayleigh wave fundamental mode
introduced by Park et al (1999), that has been found by the dispersion curve is determined by scanning the highest energy
geotechnical community to be an efficient method for detecting band in the dispersion image. The extracted dispersion curve
the subsurface S velocity variation. In the last decade, a is then treated as the observed dispersion curve in the inversion
number of both theoretical and experimental studies have process for the site under investigation.
been made on the method. In brief, they include Park et al In the last step, a theoretical dispersion curve is calculated
(1998a), who developed a wave field transformation method for a given layered subsurface model, which is defined by each
that provides images of dispersion curves directly from the layer’s thickness, density, P and S velocity values. Numerical
recorded wave fields of a single shot gather. Using this method, methods such as the Thomson–Haskell method (Thomson
different modes can be separated with higher resolution, even 1950, Haskell 1953), stiffness matrix method (Kausel and
if the shot gather consists of a relatively small number of Roesset 1981), finite differences (Hossian and Drnevich 1989)
traces collected over a limited offset range. Park et al (2001) or Green’s functions (Kausel and Peek 1982, Hisada 1994)
investigated the influence of offset-related parameters on the are used in numerical calculation of the theoretical dispersion
resolution of dispersion curves in MASW. Xia et al (2000a) curve. At the end of the inversion process, the subsurface
demonstrated that the fundamental mode phase velocities model that minimizes the difference between theoretical
obtained through a MASW study generally provide reliable and observed dispersion curves is accepted as an accurate
estimates of the S velocities. The method has been employed subsurface model for the site. For the inversion process,
in various applications in engineering geology. Park and Miller a number of developed numerical methods such as least
(2005a, 2005b) applied MASW at 84 turbine sites in the Blue squares (Smith and Shanno 1971, Calderon-Macias et al
Canyon Windmill Farm near Lawton, Oklahoma, for seismic 2000), genetic algorithm (Kanli et al 2006), artificial neural
characterization of the ground materials. Socco and Strobbia networks (Santamarina and Fratta 1998) or Monte Carlo
(2004) developed principles and a processing methodology of (Tarantola 1987, Scales and Tenorio 2001) are used. Some
the method for site characterization. Zhang and Chan (2003) algorithms, especially for the inversion of surface wave data,
investigated the effects of cross-mode data mixing, limited have been presented by Lai and Rix (1998) and Xia et al (1999).
data and frequency range on inversion models in MASW. Kanli The inversion results show that small sample intervals over a
et al (2006) used MASW to form a new soil classification map wide frequency range and an unambiguous identification of
of the Dinar region, in Turkey. the fundamental mode dispersion curve are essential factors

Offset and linear spread geometry in the MASW method

for the reconstruction of accurate inversion models. With a phase along a slope (s) of the phase velocity, whereas they have
single offset MASW record, a 1D subsurface model can be different phases along the slopes of other phase velocities.
obtained. At the same time, 2D subsurface S-variations can be Figure 1(b) represents the Fourier amplitude spectra. If the
obtained from several offset shots, conducted along a spread. curves are summed together in a finite time length, such as
However, due to the properties of surface waves, the resolution one period along the slope s, then it will give another curve
according to the results of conventional seismic refraction or whose amplitude is equal to the number of channels (which
reflection is low. here is 24). On the other side, the summed amplitudes will
be smaller than the number of channels if the summation is
Phase velocity analysis performed along other slopes. By using the shifting property
of the Fourier transform, the summation procedure can be
In order to construct dispersion images of surface waves from realized in the frequency domain as
the MASW records, we applied the phase shifting method, 
which is based on energy-normalized cross-correlation similar E(VT ) = e−iwδm R(xm , w) = e−iwδ1 R(x1 , w)
to the semblance method, which has been using for velocity m=1
spectra displays of seismic data for a long time. Both methods +e R(x2 , w) + . . . + e−iwδM R(xM , w) (5)
measure the power coherence of signals recorded by a number
where the delay term, δm , for the mth geophone is calculated
of receivers (Taner and Koehler 1969, Neidell and Taner 1971,
Akhmetsafin et al 2008). The assumption of the phase shifting
xm x0 + (m − 1)x
method is that surface waves emitted from a point source δm = = . (6)
are recorded by a number of receivers placed on the ground VT VT
with certain time delays, according to the velocity of the The delay term, δm , increases with the distance for a fixed
propagation domain. Therefore, phase velocities of surface testing phase velocity or decreases with increasing testing
waves can be determined by computing time delays for a phase velocity for a fixed distance. In practice, the summation
specific frequency and phase velocity range in the frequency of the amplitudes is done by the definition of a particular
domain. For this purpose, an M-channel MASW record, frequency (e.g. 2–30 Hz) and a testing phase velocity (e.g.
r(x, t) can be defined as an array formed by m = 1, 2, . . . , 10–1000 m s−1) range. The result of each summation, as
M traces and n = 1, 2, . . . , N time samples. The frequency represented by the amplitude of summed sinusoidal curves,
domain representation of r(x, t) for each channel trace can be can be then displayed as phase velocity versus amplitude,
written as (Ryden et al 2004) as illustrated in figure 1(c). The scanned curve has one
main lobe with a maximum peak amplitude, and its sharpness
R(xm , w) = FFT [r(xm , t)] (1)
affects the resolution and accuracy of the analysed dispersion
where w = 2πf is angular frequency. The complex R(xm , w) relationship. The sharpness of the main lobe increases with the
can be written as a product of the amplitude, A(xm , w), and number of channels. Therefore, more traces will ensure higher
phase, φm (w), terms: resolution in the determination of a phase velocity (Park et al
2001). In figure 1(c), the main lobe gives the peak amplitude
R(xm , w) = A(xm , w) e−iφm (w) (2)
at 240 m s−1 of phase velocity and nearly zero, depending
where the amplitude, A(xm , w), changes with both distance, on the number of traces used, at other phase velocities.
xm , and angular frequency, w, due to attenuation and source Figure 1(d) represents a normalized dispersion image panel
spectrum characteristics. The phase term, φm (w), can be of the sinusoidal curves given in figure 1(a). As can be seen
determined by testing phase velocity, VT , for each frequency, from figure 1(d), the dispersion image shows only the peak
w, as (Ryden et al 2004) amplitude at a frequency (10 Hz) at 240 m s−1 of phase velocity
w and nearly zero at the other frequencies. The phase shifting
φm (w) = xm = k xm = k(x0 + (m − 1)x) (3)
VT method is a powerful technique in constructing the dispersion
where k is the wave number, x is the geophone interval, image of surface waves especially for linear type arrays. Park
and x0 and xm are the distance between shot location and et al (2001) presented a detailed parametric examination of
first geophone (near offset) and the distance between shot the scanning method on its resolution in response to changes
location and mth geophone, respectively. The time domain in such parameters as the number of traces, phase velocity,
representation of each frequency component of R(xm , w) will geophone interval and frequency. A more detailed description
be an array of sinusoidal curves of the same angular frequency, of the method can be found in Park et al (1998a, 2001) and
but with different amplitude and phase. Due to the amplitude, Ryden et al (2004).
A(xm , w) does not contain any information on phase velocity,
and it can be normalized without loss of significant information Offset effect
(Ryden et al 2004):
Higher modes of surface waves have been accepted as
R(xm , w) A(xm , w) e−iφm (w)
Nm (w) = = = e−iφm (w) . (4) interfered components of surface waves and the body waves.
|R(xm , w)| A(xm , w) Although algorithms using high modes have been developed
In figure 1(a), sinusoidal curves constructed by unit amplitude (Gabriels et al 1987, Roma et al 2002, Song et al 2007),
at 10 Hz frequency and 240 m s−1 phase velocity have the same the interpretation of surface wave data is based on the

Ü Dikmen et al

(a) (c)

(b) (d)
Figure 1. (a) A plane wave propagating at 10 Hz frequency and 240 m s velocity in homogeneous media, (b) its Fourier amplitude
spectra, (c) its summed amplitude curve (normalized), (d) its dispersion image.

The field parameters such as spread length, geophone

spacing and offset distance are important factors that directly
affect the investigation depth, near and far field effects and
resolution of the dispersion image during data acquisition. The
resolution of the dispersion image, and therefore the result of
the MASW method, is strongly dependent on these acquisition
parameters (Park et al 1999). Offset is not sufficiently
discussed within these parameters and is generally selected
depending on the experience of the researchers. The selection
of a shorter offset distance than needed invalidates the plane
wave assumption and results in dominance of the higher modes
in seismic records. Similarly, the selection of an offset distance
Figure 2. An illustration of the fundamental and higher modes of that is longer than required results in the dominance of the
the Rayleigh wave.
near and far source effects in the seismic records, thereby
reducing the resolution of the dispersion image. Therefore,
determination of fundamental mode. Sometimes, higher the selection of appropriate offset distance is important in
modes can predominate in the dispersion images, rather MASW measurements.
than the fundamental mode, and they can be perceived as In order to investigate the effect of the offset distance on
the fundamental mode (Zhang and Chan 2003). In the the dispersion image, three lengths (23 m, 69 m and 115 m)
interpretation, using the higher modes as the fundamental with three different geophone intervals (1 m, 3 m and 5 m) of
mode results in an inaccurate S velocity variation that does three linear spreads were recorded in the same location. Eight
not reflect the real S velocity model. Fundamental and two MASW records were collected for different offsets (1, 2, 4, 8,
higher modes are sketched in figure 2. Choosing the higher 12, 16, 24 and 48 m) in each spread. For the spread at a length
mode as the fundamental mode produces a velocity that is of 115 m, the data for a 48 m offset could not be recorded,
higher than the real velocity. In other words, it causes a due to a trigger cable-length problem. The data acquisition
different S velocity model than the exact model. Therefore, process used the 4.5 Hz frequency of the vertical geophone and
the determination of the fundamental mode on the dispersion an 8 kg sledgehammer as an energy source. The calculated
image is very important. dispersion images for 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24 and 48 m offsets for

Offset and linear spread geometry in the MASW method

(a) (e)

(b) (f )

(c) (g)

(d) (h)

Figure 3. Dispersion images calculated from different offset shot MASW records. Geophone interval is 1 m: (a) 1 m, (b) 2 m, (c) 4 m,
(d) 8 m, (e) 12 m, (f ) 16 m, (g) 24 m and (h) 48 m.

spread in 23 m and 69 m lengths are shown in figures 3(a)– et al 2006). Xu et al (2006) have proposed a near offset
(h) and 4(a)–(h), respectively. When the dispersion images distance, based on theoretical models, as
obtained for spreads of 23 m length (figures 3(a)–(d)) and 2h
69 m length (figures 4(a)–(d)) are examined, it can be seen d=√ (7)
σ2 − 1
that the higher mode is clearer than the fundamental mode
where σ = VP /VS and h is the vertical distance from the
for offsets up to 8 m. However, the fundamental mode in the surface to the refractor. Zhang et al (2004) proposed an
dispersion image (figures 3(e)–(h) and 4(e)–(h)) obtained for optimum near offset (d), based on a layered earth model, as
12–48 m offsets is clear and higher modes could not be tracked.
λmax CR min
Dispersion images for 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16 and 24 m offsets at a 5 m d= (8)
geophone interval and spread at a 115 m length are shown in
figures 5(a)–(g). From figures 5(a)–(g), it can be seen that where λmax is the longest wavelength, CR min is the minimum
when the spread length is increased, near and far source effects phase velocity of the Rayleigh wave and CR is the difference
between the maximum and minimum phase velocities. Park
become significant, depending on the power of the seismic
et al (1999) suggested a relationship for the near offset, d,
source used and therefore the selection of dispersion curve for
based on the fundamental properties of surface waves, as
defining the fundamental mode is difficult. The selection of
only one offset distance for MASW records would generally d  zmax (9)
not be sufficient to obtain high dispersion image resolution and where zmax is the maximum investigation depth. To compare
to distinguish higher modes from fundamental mode. Some these three relationships for the offset, a two-layer model (from
researchers have correlated offset with wavelength (Zhang Zhang et al 2004) is shown in table 1. In this model, P
et al 2004) of investigation depth (Park et al 1999, Xu and S velocities have been obtained from seismic refraction

Ü Dikmen et al

(a) (e)

(b) (f )

(c) (g)

(d) (h)

Figure 4. Dispersion images calculated from different offset shot MASW records. Geophone interval is 3 m: (a) 1 m, (b) 2 m, (c) 4 m,
(d) 8 m, (e) 12 m, (f ) 16 m, (g) 24 m and (h) 48 m.

Table 1. Measurement results from the refraction survey and the inverted S-wave velocities (Zhang et al 2004).
Poisson’s ratio (σ )a Bulk density (g cm−3)a Vp (m s−1) Vs (m s−1) Measured VR (m s−1)

Fill layer 0.37 1.8 222 ± 10 135 ± 10 115

Base layerb 0.34 1.7 1062 ± 10 550 ± 25 175
Obtained from the seismic refraction experiment.
Base layer can be regarded as a half space.

experiments. The thickness (h) of the first layer was 5 m, determination of the dispersion curve for the fundamental
the measured maximum and minimum phase difference, v, mode makes separation of fundamental and higher modes
was 60 m s−1, and maximum wavelength, λmax , was taken easier. An offset distance of three to four times larger than
as 2h = 10 m. According to relationship (7), the offset the geophone interval and a second offset distance equal to or
distance should be 6.68 m; for relationship (8), offset distance longer than one-third of the spread length appear to be good
should be 4.79 m; and, for relationship (9), it should be selection depending on the power of the seismic source for a
at least 10 m. However, if the dispersion images given in geotechnical survey.
figures 3 and 4 are examined, it can be seen that the resolution
of dispersion images obtained for 4–12 m offset distances are Linear spread geometry
quite different. In MASW measurements, instead of one offset
distance, as used in traditional methods, the MASW records In MASW applications, generally, a linear type spread with
could be collected for two different offset distances and then a constant geophone interval is used for data acquisition.

Offset and linear spread geometry in the MASW method

(a) (e)

(b) (f )

(c) (g)

(d )

Figure 5. Dispersion images calculated from different offset shot MASW records. Geophone interval is 5 m: (a) 1 m, (b) 2 m, (c) 4 m,
(d) 8 m, (e) 12 m, (f ) 16 m and (g) 24 m.

However, surface waves are desired to record in a wide to the spread mid-point (CL ) and represent decrease–
frequency range. Geophone spacing is a variable that directly decrease (SDD), decrease–increase (SDI), increase–decrease
affects the resolution of the shallow depth. When the geophone (SID) and increase–increase (SII) geophone spacings,
spacing is increased, shallow depth resolution will be reduced respectively.
and when the spread length is increased, the investigation In MASW data collection, for all array configurations
depth will be increased with low resolution. For seismic (figure 6), a 6 m offset distance, 27.6 m spread length,
studies in which S-wave variations in shallow depths (z < 1 ms sampling interval, 1 s record length and an 8 kg
10 m) are important (e.g. archeogeophysics), identification of sledgehammer were used as fixed field parameters. Seismic
the dispersion image at high frequencies (e.g. 20–100 Hz) with wave forms obtained from nine different linear arrays are
high resolution will be important. shown in figures 7(a)–(i) and normalized dispersion images,
For the purpose of investigating the dispersion image calculated by means of the phase shifting method for each
resolution of MASW, data were collected by nine different surface wave record, are shown in figure 8(a)–(i) with the
linear array configurations at a range of different geophone same colour scale. The dispersion images for C-, DE- and IN-
spacings. Geophone positions used for each spread type linear spreads are given in figures 8(a)–(c). For these
configuration are given in table 2 and spread geometries are three types of linear spreads, the dispersion curve for the
given in figure 6. The first five linear spread geometries fundamental mode can be selected at a frequency range of
(figures 6(a)–(e)) represent constant (C), decreasing (DE), approximately 5–27 Hz, although resolution is relatively low.
increasing (IN), narrow-width (NW) and short–long (SL) The dispersion images for NW- and SL-type linear spreads
geophone spacings, respectively. The last four linear spread are given in figures 8(d)–(e). For these two types of linear
geometries (figures 6(f )–(i)) are symmetrical according spreads, the dispersion curve for the fundamental mode can

Ü Dikmen et al

Figure 6. Different types of linear spread geometries, (a) C-type, (b) DE-type, (c) IN-type, (d) NW-type, (e) SL-type, (f) SDD-type,
(g) SDI-type, (h) SID-type and (i) SII-type.

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f )

(g) (h) (i )

Figure 7. Recorded wave forms, (a) C: constant, (b) DE: decreasing, (c) IN: increasing, (d) NW: narrow–wide, (e) SL: short–long, (f )
SDD: symmetric decreasing–decreasing, (g) SDI: symmetric decreasing–increasing, (h) SID: symmetric increasing–decreasing and (i) SII:
symmetric increasing–increasing.

Offset and linear spread geometry in the MASW method

(a) (b) (c)

(d) (e) (f)

(g) (h) (i )

Figure 8. Dispersion images of different spread geometries.

be selected at a frequency range of 4–34 Hz and resolution can be seen from figures 9(a)–(b), both spread types sample
is relatively high. The effects of higher modes on these low-frequency signals. However, high-frequency signals
two types of spread configurations are minimum within the could not be adequately sampled by the C-type spread, while
nine spread geometries. The fundamental mode dispersion the SL-type spread was shown to sample sufficiently. The
curve can be clearly identified at a frequency range of nearly geophone interval for the C-type spread is constant and equal
2–30 Hz in the dispersion images obtained from symmetrical to 1.2 m, while the SL-type spread uses two different geophone
type spreads (figures 8(f )–(i)), and moreover, dispersion intervals, equal to 0.325 m and 2 m for short and long intervals,
curves of high modes at high frequencies are relatively clear respectively. Therefore, the spatial resolution in the SL-type
and the comparative resolution is high. In figure 8, the spread is better especially in the high-frequency band. This
dispersion curve for the fundamental mode provides the widest can easily be seen in the dispersion images, corresponding to
frequency band in the SL-type spread, and separation of the these two types of spread geometries given in figures 8(a) and
fundamental and higher mode is best for the SII-type spread
(e), respectively.
within these nine different linear spreads. The results show
that for studies at deeper depths, the SL-type linear array is In order to determine the spectral properties of nine
preferred, and for studies when high modes are important, the different types of linear spreads, average power spectra were
SII-type linear array is preferred. calculated. Figure 10 shows the normalized average power
spectra of MASW records obtained from nine different types
of spreads. To constitute the average power spectra, Fourier
Discussion and conclusions power spectra of 24 traces of each MASW record were
calculated. The average power spectrum of each MASW
Figures 9(a)–(b) illustrate the spatial sampling of waves with record was obtained by summing and averaging the sample
different frequencies in C- and SL-type spreads. In this figure, values at each frequency. Figure 10 shows that in symmetric
four different waves with frequencies of 0.25, 0.5, 1.5 and configurations (SDD, SDI, SID and SII types), SII- and SID-
4.5 Hz were used. It is known that, in order to recover a signal type geometries have relatively high power and SL-type spread
of a period of time, at least three examples are necessary. As geometry has relatively high power in the wide frequency band


Ü Dikmen et al
Table 2. Geophone positions used in nine different spread geometries are given in meters.
Type g1 g2 g3 g4 g5 g6 g7 g8 g9 g10 g11 g12 g13 g14 g15 g16 g17 g18 g19 g20 g21 g22 g23 g24

C 0 1.2 2.4 3.6 4.8 6.0 7.2 8.4 9.6 10.80 12.0 13.2 14.4 15.6 16.8 18.0 19.2 20.4 21.6 22.8 24.0 25.2 26.4 27.6
DE 0 2.3 4.5 6.6 8.6 10.5 12.3 14.0 15.6 17.10 18.5 19.8 21.0 22.1 23.1 24.0 24.8 25.5 26.1 26.6 27.0 27.3 27.5 27.6
IN 0 0.1 0.3 0.6 1.0 1.5 2.1 2.8 3.6 4.500 5.5 6.6 7.8 9.1 10.5 12.0 13.6 15.3 17.1 19.0 21.0 23.1 25.3 27.6
NW 0 0.5 2.46 2.96 4.92 5.42 7.380 7.88 9.84 10.34 12.3 12.8 14.76 15.26 17.22 17.72 19.68 20.18 22.14 22.64 24.6 25.1 27.06 27.6
SL 0 0.325 0.65 0.975 2.975 4.975 6.975 8.975 9.30 9.625 9.95 10.275 12.275 14.275 16.275 18.275 18.6 18.925 19.25 19.575 21.575 23.575 25.575 27.6
SDD 0 3.0 5.5 7.6 9.3 10.6 11.6 12.3 12.8 13.2 13.5 13.7 13.9 14.1 14.4 14.8 15.3 16.0 17.0 18.3 20.0 22.1 24.6 27.6
SDI 0 3.0 5.5 7.6 9.3 10.6 11.6 12.3 12.8 13.2 13.5 13.7 16.8 19.3 21.4 23.1 24.4 25.4 26.1 26.6 27.0 27.3 27.5 27.6
SID 0 0.1 0.3 0.6 1.0 1.5 2.2 3.2 4.5 6.2 8.3 10.8 13.9 14.1 14.4 14.8 15.3 16.0 17.0 18.3 20.0 22.1 24.6 27.6
SII 0 0.1 0.3 0.6 1.0 1.5 2.2 3.2 4.5 6.2 8.3 10.8 16.8 19.3 21.4 23.1 24.4 25.4 26.1 26.6 27.0 27.3 27.5 27.6
C, constant; DE, decreasing; IN, increasing; NW, narrow–wide; SL, short–long; SDD, symmetric decreasing–decreasing; SDI, symmetric decreasing–increasing; SID, symmetric
increasing–decreasing and SII, symmetric increasing–increasing.
Offset and linear spread geometry in the MASW method



Figure 9. Spatial sampling in two different linear spread geometries: (a) C-type spread geometry, (b) SL-type spread geometry.

within five types of non-symmetric array geometries (C, DE, of fundamental mode. The first near offset could be up to
IN, NW and SL). four times the geophone interval, while the second near offset
In conclusion, the effect of near offset on the dispersion distance could be at least equal to or longer than one-third of the
image and the resolution of dispersion images obtained from spread length, depending on the power of the seismic source.
different types of linear spread geometry were investigated Instead of using a constant interval type spread (e.g. C-type),
in MASW surveys. The results show that discriminating an SL-type spread is particularly recommended to extract a
fundamental mode from the higher mode could be achieved dispersion curve relative to other spread types in a broadband
more easily by using two different near offset shot records than frequency range. In a MASW survey in which higher modes
by using a single shot record. This also guarantees the selection are important, an SII-type spread may be preferred. By using

Ü Dikmen et al

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