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EE301-Control Systems

27 July 2020

1. Consider a unity-feedback control system whose open loop transfer function is

G(s) = (1)
s(Js + B)

Discuss the effects that varying the values of K and B has on the steady- state error in unit-ramp
response. Sketch typical unit-ramp response curves for a small value, medium value and large
value of K, assuming that B is constant.

2. Consider the satellite attitude control system shown in Figure 1. The output of this system
exhibits continued oscillations and is not desirable . This system can be stabilized by the use of
tachometer feedback, as shown in Figure 2. If K/J =4, what value of Kh will yield the damping
ratio to be 0.6?

U (s) Y (s)
K 1/Js2

Figure 1:

U (s) Y (s)
K/Js 1/s
− −


Figure 2:

3. Given the system of Figure 3 operating with damping ratio of 0.174, show that the addition
of the ideal compensator shown in figure 4 reduces the steady state error to zero for a step
input without appreciably affecting transient response. The compensating network is chosen
with a pole at the origin to increase the system type and a zero at -0.1, close the compensator
evaluated at the original, dominant, second order poles is approximately zero. Thus the original,
dominant, second order closed poles are still approximately on the new root locus.

4. Compensate the system of Figure 3 to improve steady state error by a factor of 10 if the system
is operating-with a damping ratio of 0.174.
5. A unity feedback system with the forward transfer function
G(s) = (2)
s(s + 7)

U (s) 1
Y (s)
K (s+1)(s+2)(s+10)

Figure 3:

U (s) 1
Y (s)
K s+0.1
s (s+1)(s+2)(s+10)

Figure 4:

is operating with a closed loop step response that has 15 % overshoot. Do the following:
a. Evaluate the steady state error for a ramp input.
b. Design a lag compensator to improve the steady state error by a factor of 20.
c. Evaluate the steady state error for a unit ramp input to your compensated system.
d. Evaluate how much improvement in steady state error was realized.
6. Given the system in Figure 5, design an ideal derivative compensator to yield a 16 % overshoot,
with threefold reduction in settling time.

U (s) 1
Y (s)
K (s)(s+4)(s+6)

Figure 5:

7. A unity feedback system with the forward transfer function

G(s) = (3)
s(s + 7)

is operating with a closed-loop step response that has 15% overshoot. Do the following
a. Evaluate the settling time.
b. Design the compensator to decrease the settling time by three times. Choose the compen-
sators zero to be at -10.

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