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1. Two compartments, with equal volumes of 0.0572cm3, are separated by a thin membrane. If all of
the solute is initially dumped into one compartment, then find the transfer rate if the time constant
equals 27x103s.

2. In the previous problem, suppose the volume of compartment I equals 0.0572cm3 and twice as
large as compartment II. If 100 moles of solute are dumped into compartment II. Then solve for
the concentration in both the compartments.

3. A radioactively labeled bolus of substance is injected intravenously into the plasma. The time
dependence of the concentration of the substance in the plasma was found to fit
q1  A1e 1t  A2 e 2t
q1 = concentration of substance in plasma.
A1 =143mg/100ml
A2 =57mg/100ml
λ1=-1.6 day-1
λ2=-2.8 day-1
The amount of substance injected equals 10K mg. Assume a two compartment model where one
compartment represents plasma and one compartment unknown. Assume that the substance is
excreted through urine at a rate K3. Also let K1 be the rate of transfer of substance from plasma
compartment to the unknown compartment and let K2 be the rate of transfer from the unknown
compartment to plasma. Find the volume of the plasma compartment and the transfer rates K 1, K2
and K3.

4. Given a population of 50000 susceptibles, 10 infectives and 0 immunes and   0.001 and
  0.8 , simulate an epidemic using the Kermack-McKendrick model using SIMULINK.

5. Use SIMULINK to create an epidemic curve using Kermack-McKendrick model with a birth and
death rate for a population of 50,000 susceptibles, 10 infectives and 0 immunes and   0.001 ,
  0.8 and   0.01.

6. Use SIMULINK to create an epidemic curve using Reed-Frost model for a population of 50,000
susceptibles, 20 infectives and 0 immunes and q  0.98896 .

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