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As mentioned, the children should be looking at the theme, Farm to Fork this half term. This
includes looking at agriculture, both locally and internationally, developing an
understanding of growth, decay and changes over time and being healthy.

Here are some more ideas for you to try with your child to carry on with this theme:

• Animals and their Produce - Talk about what produce we get from animals, e.g.
Wool from sheep, eggs from chickens, milk from cows.
• Healthy or Not? - Take a selection of packets, tins, pouches, etc out of your
cupboard and ask your child to separate the foods into healthy and unhealthy
groups, asking them to explain why they think things are healthy/unhealthy.
• More or Less? – make two animal pens and place a number of animals in each pen,
ask your child which has more/less. You could even ask them how many would be in
each pen if you added one more animal.
• A is for Animal – Encourage your child to listen to the initial sound of an animal’s
name, eg P for pig, C for cow.
• Animal Habitats – Get various animal toys and ask your child to sort out what lives
on a farm and what doesn’t.
• What Grows Where? – Look at fruit and vegetable labels to see where they are
grown, show your child on a world map where the different places are, eg. Bananas
grown in Costa Rica, oranges from Brazil. potatoes from Boston.

Keep safe and hope to see you all again soon.


Mrs Birt

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