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1. Describe advantages and disadvantages offered by the water carriage system.

-Free from unhygienic and insanitary conditions.
-No disruption in working of the system due to labor problem.
-Compact design of building is possible  No risk of outbreak of epidemic.
-No pollution of water  Use of modern methods of sewage treatment.
-Lesser requirement of land for the disposal of refuse.
-Lower operation cost.
-Free from humiliation and social injustice.

-High initial and maintenance cost.
-Large quantity of sewage is to be treated in rainy season.
-It is difficult to adopt if the required quantity of water is not available.
-A large network of pipes is required for collection of the sewage; hence, the capital cost for
water carriage system is very high.
-In addition, the operation and maintenance of sewerage system is very expensive.
-Large wastewater volume is required to be treated before disposal.
- Assured water supply is essential for efficient operation of the water carriage system.

2. What are the possible adverse effects when untreated or partially treated sewage is discharged
to the environment?

The discharge of untreated or partially treated wastewater into the environment results in the
pollution of surface water, soil and groundwater. The effects of releasing untreated or
inadequately treated wastewater can be classified into three groups:

 Adverse human health effects associated with reduced water quality;

 Negative environmental effects due to the degradation of water bodies and
 Potential effects on economic activities: as the availability of freshwater is critical to
sustaining the economic welfare of any human community, poor water quality
constitutes an additional obstacle to economic development.

3. Why it is necessary to treat wastewater before disposal? What is the objective of the sewerage

The major aim of wastewater treatment is to remove as much of the suspended solids as possible
before the remaining water, called effluent, is discharged back to the environment. 

Improvement of Surrounding Environment

Immediate Removal of Wastewater is the most fundamental role of Sewerage Systems. If the
wastewater generated by human activities is not removed and remains near residential area,
Public Hygiene will not be well maintained and the living condition will become worse. By
promotion of sewerage systems, wastewater is removed immediately, and surrounding
environment is greatly improved.

Prevention of Flooding
Drainage of rainwater in urban area and prevention of flooding is one of important roles of
sewerage systems. In recent year, especially with the advancement of urbanization, rainwater
permeable area has decreased by increasing of roads area, construction of buildings and houses,
etc. As a result, stormwater runoff amount has increased, resulting in increased occurrence of
4. Describe the methods used in the management of wastewater.

5. Which type of sewerage system do you recommend in your locality? Discuss briefly with your

The type of sewerage system that would be the most efficient in my locality would be partially
combined system.

The reasons for the use of partially combined system in my locality are:
 Firstly the population of my locality is not that big so unreasonably big
sewers won't be efficient at all.
 High amount of runoff is produced when it rains so by using this system
there is less chance of sewer chocking.
 The sewer doesn't need to be cleaned during monsoon because the
runoff generated is sufficient for cleansing hence reducing the overall
maintenance cost.

6. Why water carriage system of sanitation is popular than conservancy system now a days.

Water carriage system is hygienic since sewers are usually laid below the ground and are closed
and hence excreta etc. are not visible.
Better suited for urban conditions.
Pollution problems are rare because there is use of closed sewers
No such risk of spread of epidemics.

The treated sludge has small manure value. Treated effluents can be used for irrigation.

7. What is the favorable condition for the adoption of separate and combined sewerage system?

Separate system

Uneven rainfall
Pumping requirement
Limitations of available funds
Flat topography
8. Compare between water carriage and conservancy methods of sewage disposal with merits
and demerits of each method?

Water carriage Method


- Free from unhygienic and insanitary conditions.

- No disruption in working of the system due to labour problem.
- Compact design of building is possible.
- No risk of outbreak of epidemic.
- No pollution of water.
- Use of modern method of sewage treatment.


- High initial and maintenance cost.

- Large quantity of sewage is to be treated in rainy season.
- Difficult to adopt if the required quantity of water is not available.
- Large volume of wastewater is required to be treated before disposal.

Conservancy System


- It is cheaper.
- The quantity of sewage reaching at the treatment plant before disposal is low.
- There will be no silting and deposit in sewer line.


- Possible that storm water may go into the sewers causing heavy load.
- In crowded lanes it is difficult to lay two sewers.
- For burying human excreta more space and land is required.
- Building can't design as one compact unit.

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