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Some Geographical Terms of Terminology

A region of high atmospheric pressure surrounded by low

atmospheric pressure.
Small star shaped planetary bodies, moving between Mars and
Cover of air that stretches up to six hundred miles above the
earth. If an aero planes passes out of this cover, it will be able to
reach any planet without any difficulty, because gravitation does
not exert its pull beyond this hemisphere.
Beautiful light of the sunset seen late all night in the North
Aurora Borealis
Imaginary line passing through the center of the earth from
North and South Pole.
Bar A bank of sand near the mouth of river.
Bathysphere Inner portion of the earth.
Bore A high tide running up a river.
Cardinal Points Four main directions-North, South, East and West
Comets Stars with long, luminous tails seen from time to time in the sky.
Islands lying near the shore of a continent-
Continental Sea near the shore of a country and more than six hundred feet
Shelf in depth. If
Lines of a map drawn through heights of the same live above the
Cyclones A low pressure system area in which the wind blows spirally
An imaginary line pointing north-south approximating to
Date Line Meridian 180° (east to west) where the date changes by one day
the Foment it is crossed.
Delta A triangular piece of land at the mouth of river.
Elliptic The course of the earth round the sun.
An imaginary line around the earth at equal distance from the
two poles.
When the atmospheric moisture touches cold earth and
condenses on dust particles.
The open seas away from all countries and not under the control
High Seas
of any nation.
High Water The highest point to which the tide comes on the seashore.

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Some Geographical Terms of Terminology

Huge mass of ice separated from glacier in the Polar Regions.

Iceberg These masses of ice float in the oceans with nine parts
submerged in the ocean and one part visible.
Igloo Eskimo dome-shaped hut.
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