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MCB Bank ltd


It is the requirement of the BBA 7th semester, internship from, University of Gujrat that all
students of BBA have to to get practical exposure on any org. and to get familiarized with the
ways to live in the organizational environment which is dramatically different from the
educational environment. That two months period called “Internship Period”, if spent properly
and sincerely, enables the students to be more confident, more knowledgeable, more responsible
and, above all, more committed to its work in the practical field. I have also been assigned to do
internship period in MCB Branch barnala. Its Branch Code is 1342

It has enabled me to understand the practical scenario and sharpen our decision making
power and utilizing the resources in an effective manner, so that our resources generate
maximum profit.

In preparing this report, I have put all of my best efforts and tried my level best to give maximum
knowledge. Despite of my all the coherent efforts, I do believe that there will always be a room
for improvement in the efforts of learner like me.

Name: Aamina zafar

Roll no. 17460920-127

Organization :MCB


All praises to almighty Allah and our holy prophet Muhammad( PBUH) who gave me the
courage and patience for completion of this final report.

I wish to acknowledge my gratitude to my inspiring Teachers for their endless their persistence,
support and encouragement, and for providing me a lifetime opportunity to work with Muslim
Commercial Bank.

I am also very thankful to Muslim Commercial Bank Ltd. in Branch barnala and the Branch
Manager Mr. Abdul Malik who gave me opportunity to work with experienced persons in their
organization and Personal Bank Advisor Mr. Muhammad Akram, Malik Ashiq (BOM) who
though out help me to understand the working techniques and also help me to clear my all points.
He motivate me each day in the bank without his help I will not be able to understand the formal
structure of bank. Mr.Sufi imran, Mr. Asim Butt and Ali was outstanding gainer during my
internship. I think bank was very lucky to have such an compatible and competent internee who
Started “E-Banking” in branch.

I am also thankful to my parents, family and friends that continually offered encouraging

Name: Aamina zafar

Roll no. :17460920-127

Table of contents:

Overview of the Organization:......................................................................................................06

Introduction of All Departments:..............................................................................................07
Products and services of M.C.B:...............................................................................................14
ORGANIZATIONAL HIERARCHY CHART:....................................................................................43
Plan of you internship program....................................................................................................44
Introduction of Branch:.............................................................................................................45
Name of Departments:.............................................................................................................46
Training Program:.........................................................................................................................48
Learning Experience:....................................................................................................................49
Financial Analysis:........................................................................................................................50
SWOT Analysis:.............................................................................................................................70

“Executive summary”

MCB Bank Limited (Formerly Muslim Commercial Bank Limited) has a solid foundation of
over 60 years in Pakistan it is Technology-based banking services. I did my internship in MCB
Bank Limited branch barnala branch from sep to November 2020.

As it was my very first experience of work in MCB so they rotated me in different departments
like Account opening, clearing, issuance of ATMs, Cheque book, online transaction. The staffs
made me learn the basics of different departments in this way.

I faced a lot of difficulties during the span of learning but I got full attention and support from
the staff, and they really made me learn a lot.

The main purpose of internship is to learn, by working in practical environment and to apply the
knowledge acquired, during the studies, in a real world scenario in order to tackle the problems.
In this report the detailed analysis of the organization has been done and all the financial,
technical, managerial and strategic aspects have been evaluated to analyze the current position of
the organization. Along with it, the background analysis, the prevailing competition analysis, the
business process analysis, and the internal environment and external environment of the
organization have been discussed and the recommendations & suggestions for the improvement
have been made wherever required. During my weeks internship program, I mainly worked with
the following departments:

GENERAL BANKING, CREDIT and FOREX, These departments have been discussed in detail
and all the policies and procedures have been described thoroughly.

This report will provide a complete and clear image about Muslim Commercial Bank


This internship offers me an incredible opportunity to gain real-world experience in the high-
stakes finance industry. The primary objective of the project is to forecast or determine the actual
financial status and performance of an organization

Following are important objectives of studying the organization:

To learn about Capital Adequacy, Asset and Liability Management, Interest Rate Risk ,
Liquidity, Asset Quality & Profitability of bank.

To monitor the adequacy and effectiveness of the internal control system and Financial
Reporting Framework.

Assessment of the company’s financial condition through the financial statements.

Analyzing savings and investment trends in banking sector.

To describe the impact of financial decisions on the health and functioning of the overall

To examine the Innovations in customer service in banking.


“To be a world class bank dedicated to excellence and to surpass the highest expectations of our
customer and all other stake holders”


“To become the world class bank by putting the customers at first”

 Set the highest industry standards for quality across all areas of operations on a sustained
 Optimize people, process & technology to deliver the best possible financial solution to
our customer.
 Become the most sought after investment.

 Be recognized as the employer of choice.

“Introduction of the Organization’s Business sector”

The word 'Bank' is said to have been derived from the words Bancus or Banque or Bank. This
history of banking is traced to as early as 2000 B.C. The priests in Greece used to keep money
and valuables of the people in temples. These priests thus acted as financial agents. The origin of
banking is also traced to early goldsmiths. They used to keep strong safes for storing the money
and valuables of the people. The persons who had surplus money found it safe and convenient of
deposit their valuables with them. The first stage in the development of modern banking, thus,
was the accepting of deposits of cash from those persons who had surplus money with them.

The goldsmiths used to issue receipts for the money deposited with them. These receipts began
to pass from hand to hand in settlement of transactions because people had confidence in the
integrity and solvency of goldsmiths. When it was found that these receipts were fully accepted
in payment of debts; then the receipts were drawn in such a way that it entitled any holder to
claim the specified amount of money from goldsmiths. A depositor who is to make the payments
may now get the money in cash from goldsmiths or pay over the receipt to the creditor. These
receipts were the earlier bank notes. The second stage in the development of banking thus was
the issue of bank notes.

The goldsmiths soon discovered that all the people who had deposited money with them do not
come to withdraw their funds in cash. They found that only a few persons presented the receipts
for encashment during a given period of time. They also found that most of the money deposited
with them was lying idle. At the same time; they found that they were being constantly requested
for loan on good security. They thought it profitable to lend at least some of the money deposited
with them to the needy persons. This proved quite a profitable business for the_ goldsmiths.
They instead of charging safe keeping charges from the depositors began to give them interest on
the money deposited with them. This was the third stage in the development of banking

Before separation of Indo Pak, the need for more Muslim banks was felt. And Muslims having
strong financial capacity were thinking to invest in this sector as well. This was the idea which
paved the way for setting up MCB Bank Ltd known as MCB. This was the third Muslim bank in
the subcontinent.

“Welcome to MCB Bank”

MCB Bank Limited (formerly Muslim Commercial Bank) previously named as a (Mansoor Co-
operative Bank) was incorporated by the Adamjee Group on July 9, 1947, under the Indian
Companies Act, VII of 1913 as a limited company. This bank was incorporated under
companies’ act 1913 on 9th July, 1947 (just before partition) at Calcutta. But due to changing
scenario of the region, the certificate of incorporation was issued on 17 th August, 1948 with a
delay of almost 1 year; the certificate was issued at Chitagong. The first Head office of the
company was established at Dacca and Mr. G.M. Adamjee was appointed its first chairman. It
was incorporated with an authorized capital of Rs.15 million.

After some time the registered office of the company was shifted to Karachi on August 23rd,
1956 through a special resolution, now recently the Head office of MCB has been transferred to
Islamabad in July, 1999 and now Head office is termed as Principle Office.

This institute was nationalized with other on January 1st, 1974. At that time it had 506 branches
and deposits amounting to Rs.1.640 million. Although. MCB has a reputation of a conservative
bank but nationalization also left its effects on this institute as well and by end of year 1991 in
which it was privatized the total number of branches were 1.287 and deposits amounting to as
high as Rs.35,029 million.

The bank was established to provide banking facilities to the business community of South Asia.
The bank was nationalized in 1974 during the government of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. This was the
first bank to be privatized in 1991 and the bank was purchased by a consortium of Pakistani
corporate groups led by Nishat Group. As of June 2008, the Nishat Group owns a majority stake
in the bank. The president of the bank is Imran Maqbool.

The group has a presence in business sectors of the country such as banking, textile, cement and

Mian Mohammad Mansha is the Chairman of the

group (and also MCB)

When privatization policy was announced in
1990, MCB was the first to be privatized upon recommendations of World Bank and IMF. The
reason for this choice was the better profitability condition of the organization and less risky
credit portfolio which made'' it a good choice for investors. On April 8th, 1991, the management
control was handed over to National Group (the highest bidders). Initially only 26% of shares
were sold to private sector at Rs. 56 per share.


Ten years after privatization, MCB is now in a consolidation stage designed to lock in the gains
made in recent years and prepare the groundwork for future growth. The bank has restructured its
asset portfolio and rationalized the cost structure in order to remain a low cost producer.

After privatization, the growth in every department of the bank has been observed. Following

are some key developments:

 Launching of different deposit schemes to increase saving level.

 Increased participation on foreign trade.

 Betterment of branches and staff service level.

 Introduction of Rupee Traveler Cheques & Photo Credit Card for the first time in

MCB today, represents a bank that has grown with time, experience and Pakistan. A major
financial institution, in scope and size, it symbolizes a fully growing tree evergreen, strong, and
firmly rooted.
The bank conducted import business during the year amounting to RS. 54.0 billion as compare to
RS. 56.4 Billion In 2011. The export business slightly improves to RS. 36.9 Billion From RS.
35.1 Billion. In 2012. Home remittances decline to RS. 16.7 Billion From 30.7 Billion the
decline in home remittances business was due to freezing of Foreign Currency Accounts, which
has affected the confidence of Pakistanis working overseas.
MCB’s strength lies in providing a technological base at the gross root level of the society with a
challenge to educate and assimilate such systems across vast cultural and economic backgrounds.
With over 900 automated branches, 263 online branches, over 151 MCB ATMs in 27 cities
nationwide and a network of over 16 banks on the MNET ATM switch, MCB continuously
innovates new products and services that harness technology for the customer’s benefits.
The bank activity participating in the Prime Minister self-employment Scheme. The application
received from various applicants is being processed on merit and disposed off as quickly as

The business strategy of MCB is to provide financial solutions to major segments of its customer
base, namely retail and corporate. Separate business groups have been set up to ensure a more
focused approach in satisfying the diversified customer segments. The Bank has also established
an Islamic Banking unit to offer Shariah compliant products and services, with dedicated Islamic
banking branches in six cities. The plan for future is to further realize the capacity of Islamic
Financial Systems and to bring Shariah compliant network parallel to current retail network of
traditional banking.

Wholesale Banking Group caters to the top tier local and multinational companies. As a result of
organizational restructuring including reinvigorating Investment Banking and beefing up
relationship teams, the Group is in line with the industry’s best practices. MCB has closed some
large deals and is currently working on a number of large transactions including advisory
business. It is a strong competitor in cash management and structured financing activities.
Retail Banking Group focuses on trading and middle market segment primarily for building risk
assets and trade related business. MCB caters to their needs of financing foreign and local trade,
funds transfer and other seasonal requirements. The Bank has renovated a large number of
branches and staff has been trained for meeting the requirements of SMEs and other retail
customers. A separate SME Financing Division has been set up to provide customized financing
solutions to this very important segment of the economy. The Group also focuses on the
development of innovative consumer asset products for satisfying the personal needs of the
customers. MCB has a significant share of consumer financing business with its House and Car
Financing schemes. The recently launched running financing facility against the mortgage of
property is also expected to go a long way in increasing the quality consumer credit portfolio of
the bank. With the experience gained in the past few years, the Bank is fast progressing towards
becoming the leading bank in consumer business. Other areas such as Bancassurance set newer
records as well by crossing the Rupees 1 billion benchmark in 2011 owing to the continuous
determination to strengthening this product. Islamic Banking outperformed in terms of improved
profitability and volumes with introduction of additional 11 products and expansion with 8 new
branches in 2011 and Privilege Banking, an elite setup, is a benchmark in the industry through
means of its quality banking. They currently have 9 branches across major cities.
Role of the organization in Pakistan:
The bank was established with a view to provide banking facilities to the business
community of the South Asia. The bank was nationalized in 1974 during the government of
Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto. This was the first bank to be privatized in 1991 and the bank was
purchased by a consortium of Pakistani corporate groups led by Nishat Group.MCB is
Pakistan’s fourth largest bank by assets having an asset base of US$6.7 billion and the largest by
market capitalization having a market capitalization of US$4.1 billion. The Bank has a
customer base of approximately 4 million and a nationwide distribution network of
1,026 branches, including 8 Islamic banking branches, and over 300 ATMs, in a market

with a population of 160 million. In 2008 the head office of MCB was shifted from Karachi to
Lahore in a newly constructed building, namely MCB House located at Sharea Ghous-ul-
Azam, commonly known as Jail Road.

“Products and services of M.C.B”

MCB bank of Pakistan deals in all the schemes and the services of a bank in a current scenario
there are many sets of financial infrastructure with which the MCB bank is leading in providing
the services to its customers.

Consumer banking:

The consumer portfolio, comprising the debit card, credit cards, auto loans, personal loans and
mortgages will be established phase by phase. However, we are confident that our strengths,
together with our largest network of online branches, a superior technology platform, a big
customer base and the Consumer Personal Banking Group (CPBG), will take the Bank’s
profitability to new heights.

Commercial banking:

The MCB is also doing the commercial banking and it’s leading in this department MCB offers
retail product to its consumers. The MCB main focus to introduce the various financing and
investing products to its valuable clients, and contributes the steady growth to the financial
industry. The commercial and the retail banking offers the verity of asset and liability –based.

Deposit Products:
These are the products, which are deals in deposit terms, the amount in these accounts are held
for a period. The Bank issue Cheque book to the customer and customer can also get an ATM
card with a right to withdraw money at any time.

Deposit Products of Muslim Commercial Bank limited,

 Current Accounts
 Saving accounts
 Basic Banking Account

 Supreme Current Account (FCY)
 Young Loin Saving Account (New Product 2010)

“Profit & Loss Sharing Term Accounts”

An equitable sharing of risks and profits between the parties involved in a financial transactions.
Three parties are, bank (working as financial intermediary), the depositor and the actual user.
The individual or customer who deposits their fund in bank will share equal profit and loss with
the actual users. But bank will take a fixed rate of interest from the actual user.

 PLS Saving Account

 Senior Citizens Saving Account
 Gharayloo Saving Account
 Saving Extra Account
 PLS-Saving Profit Plus Account
 Corporate Premier Account
 Supreme Saving Account (PLS)

MCB E-Banking offers convenience to manage and control banking and finances, when
customer wants to, where you want to. MCB’s E-Banking facility is easy to understand and
secure. And it’s free of cost. With MCB E-Banking customer can access any of the banking
services, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and throughout the year. MCB E-Banking offers a wide
range of online services which makes banking accessible anytime and from anywhere.

 Detailed Account Summary of all listed accounts.

 Mini-statements of each of the listed accounts showing recent


 Statement-by-Period of each of the listed accounts, based on the

period specified.

 Immediate or Scheduled Transfer of Funds between your own
accounts, as well as to third-party accounts setup as beneficiaries,
maintaining accounts with MCB.

 Scheduling of ‘One-Time’ as well as ‘Recurring’ Funds Transfers.

 Payment of utility bills for registered Utility Companies.

“Online Services”

Detailed descriptions of departments:

Retail Banking Division:

In this division, bank deals with the customers and execute their transactions
directly. The bank also deals with other corporations and banks. Bank provides the
services of savings, checking accounts, mortgages, personal loans, debit cards,
credit cards, and ATM cards.

Assets Management Division:

The Bank will invest on behalf of its clients and give them access to a wide range
of traditional and alternative product offerings that would not be to the average
investor. It includes the automatic sweep of cash balances into a money market
fund, as well as brokerage services.

Credit Administration Division:

In this division bank deals with the credit, bank gives the loan to the individuals
and to the corporations. They inspect the borrower, either he will be able or not to
take loan.

Audit & Inspection Division:

This department of bank includes the Audit of all the branches; they audit branches
and give some opinions to execute their transactions.

Human Resource Division:

This division of Muslim Commercial Bank do the recruitment of the employees

and also to hiring and firing of them. The employees of this division will protect
the rights of the whole employees of Muslim Commercial Bank.

Finance Division:

Finance division controls the whole financing activities of Muslim Commercial

Bank branches, the employees of the division are monitor the activity of the
finance credits and debits and Investments also. They will report to The State Bank
of Pakistan.

“Learning Experience”

I gained the knowledge about the banking facilities. I gained the knowledge about the accounts
opening, debit card, credit card, online transfer etc. during internship I am able to know the exact
banking sector.

Knowledge gained:
I gained the knowledge about the banking facilities. I gained the knowledge about the accounts
opening, debit card, credit card, online transfer etc. during internship I am able to know the
exacts banking sector.

Skills learned:
During my internship I learnt

 How to deal with customers

 How to work under pressure i.e. in rush hours.
 How to manage an office.
 How to convince customer
 My communication skills were improved.
 I observed some signs of mismanagement which I think can be removed if branch
manager take more responsibility.

Attitudes Observed and values gained:

During internship I gained the knowledge about the account opening. And all type of clearing
and remittance. I will also gain the knowledge about all types of accounts. After that I will be
able to do work in Bank or to do Job in Bank.

Most challenging task performed:

Most challenging task which is performed by me is in account opening seat is to arrange CSS
Card are arranged by me accordingly to date wise and computerized sheet . It is very difficult to
me but I perform this task very CRO Mr. Muhammad Akram was much appreciated to me and
Branch manager also when CRO Reported to Branch Manager about My task. During internship
I preformed many task and further I will perform much and more task Insha Allah.


MCB has also has good investment opportunities for the investors. This bank has more attraction
for investors as compare to previous year. Earnings per share is increased due to increase in
profit. Book value and market valve of one share in also increased as compare to 2004. Only
dividend yield and payout ratio is decreased because bank declared fewer dividends as compare
to last year but it is also in favor of investors because it will increase wealth of shareholders and
ultimate benefit to investors.

“SWOT Analysis”
A scan of the internal and external environment is an important part of the strategic planning
process. The SWOT Analysis provides information that is helpful in matching the firm’s
resources and capabilities to the competitive environment in which it operates.

The main strength of the bank lies in its services. The other fact that contributes is approaching
to each segment of society.

 Bank reputation:

MCB has made a status of a compact economic institutions over 60 years it focus on growth
done enlightening services quality investment in technology and people developing its extensive
branch network and evolving a large and stable deposits based.

 Customer Satisfaction:

MCB bank by the customer satisfaction. It enables the customer thorough providing those
appropriate services and guiding them in their investment choices. Customer always reliable and
believe MCB.MCB bank believes in building and keeping close relationship built on care and
devotion itself.
 Promotion Effectiveness:

MCB has developed a very encouraging promotional principle which creates great loyalty and
motivations in employees towards the bank.

 Continuous improvement:

MCB bank held diverse training programs which enable the members or staff upgrade their
knowledge. MCB has taken initiative to introduced new schemes regarding its product and
services .in this way it continuously made improvement in its employees and services.

 Large network of branches:

MCB is function by the great network of 100 plus online branches nationwide MCB determined
constantly to develop and enhanced its branch network day by day to confirm satisfy and
approachability  to its customer.

 Team based approach:

MCB is team of loyal determined and faithful experts who keep quality of services done
outstanding performance and presentation. In MCB bank there established a team determination
and accord among employees projects are accomplished through members connectively working
as team.


In according to high ranking in others commercial Banks MCB has

also some weak point as well as good point. Some weakness are
given below:

 Less Productivity from Staff:

The bank management is unable to utilize optimum productivity

from the staff. The matter of fact is that staff is skilled and
experienced but that are not utilized properly to gain optimal

 Overburdened staff:

Staff is overburdened with unproductively tasks from the management .employee should be used
when and where required to get maximum output from them. Right man for right job should be

 Lack of Organization Devotion:

Organization loyalty has deficiency between employees. Employees don’t pay attention to their
tasks as they think their job as permanent.

 Attitude of seniors towards to juniors:

Attitude of seniors has to change toward to junior’s .some time seniors attitude are not
professional. Some seniors get the advantage of their seniority and they treat the juniors harshly
if they do not perform according to their will.

 Lack of Leadership Qualities:

For the proper performance towards the achievement of organization goals a strong working
environment is necessary and to create this environment senior should play the role of leader.
They should understand the problems of their subordinates and try to solve their problems and
build a strong relationship.


 Management skills:

Different management skills courses should be introduced to employees in order to make them
familiar management abilities.

 Foreign training:

Staff should be sent for some foreign courses in order to known them for global progress in their
respective fields.

 Diversification:
They may enter in new business or any other consumer-durable product in order to promote their
name, by introducing Loan for the students, small businesses, and handicraft industry.

 Some More opportunities:

Information Technology.

Credit cards can give more earning.

Establishing more foreign Branches.

They should introduce Student Finance Facility.

They should also introduce mobile ATM


 Competitions are increasing day by day:

Due to the increase in the number of conventional

commercial banks, there is an increase in
competition. Also there is a lot of aggressive
marketing by the competitor banks .this is also a
threat for MCB bank.

 Increasing Interest Rates:

Due to increases in interest rate against loans customer and investors cannot get loan from
bank .customer will feel unhappy and they are enable to take much loans which will decreases
the business of bank.

 Instability of Government policies:

Government policies changing day by day and government stability is not there.

 Poor Economic Condition of Pakistan:

Weak economic condition of Pakistan is producing hindrance in the way to progress because
people are not in good financial position to do business themselves or to finance it from the


In Muslim Commercial Bank Ltd. I really enjoyed working with the staff of MCB barnala
Branch, Lahore having a wish to be employee of MCB. It was almost impossible to work in all
the departments within that limited time. But the staff of the branch provided me the opportunity
to work in the different departments for the sake of practical knowledge. I feel highly indebted to
work in the barnala Branch with the PBD (Personal Banking Advisor) of that branch Mr.
Muhammad Akram, because I learnt a lot in that branch.

During my internship training in the MCB as I early mentioned that I have worked in different
departments & seats and learnt the following things:

How to deal with different types of customers.

Account opening.

Cheque book issuance.

Outward clearing.

Cheque for Collection.

Different forms and vouchers filling.

Experience of working in a well reputed organization.

Calling the ATM customers

Issuance of the different ATM card’s


MCB Bank Limited is a well-known financial institution in the banking sector, it is said, nothing
is perfect in the world, and there is always space for deficiencies. Deficiencies are point out for
the correction. Following are recommendations for the management of MCB bank limited to
overcome the deficiencies. As nothing is perfect in this world and there is always a room for
improvement, recommendations in my point of view is:

 Proper Procedure or Training System for Internees:

They must provide or arrange the system of training for internees because internees are not
satisfied from MCB Bank training.

 Enhance the network:

Although the bank has a network of nationwide branches but it should spread its branch network
in the remote areas specially. Bank should spread its network across the boundary.

 New product introduction:

Bank should introduce the new products and to market its products, it should accentuate to give
advertisements on both print and electronic media.

 Satisfy the Employees:

To reduce the high turnover of employee, salary package should be increased and extra benefits
should be given to the employees as the bank timing has been increased. It is very coxcomb that
MCB bank has increased its employees’ salaries more than demands of the market.

 Markup Rate:
Today is the era of competition. Due to the new mergers and arrival of world class banks in
Pakistan competitive environment is increasing. To compete the competitors, MCB bank should
reduce its service charges and increase the rate of return to depositors and reduce the markup rate
on advances.

 Decision Making:
MCB bank should give the authority to lower level management or employees like as branch
manager to make the decision at sight. It will reduce the cost and time and customer satisfaction
level will increase.

 Favoritism
There should not be rule of favoritism or biasness, which I felt exist not only in management but
also in the staff as well, because this will affect negatively in achieving overall objectives of the


With cooperation of all branch members, I have been able to learn and experience many new
things related to the banking sector and the banks workings.

I am able to handle the public with respect to many different workings on many different
instances and also in account opening for customers and can handle many other tasks as well.

Finally I concluded that MCB is a good or organization for a person for his long term career
workings. Overall working and environment of the bank is very comfortable and the staff is very
helpful and respectful of each other and it still maintains a professional environment.
Management of the bank is very strong.

Employees of MCB barnala Branch work more than their working hours and all the workings
take place in a very friendly atmosphere that does not induce pressure on the person working
there. It also shows their loyalty and commitment to the organization.

This branch of MCB relatively small and has climbed its way up very quickly and that only
because of the employee’s efforts and consideration for each other.


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