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Hwangji Sahmyook English Institute

February 17-19, 2019

OBJECTIVES: To build a strong-willed in each individual in sentence structure.


Topic: Be Verb - Personal Pronoun

I-am / You-are / He, She, It – is

Living : I, You (First person) She, He (Second person)

Non-Living: It

Sentence pattern: I am a boy. –

I am a girl. –
You are a Student. –
You are a Teacher. –
He is sleeping. –
She is crying. –
It is crawling. –

A. Complete the sentence using Be Verb (I am, You are, He is, She is, It is).

1. ___________ a man. 5. ___________ singing. (girl)

2. ___________ eating. (boy) 6. ___________ flying. (bird)
3. ___________ a mother. 7. ___________ a father.
4. ___________ a woman.

B. Make a sentence at least two each Be Verb.

1. I am ~ _____________________________________________________


2. You are ~ _____________________________________________________


3. He is~ _____________________________________________________


4. She is ~ _____________________________________________________


5. It is~ _____________________________________________________

C. Oral Activity


Topic: (Simple Sentence)

Positive Sentence to Negative Sentence
Be Verb (am, are, is) to Be Verb (am, are is) + not

Sentence pattern: I am a boy. – I am not a boy.

I am a girl. – I am not a girl.
You are a Student. - You are not a Student.
You are a Teacher. – You are not a Teacher.
He is sleeping. – He is not sleeping.
She is crying. – She is not crying.
It is crawling. – It is not crawling.

A. Complete the sentence with the positive and negative sentence.

1. I am a Soldier. ______________________________________.
2. ____________________________________. You are not slim.
3. She is stretching. ____________________________________.
4. _________________________________. I am not rich.
5. He is running. ______________________________________.
6. _____________________________. You are not tall.
7. It is jumping. _______________________________________.

B. Make a sentence from positive to negative using the keyword.

1. (short) _____________________________________________________________________.

2. (Pilot) _____________________________________________________________________.

3. (fat) _______________________________________________________________________.

4. (pretty) ____________________________________________________________________.

5. (wiggling) ___________________________________________________________________.

C. Oral Activity

Topic: (Simple Sentence)

Positive Sentence to Interrogative Sentence

Sentence pattern: This is a book. – Is this a book?

She is pretty. – Is she pretty?
He is short. – Is he short?
They are students. – Are they students?

A. Complete the sentence from positive to interrogative sentence.

1. This is a cabinet. ________________________________________________________?

2. They are studying. ______________________________________________________?
3. He is working. __________________________________________________________?
4. She is taking a bath. _____________________________________________________?
5. They are making fun of me. _______________________________________________?
6. _______________________________________. Is this a quail egg?
7. _______________________________________. Is he smart?
8. _______________________________________. Is she smiling?
9. _______________________________________. Are they my friends?
10. ______________________________________. Are they hiding?

B. Make a sentence from positive to interrogative using the keyword.

1. (laughing) _________________________________________________________________________________
2. (fruit) _____________________________________________________________________________________
3. (cooking) __________________________________________________________________________________
4. (creeping) _________________________________________________________________________________
5. (shopping) _________________________________________________________________________________

C. Oral Activity

Direction: Construct a sentence.

Be Verb

1. I am ______________________________________________________________.

2. He is _____________________________________________________________.

3. She is _____________________________________________________________.

4. It is _______________________________________________________________.

Positive to Negative Sentence

1. He is guilty on the court. ______________________________________________.

2. She is making a dress. ________________________________________________.

3. It is moving slowly.___________________________________________________.

4. You are my delight.___________________________________________________.

Positive to Interrogative Sentence

1. This is a thirsty camel. _______________________________________________?

2. He is a proud father to his son. ________________________________________?

Memory verse

1. “Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28

2. “Let us hold to the hope we have, because he who promised is faithful.” Hebrews 10:23

3. “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.”
James 4:7

4. “You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all
your might.” Deuteronomy 6:5

5. “The LORD knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish.”
Psalm 1:6

6. “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23
ACITIVTIES (Indoor or Outdoor)

1. Holla hoop relay Materials: 2 holla hoop

Game Mechanics: Create two groups. Each
group has a holla hoop.
Each member should hold
hands to connect the line.
The first person on the line
will hold the holla hoop and
pass it to the next person
using the body only without
breaking the connection.
And the last person will
again pass it backwards
going to the first person.

2. Balloons relay Materials: 3 inflated balloons each member

Game Mechanics:
3. Catch the tail Materials:
Game Mechanics:

4. First come first pick

5. Pingpong ball relay

6. Sardines game

7. Straw and tissue paper relay

8. Paper cup relay

9. Mary went to town

10. Wacky relay

11. Sip the M&M

12. Water balloon or Egg Toss

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