Popups and Windows

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A Job Guaranteed Program for Software Engineers

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4. Popups/Alerts and Windows

1. Capturing the alert message using getText()

2. Prompt Alert with Text Box to enter the text

3. Confirmation Alert with Ok and Cancel buttons

4. Clicking OK button of the alert using accept()

5. Clicking Cancel button of the alert using dismiss()

6. Handle single window using driver.getWindowHandle()

7. Handle multiple windows using driver.getWindowHandles()

8. Switch to window using driver.switchTo().window()

9. Switch to frame using driver.switchTo().frame()

10. Switch to popup using driver.switchTo.alert()

JALA Technologies offers Job Guaranteed Programs for Fresher’s to 10 years’ experience on JAVA / .Net / Automation Testing /
Dev-Ops / Middleware Technologies / WebLogic / JBOSS / Tomcat / Python and for those who want to be a software engineer in 90
Days. Contact Details: http://jalatechnologies.com/contact-us.html

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