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Are you looking at you seeing me?

“You are a success, your problems and achievements are the expressions of your current
skills and understandings. If you wish to improve your current situation you must first know
your own mind and second, live every moment in the now – then you will discover and
direct your mighty potential. Become acquainted with your inner self and you will create
what you want, within the time of your own choosing. There are understandings, insights
and special techniques that help you achieve the goals of your dearest dreams, and these
techniques are within your own power.” Robert Smith
I am feeling this for the last time

No Broken People - Perfect System, Just a Lack of Information  FasterEFT is based on the
very strong belief system that there are no broken people. Even a person you might deem
as the worst of the worst was doing what they believed was the right thing to do at the
time, given their experiences. The only difference between you and anyone else are the
resources you draw on to create your behaviour. So, it’s helpful to remember that we use a
perfect learning system to develop and change in the world around us. The reason we
develop a problem in the first place comes down to what we’ve learned over time, and our
perceptions about our experiences. So often, habits we’ve developed that originally served
a purpose, often no longer apply when we reach adulthood. Our environment changes and
we need to change and grow with too!

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