Name: Rosalinda P. Samong Section: 3-BEED Instructor: Ginno Jhep Pacquing

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Limay Polytechnic College

Reformista, Limay Bataan

Name: Rosalinda P. Samong Section: 3-BEED

Instructor: Ginno Jhep Pacquing

Define the following

1. Population ecology is known that deals with the study of structure and subtleties of a
population that comprises of a group of interacting organisms of the same species that
occupies a given area. It is also the study about what factors affect population and how
and why a population changes over time. Population ecology has its deepest historic
roots, and its richest development, in the study of population growth, regulation, and
dynamics, or demography.

2. Biotic potential is the maximum number of individuals a species can produce or it also
described by the unrestricted growth of populations resulting in the maximum growth of
that population. Biotic potential is the highest possible vital index of a species; therefore,
when the species has its highest birthrate and lowest mortality rate.

3. Carrying capacity defined as a species' average/maximum population size in a particular

habitat. The species population size is limited by environmental factors like adequate
food, shelter, water, and other resources available.

4. Exponential growth is recognized when a population growth rate stays the same,
regardless of population size, making the population grow faster and faster as it gets
larger. For example, when resources are unlimited, a population can experience
exponential growth, where its size increases at a greater and greater rate.

5. Urbanization refers to the population shift from rural to urban areas, the decrease in the
proportion of people living in rural areas, and the ways in which societies adapt to this
change. Therefore, urbanization is the increase in the proportion of people living in towns
and cities. This usually occurs when a country is still developing.

Answer the following questions comprehensively

1. How does the study of population ecology help us understand why some populations
grow, some remain stable, and others decline?
Based from its definition, the study of population ecology talks about the structures and
factors that affects the human population. Where it includes details and necessary ideas
that will help us understand the broad discussion of population such as, the changes of
population size overtime, the factors that affects population growth, the resources
obtained, the rate and limitation of both. The study of population ecology help us to
understand that some populations grow because there is unlimited availability of
Limay Polytechnic College
Reformista, Limay Bataan

Name: Rosalinda P. Samong Section: 3-BEED

Instructor: Ginno Jhep Pacquing

resources that can be use by developing population. While some remain stable because
they used to produce same rate of population that will fit to the resources which can
intake, hence, the balance of both factors is valued. Then, some population are decline
due to over population that affects by lack of resources because in this corner, the
consumption is higher than what is being produced.
2. The growth rates of various populations are usually expressed in percentages. Why are
percentages advantageous in comparing growth rates?
We all know that population size changes overtime, growth rates present in percentage to
compare because percent changes represents the relative change in size between
populations across a time period. Based from Lena Etuk, the growth rate represents the
average amount of change per year or month.
3. The human population has grown as we have increased our global carrying capacity. In
your opinion, can the global carrying capacity continue to increase? Explain your answer.
It depends on how we sustain and value the resources currently. As population increase, it
can be used as advantage to promote and act productively for the sake of our resources.
As lot of people responsible to their actions towards natural resources, it can help to
increase the global carrying capacity because when there are numbers of hands working,
there would be much to harvest.
4. Discuss Thomas Malthus and his ideas on human population growth, including why he
may or may not have been wrong.
As I read the ideas of Malthus, he just stated the situation of reality. Where he believed
that the human population increases geometrically, while food production increases
arithmetically, therefore, humans would eventually be unable to produce enough food to
sustain themselves. As I analyze the statement of other philosophers upon this idea,
Malthus contradicted and provide his own idea in population growth. He stated that the
wealthiest nations with the greatest food security have the lowest fertility rates, whereas
the most food-insecure countries have the highest fertility rates. How ironic that people
who are in not so good condition have the highest rate of fertility? The idea of Thomas
Malthus helps me realize that, to save and truly value the human resources, we must face
and consider the current difficulties than to imagine that we can achieve utopianism like
the belief and ideas of other philosophers.
5. What type of growth has the human population exhibited since about the 14th century?
Medieval demography is the study of human demography in Europe and the
Mediterranean during the Middle Ages. It estimates and seeks to explain the number of
people who were alive during the Medieval period, population trends, life expectancy,
Limay Polytechnic College
Reformista, Limay Bataan

Name: Rosalinda P. Samong Section: 3-BEED

Instructor: Ginno Jhep Pacquing

family structure, and related issues. Demography is considered a crucial element of
historical change throughout the Middle Ages.
By the 14th century, the frontiers of settled cultivation had ceased to expand and internal
colonization was coming to an end, but population levels remained high. Then a series of
events—sometimes called the Crisis of the Late Middle Ages—collectively killed
millions. Starting with the Great Famine in 1315 and the Black Death from 1348, the
population of Europe fell abruptly. The period between 1348 and 1420 saw the heaviest
loss (
6. Explain the rationale behind this statement: It is better for highly developed countries to
spend millions of dollars on family planning in developing countries now than to have to
spend billions of dollars on relief efforts later.

As a country consist a developed and well-resourced condition, there will be a fewer

conflict that may encounter unlike the other countries that facing major problem that
affects the whole cycle of living. It is better to spend million of dollars on family
planning for developing countries because the money that will invest to family planning
will expected to provide positive and good result for the given society or community. Its
better to spend million of dollars early, to give the needs and scarce of the country in
terms of growth of population instead of to spend billion of dollars as the condition is not
being handle effectively.

7. Should the rapid increase in world population be of concern to the average citizen in the
Philippines? Why or why not?
Yes, because based from the Population Reference Bureau, the Philippines is the world’s
fastest urbanizing countries, known as having overcrowded cities. With some 47 percent
of the population living in urban areas, compared with 31 percent in Thailand and 16
percent in Cambodia. It should be the area of concern because it continues to have
exponential growth that many people in the Philippines experiencing poverty, but as time
flew, there are suggestions and laws being implemented to reduce the numbers of fertility
and promoting family planning to reduce poverty in the Philippines.

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