The Requirement of Company Before Implement System: With Numerous Email Updates

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FedEx Services incorporates the requisite software and processes. It fulfil the objectives for
global supply chains, e-commerce or any of the market issues of today. Federal Express or
(FedEx) sees its greatest chance for e-commerce to connect its transport software to the

The requirement of the FedEx Company used by FedEx Ship Manager Software. This
software main to growing the company shipping needs. FedEx Ship Manager Software
known as a medium and large company’s platform use software for shipping automation in
order to improve productivity, reduce errors and achieve shipment objectives.

The important FedEx Software is to track and control sending operations activity over one or
multiple accounts. By which it track the status of all of customer package and freight
shipments as well. This software also ensure to create shipment profiles to accelerate the
shipping process in order speed up delivery to customer. It also function as keep updated
with numerous email updates.

This software aims is to reduce the input, errors and the effort of the duplication in order to
minimize the error and shipping paperwork. The FedEx Ship software gain an efficiency
enhancement and time saving in company operation. The company keep up to date with a
details on customer every time to make easier and simple ways to people.

Furthermore, in order to provide real-time packet monitoring for each shipment FedEx is
using one of the largest computer and telecommunications networks in the world. FedEx is
one of the first express transport companies to benefit from the technology. The Super
Tracker handheld computers operate by couriers to monitor shipment transit over the
integrated FedEx network.

The use of technology by FedEx focuses not only on being successful but also on the
consumer. The status of their shipments can be calculated in all possible places along the
distribution route with FedEx in real time. The customers can monitor the shipments in three
ways, via FedEx on the Internet, using a FedEx ship manager on or using World
Shipping Software.

FedEx Corporation was founded by Fred Smith in 1973 and began operations in Europe in
1984. FedEx Corporation was one of the world's largest Memphis-based courier and express
firms. It is located in 211 nations worldwide and comprises seven divisions: FedEx
Corporation, FedEx Express, FedEx Field, FedEx Freight and FedEx Customs.

FedEx, an Express and Transport company entered a fierce domestic market that was
already dominated by some very well established companies, these being through United
Parcels Services and US postal services. Fred Smith claimed that FedEx could power the
rest of the industry by creating a bridge between the real world and the virtual world by using
IT for its business, (awhassan,2004).

In order to maximize cost and service FedEx integrates people and technology. Their
transport management service blends advanced IT with human resources to enhance their
customers' entry- and exit processes. Their services simplify the selection of carriers, boost
management of logistics and provide cost savings. They simplify transport management by
providing all customer shipping and distribution requirements with a single contact point.

This can be identify the carrier that offers a customer shipment the lowest cost and best
service through FedEx established software bases. A coordinator then alerts the chosen
carrier and sends a truck. This results in a streamlined and cost-effective transportation and
inventory cost management process.

In addition, a major reorganization announced on January 19, 2000 was the most significant
recent reform for FedEx. Four of its five operating companies were merged under the FedEx
brand name and the majority of its IT, sales and marketing employees became a new FedEx
corporation. Around the same time, FedEx reorganized their partnerships to provide
consumers with a single access point to distribution, customer care, and accounting and
automation systems.

In a change of this magnitude, communication is essential. For this, the reorganization relied
on IT. The reorganization. Carter's team developed and managed FXTV, a closed-circuit TV
network for FedEx. The satellite-based FXTV is one of the critical resources available when
Carter undertakes a major project.
awhassan. (2004, November). FedEx: Organizational Change. Didapatkan dari WriteWork:

FedEx Ship Manager. (t.t). Didapatkan dari FedEx.:


Gordon, M. (2001, MAY 15). Change Management at FedEx. Didapatkan dari CIO:

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