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Greetings of Prosperity!
First and foremost, allow me to share my learnings in having a Distance Learning
Modalities and Radio-Based Instruction in Fundamentals of Accountancy, Business, and
Management 2. As I received the modules from our School (DCNHS) I felt excited yet nervous,
because I don’t know how many subjects that we have as of this semester. But I’m thankful,
because the first module I’ve saw it was Fundamentals of Accountancy, Business, and
Management 2.
I just wondering, what are the lessons will be tackled on our first week in having
Distance Learning Modality and Radio-Based Instruction, I’m very thankful that I already have
an idea and learnings to cope up to this subject (FABM2) that because of I / we already tackled
the lessons in Fundamentals of Accountancy, Business, and Management 1. There, our previous
lessons was very different as of today’s Learning Modalities.
By having a Distance Learning Modalities was very challenging but exciting, it gives us
to have a self-study towards the situation we faced today. Fundamentals of Accountancy,
Business, and Management is a great course, in the first week of my learnings with this subject I
felt compatible but a little bit challenging because I didn’t have any peer discussion to share my
ideas and thoughts about the lesson in this subject.
A day’s passed by, there are some complaints I want to clarify because there are some
instructions were late to announce, and I answered and encoded it already. I encoded it, so that I
have a clean, arranged, organized and consistent answer sheet. I answered it already as I receive
the modules before they announce the instructions. It is okay that I encoded my answers? So that
each one of my subject teachers will receive a cleaned, arranged, organized, and consistent
answer sheet.
I know that you know, that I’m not totally fluent speaking and have a limited usage of
English language. I hope you understand that

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