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I’m a college student having a degree in civil engineering and I'm still

studying in second year master in the field of technical facilities and

roads. I adore civil engineering especially the technical facilities and
roads and I want to improve myself and reach higher levels as it was
always my dream since I was a little.
I have gotten very good marks in the level of master and I'm the ………. I
do not feel like I know a lot because I would be exaggerating but I have
a will to learn more since this specialty is known to be wide and
includes many sciences like mathematics and physics.
And by my own desire to study and my profound background, I'm
planning to learn engineering in order to raise my scientific level and
become a lecturer or a researcher in the university.
Engineering is considered an important element because of what the
world is witnessing of evolving. As a result, it is seen as an essential
pillar for the economy in particular and for the other domains in
general since its facilities is included in all services. I'm impressed in the
way that we can design anything and in any way on it from the model
on the paper to real and what i like more is teamwork because from
our differences, engineering makes us agree on one decision and one
opinion and this is one of the many features this specialty has.
I'm interested to study in ------------- as it is considered one of the top
countries in higher education in different specialties if not saying the
first and because it is a region owning urban and historical stations and
containing beautiful views and rich culture and considered safe. Coming
to study in your program will give me a huge chance to continue my
studies and achieving my goal because the Hungarian higher education
has a big impact and a rich history. The main reason for me coming to
look a chance for studying in Hungary is that because it is the country of
science and knowledge and the land of inventors and the first country
the support science and its people and its engineers are considered the
best like ---------------------------------.
My goal at the end is to gain experience and become a researcher and a
lecturer with what I'm going to gain abroad in an international
environment and to lift the level of engineering research in the country.
Furthermore to contribute in improving engineering in the world.
Because of that, engineering master in the university of ----------- is my
first option; and my second option would be one of the universities in
I would be grateful if I was given this chance because it would be like a
prize to me that helps me reach my goal in the future and in my own

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