Fall 2017

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North South University

PSY 101
Introduction to Psychology
FALL 2017

Dr Nivedita Sarker (NVS) Office: NAC 1030

Section: Office Time:
ST 9.30-11.30 am
Email: nivedita.sarker@northsouth.edu MW 1.00-3.00 pm

Course Description
This is an introductory course described as psychology 101 (PSY 101) which aims to give the
students an insight into the basic principles of psychology. It will allow them to explore various
terminologies, theories and concepts as well as scientific method used to assess human behavior
and mind. Thus the course will serve as an overview of the major concepts within the field of
psychology with an emphasis on developing an understanding through critical evaluation of
human thought and behavior.

Course Objectives and Outcomes:

The following are the key outcomes of PSY 101. These are the skills and areas of knowledge that
students would be expected to acquire upon completion of the course:

1. Demonstrate familiarity with the nature of psychology as a discipline and explain the
major theories of psychology as well as analyze contemporary issues from a
psychological perspective
2. Be able to describe the procedures of psychological scientific inquiry
3. Discuss and understand the ways in which psychology principles may be applied to
personal, organizational and social issues.
4. Respect and apply critical and creative thinking abilities to psychological concepts
Lecture Topics and Schedule

1. Introduction to Psychology: Lecture 1 and 2

Introduction to the subfields of psychology, roots and different perspectives of psychology, and
how diversity influences behavior

2. Psychological Research: Lecture 3

The scientific research methods including theories and hypotheses; conducting psychological
research; explaining the ethics of research

3. Neuroscience & Behavior: Lecture 4 and 5

The structure of neurons; the nervous system and the endocrine system; the structure of brain and
its different functions

4. Sensation and Perception: Lecture 6

Sensing the world around us; absolute threshold, difference threshold; vision and the other
senses; perceptual organization

5. States of consciousness: Lecture 7

Sleep patterns and different states of consciousness; hypnosis and meditation

6. Mid- Term Examination 1 : Lecture 8

7. Learning : Lecture 9 and 10

Basics of classical conditioning and operant conditioning; Cognitive approaches to learning;
latent learning and observational learning

8. Memory: Lecture 11
Sensory memory, short-term and long-term memory; recalling long term memories;
understanding why memory fails

9. Cognition & Language: Lecture 12

Problem solving and development of language
10. Intelligence: Lecture 13
What is intelligence? Assessment of intelligence; understanding different kinds of intelligence

11. Motivation and Emotion : Lecture 14

Understanding different approaches to motivation; functions of emotions; understanding human

12. Presentation: Lecture 15

13. Mid Term Examination 2: Lecture 16

14. Development: Lecture 17 and 18

Nature and nurture; Stages of development; Parenting style; Theories of development

15. Personality: Lecture 19

Psychodynamic approaches to personality; other approaches to personality; trait; assessing
personality: self-report measures, behavioral assessment

16. Health Psychology (Stress, coping & well-being): Lecture 20

Stress and coping; reacting to threat and challenges; general adaptation syndrome; promoting
health and wellness

17. Psychological Disorders: Lecture 21 and 22

Anxiety disorder, Mood disorder; Personality and Somatoform disorders; Social and cultural
contexts of disorders, Treatment protocols

18. Social Psychology: Lecture 23

Attitude and social cognition; attribution theory

19. Review: Lecture 24

Course Outline Lecture (Tentative Schedule)

1. Introduction to Psychology Chapter 1 1 and 2

2. Psychological Research Chapter 2 3
3. Neuroscience & Behaviour Chapter 3 4 and 5
4. Sensation & Perception Chapter 4 6
5. States of Consciousness Chapter 5 7

Mid-term 1 Will be announced in class

6. Learning Chapter 6 8 and 9

7. Memory Chapter 7 10
8. Cognition & Language Chapter 8 11
9. Intelligence Chapter 9 12
10. Motivation & Emotion Chapter 10 13

Mid-term 2 Will be announced in class

11. Personality Chapter 8 17

12. Development Chapter 12 18 and 19
13. Health Psychology: Chapter 14 21
Stress, coping & well-being
14. Psychological Disorders Chapter 15 22 and 23
15. Social psychology Chapter 17 24

Final Exam TBA

Recommended Text:

Feldman, R.S. Understanding Psychology, Latest Edition, McGraw Hill (Main Textbook).

Wood, S. E., Wood, E. R. G., & Boyd, D. R. Mastering the world of psychology, Latest Edition,
Pearson/Allyn and Bacon (Optional) [Can be downloaded online]

Grading Procedure

There will be two Mid-term Exams based on lectures, notes and required reading which may be
comprising of a combination of MCQs, Short answer questions or/ and brief essay type
questions. Final Exam will be held as per the University Rules.

Mid Term Exam 1 25%

Mid Term Exam 2 25%
Presentation 10%
Class Activity 5%
Attendance 5%
Final Exam 30%

Total 100%

Grading Criteria

93 and above A
90-92 A-
87-89 B+
83-86 B
80-82 B-
77-79 C+
73-76 C
70-72 C-
67-69 D+
60-66 D
<60 F

 Attendance in class is extremely important

 Please notify the reason if there has been continuous absence
 Any missed exam/assignment will earn zero point
 Academic dishonesty is prohibited and will receive F grade

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