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former member of the Navy and] aie Feree. Som: carious photos produced by ater researcher on fhe subject fataer nd son duo fred and Gienn Steciiag seem to how ata vehicle tread-mari| foving over esters. ‘The image] published. in the’ book. Wel Discovered “Alien Bases On| The Noon, comes fram Apollo fa phetographs. The incators of fnschines cn the Mom presente In ther ‘ome. flows" Gearge Leonard's earlier thesis regarding hice ant large-seale mining he Moon's resoers Tre gravid of ashing ou fomadous strctures obsesred fethin space. images is Richard Ficaglend. te is widely renowned for wentifyng ancien: aehitecre two beth ars and the bon, while also suggesting fnalogpus ‘connections between fhe layout of the. remnants on pach. “Hoaglanc. is also" a. big proporent of the validity of the ace” on Mars captured in NASA Wiking spaceratimges, anc bas fcne tm exhaustive analysis of Rhapes alignment and. features ther famous. Hoagland aims bout our Moon inche a 15 mie fal monunient he dubbed “the| shard” promuaing from ‘the fatdseape; an. unnatiral teense parte witin Ukert Crater: anal eclcteted image, "he Caste fhst he distled from “Apate 70 Frame 4822. 1s 2 construction thst the expert estimates tends paris of7 mies inet. HHeapland’s detsctors (and there re lesions) lob. acustions of mage maripulaion, claiming he faces uy various fiers an ey proses phos to erat fnseading noise thin a pscure het an fck like geometric shapes pr pattems. where ‘hey weren sible belore They cla these rent only bai to amphi he tits, “ot pareldoia, 3 svehetogial_phenertenon’ tha uoca people oes, something specie wihin «random image Pepular examples of this inclade spotting faces in clouds seing freanisgfal stapes within Rorschach ik test. Hoa peaks of of “refinements Feaharcemsnts” tothe images he presents and dors not attempt to fide tis tohniques ~ quite the Prosi, actully i 094 he ft Tueriiver preventaton at Sie Suste Universtyon the topic to 3 sisable wience.” The lecture incltded in-denth breakdowns and Alscassons oF his photog Stich ere simitanconsy projeced “ono a" large seen Een fear seni 2 military insder who badls up Fhonpandsrterpetatns, Karl" Wotfe, "ere! "a a Phoognphic tecnician in the DSINir Force fom 962963. He sored with an onganiation that processed inages fom spy Erchite, and tals of « tine In win he wasold by another meer thie grup that ste ‘Hsewveed a Been the Back sie ‘of the Moon He was showy 8 Somposte of lune "iages that fd ‘ber ‘asermbed ito one lenge rosa, sovesing that "there weve sper balings there wore very tal ters and things tet looked someuhet tke raver dst, Sur they were forge Sirunied Other supporters of an fxttereie Moon-occpstion inchde Dr “ohn Brandenburg. 's_ Phd) in ‘Theoeterl smn Physics He Glementine misson othe stoon Inipoa. ie probe was set (0 mein rap the bree ana lendieape "ina dosimentary Intewiew, Brandenbang calms thar the tre, hidcenoijectve of the orbiter was "Wo cha cut Somons was butting bases on the moon thet didn now tout The plysest’ perspective ‘nthe etc of ane bases was Sears °F foot on any such Structure on te moon with great foncemn deomse iin ours theres no oa ie couldhave ui Sc ating t' means someone etse'sup ere Teter sluts dated off ther magni lasesin aexs wien a pres het. tom NASA own Eieite nlded new shes tothe Premise uf alien bases on the Kroon. ‘Thie NASA. image Showed sn ployos mete eatin drisadproto out hs desk The Tilfmenbersechenats inca ded fone add, ties ooking Tectngalehaoes within” the Sone shot of the Noon. The image's sospcous to say the Teast as more thar one geomet fe or ontine seen vile RASA “egpltned aray the Zona, Uaeing tae grid Ine ded ier ie facto belp emits the impact none. fo" 8 probe sent to the oon Aimed a n" the sorch Fole és a part of the| Einar CRater” Observation] land Sensing Satellite JiicRass) program, it was sem lder the apices of civoverng| peter locked witin the Cabeas Kester. Nonetheless some| otserversbaievethe real objective Jot IcHOSS “was to daliver fnclear_pastoad” to" the bases stown ia the. printcut onthe INASA.emplorees desi’ (ala Pract Ant Henstraingy, the most carvincng esdence for estalised bases 0 ine Afoon (manned 0° ofterwis) remains aneodte|~exetng ir mize of propels, testimonies nd perplexing images.” When| Jessembied and considered, the sparate pees lend strength to ine idea, that something might esis othe Moon: i not iste fiere” by ancent™ -of-woi| siden” then possibly by ferrestial goveramert or socet brace program. Humans hove cereiniy exhibited a resolte focus Jon the "ater as demonstated by Insried government propose en Jeclassed documents thet stress his strategie” importance an| pts iy As the locming 2024 artemis eeadine draws neater, he Moon | Inpsters remain engmati JDrbuners rguethat wicks ofthe eye’ or deliberate nage tapering ate to blame for any structures Jorporediy observed in ower race. Only through visitng the shes an exploring the aberatcns outed by researesers can some of Jour avestiens he axswered._ As Insmanty erther opens the dor to private and commerce trae sing with ftureresidenes on the Moon, deeper undestardingo our orbiting neighbors cath o emerge. Le's jest hope all the Jnime veal estas isnt alread] Laken for when we ave Billionaires in Space THE OBSERVER... 1 JUNE Examining Mysterious Structures ‘on our Moon x UFOs Officially Remain UFOs: Pentagon ©@y ‘Predictive Pandemic Programming «4, Loch Ness Updates Navy UFO Footage is Real, DoD Confirms Disclosire aivocatescautiusly cheoed the Reymrtnent of Fetenrs Spel prose rlenan confirming’ the authenticty of previoasy Teaked footage of UFOs tacen by U.S. Navy fighter jets The famous “Tie Tac" videos depict val shaped ofjects that corfouned the pilets and crew on both the USS Nimitz snd USS Theodore Roosevelt in jsoparate incidents ~ ence in 2004 and twice in’ 2015, respectively. "The objects ‘were fined executing amazirg maneuvers at incredible speeds. Despite offically coating the tristece of She remarkable encounters, the DoD reinforoed thelr stance tht “the aerial Phenomena observed in the uideos remain characterized as unidentified’. ‘The statemeat from the Pentagon aces on to say thatthe videos atthorzed reese “oes nevimrage omy subunits Unidentified aerial" pheno-nenon. This Interesting iceludon ciggeete that. farhar {UFO investigations oy he niliary may have been ongoing, despite repeated denials’ by aificalesince the end of Frvert Blue Book ‘The acknowiedgmen: 0" the footage comes ita convenient tine fr the government i {twee Tooking for an opportunity to downplay” the story and its impleetion, a3 evs involng, COVID 19 dominates the daily media syle When askee” abou his thoughts on the ‘ssomaloas arial vehicles depicted on tape President Doaald Tramp acmbtd, eThats hell ofa video” edd, “just wonder ifs reat “According to" his own’ Defense Department, the snsweris yes. comments or subscriptions: theobservermagazine®| Looking for UFOs on Roadside is deemed "Reasonable' per Louisiana Court youve ever woused wiles seuing your hopeful tas shywaed an unreasorable activity, you can eite 8 court case te prove i's nol (Dupes v. City of New Orleans). In 1973, pol ce offer investigated radio ‘ports of unidentified fying over New Onleans Fast fa pole to help you fel jastfed in your officers field x to the marstlands overpass where he in-law doing. some 4 own. ‘The aficer three “somversed the offer careful and No more than sew and clong a desert care upen two brothers say-searching of thea ‘stepped and the| about UFO before attioned ther to te ‘continued on his wa 430 minutes later, te| promise ofthe evening] brutally back to earth officer, driving through the dark marshlands without his er’ headlights llumincted, in hopes of catching ilegal rabbit hunters in the act, failed to notice one of ov star-crassed roadside UFOlogiss until he was already upon him. Year| ter, in @ease to determine whether the young man was contributor al fault fer the injuries he susan inthe col sion with the poorly it polc| cruiser that evening, the Supreme Court of Louisiana zoncluded tha since taey ha also been actively watching out for ears while looking fc UFOs ona coserted overpass, their conduct overall was “reasonable’ sR DSTANCINI Moon Money Lrwo othe wert ices en, [iionsites ef Bezs and Hon] Misi, have been award INASA contracts to develop and ps ne system that wl ang mans one bon a pat were selected and given acces to NASA” resouress "and sonnel to create 2, human] landing sysiem (HLS) that wil safly deliver astronauts tothe siface of the moon and buck in 2024 texas and Musk hive both leveraged their vast fortunes to pursue thei diferent visions of |folmizing space. The Amazon] ICED has expressed his desire to ereate floating cities tha would house rilions in Barth Jortit. The CEO of Tesla he separate gocl His sights are fas and. establishing. a Has Alejandro T. Rojas been abducted! Where has the Fost of ‘Open Mind: UFO Racio’ beer? The nice Quy 0) paranorral podessting has not Fostee 3 weelly broadeest sirce the end 0! October, 2019 - mere months before some of che largest disclosure news in dhe Fecent memory wes publicly confirmed i Rojas was well known for his aie bach ‘and charming delvery ~ allowing him tO dinar some Ol the toughes, personales in the fle. He also stuck fo\a jcumalstic “rission to report on the UFO topic ina professional and the ter:aformed. [The comparies have until ear faces to refine ther vehicle a which “point “NASA” wil |dctermine which concepts wl advance to further] |dcmionstrations. The smart licney is or both of these] incividuats finding themselves avowed with the nest pes jor any Moen missions, INASA” hiss stated intentions commercialize Fon-specalative manner. Tis approach landed hin intervews with nares Tike Stanton Friedmay. Lub. Elzoado (6 ‘AATP and TTSA fame), and Pau Hyrek (Allen Hynek’s son) among ‘rountainof othe Alejanera's polte sve, logical tne o” ‘questioning, and cheesy jokes made Tstening 10 his podcasts enjoyante We ssncerey rope he's doing wel nd wil be back behing tre micophone soon! fstare lunar endeavors, Ny HM South China Morning Post News Comment US coronavirus cases jump past 33,000 Human rights THE military ombudsman has revgaled that it is investigat £33 gases of human rights se tommitted across the country by soldiers during the Covid-19 lockdown. Sightings of the Magic Number © & Results of@¥out of 150 tests conducted have turned out to be positive ‘Man Tooay FRONTLINERS FACE MAXIMUM RISK ichmond ics Navy destroyer now Schools and shops ex- pected to open in i France; 83,000 dead in India coronavirus America surge past(33,000 ‘Turkey says over 33j000 people: going home after quarantine passenger numbers for Ind ane airlines fell 83 per cent in 33 cases in last 24 hrs March, compared to the ce PGiesd tat Secret Service paid $33,000 to Number of COVD-18 infections in Mita St umo's D.C, hotel to guard Mnuchin na ‘GATE Suffolk Coronavirus Cases By 33 milieshave sought US unemployment ‘Town: Number Tops 33,000 See Man Fined $33, 000 after Bresking Coronavirus Quarantine to Party Cerso believed that the strueteres sopeaing "phe were the property of tert tori aens far enrenche -hemcdver onthe tars an tnt they hd been ising wamings to any would-be trespass Mey esis man at i, ine “iy hon ase ae the Apolo 17 ssronaits tured home nt Bre "notaous bit cf hea commonly cee as evidence of iunar taken volves, Well Amuong and his frst moonvalle As" the story goes, shorty afer Amstiong stepped arr the surfce, he nocd aidentied erat monitoring thet landing site from them ofa nearby cater He quickly twitched “over toa priate Zommuniction channel” and relayec what besa” to_ NASA Mission Control “There are other space eraftout there. lined upon the Jar side of he cater there on the Moan watching ue Thank, some entering HAM operators bad on Eat dls Beure the eshange and amplifed ton adi TE tarraive t ranoreal by Willan Templins’ in. his book Sesectd iy tatratemestiae I) the “autobiographical work, Temphins desoribes time when he worked as ar employee for an rerospice company tat entracted with NAA daring the Allo missions. He claims that the erica nature of his role vith the pregram allowed hi acessto the Launch Operations Center during Apolo irs landing According. to. Tompkins the tanding ‘Modal had exeror- manana cameras thet provided ive fend ofthe evens (0 those at ASAE theough this priate Shanna thet he witnessed that he creer the. seonavty. tonched down in "had temendous sila) vehicles ake aroun part 8 vin Aaking Ma nam to the iegend (as is olen the case), prominent researcher inthe fe Of UNOs and corer, Dr Steven Gower “selovel he ‘act thst “close friends and very close family mrabers of both Nel Armstrong and Bs Aldrin have separotely fold. me that indeed thor were numerous, farge UFOs around. the crater’ shore. the tar wetter. Backing p this version of ever, ina chapter covering the Apollo |Gights from his 1979 book, retired] IKASA eommunicitons engineer] Iiaurice Cnatekin lates scr] se crclctd throngh the agen] uring as time working there aims thatthe Apollo 3 mission failed dee to sien tntcrvenion lying hs ale baek to spect of rcjet Asso, Chatelain explain tnt the crv wae sent with a Jmiclear”yaslond. desizned to] Jeplode some’ moon bose Jestahlisned by extraterrestrial. Ihe mous “maanction| Jecpesiencel. by the” Apollo 1 lsronauts way in fact “causea| latiberaety by “a UFO. 1 event the detonation of the| lroma charge’. "Tis story of an eu bse bomtig Jrcboratcd by US. Ait Fore colonel oss ‘Dedrickcon who] worked at the. Amc. Enero] KCommission ‘daring. most. of te ss0s~ the era during which ches] rere, conmectad with, Projel sti study to nuke the Moon Tn in inervew withthe Disclosure Project Usdriskoonanserted that Inultle diferent mission tempted <0 send nuclear bomb othe Moon, cnly 4 be fold Ba] Jeomething off worl each ime. inact NASA's own anscrpe ar te with peculiar comersation tween nen Contac poll astronzuts. Mentions of Sracks ibe’ “Tasting light ard Nnrougout the broadcast: Within lint Breadereonter some ofthe Jecchengeslewe room for Jsaenatle doubts Sven so, thet frord chives pertray strong| Mcccrptions of tical stems IApotlo 15 astronauts James Hiewin and David Scott? “They are loot Seca Ia ths Seliratens fan thickness they observed in. the de of crater. Seott noted the tern “ty stir "Tat abe Jrganizstiont™ Irvin eoncimed Thats” the mort ergantzed| Luce Foe ever arent” Ikpotlo 16 astronaut Chats Ipaker “Beyond the domes, the Jructre yoes almost into the| Fave tick F deocred and ora Jes tothe top 0 the northcst rears tunnels. fio 16, Lenar | Mocule Felon =r tok out here sone Mountain and its got it Looks ike somedody has pen out 6 there plowing aercss the side of tt The teacles che bends © tborlikeone srt a tere ter tinther ighup te sdes ‘Apollo v7 atronsut Harsison Sete Poet Fight up she wel ofthe ter ‘One ofthe fist souks aboot alien Tamar stmctres tr reeive wide attention wat Googe, Leona’ Somsboty be tom the Moos wth landed on seve i 97% ik work Jemeartsted how fllosll’nagines were ile xcoating the Tardscpe. Using Git fom NASA Sesmofapss le fon the Moon, Leonard. posited tho: the ramblings they deected eae of ge ph Sag over a mil ng et insite “cates as. part cf an Iinmense lunar mining operation In ‘hs estimation, the swe of those contraptions was the ease otihe plas of ature to be food te ei frie leonard alse cll por the farige “tracks" soon ‘crewing dura the Moon's cantor farther proof “pampoett tngccrng, While the de in fe book re mony = cllacton th sotehes be Mine ew at Stratres and maine he ais to ave detted trewgh bork ‘Siefl dy and connettons at NASA, mand perl thoaght of he volume Yas Dreiminary repert a fst Lpprosimatin of he uth Tae iterating is denied in his putea hoje. to form he brnaton Poe “creutng conpiraces ane bypusheset ‘Btu preseace on ont afon Inkis tt book Behold a Pate Horse,” fimo atersative researcher Willan Goo flnimed that &sobalist plot new ae Alternatives was the impetus forthe ereaton of ‘len at hea intrcte the Noo. Tn this scenario the fle ofthe Tact would fe to th outer ape nage to, ccape the looming do rion 0° Sate This combined cfort betwen medic See, and Extaterstral governments Ted fo be cmon Sf en ba ihn st LUNA on thet ‘urnighiy nogkben Te complez fomtel heii of "fghmen Spires, tll" round sre: Uhh los fit its, (and) tage Trap mung voli sat ike “reckon the hat Soe acoring. to Cooper ® Loch Ness Monster Alive and Well Amid COVID "Lochdown" condees 1» shelter in place in effea ‘aers the gabe due to the Corenavirss sate, ene etd with 2 Toto practice laying low i getting renewed attention. "Nessie, the shy iuabitant of Lach Nessim Scotland, notched ter fst ‘moder sightings beck in 4933. The Iysery grew "ply asthe exlet otras of the erste (taken Ty rash Gray) wee published i a local ema later that year The number of people who. report Calchng t alinpse c something in the water slow, wah an average of Jess han 6 peryear since 2600, 2019 twas a banner yer for sigtings, wth {8 recorded (the mot sce $683) Al"Nessi-numbers come. dey fron "The Offical Lach Ness Monster Sightings Register. The Nene gangatengte shiv worth isting forte collection of rarely Uretlated photograshs and witness reports ofthe dsiv lock-dweller Nese enthisast Milk Takala Fost tive video sean ofthe Tech at his fanwebste for anyone Jnterested in oki forthe ceatere Ahemmselves The ‘camera oats 4 beaut view of Urquhare Bay, one ofthe premier hot spots Fr seeing the Loch Ness" Menter over the als cea dvulgdlthat ebste has seresed 80%. “d.ring he COVID.9 Teck down, bringing. mere emateur copiid hunters oto. te fold, digtally. Recording 19 Miko, who tals hincell ‘probably the works {eading Lach Hess Honster Expert this represents ar ational 30,000 Msiors Ts worth noting a ths at suggests over, 100200: peonle {nein each sont forte chee towtness he Lady of te Loh" Th other Nessie news, Fon Gaodhagain, 2 vereran hunter of the legendary beast “ang up his third report of 2020. Tile Aprl sighting ‘was eaught on samera (an Mikxe's ‘webcam, no les) anc the curios ideo depets wat appeess to be a Iarge, dar shape energe from the valet and Row lowly Fr coxple 3 minutes. Later” the allegedly {ect cretare soy subrmeges back int dhe dark water of the bod. “The spotting is beirg showeased as the largest “confirmed” report of the creature, who may be feeling less afraid of “exposure ‘Icey. The imimber of human observers crowding the shores of the famous Tock has dropped, as tourism ard travel to ‘he sea dwindles due Coronavirus resritions, |A-MAGE-ing Tales: Did lSomething Crash in Brazil?| Jon the evening of May 13th, 2020, Jue city cf Magé, on Brats eas! Jvast, was awakened by strange orb land heliccpters in the sky, folowed| ty gunfire ane explosions cn’ the round. Tas loose rareative is being Jeonstructed trom. veriods soci nea accounts in the city ofthe lie allezed incideat. espe JMUPON investigaters labeirg the Jpisode an "Elaborate “toa, "Ioeds| lrsfuse to. discount the evilenc, tultiple people captured vidoos 0 Jad lights abors the city ‘Ore on the Moan} fs not of human cons-raction. JCommerting cn this ice, a Brookings tnstinution repo" lpesentad 13 NASA. in 3903 Feculated that". artfaers| let at some point in rime ty Ie Tris mite possbly fe ldisouered throwsh our space Jct on the Moon’ \Gsteresting’s, he 200 Artem JAccrds. alse inesde a section Jouning ther belie that orotectig historic sites anal Jariyacts wal be st es limportact in space”) Repeated imegulartes acrom a collin o ar images strongly suggest tht Jrsceures are present. legions Jnound of KASA destroy. Jasin ineriminatng photos ep ther from the pub lain or arbrushing and editing rons hoses deep within. sovemmen cities have surfaced, helping to Jesplain. the absence of ar] Jdsmning evidence in she images ln arestenrd for release. Jone welknoven whistle Mower larmy Ireligence Oifcer Phil como, hd along and repecal Jearsr with the rater, 3 ore Jno working atthe Pextagon finder Le General Arthur Trudeas fradeau becsme trecor oArno| Research and Development when line Project Horizon report ws irs commissioned, nting inthe leror’'s rst pages that he fl te Jopective tc establish a luncr Joupost to “he af “erica limportace”. As corse tell ie besteliag, book ‘The. Day| later Roswell. the” lon Inunkors ‘deserbe_is Horizon Ineer materialized, mainy due to the nose ation of the current intabitarts detering any nev Jomers ton the" Noon base. nate eee Star Light, Star Bright, 'Starlink' is Seen at Night lon Musk Iikes over space. He hhas sent rockets and cars beyond the reaches. of our’ planets gravity. He ts planning to send offs and weet Iter thls year He has also en 2eppering the sky ‘with theusanis cf visible saitelites as part of a_slobal network being erected

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