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Hanuman Burns Lanka

Hi friends today we are going to perform a skit and the title is “Hanuman Burns Lanka”

Narrator: Ramayanam is the oldest and best known epic in the world written by Valmiki. This tale of
Rama, the prince of Ayodhya has hundreds of stories within it. Ramayanam is filled with excitement,
love , war , monkey , monsters , demons etc.

The title of the Skit is “Hanuman Burns Lanka”.

Hanuman is a humble devotee of Rama. He took the responsibility of searching Sita, the wife of Rama.

So he started his journey towards Lanka.

Hanuman: Oh Lord! I have not seen mother Sita. How am I going to find her here…

Narrator: Hanuman entered the palace thinking that Ravana had kept Sita somewhere inside. He
searched each and every room.

Hanuman: How will I find Mata Sita. I don't think she will be here . How will I face my lord if I don't find

Narrator: Hanuman grew restless but calmed himself down by chanting Ram’s name.

Hanuman: Ram! Ram! Ram! Ram!

Narrator: Hanuman began walking across garden and then exclaimed.

Hanuman: Ah……I haven't searched the gardens .Let me give a try.

Narrator: The garden was filled with Ashoka trees. When he was atop a big tree he saw a beautiful lady
sitting under an Asoka tree. Meanwhile Ravana entered the Garden.

Ravana: Oh! My beautiful maiden Sita! You must marry me.

Sita: Ravana this will never happen. It’s better you forget all about it. Wait and see, my lord will come to
save me and that will be the end of you.

Ravana: hey demoness…kill her if she doesn’t marry me.

Narrator: Ravana left garden and the demonesses started advising and convincing Sita to marry Ravana.

Hanuman: This is the right time to reveal myself.

Narrator: Hanuman jumped from the tree. As soon as the demoness saw him they fled in different

Sita: Ravana, you can take any form you want but I will not get attracted to you. Go away leave me

Hanuman: Mother I am not Ravana. I’m Hanuman. The humble devotee of lord Ram. I had come to save
Sita: don't lie, if Ram had sent you then how did you cross such a big ocean.

Hanuman: with lord Rama’s blessings, I crossed that ocean. Mother first let me show you the ring that
lord Ram has asked me to give you.

Narrator: on seeing the ring Sita’s face shined with happiness.

Sita: Hanuman, I was waiting for this day.

Narrator: Sita pulled out an ornament from her neck and gave it to Hanuman.

Sita: Give this to my lord and tell him that his Sita is waiting for him.

Hanuman: yes mother, but before leaving this place I would like to show the whole of Lanka how
powerful Ram is. Do not worry nothing will harm you.

Narrator: Hanuman started uprooting all the trees and destroyed the whole garden. The news when to
Ravana. He was blasting everyone in his court.

Ravana: Ministers what are you doing ? Can’t you stop a monkey? Gather an army and bring him before

Narrator: The ministers went out with an army but Hanuman destroyed the whole army. So Indrajit, the
son of Ravana went on to fight with Hanuman and bought him in front of Ravana.

Ravana: So you are the one who destroyed my garden.

Hanuman: yes, I want to show how your whole Kingdom will be destroyed if you don’t send back Sita to

Ravana: Guards, dip this monkey’s tail in oil and set it on fire.

Narrator: The guards immediately wrapped Hanuman's Tail in the cloth but it grew long and long.

Ravana: fools, set the monkey’s tail on fire.

Narrator: the guards puffed Hanuman's tail. With the tail set on fire he burnt the whole Lanka.

Hanuman returned to Ram and said what happened in Lanka. Ram, with his army reached Lanka
through setu bridge built with help of monkeys and fought against Ravana. Atlast Ram won the battle
and brought back Sita to Ayodhya.

The End

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