Kindergarten English Exercises

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OF rend MN practice exercises | reinforce bast¢ kB e th Po qe © Vocabulary Oa eC teed ad \ - * Phonics aioe ¥ Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd Pia Li maes. Seema Unni Msc. ‘© Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No pat ofthis book may be reproduced or transmited in any form or by any means, electionie or mechanical, including photocopying, oF by any information storage and revival system, without permission in wing from the Publisher Fist Published 2006 Reprinted 2006, 2007 (rice), 2008, 2008, 2010 ice), 2011 (hrce), 2012 (ice), 2013, 2014, 2015 (ice) ISBN 976-981.251.777.7 Published and distributed by: Educational Publishing House Pte Ltd 3 member of Popular Holings United (Ua 199607189N0 20 Old Toh Tuck Road Singapore 597655 Tel: 6462 9600 ‘Website: wwrweph com ag Pinte io Singapore Note fo Parents CONTENTS Gaia: 1 2. 3. 4, 5, 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. u 12. 13. 4, 15. 16, 7, 18. 19. 20. 21 22. 23. 24, 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31 32. 33. 34, 35. 36, Body Parts Sense Organs Feelings Colours Family Tree Things We Use Occupations Places Around the House In the Garden . Creepy Crawlies Land Animals . Animals and Their young |. Animals Sounds Animal Homes . Sea Creatures Piants Fruits Vegetables Days of the Week Months of the Year Opposites Things that Go Together Pre-reading Skils Phonics Nouns . Atticies Pronouns Verbs ‘to be’ ). Verbs ‘to have’ . Verbs: ._ Adjectives Adverbs |. Connectors Modals ._ Wh- Questions 37. 38, 39. 40. 4l. 42. 43, 4A, Punctuation and Capitalisation Word Order ‘Comprehension Revision 1 Revision 2 Revision 3 Revision 4 Revision 5 193 197 213 216 219 223 231 241 253 277 289 &® © &@_y* oe (ee ) The body is made up of many parts. | Point to each part and say the name. The arm & @ gp ® &€ Bg *® &® eeeremmaah eae Trace the dotted words. This is an: @ {© Educational Publishing House Pte Led - EET nt ES The leg S&B Parts of the face & e@ g & & &_eFX oe eyebrow nose mouth chin neck | | | ! | Se treet lip a tongue (© Evetional Publishing House Pe id senna ST My body & @epe ®& & &g*’ at Look in the mirror. Write down what you see, S\ 9 oo, lsee lsee lsee | see | see Isee What are sense organs? & ALP I tg Our sense organs tell us more about the thos | around us. Our eyes can see. Our ears can hear sounds. Our tongue tells us if the food is hot or cold, sweet or sour. We feel with our skin i nose can smell. Point to each picture and say its name. 2 Sea rs © Educational Publishing House Pe Ld EI The five sense organs & S® ep ® & ®@y_* a * Match each picture fo its name. G skin ) ai Oy Levee CG (i i nose SS ear / | fongue- © féscatonal Publishing Howe Ped % Our sense organs we &® g *® e &_eX ae Fill in each blank with the correct answer from the box. nose | |see with my x8 @y eyes | hear with my ( 9 tongue [| | smell with my <5 skin | taste with my ©) ears | feel with my if eee eee More on sense organs & @&@ eg © & & ye” ow Look at each picture. Then fill in each blank with the correct answer. | use my ears | use my eyes to | use my tongue (© Eiucatlonal Publishing House Pie Ud More on sense organs & Look at each picture. Write the sense organ and what it can do in the space provided. CONT Any \. \ fe ex he oe Pe TS eX KN © Ecatonal Publishing House Pte Lid ree Feelings & @ g ® & &yX ae Match each picture with the correct word. ZB eee eieeein) wm @ ¢ angry surprised ¢ happy Different types of feelings icine steam oeiiaiaaie iiaceerii a Fill in each blank with the correct word from the box. sleepy hot scared hungry happy angry 9 i ae B > Lam feeling. F) | did not do my homework. It is sunny. My teacher is é © Educational Publishing House Pte ud « . nn ERIS TTT A dog chased me. | was very 5. S My friends tell me PS (SY) EX ajoke. | feel 6. | yawn when | am How do | feel? & @ pg & @ &_erX ae Draw how you look when you are happy. | ‘| Draw how you look when you are sad. @ © Educational Publishing House Pte ts SRE LALO ETT Colours & Trace the dotied words. Then colour the pictures. (© Educational Publishing House te Lxd % "Spent mene Rp Colours & eg ® &€ & ye Fw * STEELE TOT Trace the dotted words. Then colour the pictures. Word search on colours & ee Colour the paints. Then find the colours in the table and circle them. on ASD blue ) a C i red > ¢ C b} lj] ul elc|g| blqjo| tly I}pir| fi hfe} glo} rj] lie o| t}gj bin| rr] sjy}aj x{l t| zig} rjele| nic} n| tf k| ri} gq} oj|wir}| him} g} hilo browne © >>I jel t]w] ul t[ wir [el dlw bi pl ijn{kle} s}z}ipi] kj tm fist ri wipl i ei nin orange. yellow green, Gane (© Educational Publahing House Pla Ud ) ee Colourful presents Colour each present with the words in bold. Then match it with the correct child. | have a red present. Mine is green. UF Publishing House Pt Lic eS S My present is orange. blue present. © Educational Publiching House Pe Ld "scatter rn hc Ra a TT Colours & Rearrange the letters to form the name of a colour. Then colour the balloons. a Ow | \ 4 D C/ _eulb der || reeng Q/Q/¢ \ “*\ / angeor)| | owllye ionk © Educational Publishing House Pte Ud Family tree & e@ » @ & &ye™ we ® RAI A family tree shows how each member of the family is related. Grandfather} |Grandmother Aunt | | Uncle}. | Aunt com Cousins Grandfather} |Grandmother pe — Uncle | | Aunt Uncle eg ee eel Cousins ee (© Educational Publishing House te id % Family tree Tan Meng Chuan See Ai Ling Mary John Susan Tom Lim Tan Lim Chua Valerie Paul Chua Chua Chua Tan Tan Shu Chung Shu Li Beng Fen Fill in each blank with the correct answer from the box. parents siblings cousins uncle niece nephew grandparents children husband wife daughter son A 1. Tom and Susan are Shu Fen’s 2. Shu Liis Tom and Susan‘s © Educational Publishing House Pe td on ann (© Educational Publishing House Pie Ld . Shu Li, Chung Beng and Shu Fen are @ y» ®@ & @y* wo ® . Paul and Valerie are John and Mary’s . Paul is Jonn and Mary’s . John is Mary’s . Susan is Tom’s . Valerie, Paul, Shu Li, Chung Beng and Shu Fen are » Shu Li is Mary’s 10. 11. 12. Paul is Tom’s John is Chung Beng’s Meng Chuan and Ai Ling are Shu Li’s At the beach & e& @ *® &© Her ae TNT IO Match each picture to the correct word. goggles swimsuit towel A eee beach ball © Educational Publishing House Pe Lid acon Travelling & map \ luggage eB passport, camera oO clothes (© Educational Pablibing House Pte id % ieee Home appliances & e@ gg ® & &gF 2? er fame ae Colour the things you can find in your home. is a Stationery & Write down the name of each thing. Use the words from the box. §/ crayon pencil pen sharpener eraser stapler SC £ (© Educational Publishing Howse Plo Ld @ ‘sae Word search on Occupation,s& Sg & € ®&g_gX® ee Here are some people who help us. Look for the words in the puzzle. Then circle them. X dentist policeman ¢ doctor Ae Lt tly ule} i [plo djojc}|tjojrjelatclojz Be elajs|difigihirij } tik a n}z/x}/c]vjb| nip lm] ij Me tTlplo}ifult}ylelricje i}qicjeltigjminijieli nurse |S1¥19 a) a |™/s tim|h} rjwidjale|cjalb x}njujrisjelyjrilinis QD ovate 2 carpenter \ = Pe ANS fireman’ ™“ © Educational Publishing House Pe Ld HEI tn nen tm Occupations & ies doe aad a Fill in each blank with the conect word from the box. © baker doctor postman doctor postman farmer He delivers letters. OB) He is a We go to her when we are ill. fos She is a He grows fruits and vegetables. He isa He bakes bread. = He is a ieonnneesoeeaEE Eat Ke) (© Fdcational Publishing H More occupations & & &® © @ eX a ® Fill in each blank with the correct word from the box. Preacher tailor policeman carpenter He catches thieves. He is a She teaches us. She isa ; itl! He makes cupboards rT | and tables. | He is a He sews clothes. Os He isa © Educational Publishing House Pe Lid Where do they work? & @ », ® e @eg* wo * What do they use? & &® g ®@ @ &_yX oe Match each person with the correct fool. a) = aN if = - BA) LF Ne iy Yo ae Where am I going? & oe ® © @ gw NOOKRWN— iuou iouw au +o70000 (© Educational Publishing House Pte Lc % Where is it? & @ = & & ®B ye oe ® Mary wants to go out. Fill in the letters to find out where she wanis fo go. 9° ° Q @ akwn— tuna xF7TTaQ0Q Nw OO ON tou uw te uu ( sz on i) —N At the playground & ® 2 ® &@ & ye wo * Draw in the box three things you can see in the playground. (© Educational Publishing Houe Ple Ud At school Ss Circle the things you can find in your school. oe _ i fs a Soe 4 Ss tree marker pupils chair desk Places & ® g & gg &@ye*X oe Fill in each blank with the correct word from the box. St clinic school field Woraryciport 2) | 1 | | | | ee | egg] (© Educational Poblihing House Pte Lid eo Fe@bTOst re tiie take an aeroplane. I study ina | visit the —______ to borrow books. My brother ae football in the We go to the when we are sick. More places & S&S g ® © &@& eg *¥ we TTS Answer each question. Use the words from the box. bakery playground supermarket food court park swimming pool Se Cn enter aS oo 1, Where will you go to play on the seesaw? 2, Where co you go for a swim? 8. Where can you go to buy fruits and vegetables? 4. Where will you go to buy a cake? 5. Where will you go when you are hungry? © Edcavonsl Publishing House Pte Ud eR The living room & In the bedroom 8 Look at the picture, Write the letter beside the things you can find in the picture. bedsheet dressing table | blanket rug bed wardrobe bolster pillow ere In the bathroom & eS g & &@ &®y* a * Look af fhe words. Find the things in the picture and colour them. bathtub soap toothpaste toothbrush toilet roll sink shower tap towel rack towel A agate In the study room & 2S gg & & &_*X a * “sea ] do our homework, Draw below three more things you can find in a study room. =F a nS In the kitchen (1) & @ g@ & & & eye wo * toaster pot chopping board stove microwave _ refrigerator (© Educational Publishing House Pt Ld % Sn DE oe EE In the kitchen (2) & ee 2g 8 @e & er we In the garden & @ @ & @ & yg wo ® Write down the names of the gardening fools with the correct words from the box. 5 take spade shears lawn mower water hose watering cai fl i § In the garden Ss e @ PRR Shr LO I LTTE Write and si ae iabeerceaal the names of the things you ae ay, a a | ee: ia Educational Publishing Howse Pea Ltd In the garden & Sp ® & &_eX® we What are these people doing? Match each picture to the correct word. | 7 raking digging SLs < watering plucking mowing Flowers & Write down the name of each flower with the correct word from the box. a orchid hibiscus morning glory rose tulip sunflower i @ © Educational Publishing House Pte Lid EIT een Creepy crawlies & vette se ieee EEE CeCe EEE SS lizard _* spider e S cockroach ASSET reer eee BSS eee eee eee eee eee welt < beetle Ck caterpillar I spy creepy crawlies & & gs & &€ & wy we Can you spot the creepy crawlies in the garden? Write down the names of these creepy crawlies and colour them. Word search in creepy crawlies,e& @ pp &®& &€ Gyr ge s|h]g]e]als|b)t|m mis|nialiltlslolb bln}x]riloly}|jloju qja}/b;t})ulsjkielg g}kimih| bi ylwiqis tlejsiwldiglc}/alp s}ij;clojc|k]rjola Nnia;ki rimphlylifn jjy}pim} tiki n}mi{t Can you find the names of the creepy crawiies in We wear these on our feet. 5 yp ak 2 @ © thao blag Hoe Pd % Pre-reading & ® g@ ® & eX se In each row, colour the odd one out. Parts of a a R ev i, Parts of the body < 2M s er act lL Se Parts of a car 7, ff ae a © © » it Parts of a butterfly 9gN 8 Wey SS Parts of a bull AS" MY ve Beginning consonant sounds ,&% @ @ & & &@ eX ot Different letters have different sounds. & Say the name of each picture. Then write down the beginning sound you hear. 1. ; (tew _—Orse (yh © Educational Publishing House Pt Lid % “oeipnenerenmn aegt etE N Beginning consonant sounds ,e% 6 gs & & &_gFX o® REE reece eet Ry oot IONE Circle the letter which has the same beginning sound as the picture on the left. rate azs top @ © Educational Publishing Howse Pe Ud Beginning consonant sounds ,e& Sp ® we &@e_erX oe Say the name of each picture. Then maich it with the beginning sound you hear. } A i’ N (© Educational Publishing House Pe Ud % Ending consonant sounds 8 Sg & © e_rXee Say the name of each picture. Then write down the ending sound you hear. bu. La oe jee__ Tees See | trai__ le__ {© Educational Publishing House Pe td Ending consonant sounds .& @e@ gg ®& &¢ &ye* wo * Circle the letter which ends with the same sound as the picture on the left. al hl S\ oe cmvios | 4 2. |. & a © Educational Publishing House Pe Lid k qs wf oe | Short vowels (a, 6,i,0,u) & @ gg ® & &eyF® ae Sere etalon ane AEI NTP Say the name of each picture. Then write down the vowel sound you hear. es & ine ie __pple a __lephant ft CHA 2 32. __gloo SHAS Oe __ctopus mbrella Long vowels (a, e,i,0,u) & Say the name of each picture. Then write down the vowel sound you hear. —_ce cream oe 5 a __nicorn (© Sducational Publishing House Pte Ud 2 spammer ver me __val Vowels B&B Alphabet garden & Look at the picture carefully. There are some hidden letters in the garden. Can you find them? Put them into the correct boxes. | Consonants | | Vowels fehing House Pee Ud Circle the picture that rhymes with the name of the picture on the left. The first one has been done for you. & L oy “e 0 g |=a FO © Educational Publishing House Plo Ld Rhyming words & s ® & &By Circle the picture that rhymes with the picture on the left. (9) «C QD Ya &) it a \ ae 0 t @e of i a esi E9 f 2 Jp 3 Rhyming words B Match each picture to the word that has the same rhyming sound. %, bin J 4 log” My rhyming friend & ® g ® & &y* oe Circle the pair of rhyming words in each sentence. 1, & ) The fan is beside the ena pan. a, ‘Ze C en 2. The cat is chasing the rat. ( we tra Ww SSE es | want to bake a cake. 4. Apinis in the bin. “S : Ae © Ecocational Publihing Howse Pie Ld % More rhyming words & @ gg & & & ge we Ai Rescate TED! Look at the picture in each row. Draw a picture that rhymes with it in the box. al Publishing House Pee Ud & @ eg & &e & ye” oe Do we sound the same? Find a pair of rhyming words. HORE song © Educational Publishing Howse Pe Lid Do you know me? & & eB @& 8 » Look at each picture. Then circle the correct word. 1, 7 LOS L6 ee y eyes bug ice book 2 SW Ly g =) Aw a son shoes sun shine : —X S) bag year beg ear Do you know how fo spell mygs name? ® pg ® we aerX ae Match me with my correct name. Ee shoes Ww eyes Ge book iP table Nt 5 bag © Educational Publishing House Fle Ud % “Aen What is my name? 7 ee ee eee —— lite Gi _ Ldear joni 1 (= “ | moon ol moose — bread = os bred ao r Which fruit am I? @ 2g ®& & ®&eXwX o* Rearrange these letters to find the name of each fruit. Write the name on each blank. > pplea earp - eae ae rangeo | ananab O ce ayppaa tanrambu ‘© Educational Publishing House Pie Ud Nouns are names of people, places, animals and things. Eg. girl park jug Write the nouns in the correct groups. FE, boy library dog ball mother car parrot hospital teacher school elephant lass pI g 2 4 ~ @ (© Educational Publishing House Pe Ud In the classroom SB &@ gg &® & & _we®r wo * What are some things you can find in your classroom? Draw in three things using the picture below. Can you find me? Ga Circle the nouns in each sentence. The girl is sleeping. 2. Peter is playing in he park. kite, 4, The teapot is on the ‘able. She drops the spoon on the floor. 6. The car is in the garage. Maya is playing in her room. library. | went to Sentosa for a picnic. 10. The teacher is in the classroom, (© Educational Publishing House Pte ud 2° Ds Rn One or many? ne ae The word ‘singular’ refers fo one person, 7) animal or thing. Tne word ‘plural’ refers to two or more people, places, animals or things. m Is the noun singular or plural? Colour the correct box. singular 1. () X singular} plural (b) y X YRAA singular | plural 2. (a) ES singular} plural (b) ELE BAZ singular} plural @ © Educational Publishing House Pt Lid

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