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ENGLISH 4 - Project 1 : Study of “The Giver”

Chapters 1-2-3-5 :

1. This is a community governed by strict rules. How is the family structure made up of?
For example, each couple is “given” one boy and one girl. How is Jonas’s family
structure? What do his parents do?
2. What is a NURTURER? What does a Nurturer do? How is this role related to Jonas?
3. The evening ritual in family is very important. Describe this moment in Jonas’s family
within Chapter 1.
4. Identify these characters: Lily- Gabe- Fiona -Asher Chapters 1-2-3
5. Why is Jonas “apprehensive” about the Ceremony of 12?
6. What is the Ceremony of Twelve? What happens then? Why is it so significant for
the members of this community? Who defines the Assignment?
7. What is Gabe’s problem? Why Jonas’s father brought him at home?
8. What was the strongest feeling in Jonas’s dream? His first stirring expressed in the
morning ritual? Chapter 5
COMMENTS: 1. If you were part of the story how would you see yourself playing a
role in it? Choose two events- and make a short comment – 80 words- does your
family have a morning ritual? Do we have nurturers? Did you have a Ceremony of 12
in your life time? Stirrings?
REACTIONS: Read two different posts of your classmates and write a reaction giving
your opinion and taking into account to be respectful and considerate- make your
classmate feel good- about his/her comment. Deadline: August 21st.

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