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cable cutter [N-C-U2 l a device process
ammunition ship [N -C- U 1l ;in u<;ed to cut the cable of a moored
abandon ship [N-UNC-U14] an a ship's
M C supp rt vessel tt1r1t cr1 m es mine. thus detaching 1t from its
order given by a commanding in port
ammun1tIon to n,Wc11 ship<; ,1t sea
officer if the ship has been anch o r use .
hopelessly damaged and 1s smlung; apparent wind [N -lJNC-U 1) \ I hP non [rJ -<:- U6l a mounted gun comba '
this order commands sailors to combined effl'(t of true wind ,md 11•,N I 1-rJ f1r0 h,:,;,vy pro1 ectil0s. distanc
leave the ship as soon a<; possible. rE'l<H1ve wind
carrJ,n al direc tion !rJ-C-U9\ one of to acc• J
absorb f\/-T-U2) to take sth in . attack [V-T-U6l to take host1IP, th <> f()1Jr h,1•,1c rJ 1rer t10ns · north, comm
often violent. action against slh
administrative department IN-C - c,n11th, e ,Y:, t , rJn rJ •N P'. I U71 aI
US) the section of a squad 1·on that azimuth circle [N-C-U 11] a rin g carrier-h,1sJ:?d [/\[J I-U9, I 1, qu;;;dron) over c·
is responsible for cor-respondence , that can be placed over a compass whose rn" 1nhr.>r:, Jlf()r'v abr1;;;rd .;_:i n the g
maintenance of records, and legal in order to determine th e chrect 10n
a1rcr.Jft e,:1rr,l":r com
concerns. of a celestial body.
C8R attacl< \rJ-C-lJ14 ] ~n l=!ne:my vesse
aerial refueling [N-UNC-U7] the back [V-1-U 12] (of wind) to change
il tt,;1cl< u 0,Ing <:\"l':'ffll':.:JI , b10l01]1 r:a l, head
process of transferring fuel from direction to the left, or
one plane to another while in mid- or rad 10IC>'J1, weap(JnS and
flight. celestial LOf' [~4 -C-U10l a com
bearing [N-C-U 1O] the re lative
aeromedical evacuation [N-UNC- calculation that u,es the position of U13
position of sth.
U7] the process of using aircraft to stars and planets to establish an sec.
bearing circle [N-C-U 11] a device LOP. the
take injured personnel to medical
that is equipped with sighting rac
facilities. celestial navigation [1\1-UNC-U 1 O]
vanes and can be placed over a
AFFF (aqueous film-forming foam) a method of navigation in which co
compass in order to read the
[N-UNC-Ul 5] a concentrated the navigator uses the relative th ;
bearing of an object.
mixture that is combined with positions of stars and planets to
water and is used to smother fuel Beaufort scale [N-UNC-U 12] a determine location .
measurement guide designed to
fires. chart [N-C-U9] a type of map
help sailors assess wind conditions
afterburner [N-C-U6] a part of a without using instruments. marked with latitude and
jet engine which injects fuel into longitude lines that pinpoint
bilge [N-C-U4] the rounded area C
the exhaust stream to be burned positions on the Earth .
for additional thrust. between the sides and bottom of
a boat's exterior hull. civilian (N-C-U 11 someone who is C
aileron [N-C-US] a hinged part of a not a member of the military. s
wing that rolls an aircraft from side boat officer [N-C-U4] an officer
assigned to a boat during heavy class (N-C-U 151 (of fire) a specific
to side.
weather or in other special type of fire . C
air wing [N-C-U8] a group of situations, who has authority over
squadrons, typically working classify (V-T-U2] to arrange or
the coxswain.
together on an aircraft carrier. organize objects into groups.
boa_t plug [N-C-U4] is a plug that
airborne early warning [N-UNC- closure (N-C-U 15] a fitting over
fits into the drainage hole of a keel
U7] a radar system installed on the opening of a compartment
and can be removed to drain out
high-altitude aircraft used to that can be used to seal up the
bilge water.
detect other aircraft. compartment in the event of a
bowhook [N-C-U4] a crew flood .
ammunition handling [N-UNC-
member who sits facing the bow
U 14J t~e process of inspecting,
of the boat and handles the
c?ckpit tN-C-US} the section of an
preparing or working with aircraft in which a pilot sits and
boathook and lines when a boat
ammunition . c?ntro\s the movement of the
comes up to a ship or to a pier.

34 Glossary
Glossary I
_, I
] a device cold-iron watch [N-UNC I
of a moored process of checking th -U 13] the CPO suit [N-C-U14] a chemical electronic navigation lN-UNC-
it from its a ship's mach inery wh if integrity of protective overgarment that U1O] a method of navigation in I
in port and the . e the ship is I
protects against b1olog1cal and which the navigator uses radio I
use. machinery is not in chemical agents. I
signals, satellites, and other I
ounted gun I
current [N-C-U 12] a large portion electronic means to determine
jectiles. combat radius [N-C-U6] the I
of water flowing or moving in a location. I
distance from its base . I
C-U9] one of to accom I h . . a Jet can fly certain direction.
, P is a mIssIon . electronic security [N-UNC-U 131 a I
ns: north, branch of operational security that I
command and control (N-UNC- Damage Control (DC) [N-UNC- I
focuses on restricting the spread of I
U7] an office r's use of authorIty
. U 151the process of minimizing the I
.] (squadron) . effects of a damaging situation information by radar, sonar, and I
over assig ned units t . I
aboard an the goals of a missio~ accomplish such as a flood or fire. other electronic emissions. I
darken ship [N-UNC-U13] a state electronic warfare lN-UNC-U71 I
' command sh ip [N-C-U 1l th e head the practice of attacking an I
an enemy in which all lights onboard are I
vessel in a fleet t hat serves as enemy's access to the I
biological, hidden or extinguished so the ship I
headquarters for fleet coordination can avoid detection at night. electromagnetic spectrum, such as I
and adm1n1stration . by blocking their radar. I
,J a davit [N-C -U4] a special device I
communications security [N-UNC- used to hoist and launch boats. elevator lN-C-U51 the hinged part I
e position of I
U13) a branch of operat ional of a horizontal stabilizer that I
ablish an dead reckoning [N-UNC-U 1o] a guides an aircraft up and down. I
security that focuses on restricting
method of navigation in which the I
the_spread of in formation by phone, emergency destruction lN-UNC- I
-UNC-U10] radio, internet, and other means. navigator uses compass readings I
U14] an order given by a I
1in which to navigate from a known starting I
compartmentation [N-UNC-U 1S] point. commanding officer to destroy I
·elative important documents or I
the process of dividing a ship into I
lanets to degrees [N-C-U9] units of equipment in the case of an I
a network of watertight I
measurement that show the enemy attack. I
, compartments to reduce the I
distance between latitudes and I
f map impact on a ship's buoyancy in the engineer (N-C-U4] a person I
longitudes. A degree is sixty
1d event of flooding . responsible for the care and I
nautical miles. I
>Oint function of a boat's engine. I
compass [N-C-U 11] is a common destroy [V-T-U2] to reduce sth to I
equator (N-C-U91 a line of I
mathematical instrument useless pieces. I
ne who is longitude at O degrees that divides I
consisting of a pencil point and a I
litary. sharp metal point joined together, detachment [N-C-U8] a smaller the Earth into northern and I
unit of a squadron that may be southern hemispheres. I
1 used to draw circles and arcs.
3 specific I
deployed independently. I
explosive charge (N-C-U21 a set
, compass rose [N-C-U9] a drawing I
dogfight [N-C-U6] a battle amount of combustible material
on a map that shows the cardinal I
ge or between fighter jets. used to detonate something . I
directions. I
,ups. I
dogged (ADJ-U 151 (compartment) external security lN-UNC-U 13] a I
19 over 1 control valve [N-C-U 15] a manual set of practices designed to I
securely closed down. I
tment control used to open a sprinkler prevent attacks from outside I
JP the system. drift (N-UNC-U 121 (current) the forces on a ship or naval area. I
,t of a speed at which it is flowing . I
coxswain [N-C-U4] the crew fall lN-C-U41 a line of a davit used I
member with responsibility for all ebb [V-I-U121 to decrease or fall to lower or raise a boat. I
:ion of an personnel and equipment on a back. I
ts and boat, includ\ng the behavior of
other crew members.
electronic LOP [N-C-U 101 a
calculation that uses electronic
means to establish an LOP.

fast combat support ship [N-C- flooding [N-UNC-U 15 J when the hypothermia [N-UNC-U14) a
U1J an MSC support vessel with
ship loses its water-tight integrity dangerous condit ion caused by dri
the speed to keep up with combat and water is present where ,t immersion in cold water, in which thl
ships that usually carries supplies usually is not present. cold can shut down the body's
such as oil, ammunition or food Ii ~
foul weather gear (N-UNC-U 141 vital processes and cause injury or
stores. p·I
der.Jth .
heavy, sturdy clothing worn in wl
fiberglass [N-UNC-U2] a material times of harsh weather. I
in tercept fV-T-U6] to stop sth from
consisting of very thin glass Id
fly-by-wire (ADJ-U6] (flight reaching its intended destinat ion.
filaments woven into a fabric. 11 I

fighter [N-C-U6] a jet with the

controls) which automatically intern al security (N-UNC-U13] a leI
adjust without manual input from set of practices designed to ~,
_, .II
primary mission of destroying the pilot.
enemy aircraft and missiles. prevent attacks on a shi p or naval di
FUSDAP [N-UNC-U 14] an acronym area that come from within the L,I
fire extinguisher (N-C-U 15] a installation.
that is used to remind sailors
portable device that contains
which direction to move in on a viJ
either CO2 or dry chemical (PKP) jam (V-T-U7] (electron ic signal) to e1
ship. It stands for forward, up, block it from being transmitted by
and is used to smother and rrj
starboard, down, aft, port.
extinguish fires. broadcasting another signal of the
fuselage [N-UNC-US] the central same wavelength . 11
fire prevention [N-UNC-U14] a set
part of an aircraft's body. 1d
of safety procedures designed to knot [N-C-U9] a unit of speed that
stop fires from starting. general quarters [N-UNC-U 14] a signifies nautical miles per hour. vi
fire-fighting [N-UNC-U15] the term for an assigned work station I~
land-based [ADJ-U8] (squadron) tj
during times of emergency.
process of putting out unwanted whose members work from a naval
fires. I
go over [V-PHRASAL-U14] to base on land. '1
voluntarily leave the ship and jump v]
firemain [N-C-U15] a system on a landing craft [N-C-U3] a rugged,
ship that is designed to use in the water after the order to d
abandon ship has been given. powerful, armed boat used to I
seawater in sprinkler systems, transport troops, vehicles, or cargo ~
fireplugs and AFFF stations. GPS (Global Positioning System) during times of combat. s
[N-C-U 1OJ a navigation system ~
fix [N-C-U 1OJ the determination of landing gear [N-UNC-US] the
based on information received I
one's exact location.
from satellites. structure that supports an aircraft TI
fixed-wing [ADJ-US] (aircraft) while it is on the ground and J
which relies on two wings gyrocompass [N-C-U 11] a device which allows it to take off and
attached to the fuselage to create that contains a gyroscope rotor land. Wheels are the most
lift. and through alignment with the I
common form of landing gear. I
Earth's axis, indicates true north. I
flap [N-C-US] a hinged part of a latitude [N-C-U9] one of the
harbor tug [N-C-U1] a small boat I
wing that moves downward to horizontal lines that form part of I
increase the amount of force that pushes or pulls ships in and
an imaginary grid system that
produced by a wing during takeoff out of narrow harbor areas. covers the Earth . i
or landing. I
helicopter [N-C-U7] an aircraft I
launch [V-T-U4] (boat) to lower it
fleet replenishment oiler [N-C-U 1] that is lifted and kept in the air by I
rotating wings. into the water from a ship, using a
an MSC support vessel that carries I
crane or davits. I
fuel to naval ships and aircraft at high tide [N-C-U 12] the period
sea. I
LCAC (N-C-U3) sophisticated type I
when the ocean waters are highest
on the shore. of landing craft that floats on a I
flood [V-1-U 12] (tide) to increase or
rise . cushion of air, allowing it to travel
hoiS t [V-T-U4] (boat) to raise it up over water and right up onto the
out of the water and replace it on shore to deliver cargo, equipment

the ship. or personnel.

man overboard [N-UNC-U 14] an nautical mile [N-C-U9] a unit of

a plastic
hfe preserver [N-C-U. 1 while ,n exclamation used to alert sailors to measurement used at sea; a
J14J a device used for flotatioi the fa ct th at someone has falien nautical mile measures about 2000
used by
the water. ,nto the sea. yards or 6,076 feet.
-, in which . . N-UNC-U14] the
body's line handling i . preparing or M ark V Special Operations Craft nautical slide rule [N-C-U 11] a
:? inJury or process of inspecting,
(SOC) (N-C-U3) a vessel which has circular mathematical instrument
working with lines.
twin-diesel engines, reaches with a sliding piece marked with
sth from line of position (LOP) [N -C -U 1OJ a
D speeds over 50 knots and is used scales used to simplify calculations
ti nation. line on a map between on 's own
to insert and extract special of time, distance, and velocity.
location and another ob_1ect within
·-u13J a warfare personnel. Naval Fleet Auxiliary Force [N-C-
sight; multiple LOPs are used to
determine on e's exact location . mast [N-C-US] a rotating metal U 1) a set of vessels that are part of
or nava l
shaft that connects a helicopter's the MSC and provide support for
1in the LMSR [N-C-U 1] an MSC support
transmission to the rotor blades. Naval members and operations.
vessel that carries large military
equipment; it means large, meridians [N-C-U9) lines on maps navigation [N-UNC-U9] the act of
;inal) to
1itted by medium speed, roll on/roll off ship . that run vertically through the charting and directing the course
al of t he north and south poles and are of a ship from one point to
locate [V-T-U2] to find where sth is.
used to pinpoint locations. another.
longitude [N-C-U9] one of the
eed that Mine Countermeasure Ship nose [N-C-US] the front part of an
vertica l lines that fOi m part of an
hour. (MCM) [N-C-U2) a naval ship aircraft.
imaginary grid system that covers
designed to remove or destroy operational information security
dron) the Earth.
mines from the water. [N-UNC-U 13) a branch of
1 a naval low tide [N-C-U 12) the period
Mine Neutralization Vehicle operational security that focuses
when the ocean waters are lowest
(MNV) [N-C-U2] an unmanned on protecting secret documents,
gged, on the shore.
vehicle carried on Mine maps, and other information
to Mach [N-PROPER-U6] unit of Countermeasure Ships used to related to missions and troop
•r cargo speed measurement based on the disarm and destroy sea mines. locations.
speed of sound.
minutes [N-C-U9] units of distance operational security (N-UNC-U 13]
le magnetic compass [N-C-U 11] a measurement that subdivide a set of practices designed to
ircraft device made up of a floating card degrees. There are 60 minutes in a protect the confidentiality of Naval
with magnetic needles that degree. operations.
1d naturally align themselves with the
moored mine [N-C-U2] a mine operations department [N-C-U8]
magnetic field of the Earth .
3r. that is attached to an anchor to the section of a squadron that is
magnetic north pole [N-UNC- prevent it from floating away. responsible for scheduling,
U 11] north according to the MOPP [N-UNC -U14] an acronym navigation, and intelligence.
1 of earth's magnetic field, which
t that stands for Mission-Oriented oxygen-breathing apparatus
differs slightly from the true Protective Posture; it is a system (OBA) [N-C-U15] a mask that is
geographic north pole. that allows the commanding attached to an oxygen supply and
er it magnetic signature [N.-C-U2] a officer to determine how much allows the wearer to enter
;ing a signal given off by a ship w1.t h protective gear should be worn at compartments where a fire has
magnetic material, such as iron, any given time. depleted oxygen levels.
type which mines can detect. MSC (Military Sealift Command)
a maintenance department [N-C- [N-C-U 1] a civilian branch of the
ave! US] the section of a squadron that US Navy that prepares and
the is responsible for maintenance, transports ships for Naval use.
ent . and parts replacement of
repair, . t
. ft and other equ1pmen .

;- ~
' I

parallel motion protractor [PMP] position [N-C-U9] a specific rudder [N-C-US] a hinged part of a shore I
(N-C-U 11 J a universal drafting
machine that is attached to a chart
location. vertica l stabi lizer that guides an
aircraft left and right .
used j
prime men·d·1a n [N-U-U9l a a shir
table and aliqned with the chart in longitudinal line located at saboteu r [N-C -U1 3] someone or dc,I
order for both distance and . h . England · it is marked whose ai m Is to destroy or disrupt
GreenwIc . skid ·
direction to be plotted a mil1tary 's activities .
at O degrees and it is the starting helic,j
point from which East and W est safety d epartment [N-C-U8] the touci
parallel ruler [N-C-U 11 I two rulers longitudes are measured . sect ion of a squadron that is sou ~
joined together by hinged arms in
punt [N-C-U3] an open, square- re spon sible for ensuring that UNC
order to plot and measure
direction. ended boat used mainly in port by squadron practices and equipment for cl
side-cleaners. m eet safety standards. phys
parallels [N-C -U9] lines on a map
that run east to west and are used quiet ship [N-UNC -U13] a state in salvage ship [N-C -U1] an MSC spe~
with meridians to pinpoint which noise is reduced as much as support vessel that services ships in for 2j
locations. possible so the sh ip can avoid need of repa ir, towin g, and other han 1
detection. assistance.
patrol [V-T-U7) to conduct an torr;!
operation in a specified area for radar [N-UNC-U10] a system for sa tel lite [N-C- U 1OJ a machine that disr;
purposes of observation and determining position or speed by is launched into space and are .
maintaining order. means of radio waves. transmits informati on back to bee 1

Patrol Boat, River (PBR) (N-C-U3) radio beacon [N-C-U10] a signal receivers on Earth.
pa r.I
a highly maneuverable craft with a that is broadcast from a fixed sea painter [N-C-U4] a line used to spn
waterjet-pump propulsion that station that helps navigators syst 1
secure a boat to a ship, pier, or
allows it to operate in 15 inches of calculate their bearings. other object. fla ~
water, and is used to transport range [N-C-U10) the distance wh l
search and rescue (SAR) [N-UNC-
machine guns, radar and other between one's own location and
U7] the act of looking for and
communications equ ipment. another object.
assisting people who are lost or in spr l
personnel boat (PE or PERSs) (N- danger.
relative wind [N-UNC-U 12] the squ
C-U3) a speedy diesel-powered
flow of air that is created by an mi l l
craft with enclosed cabin space, seconds [N-C-U9] units of distance
object or vehicle moving through
designed to transport officers. the air. measurement that subdivide sq y
physical security [N-UNC-U 13) a minutes. There are 60 seconds in a sed
remote-controlled [ADJ-U2] minute .
branch of operational security that res!
focuses on protecting areas, operated from a distance using set [N-UNC-U 12] (current) the dui

buildings, and equipment that are radio signals. direction in which it is flowing .
restricted to authorized personnel. repeater [N-C-U 1 1] a compass sextant [N-C-U 1 1] a precise
piloting (N-UNC-U10] a method of card that has an electrical instrument used to determine nol
navigation in which the navigator connection with the main gyro, latitude and longitude by sidl
relies on sight of land or manmade allowing many compasses with the measuring angles in degrees,
markers to determine location. same reading to exist on different minutes and seconds. st~
parts of a ship. rotl
plot [V-T-U9] (course or position)
to draw marks on a map to note
the positions of vessels or the
, - ·
R711B [N-C-U3] a rlgrd hull
1n atable boat; it is turbo-charged,
shipyard security [N-UNC-U13] a
set of practices designed to
protect a ship and any sensitive
:;1 1
course of a ship.
small, runs on diesel and is information aboard when the ship stal
pole [N-C-U9) one of the two fixed manned by 3 crew members. is docked and open to civilian ins1
points at the top and bottom of a rotor blade [N-C-US] one of the workers. dis1
spinning planet. long parts of the spinning fan that of a

38 Glossary
lifts a helicopter. ~---..-----=-----~~--t-- J

·- .. , ..,.__.......
jiP: ;~;:~~-~--. '. ' '
. ,, - y ✓- '

' ' ' I ,,~ v#P:?-''r


1art of a shore [N c tending line [N-C-U15] a long

used t - -U 15l a moveable beam standard boat [N-C- U31an all -
, an nylon-covered steel wire with snap
. 0 support darnaoed parts of purpose cra ft used for a variety of
a s11Ip - - hooks at each end, which is used
d · sue 17 as decks, bulkheads fun ctions, such as moving
or oors. ' to guide rescuers to a person 1n
le personnel, transporting supplies
isrupt skid [N-C-US) the part of a and adding security. need of rescue
hel1copte I·' s 1anding gear that threat condition [N-C-U 13] a
sternhook [N-C-U4] a crew
touches the ground . rating that indicates the likelihood
/the member who handles the stern
sounding and security watch [N- line and sits facing aft . and potential severity of an attack.
UNC-Ul 3J th e process of checking submarine tender [N-C-U1] an tide [N-C-U 12] the periodic rise
>ment fm damage and hazards to the MSC support vessel that provides and decline of the ocean occurring
physical structure of a sh ip. supplies and maintenance to approximately every twelve hours.
C special boat [N -C-U 3] a boat used submarines. time, speed, and distance
1ips in for a specific mission , such as line- supersonic [ADJ-U6] Qet) which formulas [N-C-U 1OJ methods for
the r ha ndlin g, aircraft rescue, retrieving can travel faster than the speed of calculating specifics of a journey.
torpedoes, explosive ordnance sound.
training department [N-C-U8] the
disposal and patrols; special boats
, that sweep [V-T-U2] (an area) to clear it section of a squadron that is
are often standard boats that have
been altered and modified for a of hazards, such as mines. responsible for preparing members
for operational tasks.
particular purpose . synchronized elevator [N-C-US] a
wing-like part on the back of the transport [V-T-U7] to carry sth
sprinkler system [N-C-U 15] a
ed to tail boom that stabilizes the pitch from one place to another.
system installed in areas where
,r of the helicopter.
flammable material is kept and true north [N-UNC-U 11] the point
which can be turned on in the case tail [N-C-US] the rear part of an around which the Earth revolves in
NC- of a fire; water is piped to the aircraft where the vertical and the northern hemisphere, which is
sprinkler system from the firemain . horizontal stabilizers are located. slightly different than the magnetic
,r in north pole .
squadron (N-C-U8] a unit of tail boom [N-C-US] a narrow part
military personnel. that extends from the back of a true wind [N-UNC-U12] the
,mce helicopter to the tail rotor. natural flow of air at any given
squadron department [N-C-U8] a
time, when a person or object is
section of a squadron that is tail rotor [N-C-U5] a fan on the
in a standing still.
responsible for a particular set of back of a helicopter that rotates
duties. vertically to prevent the helicopter unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)
from spinning. [N-C-U7] an aircraft controlled
stabilizer [N-C-U5] the part of an
remotely by its operator, with no
aircraft's tail that prevents the tanker [N-C-U 1] a vessel that
human crew on board.
nose from moving up and down or carries a large store of liquids such
side to side. as oil or chemicals. utility boat (UB) (N-C-U3) an open
boat, usually a personnel carrier or
stabilizer bar [N- C-U5] a target [N-C-U6] any object or
heavy-duty work boat, used for
weighted unit above the main location that an attack aircraft fires
minesweeping operations, survey
rotor that reduces the impact of at.
a external forces on the movement I
work, diving operations and other
telescopic alidade [N-C-U 11] a general purposes.
of the a helicopter.
bearing circle that has a telescopic
stadimeter [N-C-U11] an veer lV-I-U121 (wind) to change
lip device attached to it in order to be
instrument that can measure direction to the right, or clockwise.
more precise in identifying the
distance based on the knowledge
bearing of a particular object. vertical replenishment (VERTREP)
of an object's height.
lN-UNC-U71 the act of using
helicopters to provide supplies to
vessels at sea.

-------· ~Q

wartime security [N-UNC-U 131_a

set of heightened security practices
designed to provide ex~ra
protection during wartime.
water-tight integrity [N-UNC-
U 15] the extent to which the
structure of a ship prevents any
leaks or floods.
weapons bay [N-C-U6] a
compartment on an aircraft that
carries bombs or other armaments.
wind [N-C-U12] a stream of air in
natural motion, moving along the
surface of the Earth.
wind speed [N-UNC-U12] the
strength and speed with which the
wind is blowing, measured in
wing [N-C-US] one of two
structures attached to the fuselage
of an aircraft, and which create lift
needed to fly.

wooden frame [N-C-U2] a

structure formed into long, slender
pieces of wood to serve as support
for a building or other engineering

workboat (WB) [N-C-U3] a twin-

screw craft that is used in salvage
operations, repairs, coastal survey
and other general-purpose

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