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 Consumes lower coke rate in cupola and lower power in induction furnace

 Highest surface area to mass ratio

 Melts faster
 Provides optimum void distribution in cupola and higher packing density in induction
 Available in customized specifications
 Customised technical services for improvement of foundry operations

Above are the advantages of efee that is world’s first branded pig iron


FG - I Tata eFee® 101 3.5 Min. 2.00 - 2.25 0.50 - 0.90 0.06 Max. 0.20 Max.

FG - Low Phos Tata eFee® 102 3.5 Min. 2.00 - 2.50 0.50 - 0.90 0.06 Max. 0.10 Max.

FG - II Tata eFee® 103 3.5 Min. 2.25 - 2.50 0.50 - 0.90 0.06 Max. 0.20 Max.

FG -High Mn Tata eFee® 104 3.5 Min. 2.00 - 2.50 0.90 -1.50 0.06 Max. 0.20 Max.

FG -High Phos Tata eFee® 105 3.5 Min. 2.00 - 2.50 0.50 - 0.90 0.06 Max. 0.20 - 0.50

SG Tata eFee® 201 3.5 Min 1.60 - 2.50 0.30 Max. 0.05 Max. 0.08 Max.

SSG Tata eFee® 202 3.5 Min. 1.60 - 2.25 0.20 Max. 0.025 Max. 0.08 Max.

SSG Ultra Low S Tata eFee® 203 3.5 Min. 1.60 - 2.25 0.20 Max. 0.015 Max. 0.08 Max.

CG Special Application Tata eFee® 302 3.5 Min. 1.75 - 1.99 0.50 - 0.90 0.06 Max. 0.20 Max.

CG High Si Tata eFee® 303 3.5 Min. Above 2.5 - 3.00 0.50 Min. 0.06 Max. 0.20 Max.

CG Ultra High Si Tata eFee® 304 3.5 Min. Above 3.00 - 3.50% 0.50 - 0.90 0.06 Max. 0.20 Max.

Ultra High Phos Tata eFee® 305 3.5 Min. 2.00 - 2.50 0.50 Min. 0.06 Max. 0.50 Min.


World-class Products
The Company has been fulfilling its vision of "Reaching Tomorrow First" by offering
innovative products to its customers worldwide. Setting industry benchmarks through quality
products and service offerings, Tata Metaliks has under its umbrella a range of branded products
customized to meet specific user needs.

About TATA group

Established in 1907 as Asia's first integrated private sector steel companyTata Steel Group is among
the top-ten global steel companies with an annual crude steel capacity of nearly 29.55 MnTPA as on
March 31, 2016.

Reaching Tomorrow First

Tata Metaliks strives to become a sustainable organization through significant

contribution to India's foundry, water and sanitation sectors by optimum utilization of
men, material and assets, responsible use of energy and water resource, being
guided by its values.
We will be bold and agile, courageously taking on challenges, using deep customer insight to develop
innovative solutions.

We will be fair, honest, transparent and ethical in our conduct; everything we do must stand the test of
public scrutiny.

We will be passionate about achieving the highest standards of quality, always
promoting meritocracy.
We will invest in our people and partners, enable continuous learning, and build caring and
collaborative relationships based on trust and mutual respect.

We will integrate environmental and social principles in our businesses, ensuring that what comes
from the people goes back to the people many times over.

Management team

Mr. Sandeep Kumar has over 27 years of work experience with the Tata group. He is currently
the Managing Director of Tata Metaliks Ltd. He has also been the Managing Director of S&T
Mining Pvt Ltd from 2008 to 2012. His core experience revolves around commercial and
General Management responsibilities in the business of Steel and Steel raw materials.
Mr. Kumar is a Mining Engineer from IIT(ISM), Dhanbad and a postgraduate in International
Trade from Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT), New Delhi.
He is an elected member of the CII Eastern Regional Council. He is also a Managing Committee
member of Bengal Chamber of Commerce & Industry and Executive Committee member of
Indian Chamber of Commerce.
TATA GROUP LEADERSHIP( leadership that inspires)
For over 100 years, the Tata group has been led by visionaries who have stayed true to the vision of
the founder, Jamsetji Tata. A vision that placed the greater good of society at par with business
growth. A vision that put into practice pioneering social initiatives that changed the way responsible
business was run. And a vision that brought into the group a strong social conscience.


 Economic Times Corporate Award for Excellence in Business
Performance in FY20

 ‘Noteworthy Water Efficient Unit’ at the 4th Water Innovation
Summit 2018 (Economic Growth & Human Development in
Context of Water Security) & National Awards for Excellence in
Water Management
 ‘Excellence in Corporate Social Responsibility in 2018’ by the CII-
ITC Centre for Excellence for Sustainable Development
 ‘Certificate of Recognition’ by the Institute of Company Secretaries
of India (ICSI) for implementing sound Corporate Governance
 Ms. Dilith Castleton, Head, CSR was felicitated with leading
Women Awards in Asia by World Business Council for Sustainable
Development (WBCSD) for showing exemplary leadership in
sustainability challenges and opportunities
Now CSR committee is headed by Ms Rupali Basu




It all started in October, 2008. After an intensive feedback from over 100 customers across
India, Tata Metaliks Limited (TML) realized that it had to take some quick steps towards
reduction of energy consumption in pig iron foundries of India. Being world’s largest
producer of foundry grade pig iron, the foundries looked up to TML for solving one of their
biggest challenges in recent times; energy consumption. TML decided to take up this
challenge and thus started the journey of Tata eFeeTM, world’s first branded pig iron.
Why is energy consumption, a big challenge for Indian foundries?
There are predominantly two types of furnaces in Indian Foundry Industry; cupola furnace
and induction furnace, with majority of furnaces being cupola furnace. Induction furnaces
are relatively new in India but are technologically more advanced than cupola furnace, while
also being more expensive. There is capacity limitation in induction furnaces, hence large
foundries still prefer cupola furnace over induction furnace. The sources of energy vary from
a cupola furnace to an induction furnace. While coking coal is the source of energy for
melting in cupola furnace, electricity is used for the melting in induction furnace. Over last
few years, the prices of both coking coal and electricity have risen thereby leading to a sharp
rise in the power bill of the foundries. This cost is significant as energy costs are the second
largest cost after raw material costs in foundry operations, accounting for 12%-15% of the
total cost.
Deeper study of the energy consumption in furnaces revealed that 70% of the energy
consumption takes place during the melting process in the furnaces. Hence, TML team
decided that if it could work on a new product that could significantly melt faster than the
existing pig iron, it would be able to considerably bring down the energy consumption in the
furnaces, thereby helping foundries resolve the energy consumption challenge to a great
Why eFee
The name for this brand was kept as Tata eFee, where “Fe” is the chemical symbol of Iron and “e”s
at the beginning and the end of “eFee” denote energy efficiency and environment friendliness.

Regular customer feedback and interaction has been identified as the key to the success of Tata
eFeeTM. Sales & Marketing teams have been trained on the elements of brand building and have
been equipped with all necessary marketing collaterals.

How are the CSR and AA strategies funded?

Tata Metaliks has a unique way of allocation of financial resources to support its
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Affirmative Action (AA) strategy in a
sustained manner through a separate trust called "Sadbhavna Trust" which has
representatives from all categories of employees. Apart from the Company, all
employees also contribute towards the corpus of this Trust through their salary.
The 5E’s of sustainability

Entrepreneurship-Training Farmers

In addition to vendor development, the Company has also initiated a pilot project wherein a group of
farmers is being nurtured and supported technically and financially to take up multi-cropping and
cultivation of cash crop (capsicum) to enable them to increase their household income. More projects
on promoting agriculture have been planned based on the outcome of this pilot project.

 Sponsoring a Two Year ITI Course in Fitter & Electrical trades
 In-plant One Year "On-the- Job" Training to ITI / Diploma / B.Sc. qualified youth

 Sponsoring Two Year Mid Wifery Nursing Course for matriculate girls

 Scholarship to meritorious students
 To encourage primary school education by providing stationery items
 Improve infrastructure of primary schools at Amba, Maheshpur and Kendupal

 Improve quality of education for high school students through extra coaching class at
Gokulpur High School


Water Projects

Our Water Project in Kharagpur was conferred with the 'Best Practice in Drinking Water
Project'award at the Tata group AA workshop.

What is Affirmative Action group as per TATA Metaliks?

The area around the Company's operating plant in Kharagpur has 57 villages dominated by
disadvantaged, vulnerable and marginalised communities with poor socio-economic indicators.
Out of these, 36 villages with 54% SC/ST population are located within a radius of 5 KM of the
plant. The inhabitants of these villages form the "Core Beneficiaries" of the various CSR & AA
interventions planned and executed by the Company. 6 of these 36 villages have been identified
as priority areas for the Company's AA interventions.

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