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Risman yusuf

Traffic Engineering
Assignment 2

1. Explain the steps required in designing phase cycle.

2. Explain the design process for an intersection.
3. Explain concept of area and time of parking accumulation studies.
4. Why do we need traffic management?
5. Explain the strategies to promote safety on road.

Answer :
1. The Design Cycle is comprised of four steps: Inquiring and Analyzing, Developing Ideas,
Creating a Solution and Evaluating. The four steps do not necessarily have to be completed
in order, and it's actually encouraged to backtrack and jump around when needed.
• Inquiring and Analyzing
During the first stage, designers must explain and justify the need for their project.
Generally, this is also when designers research, explore existing products, produce an
initial sketch and create a design brief, which identifies what materials are needed
and what will actually be designed.
• Developing Ideas
Next, concepts become more sophisticated. This is the stage when students make
design specifications, determine how many materials are required, estimate the time
needed and go over details such as color and scale. Additionally, this is when the
rudimentary sketch from the previous stage becomes a blueprint with precise
• Creating the Solution
Here, technical skills are used to physically follow the plan to make the solution. At
this point, designers should feel prepared to take their ideas off paper and create
them with physical materials. However, during this stage, designers shouldn't feel
handcuffed by their design and should be open to thinking on the spot. Initial testing
occurs during this stage and if obstacles are encountered, changes can be made to
optimize and improve the original plan.
• Evaluating
This is when different testing methods are developed, the success of the solution is
judged and any improvements to make the solution are identified. From here, the
different stages can be repeated to further develop or advance the solution.

2. Intersections are a critical aspect of street design as the point where motorist, bicycle, and
pedestrian movements converge. Successful intersection design addresses all mobility and
safety goals as well as opportunities to enhance the public realm. This section explores
intersection design and operation, from signal timing to crosswalks, and investigates each
concept as it relates to citywide goals for safety, mobility, and more vibrant, accessible
public spaces.
The design of a safe road must consider several things, namely:
1. Reducing the number of vehicle conflicts.
2. Minimizing vehicle conflict areas.
3. Separation of vehicle conflict points.
4. Provide the best vehicle movement.
5. Control of speed.
The level of traffic smoothness is based on several factors, namely:
1. Population conditions and land use patterns around roads;
2. Conditions along the road;
3. The condition of the road alignment;
4. Traffic volume conditions;
5. Vehicle speed conditions.
(Manual Kapasitas Jalan Indonesia, 1997)

3. These are conducted to obtain data on the number of vehicles parked in a study area
during a specific period of time. First, the number of vehicles already in that area are
counted or estimated. Then the number of vehicles entering and exiting during that
specified period are noted, and added or subtracted from the accumulated number of
vehicles. Accumulation data are normally summarized by time period for the entire study
area. The occupancy can be calculated by taking accumulation/total spaces. Peaking
characteristics can be determined by graphing the accumulation data by time of day. The
accumulation graph usually includes cumulative arrival and cumulative departure graphs as

4. Traffic management is the planning, monitoring, and control or influencing of traffic. There
are various situations in which traffic may need to be controlled. Freeway construction,
repairing the roadways, or if a road is blocked due to snow, severe weather, mowing
operations, or any other factor that may affect the flow of traffic. Traffic management is
important to ensure a safe work environment that pedestrians are clear from danger when
in the warehouse as well as ensuring the safety of all forklift operators. Not only traffic
management is necessary but road signage's are important to ensure smooth traffic flow in
cities like Sydney.

5. Driving safely is of the most common things that people are concerned about nowadays.
However, simply having policies is not enough to encourage safe driving among individuals,
but implementing them in a proper way is the key.

It is often observed that the policies tend to remain on pen and paper and come into force
only when there’s a mishap. Therefore, enforcing a particular norm is necessary, and has to
be made effective immediately after its inception.

The points mentioned below are the top eight strategies that can be implemented in order
to promote safe driving:
1. Make Use Of Enticing Messages For The Drivers
It is very important to send out engaging messages to the drivers in order to promote
safety. For instance, the rule violations on road must be acknowledged and accordingly,
short and crisp engaging messages can be crafted which can later be conveyed to the
drivers to encourage safe driving.

It is found that many clients have been including short games to educate the drivers
about safe driving on road. These games either provide rewards and thus it helps in
engaging the drivers too much. These are likely to make an impact on the minds of the
driver, and hence they may use it while driving, by virtue.

2. Customize The Policies For The Drivers

A personalized online dashboard is what keeps a driver in the safe hands. This gives the
review of the driving pattern of the drivers, and they can also receive suggestions on
improving their style of driving. As a result, they can easily learn about the policies on
road safety.
3. Showcase The Benefits Of The Policies To The Drivers
The policies of safe driving that are created must be conveyed to the drivers properly
by citing the reasons why they should be following the same. The benefits they can
derive from those particular policies must be highlighted.

Even the drivers need to understand themselves, that their behavior is likely to impact
their job security as well life too.

4. Maintain Driving Rules

The roads should be divided into several lanes with signboards to encourage safe
driving. However, the drivers need to follow them so that it leads to lesser mishaps.
The dividers are also provided in many busy roads. This will facilitate in avoidance of
unnecessary changes between lanes; and as a result, people will be able to drive safely.

5. Set Speed Limits On Roads

Setting speed limits for different vehicles at different places is nothing new. But it is an
effective way of encouraging safe driving among the drivers.

The signboards are created with appropriate highlights and placed at regular intervals
on accident-prone areas on roads, or sometimes even regular roads are also equipped
with such signs.

6. Ensure Proper Understanding Of The Policies

Besides simply reaching out to the drivers, it must be ensured that they get the
required knowledge in order to drive safely on roads. A proper explanation is needed
so as to bring those policies into force.

Therefore, apart from simply creating a policy and extending to the drivers, making
them understand the same is also of utmost importance. For this to happen, short
quizzes may be included in the policies, which will ensure that the driver knows exactly
what the policy has to offer.

7. Implement Technology In Vehicles

It is the latest thing which is in trend for manufacturing automobiles. A lot of
technology is involved in creating these vehicles.

Consequently, it eases the driver with most of the functions of driving and also ensures

8. Avoid Distractions On The Road

The road is generally filled with a lot of visuals that are placed to catch the attention of
people. Therefore, avoiding setting up of signboards that are distractive in nature must
be avoided. Though it might seem like an indirect way of promoting safe driving, it
plays a great role in affecting accidents very often on roads.

Apart from all these, there are cases where an organization is involved in employing
drivers for delivering their products and services. Thus, here, a driver should
understand that the safety of both the product and the driver are both equally
important; and subsequently, road safety too.
Reference :
Papacostas, C. S., & Prevedouros, P. D. (1993). Transportation engineering and
Indonesia, M. K. J. (1997). Departemen Pekerjaan Umum. Direktorat Jenderal Bina
L R Kadiyali. Traffic Engineering and Transportation Planning. Khanna Publishers,
New Delhi, 1987.

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