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Write a letter of complaint on one of the following topics. It should contain no more than 250 words:

1. A wrong product delivered

 Explain what you ordered and what you received.
 Explain the importance of the delivery.
 What solution you are looking for?
2. The phone you bought is faulty
 Explain when and where you bought the phone
 What went wrong?
 What solution you are looking for?
3. You were poorly treated at the doctor’s or in a restaurant
 Introduce yourself
 Describe the situation you experienced
 Suggest solution of repercussion


1. Focus on the most important facts. Don't give unnecessary background information.
2. Make sure you include:
o the reason for writing (e.g. I am writing to ...)
o what went wrong
o what you would like to happen now.
3. Complaint letters are usually written in a formal style.
4. Use passives to be less direct and more formal, e.g. I was served quickly.
5. Use Yours faithfully to sign off if you don't know the name of the person you're writing to

Send your finished letters to Letters are due one week after receiving the

Good Luck!

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