Lecture 13. (A Complete Hand Note Based Mental Ability Book

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A complete hand note based Mental ability eB †_‡K †bIqv|

01. I come once in a year, twice in week . First in earth but never in month-who am I ? ( Avwg year
Gi GKevi week G `yBevi Avwm | earth G cÖ_‡gB Avwm, month G AvwmB bv | Avwg †K ?)
K) a L) e M) r N) k DËit L
mg‡qi GKK e-AÿiwU h‡Zvevi Av‡m
Year 1 evi
Week 2 evi
Earth 1 evi (ïiæ‡ZB)
month 1 GKevi I bv

02. If 10 cows eat 10 bags of fodder in 10 days, in how much time will 1 cow cat bag? ( 10wU Miæ
10 e¨vM Lv`¨ 10 w`‡b †L‡j, 1wU& Miæ 1 e¨vM Lv`¨ KZw`‡b Lv‡e ? )
K) 1day L) 5 days M) 10 days N) 20 days DËit M

10 wU Miæ 10 bag Lvevi Lvq 10 w`‡b

1 “ “ = = 1 bag Lvevi Lvq 10 w`‡b
A_©vr 1wU Miæ 1 bag Levi Lvq 10 w`‡b

03. If you enterd a dark room and you have a match, an oil lamp. An oil heater & lighter in your
hand . Which will you start first ? ( Zywg GKwU AÜKvi N‡i cÖ‡ek K‡iQ Ges †Zvgvi GKwU †`qvkjvB GKwU
cÖ`xc, GKwU Mig Kivi hš¿ I GKwU jvBUvi Av‡Q | Zzwg †KvbwU Av‡M e¨envi Ki‡e ? )
K) match L) oil lamp M) oil heater N) lighter DËit N

w`qvkjvB w`‡q room wU cÖ_‡g Av‡jvwKZ Ki‡Z n‡e, Zvici Av‡jvi mvnv‡h¨ Ab¨vb¨ e¯‘ †`Lv hv‡e |

04. There are 50 socks of different 5 colors every ten If you are in a dark room with the socks
randomly distributed, what is the minimum numbers of socks you have to drew to get a pair?
( cÖwZ i‡Oi 10wU K‡i 5 i‡Oi 50wU †gvRv Av‡Q | GKwU AÜKvi N‡i †gvRv¸‡jv G‡jv‡g‡jv Ae¯’vq _vK‡j Kgc‡ÿ
KZwU †gvRv Zzj‡j GK‡Rvov †gvRv cvIqv hv‡e ? )
K) 11 wU L) 6 wU M) 14 wU N) 20 wU DËit L

Color pair of shoes number of socks

5 10 (5× 10) = 50
Avgiv hw` a‡iI †bB | Avgv‡`i fvM¨ LyeB Lvivc A_¨©r cÖ_g 5wU †gvRv Zzjjvg Ges 5 wU 5 color Gi n‡jv | Gici
6th ‡gvRvwU c~‡e©i 5wU color- Gi †h‡Kvb GKwU color- Gi mv‡_ Aek¨B wg‡j hv‡e KviY †gvU color B ‡Zv Av‡Q 5
wU| Zvi gv‡b, Kgc‡ÿ 6wU †gvRv Zzj‡j GK‡Rvov GKB color- Gi †gvRv cvIqvi m¤¢vebv 100%

05. All but 60 were died in the accident. How many are remain alive? ( 60 Rb Qvov evKx mevB GK
`yN©Ubvq gviv hvq | KZRb RxweZ Av‡Q ? )
K) 40 Rb L) 60 Rb M) 100 Rb N) 20 wU DËit L

evK¨wU GKUz mvwR‡q wjL‡j cvIqv hvq |

All were died in the accident = mevB gvqv wM‡qwQj |
But 60= but 60 did not die = wKš‘ 60 Rb gviv hvqwb
Zvi gv‡b 60 Rb RxweZ wQj |

A complete hand note based Mental ability eB †_‡K †bIqv|
06. There are 300 soilders who were going to another camp.Unfortunately, They faced a serious
road accident & 100 were injured. 80 were sent to the nearby hospital . All but 40 were died
in the hospital . How many soilders are remain alive of the camp ? ( 300 Rb ˆmb¨ Ab¨ GKwU
K¨v‡¤ú hvw”Qj | Zviv `~N©Ubvq c†o I 100 Rb ˆmb¨ AvnZ nq | 80 Rb‡K wbKU¯’ nvmcvZv‡j †bqv nq | 40 Rb Qvov
evKx mevB nvmcvZv‡j gviv hvq | K¨v‡¤ú KZRb ˆmb¨ RxweZ Av‡Q ? )
K) 40 L) 80 M) 260 N) 240 DËit M
†gvU ‰mb¨ msL¨v AvnZ ‰mb¨ msL¨v nvmcvZv‡j †bIqv nq gviv hvq
300 Rb 100 Rb 80 Rb (80-40) = 40 Rb
∴ RxweZ Av‡Q = (300-40) = 260 Rb

07. A doctor gave you 6 pills to take every 2 hours . When will you take the last pill? ( GKRb
Wv³vi †Zvgv‡K 6wU wcj `yÕN›Uv weiwZ‡Z †L‡Z ‡`b | me©‡k‡l wcjwU Zzwg KLb Lv‡e ? )
K) 10 hours L) 12 hours M) 6 hours N) 8 hours DËit K

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th = 6 wU pill

Instant 2h 2h 2h 2h 2h = 10 N›Uv
∴ 6th pill ev me©‡kl pill wU †L‡Z cvi‡e †gvU 10 N›Uv mgq AwZevwnZ nIqvi c‡i|

08. How many 5 taka’s stamps are there in 5 dozen ? ( 5 WRb ÷¨v‡¤ú 5 UvKv `‡ii KZwU ÷¨v‡¤ú Av‡Q ?)
K) 48 wU L) 60 wU M) 72 wU N) 96 wU DËit L
5 UvKvq stamp bv, KZ UvKvi stamp ‡mwU Avgv‡`i †`Lvi welq bv, KviY cÖwZwU stamp Gi `vg 5 UvKv
K‡i| 5 WR‡b †gvU = (5× 12) = 60 wU stamp Av‡Q | GUvB n‡jv gyj welq| A_©vr 5 WR‡b †gvU 60 wU 5 UvKvi
stamp Av‡Q |
09. A person has 4 coin 2 taka, 1 taka, 50 poisa & 25 poisa each of different denomination where
minimum in 25 paisa, what is the minimum sums of money the person can form ( using 41
coins at a time ) ? ( GK e¨w³i 2 UvKv, 1 UvKv, 50 cqmv I 25 cqmv `‡ii ‡gvU 4 wU gy`ªv Av‡Q | me ai‡Yi
gy`ªv wb‡q †gvU Kgc‡ÿ KZ UvKv †jvKwUi _vK‡Z cv‡i ? )
K) 3.25 tk L) 3.00 tk M) 3.50 tk N) 3.75 tk DËit N

‡gvU gy`ªvi msL¨v = 4 wU

wfbœ wfbœ gy`ªvi = 4 wU
Zvi gv‡b, cÖ‡Z¨KwU gy`ªv 1 evi K‡i †bIqv n‡q‡Q Ges †mB wn‡m‡e UvKvi cwigvY |
= ( 1+ UvKv 2 UvKv + 50 cqmv + 25 cqmv ) gy`ªv = 3 UvKv 75 cqmv = 3.75 tk

10. A papaya tree was planted 2 years ago. It increases at the rate of 20% every year. If at present,
the height of the tree in 540 cm, how long was it when was planted? ( GKwU †cu‡cu MvQ 2 eQi Av‡M
†ivwcZ nq | GwU cÖwZ eQi 20% e„w× cvq | GLb MvQwUi D”PZv 540 †mwg n‡j, †ivc‡bi mgq Gi D”PZv KZ wQj ? )
K) 540 cm L) 250 cm M) 375 cm N) 425 cm DËit M

20% ev 5 fv‡Mi 1 fvM K‡i 2 evi †e‡o‡Q, Zvn‡j Avgiv 5-‡K eM© Kwi Z_v 25 †K †ivc‡bi D”PZv g‡b Kwi |
‡ivc‡bi mgq 120% 120%
25 cm 30 cm 36 cm
↓ 15 ¸Y ↓ 15 ¸Y
375 540 [ cÖ‡kœ †`Iqv Av‡Q ]
∴ e„ÿ †ivc‡bi mgq MvQwUi D”PZv wQ‡jv 375 cm

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