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Activities to be included in Portfolio

(To be submitted by the end of the semester )

Field Study 1 …. The Learners’ Development and Environment

1. Present an illustration of a school that is supportive of learning or a “ child friendly
school “through any of the following :
a. descriptive paragraph
b. photo essay
c. sketch / drawing
d. poem. song , jingle , etc.
2. Write a Reflective Paper on the Effect of Classroom Management to Learning
3. Discuss comprehensively “ The Teachers’ Roles Based on the Understanding of Child
Development and Learning “

Field Study 2 ….. Experiencing The Teaching - Learning Process

1. List down different Methods and Strategies , Instructional Materials and
Assessment Tools in the Learning Environment which contribute to the acquisition
of a Meaningful Learning Experience.
2. On assisting a teacher , Prepare a sample lesson plan in any subject.
Consider the following parts :
* Lesson Objective /objectives
* Learning Activities
* Instructional Materials
* Assessment Tools
Strictly follow these parts in the preparation of your lesson plan
I. Objective/s
II. Subject Matter , Ref. Materials
III. Lesson Proper
- Drill
- Review
- Motivation
- Lesson Proper
IV. Evaluation
V. Assignment

Field Study 3… Technology in the Learning Environment

1. Identify and classify resources that facilitate Teaching and Learning Process.
2. Discuss the effectiveness of displays as learning resources . This includes bulletin boards.
(Provide illustrations )
3. Prepare a narrative report on the Strength and Weaknesses of Instructional Materials
prepared and used by the teachers.

Note : Make your work more creative and presentable . You are required to only have it in a folder ,
not book bound as what we used to have before.
Use pictures and illustrations to enhance the idea.
We shall set a day to check all your work . To be submitted and returned to you by your
respective class representative

Suggested Parts of a Portfolio

I. Table of Contents
II. Field Study Student’s Prayer
III. A Resume ‘
IV. A brief Description of a School in terms of facilities , goals and objectives
V. Include here all the activities asked for to be prepared properly classified
V. Others ( pictures, references , etc. )

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