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hack down [V-T-U 13] (a ship) t

t Dock (LP D) 0
. . Tr;1n spor v rn()ve it backwards .
Arnrh1b10LIS I r to ;J Doc .
AAW (anti-aircra ft warfare) IN· <.1n'll ,-1 t ,1n ,n rr(',l', ('( j ba lli stic missile [N-C-U8] a
UNC-U4] the act of rl frnrl in~ IN· .lJ6]<,I<. h1r) b11t wit , nr•d r on that initially is guided
against or stopping an at t.:i k fr nrn 1,111d1n<1 ' \ ld1nq troop
l,1p,1c1tyfnr 10 - rW hr•r; as I:t travels and then fr~e
ai rcra ft . 1r,1 :,, rJn to ,ts target .
11 0 11cnp trr · . lrJ-r _
Aegis combat systern IN· -U3] .~ arfar shrp
amphibious w . OLI t (()rl') r )I iJ,1r rAI dia meter [N-UNC-Ul Q] tr,p ,
system of cornput0r., rarlar, ,md
U6] a ship that ca rrr e~udrng r1r,sa ul t ,1 nrJth
of the inside of the b-:irrel ~f
guided vveapons that rs built into a
operations, often ,nc . c;rrs a ~un .
naval sh ip for the destruction of landings by Navy-Manne
enemy targets ba rre l length [N-UtK-U 1OJ thP
afterbody [N-C-U9] pa1t of a N-C-U 13] a hook that drgs distance a projectile t ravels fro~n
torpedo directly in front of the tail, anchor [ . rd er to the firing point to the end of tr,P
into the sea bottom ,n o
containing the torpedo's gun barrel. ·
keep a ship from moving .
propu lsion system .
-U l 3] an area used battle force [N-C-U3] a gro1Jp of
AGM (Air-to-Ground Missile) [N-C· anchorage [N · C .
by ships when anchoring. active warships, including aircr~ft
US] missile fired from an aircraft at
carriers, surface combat ships,
a target on the ground . anchoring [N-UNC-Ul 31th e
submarines, and other vessels.
AGS (advanced gun system) [N-C- process by which ships can stop at
U4] a 155mm gun that is vertically a distance away from la nd by belay [V-T-U 12] (a line) to secure t
mounted. It can fire guided and dropping a hook and chain into to a pier or object.
unguided munitions. the water.
bend [N-C-U 11] a shape that is
AIM (Air-Intercept Missile) [N-C- armament [N-UNC-U 1] the formed when a line is tied to
U8] missile fired at enemy aircraft weaponry found on a ship or another line.
from an aircraft and detects aircraft.
targets through heat detection . bight [N-C-U 11] a loop in a line or
ASROC [N-C-U9] a rocket
a wire.
aircraft [N-C-U2] An aircraft is any designed to destroy enemy
manmade vehicle that can fly. submarines. bitter end [N-C-U 11] the end that
aircraft carrier [N-C-U2] a very is not attached to anything else.
assault landing [N-C-U6] a
large naval ship used to launch combat operation in which troops bitts [N-C-U 12] pairs of cast iron
aircraft. land on a coast from an cylinders that are arranged on a
airframe [N-C-U8] the cylindrical amphibious warfare ship. pier or a deck. Mooring lines are
body or structure of a rocket or ASW (anti-submarine warfare) [N- secured around them .
missile. U_NC-U4] the use of ships, block [N-C-U 1S] a casing for a
air-launched [ADJ-U9] (torpedo) a,rp!anes or submarines to defend pulley, which is a wheel that turns
fired or dropped from a helicopter against enemy submarines.
and delivers force to a machine in
or airplane.
attack submarine (SSN) [N-C-US] order to move objects.
ammunition [N-UNC-U1 OJ one or a submersible navy vessel used to
more projectiles packaged with an BMD (ballistic missile defense) [N·
seek and destroy other submarines
explosive propellant in a shell and surface vessels, as well as t UNC-U3] a system of missiles and
0 missile launchers designed to .
designed to be fired by a gun. launch missiles ashore.
destroy incoming ballistic missiles.
Amphibious Command Ship AW (air _warfare) [N-UNC-U3] th
(LCC) [N-C-U6] ship serving as an use of aircraft in military e bollard [N-C-U 12) a cylinder-
operational base, offering control engagements. shaped object with a bulb and
and communication facilities for horn, found on the pier;moonnQ
air, land, and sea commanders. aweigh [ADJ-U 131 (
has been lifted f anchor) that lines are wrapped around it.
the sea floor. rom the bottom of

34 Glossary
-,- .

Glossary I
,) to poom [N-C-U15] a maneuverable,
. f
retra ct able pole or piece o meta l ;n
~~i,so~c:o~e weapon system) [N- I
used to handle cargo. . e ensive gun system detect [V-T-U4J to discover sth . I
used against nearby weapons or displacement [N-UNC-U2 Jthe I
d, oottom mine (N-C-U9] a mine targets.
Tee that is planted on t he bottom of a amount of water that the hull of a I
ship takes the place of; used to
ater body; the vvater must be class [N-C-U2] a group of persons
or obiects that share common describe the weight of the ship.
:fficiently sha llow for a bottom I
]the 5 ff . characteristics.
mine to bee ect,ve. Dock-Landing Ship (LSD) [N-C-U6]
rel of I
cleat [N-C-U 12] a pair of metal a ship carrying troops and
oull-nose fN-C-L/14] an opening at I
horns that hold lines in mooring. equipment to engage in coastal
the tip of a ship's bow through
which lines can be strung.
landing operations. I
>m closed chock [N-C-U12] a fitting I
double up [V-T-U 12] (a line) to add
:he Burton rig fN-C-U 15] a through which mooring lines are
fed . three more lines to a mooring line. I
combination of equipment, usually
endurance [N-UNC-U 1] the I
consisting of two winches and two coastal interdiction [N-UNC-U7] a
steel whips (one on each ship), naval operation conducted on a
maximum amount of time a ship I
aft can power itself at a certain speed.
that is used to transfer cargo from coast in order to stop or prevent I
one ship to another. an activity such as drug smuggling engage [V-T-U4] (an enemy ship) I
or espionage from occurring. to go into battle with it. I
ire it camel [N-C-U 12] a type of shock
absorber that floats in the water coil [N-C-U 1 1] a long length of line evade [V-T-U 1] to avoid or get I
between a ship and a pier. that is gathered up and secured away from someone or something. I
for storage. I
cargo-handling [N-UNC-U 1SJ the fake down [V-T-U11] (a line) to lay
process of moving cargo from one coil down fV-T-U11] (a line) to lay the line flat with long, oblong I

ship to another. the line flat and set down each bights that lie next to each other, I
! bight in a circle on top of the one instead of circles on top of each
carrier task group [N-C-U4] a before. other.
group consisting of an aircraft
lat combat [N-UNC-U 1] the act of fender [N-C-U 12) a cushion made
carrier and the escort ships that
protect it. taking hostile, armed action of rubber or line that acts as a
against an enemy. shock absorber between a ship
cast off [V-PHRASE-U 12] to release and a pier.
aline from a pier. contact mine [N-C-U9] a mine
designed to detonate when it is fiber rope [N-C-U 11) a rope made
catenary [N-C-U14] a deep curve a physically touched by an enemy out of natural or synthetic
towline forms undervvater to vessel. materials such as nylon, hemp or
reduce tension on the line. manila.
15 cruiser [N-C-U3) a large to
n CATOBAR (Catapult Assisted Take medium-sized warship with fleet ballistic-missile submarine
Off But Arrested Recovery) [N- multiple target response (SSBN) [N-C-US) a submersible
UNC-U2] a system used when an capabilities. Navy vessel designed to launch
aircraft takes off from an aircraft intercontinental missiles without
deck seamanship [N-UNC-U 1SJ being detected .
carrier using a catapult and lands
the process of handling and
using wires. flemish down [V-T-U 11] (a line) is
loading cargo using basic
to form a circular mat by tightly
chafing chain [N-C-U 14] a chain techniques and equipment.
winding the bights around each
used to protect towing lines from deck-launched (ADJ-U9) (torpedo) other.
excessive wear. I •
fired from the deck of a ship.
flight deck [N-C-U2) the surface
chain stopper [N-C-U 13] a shackle destroyer [N-C -U4) a fleet vessel on an aircraft carrier from which
and a pelican hook used to keep

that protects carriers and de_
tects aircraft take off and land.
an anchor in place. enemy ships, submarines, missiles
and aircraft.

Glossary 35
--------. I
1SR (intelligence, surveillance, and
reconnaissance) [N-UNC-US] the 1ar9 I
gun (N-C-U 1OJ a projectile-firing
forward presence [N-UNC-U2) the acquisition and analysis of ((lid •
act of maintaining military power weapon . information that is needed for tor~ I
at the front lines of a conflict zone, guy [N-C-U15) a rope or cable matters of national security. afte j
far from the base of operations. used to lift or steady an obJect.
kingpost [N-C-U 15] a rotating or corT I
frigate [N-C-U4) a small, easily hangar deck [N-C-U2] th e level of stationary column that supports a (11in1
maneuverable ship that protects an aircraft carrier where ,ts aircraft boom when lifting cargo. wea
against enemy submarines. are stored . und·I
knot [N-C -U 11] a shape that is
gas turbine engine [N-C -U3) an hawsepipe [N-C -U 13) a tube on a formed w hen a line is tied to itself. expl•j
engine used to power ships and ship used to store an anchor. con1 1
aircraft that converts the flow of th land attack [N-C-U5] a navy
head (N-C-U9] (of a torpedo) e (11iSSI
combustion products into added operation in w hich enemy forces
front end, which contains the that
mechanical energy. on la nd are assaulted by
torpedo's explosive charge, fuse, explcl
submarines or surface ships.
GCS (gun computer system) [N-C- and sensing devices.
12 launch [V-T-U2] to release sth or r,.t1od l
U10) a computer system designed heave around [V-PHRASAL-U 1
to analyze target detection data send it fo rth .
acco rj
to pull a line using a capstan .
and compute accurate firing ident l
hitch [N-C -U 11] a shape that is lay [N-U NC -U 11] (of a line) the weap
solutions. direction and number of its
formed when a line is tied to desig j
General-Purpose Assault Ship strands. the rvj
another object.
{LHA) [N-C-U6] a large amphibious
homing torpedo [N-C-U9] a line [N-C-U 11] a piece of rope that marli ~
warfare ship capable of launching
simultaneous helicopter and guided torpedo that seeks its has been cut for a specific UNC- j
landing-craft operations. target by listening for its acoustic purpose. with rl
emissions or the reflection of sonar
GFCS (gunfire control system) [N- littoral [ADJ-U7] (operation)
signals. mooriJ
C-U 1OJ a system of guns, target conducted on or near a coast.
detection devices, and firing Housefall rig [N-C-U 15] a
machine gun [N-C-U7] a gun that
solutions devices designed to combination of equipment used to mooril
can continuously and quickly shoot
accurately hit targets at long transfer cargo consisting of two rope ul
winches and two steel whips, bullets as long as the trigger is pier.
distances and under varying
conditions. where both winches are on one pressed .
gooseneck [N-C-U15) a curved
ship only. make fast [V-T-U 14) to tighten or equ,pp
piece of equipment at the bottom humanitarian operation [N-C-U6] secure an object. types d
of a boom that allows the boom a mission conducted to help non- maneuverability [N-UNC-U1] the battles!
to move in different directions. combatants in need of aid . ability of a ship to effectively move, Expedi1
ground tackle [N-UNC-U13] in step [ADJ-U14] (two ships) change direction, and avoid enemy and uni
equipment used by ships when reaching the top of a wave at the attacks. Multipl
anchoring . same time.
maritime security [N-UNC-U2] the [N-C-U6
guidance system [N-C-U8] a influence mine [N-C-Ug) a mine Purpos I
act of preventing intentional
system that directs and guides a that is equipped with sensors and can opJ
damage to a country's resources at
missile on its flight towards its
detonates when a target is within sea, such as through sabotage or craft anl
target. its blast range.
terrorism . helicop~
guided-missile submarine (SSGN)
[N-C-US] a submersible Navy vessel
insert ~-T-US] to put sth into Mark [N-C-U10] a term, usually NSFs (nl
capable of launching guided
something else.
accompanied by a number, for_ fN,uNc j
identifying a new weapons sy err artillery I
using the Mark, Mod system (e.g,
the Mark 45).
36 Glossary
t \,

I I;\
' rnedium-sized [ADJ-U3) neither nuclear p
nee, and iarge nor small. d . . owered [ADJ-US]
JSJ the eriving energy fro POS (protection of shipping) (N-
,,,;dsection [N-C-U 9]_(of a fission to d m nuclear lJNC-U4 I the protection of non-
f o a particular task
:J for torpedo) the par1 1n fro nt of the cornh.:it support ships.
nuclear m· .1 ·
ty. ~fterbody, conta1111 ng batteries, US a - . iss, e exchange [N-C- power projection [N-UNC-U2] the
compressed a,r 01 l1qu1d fuel. hl serious military conflict in
,ting or act and cap,:1b1ht:y of d1,pl,:1ying ·I
w ich nuclear missiles are
Jports a n,ine [N-C-U9) n explosive military force b~yond a co•;ntry's
launched and detonated at
weapon that 1s plan ted opposing forces . own borders.
underwater and designed to powerplant [N-C-U8] the section
at is offensive [ADJ-U 1] (weapon) used
explode up n the approach of or of a rocket or missile that propels it
to itself. primarily to attack enemies.
contact wit h enemy vessels. into the air.
y open chock [N-C-U 12] a fitting
rnissi/e [N-C-U8) a guided weapon projectile [N-C-U 1OJ an obJect that
orces through which mooring lines are
that is self-propelled and carries is thrown, fired, or launched
fed .
explosives. through the air, sometimes with
ordnance [N-UNC-U8] the the intent of hitting a target.
:h or Mod [N-C-U 1OJ a term, usually
different types of weapons and rifling [N-UNC-U 10-] the spiral
accompan ied by a number, for
ammunition used in warfare. grooves inside a gun barrel that
identifying modifications of a
he weapons system already outboard swivel shot [N-C-U13] a causes projectiles fired from it to
length of chain and a shackle that spin and fly faster.
designated by a Mark number (e.g,
the Mark 45 Mod 1). attaches an anchor to an anchor rig [N-C-U 15] a piece of
chain. equipment used for a specific
e that marlinespike seamanship [N-
overtake [V-T-U 1] to catch up with purpose.
UNC-U 11] the process of working
with rope or with a line. a ship and move past it. rigging [N-UNC-U15] a term used
part [V-T-U 11) (a line) to break or for all the different parts that are
mooring [N-UNC-U 12] the act of used in cargo loading, such as
cut the line.
attaching or tying a ship to a pier. wires, cables, guys, topping lifts
that patrol [N-C-U7) an operation and goosenecks.
mooring line [N-C-U12] a heavy
;hoot conducted in a certain area for the
rope used to secure a ship to a RIM (Rocket Intercept Missile) [N-
purposes of observation and
pier. C-U8) a missile that detects, tracks
maintaining order.
and destroys enemy rockets or
multi-mission [ADJ-U3] (vessel) Patrol Coastal Ship (PC) [N-C-U7)
1or missiles.
equipped to perform in various another name for a patrol
types of missions, including rocket [N-C-U8] a cylindrical
combatant naval ship.
he battlespace characterization, weapon containing explosives that
ove, Expeditionary Warfare, air warfare, patrol combatant [N-C-U7] a is propelled into the air towards a
:my and undersea warfare. small naval ship used for coastal target.
observance and protection.
Multipurpose Assault Ship (LHD) roller chock [N-C-U 12] a fitting
the pelican hook [N-C-U 14] a large with moving rollers through which
IN-C-U6] ship similar to a General-
hook used in towing ships. mooring lines are fed.
Purpose Assault Ship, but which
; at can operate air-cushion landing pier [N-C-U 12] a structure to screen unit [N-C-U4] a group of
,r craft and antisubmarine which ships are moored. ships that protect and defend a
helicopters. carrier.
plant [V-T-U9] to place sth in a
NSFS (naval surface fire support) location where it cannot be sea control [N-UNC-U2] the act of
IN-UNC-U3] the use of naval detected and then leave the area. a naval force preventing enemy
m vessels from operating in a sea
artillery in amphibious assaults. port [N-C-U7] a facility on_
l'M1-r-...... - .
navigable water where ships can
be loaded and unloaded.

Glossary 37
..;,Jr I 1
. lift [N-c-U15] a line ri1ouc:
an d
GlossarY toPP 1ng ·
frorn fiber or wire that raises
T ke off sut supports the boorn -
sTOBAR (Short a N-UNc-U2l a do [N-c-U9] an explosive us'J
,Arrested Recovery) [ n aircraft takes L.)3 ;1
th torpect le weapon launched trom a
used when a ·t rr,il i I
seaworthiness [N-UNC ~Ul) e system . ft carrier under I s proJe i . If
ability of a ship to function in off from an a1rcra s wires to land . s ·p
or subrnanne and se d- t .
propelled underWater to es ray rts vee
severe weather, such as high own power but use
winds, while at sea. sroVL (Short Take off vertical itS (I
t arget. v,1e I
shackle [N-C-U 13 l a ring used to Landing) [N-UNC-U2] a systernff ,owing [N-UNC-U14] t he act of
attach an anchor chain to another used when an aircraft takes o_
from an aircraft carrier under ,ts
pulling a ship or other vehicle \/L:I
object, such as an anchor.
shallow water environment [N-C-
own pawer and can land vert,callY
beh ind anot her one .
towing haw ser [N-C-U14l a heavy
strategic mission [N-C-U l a ..
U7] an area of water where the
water level is not deep, preventing military effort to destroy speof1~
cable used to toW a ship. corl
the operation of some ships. targets that support the enernY s towing rig [N-C -U 14] a structure
sheave [N-C -U 15] a wheel inside a will and ability to rnake war. on a sh ip that is used to tow wa
block. STREAM (Standard Tensioned another ship.
short stay [ADJ-U13] (anchor) Replenishment Alongside Method) towing-pad eye [N-C-U14] an exr:: 1
when the anchor chain has been
lifted, just before the point of the
rig [N-C-Ul 5) a combination of object used to attach a towing wa1
equipment used to transfer cargo chain to the towing rig of a ship.
anchor coming out of the ground. from sh ip to ship on the open sea,
vva ~
towline [N-C-U14] the total length is uj
short-range (ADJ-U 14] (weapon or using a wire highline and a special
ship) covering a limited distance. ram-tensioner that allows the ships of the hawser and chafing chain weJ
to remain side by side and transfer used to tow a ship . vari1
shot [N-C-U13] a measurement of
cargo with the use of trolleys.
the length of an anchor chain, transport [N-C-U6] a ship chal
equal to 15 fathoms, or 30 meters. survivability [N-UNC-U1] the designed to carry troops from one rain
sortie deterrence [N-UNC -U2) the ability of a ship to withstand place to another. we j
damage taken in combat.
I, military strategy of preventing
tsunami [N-C-U6] a large wave anc1
enemy units from launching SUW (surface warfare) [N-UNC-U3]
that floods a coastline after an shi 9
I aircraft. the use of surface combat ships in
event at sea, such as an h.
special operations forces (SOF) [N-
C-US] military forces specially
trained to complete missions in an
military engagement.
tackle [N-C-U15] a combination of
a block and lines coming together
earthquake .
ube-launched [ADJ-U9] (torpedo)
t1e 9
enemy controlled area.
special_warfare [N-UNC-Ul] high-
nsk military actions conducted b
to gain a mechanical advantage.
tail [N-C-U9) (of a torpedo) the
back end, including fins, screws
fired from a launching cylinder on
d~ck 0 ~ a ship, or built into the
0 a ship or submarine.

small, elite units against specific y use!
and control surfaces. ' tug_[N-C-U 14] a ship that is
high-value targets.
take a strain on [V-PH de_s1gned to tow or pull other wirj
speed [N-UNC-U 1J the ability of a ma
(a line) to tighten. RASE-U 12] ships.
ship to travel quickly.
steam [V-1-U 1) to move on or take a turn [V-1-U 11] ~~~J~~de~ater Guided Missile)
around an object. to loop a line W1r1
through water. la h a guided missile that is
Stinger [N-C-U7) a su rface- s ubnc ~d underwater from a co "]
to a" missile
. take in [V-PHRASAL
to bring back t -U12] (a line) tra n
- ir proJectile weapon that can o a ship. u marine.
?e mo_unted on ships to attack
terrorist attack UNREP [N-UNC
trol ll
incoming aircraft. act carried out b[N-C-U7] a violent replenishment. -U 15] underway one
governm Y a non- of al
ental actor f .
purposes and t or political
o create fear.
38 Glossary

., I

and down [ADJ-U13] (anchor)
15] a line made uP. h has been pulled out of the
1at raises and whic d but is still lying on the sea
1 explosive W(undersea warfare) [N-UNC-
unched from a LJ S f b . .
LJ}the use o su marines 1n
1d self- 3
r,1ilitary engagement.
•r to destroy its
eer [V-1-U13] to let an anchor or
V .
itS chain run out using its own
J the act of
~r vehicle weight.
VLS (vertic_al _
launching system) [N-
-U14] a heavy c-U3] a missile firing system
hip. installed on a submarine or surface
combat shi p that launches missiles
I a structure upwards from the vessel's deck.
to tow
warhead [N-C-U8] the part of a
rocket or missile that contains
-U14]a n
a towing
g of a sh ip. waterway [N-C-U7] any body of
water, such as a river or canal, that
~ total length
is used for transportation.
1fing chain
weather conditions [N-PL-U 1]
various types of weather that can
change quickly, such as wind or
JS from one
weigh [V-T-U13) (anchor) to lift the
·ge wave
anchor from the ground so that a
after an
ship may depart.
whipping [N-C-U11] a piece of
9) (torpedo) tape or some other material that is
cylinder on tied around the end of a line to
uilt into the keep it from unraveling.
nne. Windlass [N-C-U13) a machine
1at is used to hoist the anchor of a ship.
: other Wire [N-C-U 11] a rope that is
rnade of wire or of both fiber and
:ied Missile) Wire.
ile that is Wire high line rig [N-C-U 15) a
·om a combination of equipment used to
transfer cargo consisting of a
1derway trolley moving on a wire line from
0 ne ship to another, with the use
of a winch.

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