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V O L U ME 2 , ISS U E 4 AP RI L 2 0 1 8



The Reviewers
Eric Helms
Eric Helms is a coach, athlete, author, and educator. He is a coach for drug-free strength and
physique competitors at all levels as a part of team 3D Muscle Journey. Eric regularly publishes
peer-reviewed articles in exercise science and nutrition journals on physique and strength sport, in
addition to writing for commercial fitness publications. He’s taught undergraduate- and graduate-
level nutrition and exercise science and speaks internationally at academic and commercial
conferences. He has a B.S. in fitness and wellness, an M.S. in exercise science, a second Master’s
in sports nutrition, a Ph.D. in strength and conditioning, and is a research fellow for the Sports
Performance Research Institute New Zealand at Auckland University of Technology. Eric earned pro status as a natural
bodybuilder with the PNBA in 2011 and competes in the IPF at international-level events as an unequipped powerlifter.

Greg Nuckols
Greg Nuckols has over a decade of experience under the bar and a B.S. in exercise and sports
science. Greg is currently enrolled in the exercise science M.A. program at the University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill. He’s held three all-time world records in powerlifting in the 220lb and
242lb classes. He’s trained hundreds of athletes and regular folks, both online and in-person.
He’s written for many of the major magazines and websites in the fitness industry, including Men’s
Health, Men’s Fitness, Muscle & Fitness,, T-Nation, and
Furthermore, he’s had the opportunity to work with and learn from numerous record holders,
champion athletes, and collegiate and professional strength and conditioning coaches through his previous job as Chief
Content Director for Juggernaut Training Systems and current full-time work on

Michael C. Zourdos
Michael (Mike) C. Zourdos, Ph.D, CSCS, is an associate professor in exercise science at Florida
Atlantic University (FAU) in Boca Raton, FL., USA, with a specialization in strength and conditioning
and skeletal muscle physiology.  He earned his Ph.D. in exercise physiology from The Florida State
University (FSU) in 2012 under the guidance of Dr. Jeong-Su Kim. Prior to attending FSU, Mike
received his B.S. in exercise science from Marietta College and M.S. in applied health physiology
from Salisbury University. Mike served as the head powerlifting coach of FSU’s 2011 and 2012
state championship teams. As an associate professor at FAU, Mike is the director of the FAU
Muscle Physiology Research Laboratory. He also competes as a powerlifter in the USAPL, and
among his best competition lifts is a 230kg (507lbs) raw squat at a body weight of 76kg. Mike
owns the company Training Revolution, LLC., where he has coached more than 100 lifters, including a USAPL open
division national champion.

Letter from
the Reviewers

ell, here we are. We are officially one year old and this is our 13th is-
sue. First and foremost, we couldn’t have gotten to this point with-
out you, so we want to offer our sincerest thanks for being a part
of MASS. We have had a blast putting this together each month and look
forward to doing this for many years to come.
In the last year, MASS has produced 120 articles and videos and has add-
ed many new features since its inception, including audio recordings for
each written article, an interactive Facebook group, guest articles, a video
interview, and an article categorization on the member site. We know you’ll
trust us when we say there’s only more on the way in year two.
This month, we also have our largest and most content-heavy issue to
date: 11 total pieces thanks to two guest contributors. These guest contri-
butions come from two Ph.Ds.: Eddie Jo and Caleb Bazyler. Eddie, an as-
sistant professor at California State Polytechnic University – Pomona, has
an article analyzing the efficacy of wearable technology, specifically the va-
lidity of the Fitbit Charge for heart rate data. Caleb, an assistant professor
at East Tennessee State University, wrote a concept review on accentuated
eccentric training, which poses the question: Does adding load to only the
eccentric part of the movement enhance hypertrophy and strength? These
are both topics MASS has not covered before, and they are analyzed here
by two of the true experts in these areas.
The three of us are still here too, though, and Greg has reviewed a paper
from the famous journal Nature that explains how muscle might indeed have
an epigenetic “memory.” To continue the mechanistic theme, Mike’s Part
2 of his individualization series focuses on why hypertrophy and strength
occur at individual rates at the cellular level. Eric weighs in on a two-year
protein study and provides an objective analysis of the much-talked-about

supplement HMB. Other topics this month include an updated look at
training frequency, practical implementation of autoregulation techniques,
carbohydrate mouth-rinsing and strength performance, the importance of
maximizing intended concentric velocity, and an examination of the differ-
ence between dead stop and touch-and-go deadlifts.
Lastly, the Facebook group is waiting for any questions and discussion
you might have. Now, let’s get to the issue – it’s packed with 11 articles and
videos to get through.

The MASS Team

Eric, Greg, and Mike

Table of Contents


The Science of Muscle Memory

Many people have noted that, while it takes a long time to build muscle and strength
initially, you can regain muscle and strength much faster after a period of detraining.
A new study reveals a mechanistic reason: epigenetic memory.


Touch-and-Go or Dead Stop Deadlifts? That is the Question.

Touch-and-go or dead stop deadlift reps? You see both of these strategies all the time.
Is there some magic involved with one of them? Are you missing out on the benefits of
the one you’re not using? This article looks at the kinematic and practical differences
between the rep strategies.


High Protein Diets Can Enhance Strength and Lean Mass, but Are
They Safe?
We’ve discussed the importance of protein intake for both muscle gain and fat loss,
but not safety. This case study on a handful of bodybuilders following a high protein
diet for two years is the best data set we have on safety to date.


The Accuracy of Modern-Day Fitness Trackers and Heart Rate

Wearable technology has exploded in the past few years, and it can be a great tool
to track variables. But with any technology, it’s crucial that the tracking be accurate.
So what about the popular Fitbit Charge; does it indeed track heart rate accurately?


How to Maximize Results with Velocity-Based Training

Velocity-based training isn’t just a way to select training loads and adjust volume. By
monitoring velocity on each rep, you may also make larger gains.


A Glimmer of Hope for CHO Mouth Rinsing and Lifting?

Endurance exercise clearly benefits from acute carbohydrate supplementation, but
can a quick swig of Gatorade actually improve your strength? Most data examining a
carbohydrate mouth rinse say “no” for strength, but this study says “yes.”


HMB Free Acid: An Objective Assessment

HMB free acid has been a source of controversy, as the validity of the most well-
known studies on it have been called into question. However, new data from other
research groups allows us to make a more objective assessment of its efficacy.


Accentuated-Eccentric Loading for Hypertrophy, Strength, and Power:

A Concept Review
You can handle more weight on the eccentric than you can on the concentric portion
of a movement. Does adding more weight to only the eccentric portion enhance
strength? This concept review takes a look.


Training Frequency Should Primarily Be Used As A Tool to Increase

A recent meta-analysis found that increased training frequencies led to larger strength
gains when higher frequency allows for higher training volumes, but that frequency
doesn’t independently enhance strength gains when volume is controlled.


VIDEO: What Do We Know About Individualization? Part 2

Most scientific studies simply show the average response in the study, but that
doesn’t tell the whole story. Often times, hypertrophy and strength changes can be
vastly different among individuals – but why?


VIDEO: Implementing Autoregulation, Part 2

We’ve written and talked about autoregulation a great deal in MASS up to this
point, but we haven’t yet shown you how to implement the existing research-based
autoregulation strategies into a program in the most practical way possible. In this
video, Eric shows you how to implement each strategy for a bodybuilding program.

Study Reviewed: Human Skeletal Muscle Possesses an Epigenetic
Memory of Hypertrophy. Seaborne et al. (2018)

The Science of
Muscle Memory

Many people have noted that, while it takes a long time to build
muscle and strength initially, you can regain muscle and strength
much faster after a period of detraining. A new study reveals a
mechanistic reason: epigenetic memory.

1. Gene methylation patterns – which regulate gene expression – change in skeletal
muscle after just one training bout, and after continued training.
2. Many of these changes are retained following a seven-week period of detraining,
indicating an epigenetic memory of prior resistance training, in spite of losses in
muscle mass and strength.
3. This epigenetic memory aids in subsequent retraining, which helps explain why
it’s hard to build muscle initially, but much easier to regain muscle after a period of
detraining (i.e. “muscle memory”).

t some point, I’m sure all of tered quickly with retraining. How-
us have taken time away from ever, the mechanisms underlying the
training for some reason or an- ability to rapidly regain muscle mass
other. Maybe you were rehabbing an aren’t as well-understood.
injury, maybe your schedule got cra- The study being reviewed is the first
zy, or maybe you just lost motivation. to directly study “muscle memory” of
During your time away from the gym, hypertrophy in humans. It did so by
you probably lost some muscle and examining the epigenetic effects of
strength. However, as you started re- training, detraining, and retraining.
training, you probably noticed that Epigenetics is the study of genome
it didn’t take very long to regain the modifications. These modifications
ground you’d lost. Maybe you lost a affect when and how genes are ex-
year’s worth of progress on the bench pressed, with alterations in gene ex-
press in your time off, but you were pression ultimately affecting the pro-
back near your old PRs within a month teins your body produces. Namely, this
or two of retraining. study examined gene methylation. An
This process has been colloquially increase in methylation decreases gene
known as “muscle memory” for de- expression, while a decrease in methyl-
cades. The ability to rapidly regain ation increases gene expression (I’ll go
strength has been at least partially into more detail in the interpretation
understood for a long time. Namely, as to what methylation is and why it’s
there’s a large neural component of important).
strength, and the motor patterns you This study found that when un-
build during your initial training get a trained people begin resistance train-
little rusty with disuse but are re-mas- ing, genome-wide methylation de-

Figure 1 Schematic Representation of the Study Protocol

i. Dual Energy X-ray

Muscle Mass
& Strength
Absorptiometry (DEXA) of lean leg

ii. Isometric quadriceps muscle

torque using an isokinetic
dynamometer Baseline Loading Unloading Reloading
(resting) (7 weeks) (7 weeks) (7 weeks)

iii. Assessment of DNA


iv. Assessment of gene expression

creases in skeletal muscle, is relatively

unchanged after detraining (in spite Purpose and Research
of a loss in muscle mass and strength), Questions
and decreases further following re-
training. Importantly, methylation of Purpose
key genes implicated in hypertrophy The purpose of this study was to ex-
remains suppressed throughout a sev- amine the effects of resistance training,
en-week detraining period, indicating detraining, and retraining on muscle
an epigenetic memory of the previous mass, strength, and skeletal muscle gene
resistance training, which aids in sub- methylation patterns.
sequent retraining.
While the actual methodology of Research Question
this study may go over most MASS The primary research question was
readers’ heads (and, frankly, I had to do whether gene methylation patterns
an inordinate amount of extra reading would change with resistance training,
to really understand this study), the and whether those changes would be
implications are important and easy to maintained during a subsequent period
understand. of detraining in order to facilitate further
increases in muscle mass and strength
during retraining.
Figure 2 Strength Changes

Change to Baseline (%)
Isometric Peak Torque




Loading Unloading Reloading

* = Significantly greater than baseline

Hypotheses Experimental Design

It was hypothesized that methylation The study was split into three phases.
of genes implicated in muscle growth The first phase involved seven weeks
would decrease during an initial period of progressive resistance training. The
of resistance training, and that those de- training program consisted of two days
creases in methylation would be main- per week of lower body training (squats,
tained during a subsequent period of leg press, knee extensions, leg curls, nor-
detraining. dic curls, weighted lunges, and calf rais-
es) and one day per week of upper body
training (bench press, shoulder press,
Subjects and Methods pull-downs, dumbbell rows, and cable
triceps extensions). Each exercise was
Subjects performed for 4 sets of 8-10 reps, and
The subjects were seven healthy, un- loads were increased when the partici-
trained males (27.6 ± 2.4 years old, 82.5 pants completed 10 reps on their first 3
± 6.0 kg). sets. This initial training phase was fol-
lowed by seven weeks of detraining. Af-

Figure 3 Lean Mass Changes

Lean Mass as a Percentage
Change to Baseline


Loading Unloading Reloading

* = Significantly greater than baseline; ** = Significantly greater than after the initial loading phase

ter the detraining phase, the participants lateralis (quadriceps) muscle biopsies.
entered a seven-week retraining phase, Knee extension strength and leg lean
using the same program they’d been on mass were measured before the start of the
previously. initial training phase, at the end of the ini-
tial training phase, before the start of the
Measures retraining phase, and at the end of the re-
Strength was assessed via maximal iso- training phase. Muscle biopsies were also
metric knee extension torque. Volume performed at those four time points, and
load was also calculated each week, and after an acute lower body training bout
since increases in training loads were based before the start of the initial seven-week
on performance and the number of sets training period.
didn’t change, volume load also serves as
a proxy for whole-body strength increases.
Leg lean mass was assessed via dual-ener- Findings
gy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA). Gene Leg lean mass increased by 6.5 ± 1.0%
methylation and gene expression (RNA during the initial training phase, de-
from key genes) were assessed from vastus creased by 4.6 ± 0.6% during detraining,

and increased further (12.3 ± 1.3% above Figure 4 Number of Sites with Increased and
baseline, and 5.9 ± 1% above the initial Decreased Methylation Following to Initial Seven
training phase) during retraining. Knee Weeks of Training, Detraining, and Retraining
extension torque followed a similar pat-
tern, increasing by 9.3 ± 3.5% during the
initial training phase, decreasing by 8.3 ±
2.8% following detraining, and increas-

Increased Methylation
ing further (18.0 ± 3.6% above baseline)
during retraining.
Genome-wide methylation patterns 8212 8638 8339

changed following the initial training

phase, with decreased methylation at
~9,150 sites and increased methylation
at ~8,200 sites. Following detraining, the 0
same methylation pattern was largely
preserved, with decreased methylation at
Decreased Methylation
~8,900 sites and increased methylation
at ~8,650 sites. Following retraining, the -10000 9153 8891
number of sites with increased methylation
remained essentially unchanged (~8,350), -15000
while the number of sites with decreased
methylation roughly doubled (~18,800). 18816
Training Detraining Retraining
The genes with methylation patterns that
changed during the initial training phase
and were maintained during the detrain-
ing phase ran the gamut from genes di- earlier period of load induced muscle hyper-
rectly implicated in hypertrophy, to genes trophy. As reduced DNA methylation of genes
involved in cellular growth and prolifera- generally leads to enhanced gene expression
tion, to genes involved in catabolism and due to the removal of methylation allowing
inflammatory signaling. However, without improved access of the transcriptional ma-
getting too bogged down in the specifics, chinery and RNA polymerase that enable
this nugget from the authors really sums transcription...this would be suggestive that
up the epigenetics findings: the earlier period of hypertrophy leads to in-
“This maintenance of hypomethylation (de- creased gene expression of this cluster of genes
creased methylation) during unloading, sug- that is then retained during unloading to en-
gested that the muscle ‘remembered’ the epi- able enhanced muscle growth in the later re-
genetic modifications that occurred after an loading period.”

Figure 5 Reading DNA to Produce RNA then Translated into Protein

3’ G C


5’ 5’



RNA 5’ 3’


Met Leu Ser Tyr Tyr Glu Ser Ile Met Leu Ser Tyr Tyr Glu Ser Ile


Interpretation cell could express any gene and produce

any protein without mechanisms to en-
To understand this study, it’s neces- sure that only the correct genes were ex-
sary to have at least a basic understand- pressed. Many of these mechanisms fall
ing of genetics. DNA contains genes, under the umbrella of epigenetics: mod-
which are “read” (transcribed) to pro- ifications to the genome that regulate
duce RNA. This RNA is then translated which genes can be expressed in which
into proteins, and those proteins carry cells. While some epigenetic modifi-
about essentially every interesting cel- cations essentially function as on/off
lular function in your body. However, it switches for genes (i.e. if they’re present,
gets a little more complicated than that, a gene will simply not be expressed in a
because you’d be in really bad shape if given cell) others also work by fine-tun-
any gene in any cell could be “read” at ing how much a gene is expressed. For
any time. example, in response to the exact same
It’s very important that your DNA has signal, a particular gene may be “read”
ways to ensure that only the right genes 5 times to produce 5 RNA strands to
get expressed. Most of your cells contain code for a particular protein, or it may
a complete copy of your DNA, so any be “read” 50 times to produce 50 RNA

Figure 6 Muscle Memory Mechanism Based on Myonuclear Accumulation



Fusion of satellite cells

Re-training De-training

First training

Untrained Previously Trained

strands to code for a particular pro- expression change after just seven weeks
tein. That’s essentially what increased of training, but that those changes are
or decreased methylation (the epigen- retained and “remembered” through a
etic modification investigated in this period of detraining, which facilitates
study) does: An increase in methylation rapid hypertrophy and strength gains
means a gene will be read fewer times with retraining.
and produce fewer RNA strands (lead- This study is groundbreaking because
ing to fewer proteins), while a decrease it’s the first study providing a clear
in methylation means a gene will be read mechanism for “muscle memory” of hy-
more times and produce more RNA pertrophy in humans. We’ve had clear
strands (leading to more proteins). The evidence of “muscle memory” in humans
main finding of this study was that, not for a while now (2), but no prior studies
only do methylation patterns and gene

really delved into the mechanisms. Fur-
thermore, some rodent research (3) pro-
vides insight into another mechanism of WHEN EVALUATING WHAT
muscle memory – myonuclei are gained
with hypertrophy, retained with detrain-
ing, and then aid in subsequent muscle
growth with retraining – but that re-
search has only been partially replicated
in humans.
It’s worth noting that this study TO THE PROGRAMS YOU
doesn’t tell us how long these epigene-
tic changes last. The detraining period in USED WHEN YOU WERE
this study was seven weeks, but it’s like-
ly that these epigenetic changes persist
for much longer. This was the first study
showing an epigenetic “muscle mem-
ory” of hypertrophy, but other research
(4) has shown that epigenetic modifica-
tions in skeletal muscle during utero or one relates to the way you should eval-
early childhood can persist throughout uate your training looking backward.
an entire lifespan. Thus, it’s possible that Looking forward, this study should give
these epigenetic modifications can last you more confidence in taking time off
for years to facilitate enhanced respon- of hard training when dealing with inju-
siveness to retraining after very long lay- ries. A lot of lifters make the mistake of
offs (i.e. if you used to lift in high school, trying to train through injuries because
and then started training again in your they fear that dialing back their training
40s). Similarly, it’s possible that some of or taking time off will be a major set-
these modifications could occur during back, costing them months of progress.
growth and development if you did a lot This study gives us strong evidence that
of physically strenuous activity during your muscles “remember” prior training
childhood, thus facilitating enhanced for, at minimum, seven weeks, helping
responsiveness to strength training later you regain any lost ground quite quickly.
in life. However, these two possibilities Finally, when looking back at old
are speculative. training journals to evaluate the effec-
There are two clear implications of this tiveness of past programs, keep in mind
study. One relates to the way you should that results during periods when you
view your training looking forward, and were regaining lost ground probably ar-

1. You retain an epigenetic muscle memory of prior training after at least seven
weeks of detraining, which aids in regaining muscle and strength during the
retraining process.
2. With this in mind, be careful that you don’t falsely assume a particular training
program is super effective for you just because it helped you quickly regain lost
ground. You were epigenetically primed to regain lost ground in the first place,
regardless of training program.
3. Similarly, don’t freak out if you need to take it easy in the gym for a few weeks,
or even take some time away from training to deal with injuries. Whatever gains
you lose during this process will come back quickly once you can start training
hard again.

en’t representative of a “normal” train- research), but that should be a feasible

ing response. After a layoff, it’s possible design. Furthermore, I’m intrigued by
(likely, even) that just about any program the additional decreases in methylation
could get you back near your old levels of during the retraining phase in this study;
strength and muscularity. Don’t get mar- since decreases in methylation promote
ried to a particular style of training just gene expression, it seems that the par-
because it worked super well when you ticipants in this study were more epige-
were coming back from a layoff. Rather, netically “primed” to respond to train-
when evaluating what styles of training ing after seven weeks of retraining than
work best for you, pay closer attention to they were after the initial seven weeks of
the programs you used when you were training. I’ve always been curious wheth-
reaching previously uncharted territory. er time away from training resensitizes
people to the anabolic stimuli of lifting,
and I’d be interested in seeing a study in
Next Steps well-trained lifters who report being at
In terms of elucidating mechanisms of a plateau that’s designed to answer that
“muscle memory” in humans, I’d love for question. For example, one group could
someone to repeat the myonuclei study train for 12 weeks consecutively, while
in humans. It would probably need to be another group trained for 3 weeks, took
modified to more closely resemble the 3 weeks off, and then trained for 6 weeks,
design of the present study, rather than with a comparison of strength gains and
initially inducing hypertrophy with ste- hypertrophy after the 12 weeks.
roids (as was done in the prior rodent

1. Seaborne RA, Strauss J, Cocks M, Shepherd S, O’Brien TD, van Someren KA, Bell PG, Murgatroyd
C, Morton JP, Stewart CE, Sharples AP. Human Skeletal Muscle Possesses an Epigenetic Memory
of Hypertrophy. Scientific Reports. vol. 8, Article number: 1898 (2018)
2. Ogasawara R, Yasuda T, Ishii N, Abe T. Comparison of muscle hypertrophy following 6-month of
continuous and periodic strength training. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2013 Apr;113(4):975-85.
3. Egner IM, Bruusgaard JC, Eftestøl E, Gundersen K. A cellular memory mechanism aids overload
hypertrophy in muscle long after an episodic exposure to anabolic steroids. J Physiol. 2013 Dec
4. Sharples AP, Stewart CE, Seaborne RA. Does skeletal muscle have an ‘epi’-memory? The role of
epigenetics in nutritional programming, metabolic disease, aging and exercise. Aging Cell. 2016

Study Reviewed: A Biomechanical Analysis of the Effects of Bouncing the
Barbell in the Conventional Deadlift. Krajewski et al. (2018)

Touch-and-Go or Dead Stop

Deadlifts? That is the Question.

Touch-and-go or dead stop deadlift reps? You see both of these

strategies all the time. Is there some magic involved with one
of them? Are you missing out on the benefits of the one you’re
not using? This article looks at the kinematic and practical
differences between the rep strategies.

1. This study examined the joint stress, total work, and performance of 2 sets of 5
repetitions at 75% of one-repetition maximum (1RM) using both touch-and-go and
dead stop reps on the conventional deadlift.
2. The kinematics of the two rep styles are quite different, with greater joint flexion
and more total work achieved with the dead stop style.
3. Subsequent reps with touch-and-go are faster due to the benefit of the stretch-
shortening cycle. While this may lead to more reps, it is unspecific to maximal
strength and leads to less total work when reps are equated, making dead stop
the primary choice for strength; however, the optimal style for hypertrophy is less

t’s always interesting to see how 1RM in two sessions, with one session
someone deadlifts – conventional being dead stop reps and the other being
or sumo? Then, you want to see how touch-and-go reps. In both sessions, joint
they perform their reps – dead stop or angles, net joint impulse, and total work
touch-and-go? Choosing conventional of the ankle, knee, and hip joints, along
or sumo is easy to reconcile, in that you with vertical ground reaction forces and
choose the style that’s strongest for you concentric phase duration were calculat-
and best suited to your body proportions. ed and compared between conditions.
However, we’ve all seen strong lifters do Rating of perceived exertion (RPE) was
both types of reps on the deadlift – dead also taken after each set. Overall, there
stop and touch-and-go (i.e. bouncing) was greater net joint impulse, total work
– so we’re often left wondering if we’re at the joints, and greater joint flexion
missing out. Does the potentially great- during dead stop deadlifts. However,
er volume associated with touch-and-go the touch-and-go style produced 25.8%
translate to greater strength or hypertro- greater ground reaction forces during
phy? Or is touch-and-go too unspecif- the concentric (up phase). Each rep was
ic to a 1RM to be of any benefit? This completed more quickly with the touch-
study (1) is the first, to my knowledge, and-go style, and per-set RPE was lower
to examine the biomechanical differenc- with touch-and-go. In short: dead stop
es between dead stop and touch-and-go = more total work, while touch-and-go
deadlift reps in the conventional dead- = easier reps, possibly allowing for more
lift. In a crossover design, 20 trained total reps. So, what does this mean? If
males performed 2 sets of 5 at 75% of touch-and-go leads to faster repetitions

and possibly more volume, is that good and remember that greater force will be
for hypertrophy? On the other hand, needed to move a barbell from a dead
does the increased joint stress mean a stop than to simply keep it moving. This
greater chance of injury associated with thought process is similar to pushing a
touch-and-go? And what about speci- car. It’s difficult to get it moving from
ficity? If training for strength, why not a standstill, which is to overcome static
practice with dead stop reps each time friction; however, once it’s moving, you’re
to be specific to a 1RM? This article will good to go because overcoming dynamic
address each of these questions. friction is easier. So even though touch-
and-go should lead to greater repetition
velocity (primarily because each rep is
Purpose and Research benefiting from the stretch-shortening
Questions cycle – more on this later), the amount
of work performed is also lower with
touch-and-go because it takes less force
by the lifter to keep the bar moving than
The purpose of this study was to com- it does to break the bar from the floor
pare joint stress, total joint work, and each time. This phenomenon explains
concentric performance during five-rep the hypothesis for greater work in the
sets of dead stop and touch-and-go style dead stop condition. So, if force is high-
conventional deadlifts. er in the dead stop condition and dis-
placement is the same between condi-
Research Question tions, the product of the above equation
What are the biomechanical and per- (force X displacement) would be higher
formance differences between dead stop in the dead stop condition.
and touch-and-go conventional dead-
Subjects and Methods
The authors hypothesized that touch- Subjects
and-go style deadlifts would lead to Twenty men with at least one year of
faster concentric reps, and thus the dead deadlift experience participated. How-
stop deadlifts would cause more me- ever, the strength inclusion criteria were
chanical work to be done due to slower low, as only a 1RM of ≥62kg was need-
repetitions. To understand this hypoth- ed to qualify. The 62kg threshold was
esis, remember the equation for Work likely the case due to the barbells and
(U), which is: U = Force X Displacement, plates being in pounds, and 135lbs (one

Table 1 Subject Characteristics

Body Mass Deadlift 1RM to body Deadlift

Subjects Age (years) (kg) Height (cm) 1RM (kg) mass ratio Experience (yrs)

20 Males 22.9 ± 2.7 82.7 ± 10.9 177.0 ± 4.9 165.8 ± 35.9 2.01 ± 0.4 3.4 ± 3.3

Data are mean ± SD

Subjects characteristics from Krajewski et al. 2018 (1).

45lb plate on each side) is roughly 62kg, performed the first experimental condi-
which would be the minimum load to get tion, which consisted of 2 sets of 5 reps
the barbell to the correct starting height. at 75% of 1RM using either the touch-
However, on average, training status was and-go or dead stop technique. After a
solid, as subjects could deadlift about few days rest, subjects performed the sec-
two times body mass. The available sub- ond experimental session with the same
ject characteristics can be seen in Table sets and reps but using the other dead-
1. lift technique. The order of conditions
was randomized. An exact time between
Study Protocol the experimental conditions wasn’t giv-
It took three lab visits to complete the en, but I assume it was at least 48 hours
study. The first visit was to establish each (and probably more). The last three reps
lifter’s 1RM, and then to familiarize ev- of each set were used for analysis. The
eryone with the touch-and-go and dead protocol can be seen in Figure 1.
stop techniques. Touch-and-go was de-
scribed as: “allowing gravity to pull the Outcome Measures
barbell down quickly and immediate- Borg RPE (not repetitions in reserve)
ly performing the concentric portion was taken at the end of each session. In-
of the lift upon contact with the floor,” frared video and force plates were used
while dead stop was described as: “the to test the biomechanical measures. The
bar is to rest on the platform and come biomechanical measures are listed and
to a stop without letting go before per- defined in Table 2 since some of these
forming the next repetition.” terms might be unfamiliar. Further, the
Four days after the first visit, subjects researchers determined the peak height

Figure 1 Protocol Timeline

Visit 1 Visit 2 Visit 3

A few
4 Days 2 x 5 @ 75% on days later 2 x 5 @ 75% on
Deadlift 1RM
Touch & Go Touch & Go
Familiarization OR Dead Stop OR Dead Stop

1RM = One-Repetition Maximum. Percentages are expressed as a percentage of 1RM

of the bar that was achieved from using dition differences during the entire
a bounce (touch-and-go), and then used concentric, and differences for individ-
that same height in the dead stop con- ual joint moments and flexion within
dition to calculate all of the variables the same condition.
from “lift off ” of the floor to “peak
bounce height.” For clarity, we can’t Differences Between Conditions to
be sure exactly where the barbell was Peak Bounce Height
at peak bounce height based upon the The dead stop condition took 93.4%
data presented, but it’s probably knee longer to break the bar from the floor
height for shorter lifters and a little (p<0.05).
below the knees for taller lifters. The
Joint moments were at least 70%
researchers also calculated all the out-
greater, and total work was at least 64%
come variables throughout the totality
greater in dead stop versus touch-and-
of the concentric phase.
go (p<0.001). Average ground reaction
forces were 3.4% greater in touch-
Findings and-go (p<0.05) from lift off to peak
bounce height.
Most importantly and as expected,
At lift off and peak bounce height,
time to complete the lift was fast-
the ankle and knee were more flexed
er (p=0.001) and RPE was lower
during the dead stop condition
(p<0.001) in the touch-and-go condi-
(p<0.05); however, the trunk was in
tion. Below are the results compared
a similar position between conditions
between conditions from lift off to
throughout the lift. The hip was more
peak bounce height, the between-con-

Table 2 Biomechanical Measurements and Definitions

Measure Definition

Net Joint The rotational effect on the joint.

Moment Impulse Measured in Newton/Meters, thus
it’s a force over a distance

Total Joint Work Work = Force x Displacement, so this is

simply the amount of work that an
individual joint is doing

Joint Angles The angle the joint is at the time it is tested

Vertical Ground The force exerted by the ground back

Reaction Force onto the lifter

Duration of Simply the time to complete the

Concentric concentric portion of the deadlift

flexed in the dead stop condition at 27.6% higher in the dead stop condi-
peak bounce height (p<0.05), but not tion, while the touch-and-go condition
at lift off. had greater (p<0.05) joint moments for
the ankle, knee, and hip, which were at
Differences Between Conditions During least 40% greater.
the Concentric
During the concentric, the dead stop Within-Condition Differences
condition performed 18.8% more to- In both conditions, hip moments and
tal work across all joints (p<0.05), al- hip work were greater than knee and
though no significant differences ex- ankle moments and work from lift off
isted for individual joints (p>0.05). to peak bounce and during the concen-
Vertical ground reaction forces were tric.

Before we begin, we should also note IF YOUR MAIN GOAL IS
that bumper plates were used in the
present study. The differences from the
floor to peak bounce height would be
much smaller with metal plates because
the actual “bounce” with metal plates
would be much smaller. Furthermore, I
believe the stretch-shortening cycle is ALWAYS USE THE DEAD
what is almost fully accounting for the
faster deadlift with the touch-and-go STOP METHOD FOR REPS.
style. However, let’s briefly discuss the
“bounce” since the authors did examine
how much the bounce may have helped. it benefiting from the stretch-shorten-
There is clearly greater physiological ing cycle, which stipulates that there will
work and difficulty per repetition with be increased force of muscle shortening
dead stop deadlifts. This phenomenon if the shortening is preceded by muscle
makes sense, as Newton’s third law stip- lengthening: in short, the concentric
ulates than an action will be met with an benefits from doing the eccentric first
equal and opposite reaction. Not only is (2). If you are more familiar with the
the lifter applying force to the ground in term “stretch-reflex,” that is simply the
a touch-and-go deadlift, but the barbell neurophysiological component of the
also applies force as it hits the ground at stretch-shortening cycle.
a relatively fast rate. Consequently, the This concept can be illustrated quite
ground exerts a force back upward into easily. Have you ever seen someone
the bar, aiding in the start of the next struggle to complete the first rep of a
concentric during touch-and-go dead- deadlift from a dead stop position (looks
lifts, allowing for faster initial bar speed. like a 9.5RPE), but then do a couple
The authors hypothesize that this speed more quick, easier-looking reps with
off the floor might greatly benefit short- the touch-and-go style? The second and
er lifers – at least in terms of completing third reps are preceded by an eccentric
more reps per set – compared to taller (down phase), whereas the first was con-
lifters. centric only. It’s the same principle on
Despite the benefit of the “bounce,” it’s a dumbbell shoulder press when you
highly likely that the touch-and-go dead- kick the dumbbells up and the first rep
lift is primarily faster off the floor due to is hard, but the subsequent reps are eas-

perhaps more volume, but it’s also clear-
ly not a true “dead” lift on every rep. So,
IF YOU HAVE 3X3 which one is more advantageous?
If your main goal is powerlifting or
PROGRAMMED, YOU ONLY GET 1RM strength, I do think you should
THREE CHANCES TO PRACTICE almost always use the dead stop meth-
od for reps (I can’t bring myself to say “al-
YOUR SETUP AND TRULY ways” on principle that I could be wrong.
I want to, but I can’t). In reality, the
BREAK THE BAR FROM THE stretch-shortening cycle lasts for about
four seconds (3) following an eccentric
FLOOR WITH TOUCH-AND-GO, phase, so I would actually wait four sec-
onds between reps so the benefits fully
BUT WITH DEAD STOP, YOU dissipate. Or you could simply perform
singles for deadlift training.
WOULD GET NINE CHANCES In this study, lifters in the dead stop
TO PRACTICE YOUR SETUP. condition were allowed to do a subse-
quent rep immediately after coming to
a dead stop, so they likely received some
benefit of the stretch-shortening cy-
ier. Although we know all of this from cle, although not nearly as much as the
practice, it’s nice to see a study demon- touch-and-go condition. The recom-
strate this in the deadlift. In the pres- mendation for powerlifters to use the
ent study, it took about 93% longer for dead stop is in part for amelioration of
the dead stop deadlifts to break from the stretch-shortening cycle, but also
the floor, and it took less time for the to regain appropriate position. The set-
touch-and-go deadlifts to complete the up is important in all three powerlifts;
concentric portion, clearly demonstrat- however, it is perhaps most important
ing the stretch-shortening cycle at work. in the deadlift. Specifically, the middle
Further, RPE was lower in the touch- of the bar, mid-scapula, and mid-foot
and-go condition, and even though this should all be aligned when initiating
wasn’t RIR-based RPE, it’s highly likely the lift. During a touch-and-go dead-
that subjects would have predicted more lift, it’s highly unlikely that you will be
RIR with the touch-and-go deadlifts in the ideal starting position. Even more,
as well, suggesting that touch-and-go it’s probable that your starting position
might lead to more volume. Overall, will be slightly different on each repeti-
touch-and-go leads to faster reps and tion, which might even lead to twisting.

1. Touch-and-go deadlifts produce a lower RPE per set than dead stop when reps
are equated, probably due to touch-and-go benefiting from the stretch-shortening
2. For maximal strength, it makes the most sense to use dead stop reps, as this is
most specific to a 1RM, keeps a similar starting position on every rep, and allows
the lifter to practice breaking the bar from the floor.
3. For hypertrophy, it’s possible that both strategies can be used; however, a
bodybuilder should keep in mind that there is lower stress per rep with touch-and-
go. Therefore, more reps, sets, or greater load would likely be needed with touch-
and-go to achieve similar or greater hypertrophy compared to dead stop. However,
this point needs further research.

If you have 3X3 programmed, you only cal stress and potentially metabolic cost
get three chances to practice your setup may be lower with touch-and-go, which
and truly break the bar from the floor would actually be a negative for hyper-
with touch-and-go, but with dead stop, trophy. However, this study equated for
you would get nine chances to practice reps per set. In practice, it’s likely that
your setup. It’s likely that you would use touch-and-go would lead to more reps
a lower load for dead stop, but the spec- per set or utilization of a higher load, so
ificity to a 1RM is much greater, and it’s possible the increased reps or load
you can control your starting position could compensate for the reduced force
better. Additionally, the much greater production and stress per repetition.
joint flexion observed with dead stop in Ultimately, I think if >5 reps are being
the present study demonstrates differ- used, it makes some sense to use touch-
ent kinematics between the two styles, and-go as the sheer time to complete the
so touch-and-go simply seems too un- set with a four second dead stop would
specific to recommend. be quite long. With lower reps, though,
Now, if touch-and-go can lead to more dead stop seems like a good idea because
reps and more volume, should a body- that low rep session is targeting strength
builder utilize touch-and-go? I can’t adaptation. So for someone mainly in-
give an unequivocal answer to this, but terested in hypertrophy, choosing be-
based upon the present data, touch- tween repetition style doesn’t have to
and-go seemed to decrease the total be an all-or-none thing; high rep days
force production needed and total work could utilize touch-and-go (if desired),
of each joint; therefore, the mechani- but low rep days should likely be dead

stop. solute intensity. That latter design would
One last point: If you do use touch- also be able to test if our hypothesis that
and-go reps, it’s probably not a good resetting every rep – even if it leads to
idea to use a 1RM calculator (i.e. [1RM fewer reps or lower loads – is still better
= Load X Reps X 0.0333] + Load) when for maximal strength.
planning test day attempts. In all like-
lihood, this calculation will lead to a
heavily inflated 1RM prediction. Finally,
Coach Matt Gary has written about this
topic before. I would suggest checking
out his article for his expert opinion on
the topic, as he has had tremendous suc-
cess with many lifters using the methods
he has outlined.

Next Steps
The path forward here is to analyze
what we discussed in our last paragraph.
Does touch-and-go lead to more vol-
ume than dead stop, and if so, would this
lead to more hypertrophy and maybe
strength in the long-term? I’d propose a
training study that has a built-in volume
comparison such as: 3 sets X max reps
@75%. This way, a study would com-
pare how many reps were performed in
each group. Almost certainly, more reps
would be performed with the touch-
and-go style. Then, comparisons could
be made for hypertrophy and strength
at the end of the study. Another way to
do this would be the following: 3 X 5
@9RPE. In that case, reps per set would
be equated, but it’s likely that touch-
and-go would use a higher load and still
be doing more volume at a greater ab-

1. Krajewski K, LaFavi R, and Riemann B. Hackett, Daniel A., Stephen P. Cobley, and Mark Halaki.
A Biomechanical Analysis of the Effects of Bouncing the Barbell in the Conventional Deadlift.
Journal of strength and conditioning research (2018).
2. Hall JE. Guyton and Hall textbook of medical physiology e-Book. Elsevier Health Sciences; 2015
May 31.
3. Wilson GJ, Wood GA, Elliott BC. The relationship between stiffness of the musculature and static
flexibility: an alternative explanation for the occurrence of muscular injury. International Journal of
Sports Medicine. 1991 Aug;12(04):403-7.

Study Reviewed: Case Reports on Well-Trained Bodybuilders: Two Years
on a High Protein Diet. Antonio and Ellerbroek. (2018)

High Protein Diets Can Enhance

Strength and Lean Mass, But Are
They Safe?

We’ve discussed the importance of protein intake for both muscle

gain and fat loss, but not safety. This case study on a handful of
bodybuilders following a high protein diet for two years is the best
data set we have on safety to date.

1. Five resistance-trained males were tracked over a two-year period while consuming
more than 2.2g/kg of protein (1g per pound) to assess if they experienced any
adverse effects on liver or kidney function.
2. Interestingly, there were no trends indicating any consistent changes in lean mass
or fat mass in this group over the entire period, despite the likelihood that these
individuals had the goal of increasing muscle mass.
3. Liver and kidney function metabolic panels occurred every six months. On the
whole, liver and kidney function was unaffected over the two-year period compared
to baseline while the participants consumed 3.2 ± 1.1 g/kg of protein in year one
and 3.5 ± 1.4. g/kg of protein in year two.

igh protein diets have been a trained (> 9 years training experience)
source of controversy for as long males were observed over a two-year pe-
as nutrition has been a field of riod, while having their body composi-
study. In the world of bodybuilding, the tion and metabolic panels for their liver
perception of what constitutes “high and kidney function assessed every six
protein” is skewed upward compared months. During this period, they con-
to the sports nutrition world and is sumed 3.2 ± 1.1 g/kg of protein in year
skewed even further upward compared one on average, and 3.5 ± 1.4. g/kg of
to the perception in the general nutri- protein in year two. On the group lev-
tion world. Among bodybuilders, their el, the mean values for kidney and liver
coaches, and content providers in the function remained within normal levels,
bodybuilding community, the lowest and only creatinine and blood urea ni-
recommendation I’ve ever seen promot- trogen (which can fall outside of normal
ed is 1.8g/kg or right around 0.8 grams ranges when assessed in acute proxim-
per pound. Much more common are ity to exercise) inconsistently, and with
mainstream (in this community) recom- no pattern, fell outside of normal ranges
mendations in the 1-2 gram per pound in two and four individuals, respectively.
range, or 2.2-4.4 g/kg. Interestingly, very Interestingly, there were no clear trends
little research has been conducted exam- for changes in fat mass or lean mass over
ining protein intakes in this very high the two-year period. Overall, it appears
range, despite the perception in the gen- that very high protein diets are safe with
eral nutrition community that protein regards to kidney and liver function over
intakes in this range could be potentially two years and that modifying protein in-
harmful. In the present study, five well- take alone is not sufficient to induce lean

mass gains or fat loss in the long term, years of age), all with more than nine
even when consumed in large amounts. years of training experience, participated
in this observational case study. Volun-
teers were instructed to eat more than
Purpose and Research 2.2g/kg (1g/lb) of protein daily, with no
Questions upper limit, and were provided whey
protein (four of the participants) or pea
protein (for one participant, who was
a vegan) to assist in reaching this daily
The purpose of this study was to in- goal. However, they could use as little or
vestigate whether a chronic high protein as much protein powder as desired, so
(>2.2g/kg/day) diet would have delete- long as their total daily intake from all
rious effects on liver or kidney function protein sources was above 2.2g/kg. The
if followed for a two-year period and to participants were instructed to maintain
assess what effects, if any, it might have their normal training patterns without
on body composition in trained males. intervention, and training was not mod-
ified by the researchers.
The authors noted that this study was a Dietary, Metabolic, and Body Composi-
continuation of their previous one-year tion Assessments
study on protein safety, which showed Participants were required to log their
no adverse effects of a high protein diet, food intake using MyFitnessPal three
indicating they suspected this trend of days per week every week for the two-
healthy blood work would continue. year period. All participants had previ-
They also cited their own previous work, ous experience logging their food with
which showed additional fat loss in the MyFitnessPal. At baseline and every six
short-term when consuming a very high months thereafter (a total of five occa-
protein diet. Thus, it’s safe to assume the sions), the participants reported to an
authors expected a decline in fat mass independent lab for a metabolic panel to
and sustained healthy blood work during assess kidney and liver function, and they
this two-year observational period. had their body composition assessed via
Bod Pod.

Subjects and Methods

Subjects and Study Protocol
At the group level, the five participants
Five healthy trained males (25 to 38 consumed between 1.5-4.0 g/kg of pro-

Table 1 Protein Intake Data of All Subjects

Baseline PRO Year 1 PRO Year 2 PRO

Baseline PRO Year1 PRO Year 2 PRO intake intake intake
Subject Age (years) intake (g·d-1) intake (g·d-1) intake (g·d-1) (g·kg-1·d-1) (g·kg-1·d-1) (g·kg-1·d-1)

1 25 138 217 255 1.5 2.2 2.6

2 26 193 278 285 2.7 3.4 3.6

3 30 395 524 562 4.0 5.1 5.8

4 31 184 250 222 2.2 3.0 2.7

5 38 163 198 200 2.0 2.5 2.6

Mean ± SD 30.0 ± 5.1 215 ± 103 293 ± 133 305 ± 147 2.5 ± 1.0 3.2 ± 1.1 3.5 ± 1.4

Data are expressed in yearly average protein intake.

d = day; kg = kilogram; PRO = protein

tein at baseline, then increased their in- urea nitrogen did fall outside of nor-
takes to 2.2-5.1 g/kg in year one, then mal ranges in two and four individuals,
to 2.6-5.8 g/kg in year two. Table 1 dis- respectively. However, there seemed to
plays the mean grams per kilogram and be no consistent pattern to when these
absolute protein intake values at base- markers were elevated, and this was likely
line, year one, and year two. caused by other factors (more on this in
At the group level, mean values for the interpretation).
selected metabolic markers for kidney Finally, while individuals did see shifts
and liver health remained within nor- in their fat and lean mass levels over the
mal ranges for both year one and two. two-year period on average, there was
Specifically, creatinine, alanine transam- no consistent pattern to these changes.
inase, aspartate transaminase, blood urea In fact, only two of the five participants
nitrogen, estimated glomerular filtration gained any significant lean mass over the
rate, and blood glucose levels remained two-year period. (A third gained 0.1kg,
in the normal range, as shown in Table but given the Bod Pod’s accuracy, this
2. was likely not a real, meaningful change.)
With that said, creatinine and blood Individual body composition changes for
each participant are shown in Table 3.

Table 2 Select Clinical Measures of All Subjects

Baseline Year 1 Year 2 Normal Range

Glucose (mg·dL-1) 83 ± 6 79 ± 2 86 ± 4 65 to 99 (mg·dL-1)

BUN (mg·dL-1) 24 ± 6 21 ± 9 24 ± 8 7 to 25 (mg·dL-1)

Creatinine (mg·dL-1) 1.2 ± 0.4 1.1 ± 0.5 1.2 ± 0.2 0.60 to 1.35 (mg·dL-1)

eGFR mL·min-1·1.73m-2 97 ± 27 102 ± 26 95 ± 28 > or = 60 mL·min-1·1.73m-2

AST U/L 31 ± 8 27 ± 5 28 ± 5 10 to 40 U/L

ALT U/L 29 ± 12 28 ± 11 26 ± 7 9 to 46 U/L

Data are mean ± SD

ALT = alanine transaminase; AST = aspartate transaminase; BUN = blood urea nitrogen;
eGFR = estimated glomerular filtration rate; g = grams; L = liter; mg = milligrams.
All values fall within the normal range.

Interpretation health status of the person in question

are likely the most important variables
Since I’ve been involved in the fit- when considering health implications of
ness industry, I’ve heard the claim that high protein diets. (As is always the case,
high protein diets can lead to liver and the devil is in the details.) Theoretically,
kidney damage and the degradation of a high protein diet could certainly cause
bone density. Curiously, there is scant undue stress on the liver (as the demand
direct evidence to support these claims. to oxidize protein increases) and the
On the surface, the claims aren’t entire- kidney (as the need to increase filtra-
ly unreasonable, but a closer look reveals tion rates increases) (2); however, almost
the importance of context. Specifically, any nutritional compound (even water)
the magnitude of protein intake and the can prove dangerous – or even fatal – at

Table 3 Individual Data of Subjects 1-5

Subject 1 Subject 2 Subject 3 Subject 4 Subject 5


BM (kg) 93.5 72.9 99.1 82.7 82.5

LBM (kg) 85.2 59.4 81.7 70.9 68.2

FM (kg) 8.3 13.5 17.9 11.7 14.2

BF% 8.9 18.6 17.6 14.3 17.3

Year 1

BM (kg) 98.1 80.4 95.1 82.6 78.1

LBM (kg) 83.6 56.9 80.3 70.1 65.3
FM (kg) 14.4 23.4 21.9 12.5 12.7
BF% 14.6 27.4 15.3 15.1 16.4

Year 2

BM (kg) 96.8 78.9 97.7 80.8 77.8

LBM (kg) 87.9 59.5 85.4 68.9 66.7
FM (kg) 8.8 19.4 12.3 11.7 11.0
BF% 9.2 24.6 12.6 14.6 14.2

BM = Body Mass; LBM = Lean Body Mass; FM = Fat Mass; BF% = Body Fat Percent

high enough dosages, but you never hear the first claims that a high protein in-
“watch your water intake” unless there’s take could damage the kidneys and liver
a medical condition present showing a were made nearly a century ago when it
need for this. Simply stating the theo- was found that rats with one kidney fol-
retical possibility of nutrient overload is lowing a high protein diet experienced
not enough to base a specific claim that renal hypertrophy (3) or damage (4).
a certain gram per kilogram intake of Despite using an animal model – specif-
protein is dangerous. ically, animals with a surgically removed
If you trace the data back far enough, kidney to impair their ability to process
protein – this was the original basis of

these claims. Today, we know that indi-
viduals with kidney damage due to a dis-
ease-state can improve markers of kid-
ney function by reducing their protein
intake (5), but until recent years, there DIETS IN HEALTHY, EXERCISING
has been a lack of long-term research
in healthy, exercising individuals to ad- INDIVIDUALS APPEAR TO POSE
dress the claim that high protein diets
are harmful to kidney or liver function. NO RISK TO LIVER, KIDNEY,
This specific study by Antonio and OR BONE HEALTH OVER
colleagues addresses that gap in the re-
search and is a continuation of their one- PERIODS OF 6-24 MONTHS.
year study on high protein diets investi-
gating the same variables with a larger
sample size of 14 resistance-trained
males (there were no negative effects results, and the group mean falling with-
of a high protein diet observed in this in healthy levels for these markers, it’s a
study either) (6). The five participants safe conclusion to make that the protein
in the present study were among the intakes observed in these individuals did
cohort in the initial study; they were not result in any measurable level of kid-
simply willing to continue the proto- ney or liver stress.
col for an additional year. The only hint Not directly addressed in this study is
of any deleterious effect of protein on the claim that high protein diets can be
health in the current study was the in- detrimental to bone health. This claim
consistent creatinine and blood urea ni- is also based on theoretical rather than
trogen levels that occurred in four out direct evidence. The argument follows
of the five participants (one participant this logic: High protein diets increase
remained within normal ranges for ev- rates of calcium excretion (although this
erything, at all times points). However, is primarily observed in animal versus
it is worth pointing out that exercise can plant protein sources). Also, lower uri-
independently elevate these (and other) nary pH is observed among individuals
markers (7), and the researchers did not following high protein diets, and it is
control temporally for when the panels thought that bicarbonate from bone is
were conducted relative to the training used to buffer this acidity, followed by
sessions of the participants. Thus, given bone calcium excretion. Therefore, it is
the sporadic nature of these findings, the claimed that the combination of these
possibility that exercise influenced these two factors results in a demineralization

Table 4 Bone Health Markers

Control Control High-Protein High-Protein

Pre Post Pre Post

Bone Mineral Content (kg) 2.47 ± 0.35 2.47 ± 0.34 2.55 ± 0.38 2.53 ± 0.40

Bone Mineral Density (g/cm2) 1.22 ± 0.08 1.22 ± 0.09 1.25 ± 0.11 1.24 ± 0.10

Total Body T-Score 1.4 ± 1.0 1.3 ± 1.1 1.7 ± 1.3 1.7 ± 1.3

Lumbar Bone Mineral Content (g) 65.8 ± 16.1 64.5 ± 10.3 69.6 ± 8.9 71.6 ± 9.8

Lumbar Bone Mineral Density (g/cm2) 1.08 ± 0.16 1.05 ± 0.13 1.07 ± 0.11 1.08 ± 0.12

Lumbar T-Score 0.3 ± 1.5 0.0 ± 1.1 0.2 ± 1.0 0.3 ± 1.1

From Antonio 2018 (11)

of the skeleton when consuming a high tein (2.8 ± 1.1 g/kg) diet for six months
protein diet (8). However, increased cal- while tracking markers of bone health.
cium excretion during a high protein The outcomes of this study are shown in
diet does not result in a net calcium loss. Table 4; as you can see, there were nearly
In fact, some data indicate that high identical markers of bone health in both
protein diets cause an increase of intes- groups despite an 87% higher protein
tinal calcium absorption (9). Moreover, intake in the high-protein group (10).
Antonio and colleagues also recently In summary, high protein diets in
published a study investigating bone healthy, exercising individuals appear
health in exercising individuals (specif- to pose no risk to liver, kidney, or bone
ically women, who are at a greater risk health over periods of 6-24 months.
for decrements to bone health due to With that said, half a year to two years
the incidence of the female athlete triad of good biomarkers for bone, kidney, and
and menopause). Specifically, they com- liver health should not be seen as all-en-
pared trained women following either compassing evidence that very high pro-
a habitual (1.5 ± 0.3 g/kg) or high pro-

tein diets are completely free of health
risk. Unfortunately, some epidemiolo-
gy points to the fact that lower protein IN SUMMARY, HIGH
diets do seem to be correlated to lower
incidences of cancer, and mechanistical-
ly, many of the signals (IGF-1, insulin)
that are upregulated from high-protein,
high-calorie diets that are useful for
muscle growth are also useful for tumor
growth (11). TO LIVER, KIDNEY, OR BONE
Now, before you lose your mind over
that sentence, let me clarify what I am HEALTH OVER PERIODS
not saying. I’m not saying high pro-
tein diets cause cancer. I’m not saying OF 6-24 MONTHS.
strength athletes and bodybuilders are at
a higher risk for cancer compared to the
general population. And I’m not say-
ing researchers have uncovered a clear, (well, at least bodybuilders do), and en-
causative link between high protein di- gage in many other risk-reducing activ-
ets and increased cancer risk. I am only ities, the net risk is probably – at worst
saying that correlative epidemiological – the same compared to the general pop-
research and some mechanisms point to ulation. But if I had to bet on it, I’d guess
a potential for chronic caloric surpluses the average physique or strength athlete
and high protein diets (specifically ani- is at a lower net risk than the average
mal proteins) as variables that may in- person due to these protective behav-
crease risk. When you think about it, in iors. One big caveat, though: I can only
a mass-building phase, we’re doing ev- confidently state that when referring to
erything we can to put our bodies in an drug-free athletes (or, at the very least,
anabolic state. Just intuitively, I’d guess those responsibly using anabolic phar-
that’s probably not ideal for generating macological agents) and those who do
the maximal amount of life extension indeed consume a healthy dose of fruits
or cancer risk reduction. However (and and vegetables (sorry Mike) and control
this is critical), given that most body- their body weight (sorry supers).
builders and powerlifters follow cyclical Two final depressing notes I want to
periods of caloric restriction (well, not make about this study:
superheavyweights), regularly exercise,
1) Unlike some of Antonio’s short-
consume plenty of fruits and vegetables
term work on high protein diets (12), a

1. High protein diets above one gram per pound (2.2g/kg) are unlikely to cause any
negative effects on kidney or liver health, even over multiple years.
2. Exercise alone can result in acute increases in some biomarkers of kidney and
liver function, and the “blips on the radar” observed in this study (specifically
for increased blood urea nitrogen and creatinine) might have been related to the
temporal proximity to training. So, if you’ve got a physical coming up, it might be
a good idea to take a day off prior.
3. While not addressed in this study, other recent work by Antonio and colleagues
suggests high protein diets of a similar magnitude are also not deleterious to bone

fat loss effect was not observed in this

investigation. Thus, it’s likely that peo- Next Steps
ple habituate to any theoretical increase I’d like to think that the work An-
in satiety and/or upregulation of energy tonio and colleagues have put in over
expenditure associated with very high the last few years has begun to change
protein diets in the long run. some of the misconceptions around the
2) Only two of the five participants supposed kidney, liver, and bone health
gained lean mass over this two-year pe- risks of high protein diets. I suppose the
riod. Given they all had at least nine next step would be to look more deep-
years of training experience, and given ly at caloric and even protein restriction
they followed their own, habitual train- in individuals with cancer to see if the
ing, I think it’s fair to say that you ad- mechanistic and epidemiological links
vanced lifters out there really have to that exist could be exploited to reduce
ensure your training is progressive in the rate at which tumors grow or maybe
nature and your nutrition (not just your even to aid in the treatment of cancer.
protein intake) supports your goals of I won’t go into specifics here, as this is
muscle gain. If you aren’t progressing at outside of my area, but I think it’s a line
an advanced stage of your lifting career, of research worthy of exploration.
you should seriously consider outsourc-
ing your training and/or nutrition to a
qualified coach with a good track record.
Unfortunately, gains at this stage are just
hard to come by.

1. Antonio, J. and A. Ellerbroek, Case Reports on Well-Trained Bodybuilders: Two Years on a High
Protein Diet. JEPonline, 2018. 21(1): p. 18-24.
2. Poortmans, J.R. and O. Dellalieux, Do Regular High Protein Diets Have Potential Health Risks
on Kidney Function in Athletes? International Journal of Sport Nutrition & Exercise Metabolism,
2000. 10(1): p. 28.
3. Miller, A.J., The influence of high protein diet on the kidneys. Journal of Experimental Medicine,
1925. 42(6): p. 897-904.
4. Jackson, H. and O.J. Moore, The effect of high protein diets on the remaining kidney of rats. The
Journal of clinical investigation, 1928. 5(3): p. 415-425.
5. Nezu, U., et al., Effect of low-protein diet on kidney function in diabetic nephropathy: meta-analysis
of randomised controlled trials. BMJ Open, 2013. 3(5).
6. Antonio, J., et al., A high protein diet has no harmful effects: a one-year crossover study in resis-
tance-trained males. J Nutr Metab, 2016. 2016.
7. Foran, S.E., K.B. Lewandrowski, and A. Kratz, Effects of exercise on laboratory test results. Labora-
tory medicine, 2003. 34(10): p. 736-742.
8. Fenton, T.R., et al., Low urine pH and acid excretion do not predict bone fractures or the loss of bone
mineral density: a prospective cohort study. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 2010. 11: p. 88-88.
9. Calvez, J., et al., Protein intake, calcium balance and health consequences. Eur J Clin Nutr, 2012.
66(3): p. 281-95.
10. Antonio, J., et al., High protein consumption in trained women: bad to the bone? Journal of the
International Society of Sports Nutrition, 2018. 15(1): p. 6.
11. Levine, M.E., et al., Low Protein Intake is Associated with a Major Reduction in IGF-1, Cancer,
and Overall Mortality in the 65 and Younger but Not Older Population. Cell Metab, 2014. 19(3):
p. 407-17.
12. Antonio, J., et al., A high protein diet (3.4 g/kg/day) combined with a heavy resistance training pro-
gram improves body composition in healthy trained men and women--a follow-up investigation. J
Int Soc Sports Nutr, 2015. 12.

Study Reviewed: Validation of Biofeedback Wearables for
Photoplethysmographic Heart Rate Tracking. Jo et al. (2016)

The Accuracy of Modern-Day

Fitness Trackers and Heart Rate

Wearable technology has exploded in the past few years and it

can be a great tool to track variables. But, with any technology
that tracking must be accurate. So, what about the popular Fitbit
Charge, does it indeed track heart rate accurately?

1. Modern-day fitness trackers are increasingly incorporating reflective PPG for heart
rate detection, especially on top of the wrist.
2. This study examined the validity of a wrist-worn tracker by one of the industry
leaders in consumer fitness tech.
3. The Fitbit Charge HR performed with poor accuracy when compared to the gold-
standard electrocardiograph (ECG), especially during higher levels of physical
exertion and specific exercises.
4. The Fitbit Charge HR was not validated for heart rate monitoring, at least during
physical activity or exercise. Better accuracy was observed during resting or low
effort conditions.

eart rate monitoring has argu- both health and fitness, technological
ably been at the forefront of fit- advancements have enabled more prac-
ness and health technologies for tical means of monitoring heart rate, es-
as far back as we can remember. In clin- pecially for the physically active.
ical settings, heart rate is typically mon- Devices like those from Polar® are
itored using an electrocardiogram, or loosely based on ECG technology and
ECG, which is recognized as the gold allow for the detection of heart rate via
standard mode of measurement. How- an electrode-like chest strap that is wire-
ever, the relative high cost, difficulty of lessly interfaced to a monitor, usually
access, discomfort, and complexity of in the form of a watch. Polar, without
procedures limit their use in everyday a doubt, has been the household name
free-living conditions, especially during for personal heart rate monitoring, and
sport and exercise. Because of the use- its devices have stood the test of time,
fulness and value of heart rate data in largely due to the backing of scientific

Guest Reviewer: Eddie Jo, Ph.D.

Dr. Eddie Jo is an Assistant Professor of Exercise Physiology and Founder and Director of
the Human Performance Laboratory at California State Polytechnic University – Pomona.
He earned a Ph.D. in Exercise Physiology at Florida State University in the Skeletal Muscle
Physiology Lab. His overarching research agenda is to innovate and advance application of
exercise and nutrition programming for the optimization of human performance, metabolism,
body composition, and muscular health in populations ranging from elite athletes to clinical
populations. He is a distinguished Strength and Conditioning Specialist through the NSCA and
has been a Certified Personal also through the NSCA for over 15 years.

research that demonstrates their ac- ten integrated with other sensors like
curacy (1). But certainly, the tech in- accelerometers in a single device, pro-
dustry is constantly looking for ways viding the capacity to compute mul-
to innovate new, better, and more ver- tiple measures other than heart rate,
satile devices. Here enters a new class such as caloric expenditure.
of personal heart rate detection called The value of PPG sensor technology
reflective photoplethysmography, or has likely contributed to the expansive
PPG, which can be found on almost growth of the fitness tracker industry,
all the latest wearables or fitness track- but without proportionate level of sci-
ers, such as the Fitbit, Apple Watch, entific scrutiny of their accuracy. Al-
Samsung Gear, Garmin, and Suun- though PPG may be a breakthrough
to. If there is a flickering green light in personal heart rate monitoring, the
on the back of the tracker, heart rate accuracy of these devices remains con-
is being measured by said tracker via sistently challenged, considering the
PPG. number of factors that may interrupt
So how does reflective PPG gen- proper heart rate detection by PPG
erally work? Fitness trackers like the (more on this later). So, let’s first take a
Fitbit Charge HR, Apple Watch, and look at the research. Below, I detail the
Samsung Gear detect heart rate by results of one of the most comprehen-
emitting green light into the skin and sive studies examining the accuracy of
blood vessels. Green light is poorly a wearable PPG-based fitness tracker
reflected by blood, but the reflectance from one of the leading fitness tech-
level changes slightly with alterations nology companies, Fitbit. My research
in blood volume passing through the team examined the accuracy and valid-
vessel, such as during a heartbeat. The ity of the Fitbit Charge HR, and the
altering reflectance back toward the study was published in the Journal of
sensor with each beat and relaxation of Sports Science and Medicine in 2016.
the heart is “sensed” by the device and
is ultimately used to compute heart rate
using proprietary algorithms and esti- Purpose and Research
mation formulas. This wearable PPG
technology has enabled less obtrusive
assessment of heart rate and activity We sought to determine the capabili-
and allows for continuous monitoring ty of the Fitbit Charge HR (first gener-
throughout the day without the need ation) to accurately measure heart rate
for a chest strap or other separate sen- during a variety of laboratory-based ex-
sors. The PPG-based heart rate is of- ercise tasks in reference to the ECG.

Figure 1 Correlation Between Time Synced Heart Readings from Fitbit Charge HR and ECG

r = 0.83
p < 0.0001
Fitbit Charge HR (beats/min)





20 60 100 140 180 220

ECG (beats/min)

Subjects and Methods five-minute tasks in the listed order: 1)

cycling at 60W, 2) cycling at 120W, 3)
This was one of the most comprehen- treadmill walk, 4) treadmill jog, 5) tread-
sive validation studies on PPG heart mill run, 6) dumbbell lateral arm raises
rate monitors, as approximately 80,000 (12 reps), 7) alternating resisted lunges
time-synced ECG and Fitbit heart rate (12 reps), and 8) isometric abdominal
data pairs were collected from 24 male plank (60-second hold). Five minutes of
and female participants. During testing, rest was implemented between each ex-
participants were connected to a 12-lead ercise task, during which time heart rate
ECG and wore a Fitbit Charge HR ac- data was continuously collected.
cording to manufacturer instructions.
Time-synced heart rate data from each
device was simultaneously and continu- Findings
ously collected electronically via a data When examining time-synced ECG
acquisition computer program during and Fitbit Charge HR heart rate data
a 77-minute exercise protocol. The ex- in aggregate (87,340 ECG-Fitbit heart
ercise protocol included the following rate data pairs), there was a moderate-

Figure 2 Correlation Between Time Synced HR Readings from Fitbit Charge HR and ECG During Higher Intensity Exercise
r = 0.58
p < 0.05

Fitbit Charge HR (beats/min)








100 120 140 160 180 200 220

ECG (beats/min)

ly strong correlation between ECG and ened (r = 0.58) to a level demonstrat-

FB (r = 0.83) and an average underesti- ing inaccurate measures by the Fitbit
mation by the Fitbit of 8.8 ± 16.9 bpm. (Figure 2). The average underestimation
Analysis also showed that the range increased to -12.7 ± 21.1 bpm with the
of deviation from ECG was anywhere range of deviation from ECG anywhere
from +24 bpm to -42 bpm, indicating a from +29 bpm to -54 bpm, demonstrat-
large average tendency to underestimate ing an extremely large tendency to un-
heart rate. derestimate heart rate.
With further analyses, we found that When examining the data pairs below
the accuracy of the Fitbit Charge HR the average ECG/true heart rate (i.e. rest
was greatly affected during higher inten- to lower intensities of exercise), the Fit-
sities of exercise. When examining the bit Charge HR appeared to have accept-
heart rate data pairs above the average able accuracy with a moderately strong
ECG/true heart rate of 116 bpm (i.e. correlation with ECG (r = 0.73) and an
higher intensities of exercise), the cor- average underestimation of 5.3 ± 10.7
relation between the Fitbit Charge HR bpm (Figure 3). The range of deviation
and ECG heart rate drastically weak- from ECG was narrower from +16 bpm

Figure 3 Correlation Between Time Synced HR Readings From Fitbit Charge HR and ECG During Rest and Lower Intensity Exercise


Fitbit Charge HR (beats/min)






r = 0.73
20 p < 0.05

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140

ECG (beats/min)

to -26 bpm, indicating a slight tendency accuracy during higher exercise intensi-
to underestimate heart rate during rest ties. Overall, the tracker had a very large
to lower intensities of exercise. tendency to underestimate heart rate, es-
When examining the accuracy of the pecially during higher intensities of ex-
fitness tracker during specific tasks, the ercise in which an individual’s heart rate
Fitbit Charge HR performed the best measure could be potentially underesti-
during resting conditions. However, the mated by almost 54 bpm (average being
performance of the Fitbit was excep- -13 bpm). The Fitbit device appeared to
tionally poor during cycling, resisted measure heart rate to a reasonable degree
arm raises, resisted lunges, and abdom- of accuracy during resting conditions,
inal plank with underestimations up to but these results offer very little practical
21 bpm. relevance, considering the actuality that
consumers utilize these fitness trackers
to, in fact, track physical activity. We of-
Interpretation fer several possible explanations for the
We determined that the Fitbit Charge observed results, which may apply to any
HR failed to satisfy validity criteria, PPG-based fitness tracker currently on
largely due to the substantial decrease in the market.

1. If you are looking for a fitness tracker to monitor your heart rate (and activity level),
we highly recommended looking into the independent research examining their
accuracy. This article is a great resource for such information.
2. Reflective PPG technology for consumer-level heart rate and indirect activity
monitoring is imperfect due to a multitude of factors that can interrupt proper
detection. Until further research and development efforts can help better control
for these factors, the PPG-based fitness tracker industry is, to an extent, a buyer-
beware environment.
3. If you are interested simply in heart rate monitoring devices for exercise, a more
traditional electrocardiac device with a chest-strap sensor (e.g. Polar) may be the
most effective at this point.

First, the compression of the PPG and location of the sensor. In fact, heart
sensor against the skin may negatively rate monitoring on the top of the wrist
influence the quality of the PPG sig- using reflective PPG has shown to have
nal, and higher compression between reduced accuracy compared to other
the sensor and the skin may introduce sites (4, 5). It can be argued with decent
contact-related noise to the signal (3). scientific justification that PPG-based
This may, in part, explain the poor lev- sensors have more factors impacting
el of accuracy during exercises that in- their accuracy compared to electrocardi-
volved forearm contractions, such as the ac heart rate sensors (e.g. Polar).
dumbbell arm raises, lunges with dumb- Overall, the Fitbit Charge HR may
bells, planks, and cycling (holding onto be permissible as an accurate heart rate
the handle bars). This is one reason why monitor only when used during rest or
most manufacturers recommend not very low physical exertion. The Fitbit
over-tightening the watch strap. Anoth- Charge HR fails to provide accurate
er possible factor influencing accuracy is heart rate measurements with increasing
movement of the sensor/watch. It is as- physical effort and during specific exer-
sumed that during higher intensities of cise tasks. These data corroborate more
exercise, there are generally more bodily recent findings in the second-genera-
movements involved, possibly “shaking” tion Fitbit Charge HR (Charge HR 2),
the sensor while it is capturing PPG which demonstrated very similar results,
signals. Other important variables that i.e. reduced accuracy with higher phys-
have been discussed by other research- ical exertion (6). Therefore, those using
ers include skin pigmentation, sweat, heart rate data to design exercise train-

ing prescriptions or as a precautionary perform with the same level of accuracy
measure due to health risks must use (or inaccuracy). Other research studies,
Fitbit devices and perhaps other PPG- although not as comprehensive as the
based monitors with caution. study presented here, have shown dif-
fering levels of accuracy across a number
of PPG-based devices (7). Publications,
Next Steps such as MASS, are a useful resource for
It is important that consumers of these continuously informing consumers of
fitness trackers understand that the in- the ongoing scientific investigations on
dependent research concerning their sport and fitness technologies, especially
accuracy lags behind the sale and mar- concerning their accuracy.
keting of the devices, and any initial
information regarding their accuracy is
largely predicated on consumer reviews,
advertisements, and in-house testing re-
sults (which are not always available to
the public). With that said, the fitness
tracker industry is a “buyer beware” en-
vironment. Thus, it is imperative that
independent researchers continuously
scrutinize and test the performance of
these devices, especially those that mea-
sure an important variable such as heart
rate. Research and development initia-
tives for PPG-based trackers should fo-
cus on better controlling for the multiple
factors that influence PPG signals and
modify hardware and software accord-
As for the consumers, when using
a device specifically for heart rate de-
tection, there are other alternatives to
PPG-based trackers that have been
shown to be accurate. These include the
Polar monitors using electrocardiac sen-
sors (chest straps) (1). It should also be
noted that not all PPG-based trackers

1. Terbizan D, Dolezal B, Albano C: Validity of Seven Commercially Available Heart Rate Monitors.
Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science 2002;6:243-247
2. Jo E, Lewis K, Directo D, Kim MJ, Dolezal BA: Validation of Biofeedback Wearables for Pho-
toplethysmographic Heart Rate Tracking. J Sports Sci Med 2016;15:540-547
3. Allen J: Photoplethysmography and its application in clinical physiological measurement. Physiol
Meas 2007;28:R1-39
4. Rafolt D, Gallasch E: Influence of contact forces on wrist photoplethysmography--prestudy for a
wearable patient monitor. Biomed Tech (Berl) 2004;49:22-26
5. Teng XF, Zhang YT: The effect of contacting force on photoplethysmographic signals. Physiol Meas
6. Benedetto S, Caldato C, Bazzan E, Greenwood DC, Pensabene V, Actis P: Assessment of the Fitbit
Charge 2 for monitoring heart rate. PLoS One 2018;13:e0192691
7. Gillinov S, Etiwy M, Wang R, Blackburn G, Phelan D, Gillinov AM, Houghtaling P, Javadikasgari
H, Desai MY: Variable Accuracy of Wearable Heart Rate Monitors during Aerobic Exercise. Med
Sci Sports Exerc 2017;49:1697-1703

Study Reviewed: The Effect of Augmented Feedback Type and
Frequency on Velocity-Based Training-Induced Adaptation and
Retention. Nagata et al. (2018)

How to Maximize Results with

Velocity-Based Training

Velocity-based training isn’t just a way to select training loads and

adjust volume. By monitoring velocity on each rep, you may also
make larger gains.

1. Receiving feedback about velocity on each rep led to increases in squat jump
velocity over four weeks.
2. On the other hand, seeing average velocity on each set and getting video feedback
on each set led to no improvements, while receiving no feedback at all led to
decreases in performance.
3. Receiving feedback about velocity on each rep may enhance performance by aiding
in maintaining external focus (i.e. focusing on movement outcomes) and enhancing
4. Setting up for velocity-based training so that you can get velocity feedback on
every rep may improve training results.

e’ve discussed velocity-based squats for four weeks. One group was
training in MASS before (one, told their average velocity for each rep
two), but the focus has been on immediately after every rep, one group
the ways velocity can be used to moni- was told their average velocity for the
tor and adjust training volume, intensity, entire set after every set, one group re-
and proximity from failure. However, I’ve viewed a video of their performance after
always believed that the largest benefit every set without being given feedback
of velocity-based training boils down to about velocity, and one group received no
something much more basic: It encour- feedback at all. Feedback after every rep
ages you to try to move every rep as fast and video feedback both enhanced squat
as possible. For velocity-based training jump velocity for the first few sessions,
to “work,” and for the velocity feedback but only the group receiving velocity
it provides to give you any meaningful feedback after every rep increased per-
data, you have to try to move every rep formance over four weeks. Furthermore,
as explosively as possible. This focus on at a post-training retention test 10 days
moving every rep as explosively as pos- later, performance was still enhanced in
sible has been shown to promote larger the group receiving feedback after every
strength gains (2). rep, whereas it was unchanged in the
The present study takes that concept group getting velocity feedback after ev-
one step further by asking what type ery set and the group getting video feed-
and frequency of feedback enhance per- back, while performance was actually
formance the most. In this study, well- lower than baseline in the group getting
trained athletes performed loaded jump no feedback.

Purpose and Research finish the study. They had 3.3 ± 1.0 years
of training experience, and the average
Questions back squat was a shade over 2x body-
weight. They were matched for strength
Purpose before being divided into groups so that
The purpose of this study was to exam- average squat 1RM was very similar be-
ine the effects of feedback frequency and tween groups, ranging from 152.5kg to
type of feedback on loaded jump squat 157.5kg.
Training program
Research Questions The subjects performed 3 sets of 5
Would more frequent feedback (after weighted jump squats with a load of
every rep vs. after every set) enhance 60kg (132lb) on the bar, twice per week.
loaded jump squat velocity? They were told to jump as high as possi-
ble on each rep and to put their full ef-
Would feedback focusing on perfor- fort into every rep. They also performed
mance (velocity) enhance loaded jump one heavier squat session per week, using
squat velocity more than feedback fo- 75% of their 1RM for 3 sets of 8 reps.
cusing on the movement (video)? All training sessions were separated by
at least 48 hours.
No hypotheses were directly stated. Feedback type and frequency
However, it can be inferred from the The participants were divided into four
wording of the introduction that the au- groups. One group was told their aver-
thors expected more frequent feedback age velocity after every jump squat rep
to produce better results than less fre- (n=9). One group was told their average
quent feedback. velocity for the whole set after each set
of jump squats (n=10). One group was
shown video of their jump squats after
Subjects and Methods each set (n=10). Finally, one group was
given no feedback (n=8).
The subjects were 40 elite male rug- Measures
by players (20.89 ± 0.8 years old, 1.71 ± Prior to training, all participants per-
0.05 cm, 77.82 ± 12.56 kg). Three par- formed 1 set of 5 jump squats with 30kg
ticipants dropped out during the course with no feedback. The average velocity
of the study, leaving 37 participants to of these reps served as their baseline.

Figure 1 Mean Velocity Across Feedback Groups
No Feedback Video Feedback Velocity Feedback Velocity Feedback
(n=8) (n=10) After Each Set (n=8) After Each Rep (n=9)


Mean Velocity (m/s)






Baseline Wk1 Wk1 Wk2 Wk2 Wk3 Wk3 Wk4 Wk4 Retention
T1 T2 T1 T2 T1 T2 T1 T2

During the four-week training period,

average velocity (assessed using a Gy- Findings
mAware) of the first set was recorded for Velocity increased in the group receiv-
each session. The second session of week ing feedback after each rep. From the
four served as the post-test, which was first session of week two through the
a repeat of baseline testing (1 set of 5 retention test, this was a medium effect
jump squats without feedback). Finally, (d=0.50-0.79).
a retention test was performed 10 days Velocity decreased initially in the
after the last training session, follow- group receiving velocity feedback after
ing the same procedure as baseline and each set. This decrease was considered
post-testing. a large effect for the second session of

Figure 2

Maintains external focus

Velocity feedback Enhanced

Better results
after each rep motivation

Higher concentration on
per-rep performance

week two and the first session of week ther at the retention test. This decrease,
three (d=1.11-1.28). However, perfor- relative to baseline, was considered a
mance rebounded by the end of the large effect (d=0.85).
study through the retention test to settle By the second session of week two,
around baseline values. the group receiving feedback after every
Velocity initially increased slightly in rep was performing better than all other
the group receiving video feedback after groups. These effects ranged from medi-
each set, before decreasing through the um to large (d=0.60-1.58).
rest of the study. From the second ses-
sion of week three through the post-test,
performance dropped below baseline. Interpretation
This decrease was considered a medium The results of this study, while
effect (d=0.60-0.74). However, perfor- eye-catching, are consistent with oth-
mance returned near baseline for the re- er literature on the subject, which finds
tention test. that providing feedback about lift ve-
Velocity stayed below baseline for the locity leads to faster progress than not
entirety of the study for the group receiv- providing feedback, and that providing
ing no feedback. This was considered a more frequent feedback leads to faster
trivial-to-medium effect (d=0.17-0.70). progress than providing less frequent
However, performance decreased fur- feedback (3, 4).

The authors provide two hypotheses to
explain their results. First, they hypothe-
size that providing feedback on every rep
maintains an external focus (i.e. focusing
on the outcome of a movement, instead SO HUNG UP ON PLANNING
of focusing on a particular muscle or the
positioning of your body). Maintain- THEIR TRAINING THAT THEY
ing an external focus has been shown
to enhance results compared to an in- OVERLOOK THE IMPORTANCE
ternal focus in a wide array of tasks (5),
as we’ve discussed in MASS previously.
One would assume that receiving veloc- EFFORT AS POSSIBLE WHEN
ity feedback on every rep would keep
you focused on your movement velocity. EXECUTING THEIR TRAINING.
Second, they hypothesize that receiving
feedback on every rep may enhance mo-
tivation. This also seems like a plausible
explanation; knowing your velocity for rectly provided, but we can make some
the previous rep gives you a goal to aim guesses. First, the authors tell us that
for on the next rep, making each rep a the participants were already familiar
mini competition against yourself. with loaded jump squats, so it’s not like
we’re seeing performance regressions in
While this study used loaded squat
a novel movement (which would be very
jumps instead of heavy squats, I don’t see
surprising). Second, we know that the
why the results would be different with
participants were rugby players, so it’s
heavy strength training. Assuming the
likely that they were also participating
authors’ proposed explanations (main-
in rugby practice and conditioning work
taining external focus and enhancing
in addition to the squat and jump squat
motivation) for their results are correct
training in this study (though that wasn’t
– and they seem like perfectly plausible
explicitly stated). This is supported by the
explanations – those same factors would
fact that three of the initial participants
also be in play with heavy strength train-
sustained injuries over the course of just
four weeks – it’s very unlikely they’d see
It’s worth noting that performance that sort of injury rate from jump squats
actually decreased from pre-training to and one session of moderately heavy
the retention test in the group receiving back squats not performed to failure. If we
no feedback. A reason for that wasn’t di- assume that the participants in this study

Over four weeks, receiving velocity feedback after every rep increased jump squat
velocity, while velocity feedback after each set, video feedback, and no feedback failed
to increase performance or even led to decrements in performance. Receiving velocity
feedback after each rep may help maintain an external focus, enhance motivation, and
keep you acutely focused on maximizing performance on each rep, all of which will
benefit performance. If you do velocity-based training, try to maneuver your setup so
that you can see your velocity after each rep, or have a partner call out your velocity
each rep.

were also taking part in rugby practices, focused on the actual rep-to-rep, set-to-
the decrease in performance in the group set execution of their training program. I
receiving no feedback may be reflective of think a lot of people get so hung up on
accumulated fatigue. Hence, a decrease in planning their training that they overlook
performance would be seen as the base- the importance of putting forth as much
line. A mere maintenance of performance effort as possible when executing their
in the groups receiving video feedback and training. This strategy of receiving velocity
velocity feedback after each set would be feedback every rep shifts the focus away
a positive result, relatively speaking, and from the PR you’re planning on hitting
the increases in performance in the group two months from now, and focuses you on
receiving velocity feedback after every rep maximizing performance on your next rep.
look even more impressive. Most people know they’re supposed to do
There are a couple of things I really like that, but this strategy provides a further
about this study. I’m a sucker for anything external reminder to stay focused on the
that can enhance results independent of task at hand when you’re under the bar.
the “traditional” training variables (vol-
ume, intensity, and frequency). If you can
do the same sets and same reps with the Next Steps
same weight and get better results, why The obvious next step is to perform a
wouldn’t you? People focus on things like similar study using heavy squats or bench
eating enough protein and getting enough press instead of light jump squats. I’d hy-
sleep because they know that doing so pothesize that results would be similar, but
will allow them to get larger performance you can never be sure until someone does
outputs from the same training inputs; the study.
the same principle applies here. I’m also
a sucker for anything that keeps people

1. Nagata A, Doma K, Yamashita D, Hasegawa H, Mori S. The Effect of Augmented Feedback Type
and Frequency on Velocity-Based Training-Induced Adaptation and Retention. J Strength Cond
Res. 2018 Feb 14.
2. González-Badillo JJ, Rodríguez-Rosell D, Sánchez-Medina L, Gorostiaga EM, Pareja-Blanco F.
Maximal intended velocity training induces greater gains in bench press performance than deliber-
ately slower half-velocity training. Eur J Sport Sci. 2014;14(8):772-81.
3. Keller M, Lauber B, Gehring D, Leukel C, Taube W. Jump performance and augmented feedback:
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Study Reviewed: Carbohydrate Mouth-Rinsing Improves Resistance
Training Session Performance. Decimoni et al. (2018)

A Glimmer of Hope for CHO

Mouth Rinsing and Lifting?

Endurance exercise clearly benefits from acute carbohydrate

supplementation, but can a quick swig of Gatorade actually
improve your strength? Most data examining a carbohydrate
mouth rinse say “no” for strength, but this study says “yes.”

1. This study examined if carbohydrate mouth rinsing could increase the amount of
reps performed in a training session in trained women.
2. Mouth rinsing did not significantly increase volume in any individual exercise, but
at the end of the 50-minute training session, total session volume was higher with
the mouth rinse.
3. There are multiple other studies in disagreement with this study. However, the
other studies all used shorter protocols and just one exercise: the bench press. So,
for CHO mouth rinsing to acutely improve volume performance, it seems that the
training session needs to be longer and use multiple sets on multiple exercises.

hen it comes to supplements erally doesn’t deplete a ton of glycogen.
that may increase volume ca- This study (1) examined the effects of
pabilities, there seems to be 6g of maltodextrin or a placebo mouth
equivocal evidence surrounding many rinse (before and during each session)
of them. Beta-alanine has some, but not on volume performance, rating of per-
overwhelming evidence to increase lift- ceived exertion (RPE), and heart rate in
ing volume performance (2). And as we a double-blind crossover design in 15
know from Eric’s past MASS article, the trained women. The women did about
recent evidence on citrulline malate is not 12% more volume in the squat, leg press,
in its favor despite past studies showing bench press, military press, and seated
support. Carbohydrate (CHO) mouth row combined. They had lower RPE af-
rinsing, which involves about 10 seconds ter each set on average, but similar heart
of rinsing your mouth (like mouthwash) rate between conditions. These results
with a maltodextrin solution then spit- are unique and somewhat contradictory
ting it out, does meaningfully increase to prior literature because they show an
endurance performance (3), but it is important increase in training volume
also on the equivocal list with one study using compound lifts with CHO mouth
showing a benefit for lifting volume (4) rinsing. So why are these conflicting
and three others showing no enhance- results occurring? This article will take
ment (5, 6, 7). The lack of convincing a more in-depth look at the proposed
evidence for resistance training makes mechanisms and the methodologies of
sense, as the proposed primary mecha- previous studies to attempt to explain
nism of rinsing is increasing availability these results, then provide some conclu-
of blood glucose, which spares glycogen sions based upon the totality of evidence
(8). However, resistance training gen- to date.

Table 1 Subject Characteristics

Body Mass Training Age 10RM Back 10RM Leg 10RM Bench 10RM Military 10RM Seated
Subjects Age (years) (kg) Height (cm) (years) Squat (kg) Press (kg) Press (kg) Press (kg) Row (kg)

15 Women 26 ± 4 59 ± 8 161 ± 0.05 1 to 2 44 ± 13 165 ± 39 22 ± 6 23 ± 6 27 ± 8

Data are mean ± SD

Subjects characteristics from Decimoni et al. 2018 (1).

Purpose and Research session durations have been too short

and only included one or two exercises.
Questions So, it seems that the authors expected
improvements with mouth rinsing be-
Purpose cause they used five exercises for multi-
The purpose was to determine if CHO ple sets each.
mouth rinsing before and midway
through a training session enhanced
volume capability and reduced RPE and
heart rate compared to a placebo. Subjects and Methods
Research Question Subjects
When used both before and midway Fifteen women with 1-2 years of
through a training session, does CHO training experience participated. The
mouth rinsing for 10 seconds with 6g of full details of the subjects are available
maltodextrin increase upper and lower in Table 1.
body volume capabilities and attenuate
the increase in RPE and heart rate? Study Protocol
This study had four sessions with the
Hypotheses first two being used to test 10RMs. The
No hypothesis was given, and the au- sessions were performed a few days
thors presented both pro and contra- apart. The highest 10RM of both test-
dictory evidence for CHO mouth rins- ing sessions for each exercise was used
ing in the introduction. However, the as the load in the experimental sessions.
authors also pointed out that mouth A few days after the second 10RM ses-
rinsing benefits have not been seen in sion, subjects performed the first of two
previous studies because total training experimental sessions (72 hours apart),

which involved performing three sets of
max reps on the squat, leg press, bench Figure 1 Protocol of Experimental Sessions
press, military press, and seated row
3x Max Reps with
with two minutes between sets. Fur- 10RM

ther, Borg RPE – which measures ef- Half-Squat

fort and not repetitions in reserve (seen
Leg Press
here in Figure 2) – and heart rate were Mouth Rinse
taken after each set. The only difference OR Placebo
Bench Press
between experimental sessions is that
in one session, subjects mouth rinsed Military Press

with 6g of maltodextrin in a 100mL Seated Row

solution immediately beforehand and *Heart rate and RPE

taken after each set
again immediately before the first set
of bench press. In the other session, This depicts one experimental session. The second session

subjects mouth rinsed with a 100mL occurred 72 hours later and was the exact same except the mouth
rinse (carbohydrate or placebo) was the opposite of session 1.
placebo, which was a non-caloric con- RPE = Rating of perceived exertion; RM = Repetition Maximum

centrate sweetened with aspartame and

saccharin to taste the same as the CHO
solution. Figure 1 shows the procedures Heart Rate and RPE
of an experimental session.
Heart rate was not different between
conditions after any set. However, RPE
Findings was different between conditions five
times, and every time showed a higher
RPE in the placebo condition. Further,
the average RPE across all time points
There was no significant difference be- was higher in the placebo condition
tween conditions when comparing volume (p=0.020, effect size=0.28) than the
in any single exercise (p>0.05). However, CHO mouth rinse condition. A line
when summing the volume of all exercises graph showing the RPE after each set
together, training volume was significantly is in Figure 3.
higher (p=0.039, effect size=0.49) in the
CHO mouth rinse condition. In Figure 2,
you can see the very slight but non-signif- Interpretation
icant edge for individual exercise volume
for the CHO rinse, and how, when added These results show that mouth rinsing
up, this translated into a larger and signifi- for 10 seconds with a CHO solution can
cant session-volume advantage. meaningfully improve session volume,
possibly leading to greater hypertrophy

Figure 2 Comparison of Volume Performance Betwen Conditions

(Sets * repetitions * load)

Volume workload



Half Leg Chest Military Seated Total
Squat Press Press Press Row Workload

PLA = Placebo condition; CHO = Carbohydrate mouth rinse condition;

* = Significantly greater volume in carbohydrate mouth rinse condition

(and maybe strength) over time. How- acutely compensate for diminished gly-
ever, the totality of data on CHO mouth cogen stores. Based on this mechanism,
rinsing is mixed, with a 3-2 vote against it makes sense that endurance training
(including this study in the vote) a bene- (glycogen depleting exercise) consis-
fit for resistance training performance in tently benefits from CHO rinsing. But
recent studies. Let’s examine the mecha- lifting weights doesn’t fully deplete gly-
nism at play, then decipher the protocols cogen (9), which also explains the con-
of the recent studies to help explain the flicting results for resistance training.
discrepancy in the literature. In a low-rep session or even a high-rep
but short duration session of only a few
Potential Mechanisms exercises and sets, depleting glyco-
Haff et al. (8) suggest that the chief gen isn’t a concern, so a CHO mouth
mechanism for CHO mouth rinsing rinse might not be a good supplement
is increased blood glucose, which can candidate. Consistent with this theo-

Figure 3 RPE in Both Conditions After Every Set


RPE (CR-10)



HS 1 HS 2 HS 3 LP 1 LP 2 LP 3 BP 1 BP 2 BP 3 MP 1 MP 2 MP 3 SR 1 SR 2 SR 3

RPE = Rating of perceived exertion; HS = Half-Squat; LP = Leg Press; BP = Bench Press; MP = Military Press; SR = Seated Row; PLA = Placebo
condition; CHO = Carbohydrate mouth rinse condition; * = Significantly greater RPE in placebo condition

ry, Painelli et al. showed that a CHO benefit from the mechanism of spar-
mouth rinse before every set when ing glycogen. Carter et al. proposed an
testing six sets to failure at 70% of alternative mechanism: CHO rinsing
1RM did not increase reps performed activates various brain regions to an
(5). Although the protocol in Painelli’s elevated extent (10), specifically acti-
study involved performing more reps vating dopaminergic pathways which
per set than the present study (most are associated with arousal (11). These
can do more than a 10RM at 70%), pathways may also counteract fa-
they used the mouth rinse before each tigue, which would suggest benefits in
set and did six sets of an exercise. Also, long-duration as opposed to short-du-
the protocol had a total duration of ration protocols. However, a just-pub-
only 20 minutes, which makes it un- lished study from Black et al. (12) had
likely that the mechanism of increased subjects perform a muscle endurance
blood glucose would matter. test, then use a CHO rinse, and then
In the present study, I’m not entirely test max strength and percentage of
sold that the primary proposed mech- voluntary action (a measure of cen-
anism of increased blood glucose ac- tral drive) and showed that the CHO
counts for the benefits. Although the rinse did not attenuate the decline in
present protocol had subjects perform central drive or strength, thus calling
three sets to failure on five exercises Carter’s mechanism into question as
over 50 minutes, that still shouldn’t well. We can’t know for sure which
mechanism is primarily driving this

response, but either way, the benefits
of CHO mouth rinsing for resistance
training seem to be limited to longer
duration sessions (>45 min) or very
high rep (>20) protocols. In support EVEN A HIGH-REP BUT SHORT
of the duration argument, Dunkin and
Phillips observed that CHO mouth DURATION SESSION OF ONLY
rinsing did not increase performance
in a short training session that consist- A FEW EXERCISES AND SETS,
ed of just a 1RM bench press and max
reps at 40% of 1RM versus a control DEPLETING GLYCOGEN ISN’T
condition. Also, another recent study
from Clarke et al. in 2015 showed that A CONCERN, SO A CHO MOUTH
a CHO mouth rinse did not improve
bench press 1RM or one set of reps
to failure at 60% of 1RM (7). The one
other recent study, by Bazzuchi et al.
(2017), showed that mouth rinsing be-
fore five sets of 30 reps of biceps curls
mouth rinsing for lifting, although
on a dynamometer (isokinetic contrac-
evidence supports its efficacy for en-
tion) resulted in greater maintenance
durance exercise. To confirm this no-
of force production than a control
tion, Peart (2017) calculated an effect
condition, thus leading to greater total
size of -0.09 for rinsing on lifting
work (4). Ultimately, it seems that the
performance and a 0.20 effect size
best argument to explain the benefit
(small but meaningful) for rinsing to
of rinsing in the present study is that
help long-duration endurance exer-
the participants performed 15 total
cise (3). If you’re looking to improve
sets over 50 total minutes of training.
volume capabilities, caffeine is the go-
A summary of the recent studies test-
to. Caffeine may even enhance 1RM
ing the effects of a CHO mouth rinse
strength (13), which would be an un-
on volume performance is in Table 2.
likely outcome for mouth rinsing (see
Note: The study from Black et al. men-
Table 2 – rinsing doesn’t have a hit in
tioned above is not included in the table
three at-bats for 1RM improvement).
as it tested maximum force output and
For volume performance, I would put
not volume performance.
mouth rinsing in the same category as
Based upon the totality of the data, Eric’s article on capsaicin: I need to
it’s difficult to recommend CHO see more. However, to counter my pes-

Table 2 Summary of Recent Studies on CHO Mouth Rinse

Improvement for CHO

Study Rinse Protocol Training Protocol Duration of Session Mouth Rinse

Decimoni et al. 6g malto rinse or 3 x Max Reps @ 10RM 50 minutes Yes

2018 (1) placebo before on 5 compound
(Present Study) and during training exercises

6g maltodextrin 1RM test and 6 sets to 20 minutes No

Painelli et al.
rinse or placebo failure @ 70% of 1RM
2011 (5)
before every set on bench press

18% CHO 1RM test and 6 sets to 20-30 minutes No

Dunkin & Phillips
solution before failure @ 40% of 1RM
2017 (6)
both tests on bench press

6g maltodextrin 1RM test and 1 set to 20-30 minutes No

Clarke et al.
rinse prior to failure @ 60% of 1RM
2015 (7)
training on bench press

6g maltodextrin 3 x 30 isokinetic contractions 20 minutes Yes

Bazzuchi et al.
rinse or placebo of the biceps; force output
2017 (4)
prior to training measured during each

Summary of recent studies on CHO (carbohydrate) mouth rinse and resistance training volume performance in a single
session. The studies (including the present one) show a 3-2 vote against its efficacy. 1RM = One-Repetition Maximum.

simism, using a CHO mouth rinse is term study would be having each day
easy to do, as a 6% maltodextrin con- set up to test volume. For example, if
centration can be found in most sports two training sessions per week were
drinks. So, if you have a Gatorade or used, training session one could be 3 X
Powerade at home and want to give it Max Reps at 70% of 1RM, and train-
a shot, why not try? It’s a very low risk, ing session two could be 4 X Max Reps
low cost intervention, and you can at 80% of 1RM. This design would test
evaluate your personal response to it. volume capabilities frequently enough
that if the CHO rinse does indeed
produce more volume, it should lead
Next Steps to greater hypertrophy and possibly
As with any acute study, it would be strength (although that design is a lit-
nice to see long-term data: at least a tle bit better suited for hypertrophy).
six-week study with one group CHO To test strength, I would set up each
rinsing before and during each train- day something like this: In session one,
ing session, and another group using work up to three sets of a 12RM, and in
a placebo rinse. The key in this long- session two, work up to three sets of an

1. CHO mouth rinsing did not significantly increase volume in any individual lift, but
when volume in all five lifts performed was added together, total session volume
was 12% higher in the CHO mouth rinse condition.
2. The benefits of the mouth rinse in this study are at odds with other recent research
on rinsing and volume performance; however, this study used the longest duration
training session (five exercises and 15 sets total) to date. To realize the benefits
of mouth rinsing, it seems that a long and demanding high-rep session may be
3. Practically, CHO mouth rinsing can be accomplished with a sports drink. The
recommended protocol is to rinse 6g of maltodextrin (probably in a 100mL solution)
for 10 seconds and then spit it out. This should be done immediately prior to
training and perhaps midway through the training session.

8RM. In the latter design, if the CHO

rinse works, the lifter would be using a
heavier load to hit the prescribed RM,
thus a heavier load used twice a week
for six weeks should translate to great-
er strength than a placebo rinse.

1. Decimoni LS, Curty VM, Almeida L, Koch AJ, Willardson JM, Machado M. Carbohydrate mouth
rinsing improves resistance training session performance. International Journal of Sports Science &
Coaching. 2018 Jan 25:1747954118755640.
2. Saunders B, Elliott-Sale K, Artioli GG, Swinton PA, Dolan E, Roschel H, Sale C, Gualano B.
β-alanine supplementation to improve exercise capacity and performance: a systematic review and
meta-analysis. Br J Sports Med. 2016 Oct 18:bjsports-2016.
3. Peart DJ. Quantifying the effect of carbohydrate mouth rinsing on exercise performance. The Journal
of Strength & Conditioning Research. 2017 Jun 1;31(6):1737-43.
4. Bazzucchi I, Patrizio F, Felici F, Nicolò A, Sacchetti M. Carbohydrate Mouth Rinsing: Improved
Neuromuscular Performance During Isokinetic Fatiguing Exercise. International journal of sports
physiology and performance. 2017 Sep;12(8):1031-8.
5. Painelli VS, Roschel H, Gualano B, Del-Favero S, Benatti FB, Ugrinowitsch C, Tricoli V, Lancha
AH. The effect of carbohydrate mouth rinse on maximal strength and strength endurance. European
journal of applied physiology. 2011 Sep 1;111(9):2381-6.
6. Dunkin JE, Phillips SM. The Effect of a Carbohydrate Mouth Rinse on Upper-Body Muscular
Strength and Endurance. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research. 2017 Jul 1;31(7):1948-
7. Clarke ND, Kornilios E, Richardson DL. Carbohydrate and caffeine mouth rinses do not affect
maximum strength and muscular endurance performance. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning
Research. 2015 Oct 1;29(10):2926-31.
8. Haff GG, Lehmkuhl MJ, Mccoy LB, Stone MH. Carbohydrate supplementation and resistance
training. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research. 2003 Feb 1;17(1):187-96.
9. Knuiman P, Hopman MT, Mensink M. Glycogen availability and skeletal muscle adaptations with
endurance and resistance exercise. Nutrition & metabolism. 2015 Dec;12(1):59.
10. Carter JM, Jeukendrup AE, Jones DA. The effect of carbohydrate mouth rinse on 1-h cycle time trial
performance. Medicine and science in sports and exercise. 2004 Dec;36(12):2107-11.
11. Berridge KC, Robinson TE. What is the role of dopamine in reward: hedonic impact, reward learn-
ing, or incentive salience? Brain research reviews. 1998 Dec 1;28(3):309-69.
12. Black CD, Schubert DJ, Szczyglowski MK, Wren JD. Carbohydrate Mouth Rinsing Does Not
Prevent the Decline in Maximal Strength Following Fatiguing Exercise. Journal of strength and
conditioning research. 2018 Jan.
13. Grgic J, Trexler ET, Lazinica B, Pedisic Z. Effects of caffeine intake on muscle strength and power: a
systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition. 2018

Study Reviewed: Pre-Exercise β-Hydroxy-β-Methylbutyrate Free-Acid
Supplementation Improves Work Capacity Recovery: A Randomized,
Double-Blinded, Placebo-Controlled Study. Correia et al. (2018)

HMB Free Acid:

An Objective Assessment

HMB free acid has been a source of controversy, as the validity of

the most well-known studies on it have been called into question.
However, new data from other research groups allows us to make a
more objective assessment of its efficacy.

1. Twenty-three resistance-trained male athletes took part in a double-blind acute
parallel group study comparing the effects of 3g of HMB free acid against a
placebo on muscle swelling, counter-movement jump performance, maximal
voluntary isometric torque, and work capacity after a highly damaging drop-jump
2. While the majority of variables were not significantly different between groups
over the testing period, work capacity returned to baseline after 24 hours in the
HMB group, while it was still suppressed at 72 hours in the placebo group.
3. While startling performance and body composition outcomes were reported in
some studies on HMB free acid, the legitimacy of these specific studies has been
questioned. However, data from other groups collectively suggests HMB may
reduce some of the negative effects of exercise-induced muscle damage, so it
could be useful when undergoing stressful training periods or for beginners who
experience large amounts of initial muscle damage.

metabolite of leucine – β-hy- er-movement jump performance,
droxy-β-methylbutyrate maximal voluntary isometric torque,
(HMB) – has been investigated or work capacity after a high volume
for over two decades as an ergogenic bout of drop jumps. While the major-
aid for improving resistance training ity of variables were not significant-
performance and increasing lean body ly different between groups over the
mass via a reduction in muscle protein 72-hour testing period, work capacity
breakdown (2). While the original was significantly higher in the HMB
form of HMB investigated was a cal- group. Specifically, work capacity re-
cium salt, in the last decade, a free-ac- turned to baseline after 24 hours in
id form of HMB was found to be more the HMB group, while it was still sup-
bioavailable and efficiently delivered to pressed at 72 hours relative to baseline
tissue (3). Thus, in the present study, a in the placebo group. While the legiti-
double-blind, placebo-controlled, par- macy of recent HMB free-acid studies
allel-group investigation was conduct- from a single research group report-
ed to see if resistance trained males in ing uncanny improvements in per-
either a 3g single-dose HMB free-acid formance and body composition have
group (n = 12; age 22.8 ± 3.0 years) been drawn into question, the find-
or a placebo group (PLA; n = 11; age ings of the present study (along with
22.9 ± 3.1 years) experienced different other recent research from different
outcomes in muscle swelling, count- research groups) suggests that HMB

Table 1 Physical Characteristics and Training Status of Studied Individuals

(n=12) (n=11) p-value

Age (years) 22.75 ± 2.96 22.82 ± 3.09 0.957

Weight (kg) 81.17 ± 6.29 76.30 ± 7.28 0.100

Height (m) 1.82 ± 0.04 1.79 ± 0.02 0.085

BMI (kg/m2) 24.52 ± 1.98 23.85 ± 2.14 0.447

Knee extensor thickness (mm) 41.41 ± 5.41 41.25 ± 6.45 0.950

CMJ (cm) 40.64 ± 7.51 42.30 ± 4.86 0.539

Peak Torque (N.m) 319.55 ± 37.97 293.97 ± 47.87 0.169

Work capacity (J) 5378.66 ± 366.57 5346.75 ± 525.79 0.867

Training Experience (years) 3.38 ± 1.49 3.86 ± 2.77 0.600

Training Frequency (days/weeks) 4.33 ± 0.98 4.91 ± 0.94 0.168

Training Duration (min/day) 62.08 ± 18.52 59.09 ± 17.72 0.697

BMI = body mass index; CMJ = counter-movement jump

free acid may indeed be useful. While

these outcomes are much more modest Purpose and Research
compared to the extraordinary results Questions
reported in the aforementioned stud-
ies in question, HMB free acid could Purpose
plausibly be useful when performing The purpose of this study was to inves-
highly damaging training (overreach- tigate the effects of a single-dose supple-
ing), or in beginners who experience mentation of HMB free acid on muscle
high levels of muscle damage after ini- recovery after a high-intensity exercise
tiating resistance training. bout.

Figure 1 Testing Protocol

Muscle Swelling

HMB-FA 60 min Induce 24 hrs 24 hrs 24 hrs

or muscle
Placebo damage

HMB-FA = HMB free acid; CMJ = counter-movement jump; MVIT = maximum voluntary isometric torque; WC = work capacity

Hypothesis participating in strength training for

The authors pointed out that in some at least one year were recruited for this
studies, divergent findings are report- study (Table 1). A randomized, dou-
ed when supplementing with a single ble-blinded, placebo-controlled study
3g dose or three divided doses of 1g of was conducted with two separate groups,
HMB. They also acknowledged the re- with each group receiving only one form
cent controversy surrounding the legit- of treatment. A single 3g dose of HMB
imacy (4) of the studies published by free acid or a non-distinguishable place-
Wilson and Lowery (5, 6). Based on bo was given to participants 60 minutes
these comments, I think the authors prior to drop-jump training. Volunteers
went into this study without expecta- came to the lab and were assessed for
tions given the novelty of HMB free strength, work capacity, muscle swelling,
acid itself, a lack of consensus on an ap- and counter-movement jump perfor-
propriate dosing protocol, and a lack of mance at baseline prior to supplemen-
trustworthy data on this compound. tation, immediately after the drop-jump
training protocol, and then at 24, 48, and
72 hours post-training (Figure 1).
Subjects and Methods
Performance and Muscle Swelling As-
Subjects, Study Design, and Experimen- sessment and Standardization
tal Protocol Lower body strength was assessed via
Twenty-three healthy, trained male isometric knee extension peak torque,
athletes (18 to 30 years of age) involved and lower body work capacity was as-
in competitive sports (rugby, swimming, sessed with 30 maximal isokinetic knee
cycling, or basketball) who had been extensions at 120º/s. Specifically, work

Table 2 Muscle Swelling, CMJ and MVIT on both groups and all time-points

Variables (mean ± SD) HMB-FA (n=12) PLA (n=11)

Muscle Swelling (mm)

Pre 41.41 ± 5.41 41.25 ± 6.45
Post 49.41 ± 6.21* 48.52 ± 8.50*

24 hours 42.48 ± 5.61 43.06 ± 7.25

48 hours 42.79 ± 5.28 42.53 ± 6.20

72 hours 42.56 ± 4.86 42.45 ± 6.53

CMJ (cm)
Pre 40.64 ± 7.51 42.30 ± 4.86

Post 36.60 ± 8.87* 39.91 ± 4.27*

24 hours 39.35 ± 6.72 39.45 ± 4.24

48 hours 39.85 ± 7.21 39.80 ± 4.69

72 hours 41.52 ± 7.14 41.00 ± 4.22

MVIT (N.m)

Pre 319.55 ± 37.97 293.97 ± 47.87

Post 254.66 ± 59.89* 232.42 ± 39.03*

24 hours 300.43 ± 38.71 266.60 ± 53.02

48 hours 305.14 ± 39.28 282.94 ± 65.67

72 hours 310.37 ± 39.54 280.89 ± 56.60

CMJ = Counter-movement jump; MVIT = maximal voluntary isometric

* = p < 0.05, significantly different from pre-exercise values

capacity was calculated as the total Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage Protocol

torque produced over all 30 repetitions. The volunteers performed seven sets
Counter-movement jump performance of 20 drop jumps from a 60cm box with
was assessed via jump height, and ultra- two-minute rest intervals between sets.
sound was used to assess acute changes in Participants received verbal encourage-
muscle thickness of the quadriceps. Time ment to exert maximal effort during each
of day was standardized, and a sports nu- rep, which – on average – took five sec-
tritionist experienced in food recall pro- onds to perform. With rest times, the full
cedures ensured within-participant diets protocol took 24 minutes to complete on
were maintained over the four days the average.
study was conducted.

Figure 2 Time Course of Work Capacity Changes



WC (J)

# # #

Pre Post 24hr 48hr 72 hr

WC = work capacity; HMB-FA = HMB free acid; PLA = placebo

* = Significantly different from baseline (p<0.05); # = Significantly different from HMB-FA (p<0.05)

Findings 24 (p = 0.039), 48 (p = 0.021), and 72

hours (p = 0.048) post-training.
As shown in Table 2, isometric peak
torque and counter-movement jump
performance were similarly depressed in Interpretation
both groups and followed a similar time Before I can dive into the findings of
course. Likewise, muscle swelling in- the present study, we have to take a walk
creased in both groups to a comparable down HMB-memory lane. Research on
degree and followed a similar pattern of HMB is not new, as the first study on
change over 72 hours (Table 2). Howev- performance in humans was conducted
er, while work capacity was initially sup- in 1996 (2). In it, the authors reported
pressed in both groups to a similar degree promising results for both resistance
(p < 0.01), it returned to baseline after training performance and body compo-
24 hours in the HMB free-acid group, sition changes in untrained individuals.
while the placebo group’s work capacity As further studies came out on HMB
remained suppressed for the length of over the next few years, positive data
the study, resulting in significantly lower mounted. In fact, in a meta-analysis of
values compared to the HMB group at studies conducted up to 2001 on the ef-

fects of dietary supplements on muscle
and strength gain, it was concluded that
among all the supplements assessed, only
HMB and creatine produced significant
changes (7). However, as more research FREE ACID COULD PROVE
was conducted on trained individuals,
the findings became less impressive. In- PLAUSIBLY USEFUL IN
deed, a 2009 meta-analysis reported that
while small positive effects for strength TRAINED LIFTERS WHEN
in untrained lifters supplementing with
HMB were found, trained lifters gained PERFORMING TRAINING THAT
no such benefits, and only trivial chang-
es in body composition were found, re- INDUCES LARGE AMOUNTS
gardless of training experience (8).
While research regarding the clinical
uses for HMB in muscle-wasting condi-
tions continued, sports performance re- and in previous research on trained lift-
search waned after this point. However, ers using HMB, but as written about by
in 2011, Fuller and colleagues reported Greg here, greater than even the gains
that a free-acid gel capsule form of HMB observed in studies on anabolic steroids.
resulted in nearly two-fold greater plas- This outcome alone prompted some to
ma concentrations and a 25% improved dismiss the results as fraudulent on so-
clearance rate of HMB from plasma, cial media and led others to point out
compared to the traditional calcium salt that these studies were funded by a sup-
form of HMB (9). This spurred a resur- plement company producing and selling
gence of interest in HMB (in free-acid HMB free acid. However, while online
form) for performance and body com- gossip and claims of funding influence
position changes, eventually resulting only carry so much weight (indeed, as-
in the first published studies on well- suming all studies funded by a company
trained lifters using HMB to report not are fraudulent is a mistake), in response
only positive, but incredible increases in to these uncanny findings, three inde-
strength and muscle mass with concur- pendent letters to the editor were writ-
rent reductions in body fat (5, 6). Specif- ten regarding these studies by promi-
ically, the results in fat loss, muscle gain, nent researchers in the sports science
and strength gain in trained lifters us- community.
ing HMB free acid were not only much
greater than found in the placebo group The first was written due to the incon-
gruity with previously published data

on HMB, the incredible magnitude of HMB free acid is a useless compound
changes, and a lack of a plausible mech- (a conclusion I saw many people jump
anism for these changes (10). The sec- to). Rather, we are just back to square
ond (for transparency’s sake, I was one one; we know HMB in its calcium form
of the 17 authors) was written due to the might be nominally useful in cases where
remarkably consistent between‐group large amounts of muscle protein break-
changes and the surprisingly small gains down are present (damaging protocols,
in strength and muscle mass observed in new lifters), and we know the free-acid
the placebo group despite, according to form is likely superior. However, what
the authors’ response to the initial letter we were lacking (until recently) was new
to the editor, receiving optimal nutrition data published by other research groups.
and training and being selected from Today, the story hasn’t changed much
“…a responsive population who pos- in terms of the broad picture of HMB.
sess a quantity of lean mass indicative This compound still has a plausible role
of previous responses to resistance train- as “an anti-catabolic agent” because it
ing…” (11). Finally, the most recent let- primarily exerts a physiological effect by
ter to the editor pointed to inconsisten- reducing muscle protein breakdown, in
cies with the data collection procedures turn potentially having an overall effect
and recruitment that did not match the of making muscle protein turnover pos-
protocols recorded at itive. In the present study, this might be
(specifically, the same control group was why work capacity and strength were im-
used across multiple studies yet was re- pacted differently by supplementation. If
ported differently in each), and it also you recall from a previous MASS review
questioned how the means and standard by Mike, after a high-volume, damaging
deviations reported could be so remark- session, strength recovers faster than vol-
ably homogeneous (4), of which the like- ume capacity, indicating that an attenu-
lihood is a near statistical impossibility. ation of muscle damage (such as could
All told, there was a great deal of skep- be caused by HMB) might produce a
ticism in both the scientific community more measurable effect on your ability to
and the broader “evidence-based” fitness perform volume, as was observed in the
community regarding the legitimacy present study. With that said, I think in
these studies (5, 6). the vast majority of cases, you truly have
In my opinion, the letters to the ed- to “create” a situation where there is an
itor and social media skepticism were abnormal amount of muscle damage for
appropriate and a good thing to pro- HMB to be useful (such as in the case of
vide realistic clarity into this line of re- the present study). In most cases, normal
search. However, this doesn’t mean that or even hard phases of resistance train-

1. Trained lifters following normal yet progressive resistance training protocols will
likely not benefit from taking HMB in calcium form. It is unknown at this point
whether HMB in its free-acid form would prove beneficial, although based on the
two forms sharing the same mechanism of action, it is unlikely the free-acid form
would be any better.
2. Untrained lifters might see better gains in strength or muscle mass while
supplementing with 3g of HMB in calcium or free-acid form during the first 1-3
months of resistance training, as it would likely dampen the negative effects of
excess muscle damage.
3. While further research is required to assess the specific efficacy of HMB free acid,
trained lifters taking 3g of HMB free acid prior to lifting could possibly make better
gains during overreaching periods of high-volume, high-RPE training, or during the
first 1-2 weeks after an extended layoff from lifting.

ing in trained lifters probably won’t cut it. ful in the initial months of first undertak-
In support of this, in a recently published ing resistance training or when returning
meta-analysis on body composition and from a long layoff.
strength changes in competitive athletes
and resistance-trained participants using
HMB, it was concluded that there are Next Steps
no significant benefits from HMB sup- This is an acute study on performance
plementation (12). However, the studies recovery from drop jumps. The next step
reviewed in this meta-analysis did not would be to conduct a longitudinal study
include any using the free-acid form. As on resistance training overreaching to see
was seen in the present study, it may be if the ability to maintain greater work ca-
that HMB free acid could prove plausibly pacity carried over to this mode of train-
useful in trained lifters when perform- ing and/or led to greater gains in perfor-
ing training that induces large amounts mance or hypertrophy in the long run.
of muscle damage. Likewise, given that Given this is also a study only on males,
muscle damage is preferentially repaired it would be great to see a study on or in-
before muscle gain is initiated (as I wrote cluding females, as some studies have re-
about here), and since new lifters expe- ported differences in stretch-shortening
rience large amounts of muscle damage cycle properties between the sexes.
having not yet undergone the repeated
bout effect, HMB might also prove use-

1. Correia, A.L.M., et al., Pre-exercise beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate free-acid supplementation
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during resistance-exercise training. Journal of Applied Physiology, 1996. 81(5): p. 2095-2104.
3. Fuller, J.C., et al., Comparison of availability and plasma clearance rates of beta-hydroxy-beta-meth-
ylbutyrate delivery in the free acid and calcium salt forms. Br J Nutr, 2015. 114(9): p. 1403-9.
4. Gentles, J.A. and S.M. Phillips, Discrepancies in publications related to HMB-FA and ATP supple-
mentation. Nutr Metab (Lond), 2017. 14: p. 42.
5. Wilson, J.M., et al., The effects of 12 weeks of beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate free acid supple-
mentation on muscle mass, strength, and power in resistance-trained individuals: a randomized,
double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Eur J Appl Physiol, 2014. 114(6): p. 1217-27.
6. Lowery, R.P., et al., Interaction of Beta-Hydroxy-Beta-Methylbutyrate Free Acid and Adenosine
Triphosphate on Muscle Mass, Strength, and Power in Resistance Trained Individuals. J Strength
Cond Res, 2016. 30(7): p. 1843-54.
7. Nissen, S.L. and R.L. Sharp, Effect of dietary supplements on lean mass and strength gains with
resistance exercise: a meta-analysis. J Appl Physiol (1985), 2003. 94(2): p. 651-9.
8. Rowlands, D.S. and J.S. Thomson, Effects of beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate supplementation
during resistance training on strength, body composition, and muscle damage in trained and un-
trained young men: a meta-analysis. J Strength Cond Res, 2009. 23(3): p. 836-46.
9. Fuller, J.C., Jr., et al., Free acid gel form of beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate (HMB) improves
HMB clearance from plasma in human subjects compared with the calcium HMB salt. Br J Nutr,
2011. 105(3): p. 367-72.
10. Hyde, P.N., K.L. Kendall, and R.A. LaFountain, Interaction of Beta-Hydroxy-Beta-Methylbutyrate
Free Acid and Adenosine Triphosphate on Muscle Mass, Strength, and Power in Resistance-Trained
Individuals. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 2016. 30(10): p. e10-e11.
11. Phillips, S.M., et al., Changes in Body Composition and Performance With Supplemental HMB‐
FA+ATP. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 2017. 31(5): p. e71-e72.
12. Sanchez-Martinez, J., et al., Effects of beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate supplementation on
strength and body composition in trained and competitive athletes: A meta-analysis of randomized
controlled trials. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 2017.

Accentuated-Eccentric Loading for
Hypertrophy, Strength, and Power:
A Concept Review

You can handle more weight on the eccentric than you can on the
concentric portion of a movement. So, does adding more weight
to only the eccentric portion enhance strength? This concept
review takes a look.

1. Accentuated-eccentric loading (AEL) training does not appear to improve whole
muscle hypertrophy or maximal strength (1RM) to a greater extent than traditional
resistance training in strength-trained individuals.
2. There is evidence that AEL jump training can chronically enhance vertical jump
performance; however, it is unknown whether it is superior to traditional loaded jump
3. In addition to the paucity of supporting evidence, many researched AEL training
methods are currently impractical for strength athletes to implement in their programs.
4. Based on the current evidence, we cannot unequivocally recommend AEL training
as superior to traditional resistance training for hypertrophy, strength, or power in
strength athletes.

am sure many of you have seen guys that we aim to address in this concept
like Mike Tuchscherer squat heavy review. Unfortunately, there is limited
singles with weight releasers or seen research investigating AEL for hyper-
athletes dropping dumbbells before trophy, strength, and power in strength-
performing a box jump. However, does trained subjects. Similar to other train-
that mean this training method is effec- ing studies, we are hard-pressed to find
tive for improving maximal strength or AEL research using strength athletes
jumping performance? Also, what ex- or at least strong subjects (squat greater
actly is accentuated eccentric loading than two times body mass) (1); howev-
(AEL)? And, why would you even train er, we will discuss these study findings,
using AEL to begin with? Does it pro- limitations, future directions, and distill
mote greater hypertrophy, strength, and practical applications for strength ath-
power than traditional resistance train- letes. Thus, our purpose is to provide a
ing? These are some of the questions conceptual review of the AEL literature

Guest Reviewer: Caleb Bazyler, Ph.D.

Dr. Bazyler earned his PhD in sport physiology and performance at East Tennessee State University
where he is now an Assistant Professor in the Department of Sport, Exercise, Recreation, and
Kinesiology. He has worked as a strength and conditioning coach over the past eight years with
various sports including powerlifting, weightlifting, tennis, soccer, volleyball, basketball, softball,
and track and field. He is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist through the NSCA, and
has published and presented on strength training for athletic performance, peaking for competition,
and single-case research in high level athletes. His current research, funded by ETSU and the NSCA,
examines the time course of peaking for weightlifting competitions, and uses mass spectroscopy to
identify key muscle signaling proteins modified following different strength training interventions.

by addressing hypertrophy, strength,
and power adaptations compared to What’s a concept review?
traditional resistance training, and A written concept review is similar
then give practical recommendations to our signature video reviews. The
for strength athletes. aim of this article type is to review a
cornerstone topic in physiology or
applied science research.
Section 1: Rationale,
Definitions, and Types Definition
of AEL In a recent review published from
our sports science lab at East Tennes-
Rationale see State University, Wagle et al. (3)
It is well-established that eccentric defined AEL as a “prescribed eccentric
strength can be as much as 50% great- load magnitude in excess of the concen-
er than concentric strength (Figure 1) tric prescription using movements that
(2). Considering that traditional resis- require coupled eccentric and concen-
tance training typically uses isoinertial tric actions, with minimal interruption
loads (same external resistance during to natural mechanics.”
concentric and eccentric muscle ac-
tions), eccentric muscle actions are be- Types
ing relatively underloaded compared This brings us to the two primary types
to concentric muscle actions. Further, it of AEL implemented in training stud-
has been shown that eccentric strength ies: 1) supramaximal and 2) submaxi-
plays an important role in many sport- mal eccentric loading. Supramaximal
ing tasks involving the stretch-short- loading uses an eccentric load greater
ening cycle (sprinting, jumping, squat- than or equal to concentric 1RM and
ting), partly through its influence on generally has been used as a method for
the subsequent force generated during enhancing maximal strength. Submaxi-
the concentric muscle action. Thus, mal AEL uses eccentric loads less than
AEL was designed to more optimally concentric 1RM and generally has been
develop eccentric strength by providing used to improve performance during a
a relatively greater overload stimulus ballistic task such as vertical jumping.
during the eccentric phase followed by Studies have used different means to
a reduced load during the concentric apply AEL including weight releas-
phase. ers, computer-driven load adjustments,
elastic bands, flywheel resistance, and

Figure 1 Eccentric and Concentric Torque-Velocity Curve

Torque (N·m)


Eccentric Concentric

-360 -180 0 180 360

Joint Angular Velocity ( ˚/s)

This figure depicts the torque-joint angular velocity relationship for

eccentric, isometric, and concentric actions of extensor and flexor muscles.

manual adjustments by study assistants.

It is important to note that some litera- Section 2: AEL for
ture has focused on the acute effects of Hypertrophy
AEL on metabolic/hormonal markers, Before we dive into whether AEL
maximal strength, and ballistic perfor- enhances muscle hypertrophy, let’s first
mance. While some of these studies are discuss how hypertrophy is commonly
briefly discussed, we will focus most of measured. Hypertrophy resulting from
our attention on hypertrophy, strength, training has been commonly quantified
and power adaptations to chronic AEL using girth measurements, ultrasound,
training. magnetic resonance imaging (MRI),

Figure 2a Whole Muscle Cross-Sectional
Area of the Vastus Lateralis via Ultrasonography

This figure depicts the vastus lateralis muscle cross-sectional area

measured at ½ of the femur length from a male weightlifter.

and sizing of single muscle fibers. Girth termine muscle volume. However, it’s
measurements, such as thigh circum- time-consuming, expensive, and requires
ference, may be useful in field settings, technical expertise. Ultrasonography, on
but are not considered a valid measure the other hand, is less time-consuming
of whole muscle hypertrophy because and can provide information regarding
it is possible that other factors (e.g. fat, muscle architecture in addition to ana-
connective tissue, and swelling) could tomical cross-sectional area (Figure 2A).
contribute to changes in the measure- When CSA is measured at multiple
ment (4). MRI is considered the “gold sites along a muscle’s length, it provides
standard” for assessing hypertrophy (5). a valid means for assessing whole mus-
MRI can provide precise measures of a cle hypertrophy following training (5).
muscle’s cross-sectional area along its Lastly, hypertrophy can be assessed in
full length and can also be used to de- vitro from a muscle biopsy by determin-

Figure 2b Single Fiber Cross-Sectional Area from the
Vastus Lateralis via Immunohistochemistry

This figure depicts the vastus lateralis muscle cross-sectional area measured at ½
of the femur length from a male weightlifter. Courtesy of Dr. Kevin Carroll.

ing the CSA of individual muscle fiber changes following eccentric or con-
types (Type I-slow, IIa-fast, IIx-faster) centric training. However, there was a
using immunohistochemistry (Figure small practical difference with eccentric
2B) (6). Now that you know how hyper- training resulting in a 10% increase in
trophy is commonly measured, let’s talk hypertrophy, compared to 6.8% follow-
about how AEL may affect it. ing concentric training (8). It should be
It has been suggested that eccentric noted that many of the studies included
actions have a greater contribution to in the analysis used isokinetic devices
hypertrophy than concentric or isomet- in training, which do not replicate the
ric actions due to greater muscle dam- training strength athletes do in the gym.
age-associated increases in protein syn- Nonetheless, it may be possible that
thesis and intracellular anabolic signaling training with a greater relative eccentric
(7). A recent meta-analysis, which com- load could result in greater hypertrophy
bined the effects from 15 studies, found than traditional resistance training.
no significant difference in hypertrophic To test this, Brandenburg and Do-

Figure 3 Whole Muscle Hypertrophic Response to AEL vs. Traditional Resistance Training


p < 0.001 p < 0.001
CSA [cm2]




pre post pre post

This figure depicts changes in whole muscle cross-sectional area of the vastus lateralis (via MRI)
before and after six weeks of accentuated eccentric loaded (CON/ECC+) or isoinertial (CON/ECC)
quadriceps strength training. Median values with the 5th, 25th, 75th and 95th percentiles are
shown. p<0.001 indicates a significant difference between pre- and post-measurements within
groups. There were no significant between-group differences.

cherty (9) assigned 18 strength-trained 3x6RM/10RM on leg press, knee exten-

men to an AEL or traditional strength sions, and knee flexions twice per week
training group. The traditional group for 10 weeks. The AEL group trained
trained 4x10 @75% of 1RM on preacher using the same exercises and set x rep
curls and elbow extensions, whereas the scheme, but with eccentric loads 40%
AEL group trained 3x10 @110-120% greater than the concentric loads. As a
of concentric 1RM for the eccentric result, work was not equated between
phase and 75% of 1RM for the concen- the two groups. Quadriceps CSA in-
tric phase, 2-3 times per week for nine creased in both groups following train-
weeks. The traditional group performed ing with no difference between groups.
an additional set to equalize work be- Taken together, these findings indicate
tween groups. MRI measurements did that AEL does not increase whole mus-
not show significant hypertrophy of the cle hypertrophy to a greater extent than
biceps and triceps in either group fol- traditional strength training in trained
lowing training. In another study, Walk- males. However, these studies only as-
er et al. (10) divided 28 strength-trained sessed hypertrophy at the whole muscle
men into a control, traditional, or AEL level. Friedmann-Bette et al. (11) had
group. The traditional group trained 25 male athletes complete either 6x8

traditional or 5x8 AEL knee extensions be replicated in future studies.
using a computer-driven device three
times per week for six weeks. The AEL
eccentric loads were adjusted to ~1.9 Section 3: AEL for
times the concentric load in the AEL
group. Similar to the other studies, both
Maximal Strength
groups increased quadriceps CSA mea- AEL has been purported to enhance
sured via MRI with no differences be- maximal strength both acutely and
tween groups (Figure 3). However, only chronically by facilitating the recruit-
the AEL group significantly increased ment of high threshold motor units,
Type IIx fiber CSA. Studies from this greater motor unit discharge frequency
lab have also found that AEL enhanc- and voluntary activation, reduced reflex
es factors involved in anabolic signaling inhibition, and an enhanced myotatic
and anaerobic metabolism to a similar or (stretch) reflex. In support of this, Doan
greater extent than traditional resistance and colleagues (14) found that using su-
training (11, 12). Taken together, these pramaximal AEL loads (105% concen-
findings suggest that AEL induces a tric 1RM) acutely improved bench press
shift toward a faster muscle phenotype, 1RM by 5-15 lb in strength-trained
but does not induce greater whole mus- men. In contrast, Ojasto and Hakkinen
cle hypertrophy compared to traditional (15) observed significant acute decreases
resistance training. in bench press 1RM using three differ-
ent supramaximal AEL loads (105, 110,
In summary, the available research
120% 1RM). In this study, subjects com-
does not support the use of AEL for
pleted the initial 1RM and AEL + 1RM
superior whole muscle hypertrophy. Its
tests in the same session, whereas Doan
effects seem to be similar to those of tra-
et al. (14) allowed five days of rest be-
ditional resistance training. Considering
tween the initial 1RM test and the AEL
concentric and eccentric training can re-
+ 1RM test, which may partly explain
sult in different patterns of hypertrophy
the difference in findings. Although
along the length of the muscle (eccentric
using AEL to acutely potentiate 1RM
– more distal growth; concentric – more
strength appears to have some merit, it is
mid-portion growth in the vastus lat-
important to consider the fatigue effects
eralis) (13), future studies should see if
that AEL has on concentric force pro-
AEL results in any regional differences
duction. Currently, the optimal supra-
in hypertrophy compared to traditional
maximal eccentric load needed to elicit
resistance training. Further, AEL may
the greatest acute improvement in 1RM
preferentially increase Type IIx fiber hy-
without undue fatigue is unknown.
pertrophy, but this finding still needs to
In regard to the chronic effects of AEL

Figure 4 Whole Muscle Hypertrophic Response to AEL vs. Traditional Resistance Training


Isometric Torque (nm)




Pre-Training Mid-Training Post-Training

This figure depicts changes in maximal knee extensor isometric torque production following 10 weeks of weeks of
isoinertial (TRAD) or accentuated eccentric loaded (AEL) strength training. CON-control group. *p<0.05 indicates
significant increases in maximal isometric torque from pre- to mid-training, and pre- to post-training in AEL and
TRAD; however, only AEL increased maximal isometric torque from mid- to post-training. There were no significant
between-group (AEL vs TRAD) differences.

training on maximal strength, the results (10%) 1RM in the AEL (100-121%
are equivocal. Godard and colleagues eccentric / ~49% concentric) and tradi-
(16) found no statistical difference in tional resistance training (~75% 1RM)
the change in concentric knee extensor groups. However, the AEL in the study
strength between an AEL (120% eccen- achieved similar results with a lower to-
tric / 80% concentric 1RM) and tradi- tal volume-load. In the Walker et al. (10)
tional-loading group of untrained males investigation mentioned earlier, maxi-
and females (80% 1RM) training two mal isometric force production increased
days per week for 10 weeks. In one of significantly over the control (self-se-
the few investigations that used exercis- lected, unsupervised strength training)
es more commonly incorporated in the in the AEL group (18% vs. 1%) but not
strength athlete’s programs, Yarrow and the traditional resistance training group
colleagues (17) found similar increas- (11% vs. 1%) (Figure 4). The AEL group
es in back squat (22%) and bench press continued to improve isometric force

from weeks 5 to 10, whereas the tradi- conclusively support the use of AEL
tional group did not. Also, increases in training to chronically enhance maxi-
isometric force produced were accom- mal strength (1RM) over traditional re-
panied by increased maximal voluntary sistance training. Although it does not
activation of the quadriceps (measured appear that AEL training has a negative
using the interpolated twitch technique) effect compared to traditional resistance
in the AEL group only. These findings, training, the equipment needed, addi-
along with the similar changes in mus- tional time demands, and personnel re-
cle hypertrophy between groups, suggest quired currently limit the application of
the increases in isometric strength fol- AEL. Also, many of the training stud-
lowing AEL were primarily due to neu- ies incorporate exercises not used in a
ral adaptations. In the only isoinertial real-world setting (isokinetic devices)
measure performed, there was no sig- or with poor transfer to athletic tasks
nificant difference in changes in 1RM (knee extensions, bicep curls). Therefore,
knee extension between AEL (31%) and further evidence is needed before rec-
traditional resistance training groups ommending AEL be implemented in
(36%) following the 10 weeks of train- training programs aimed at improving
ing. It should also be noted that overall maximal strength.
work was greater in the AEL group, so
it is unknown whether similar improve-
ments in isometric strength (compared Section 4: AEL for
to control) would have been observed
in the traditional group had their over-
all work been matched. Nonetheless, Multiple studies have demonstrat-
the AEL group continued to improve ed the efficacy of submaximal AEL
maximal isometric force throughout to acutely potentiate performance
the study and was able to sustain a sig- during ballistic tasks (counter-move-
nificant acute hormonal response to a ment jumps, drop jumps, bench press
standardized training session, whereas throws). For example, Sheppard,
the traditional group was not (10, 18). Newton, and McGuigan (19) had
Therefore, it’s possible that AEL train- national-level male volleyball play-
ing may have produced superior increas- ers perform counter-movement block
es in 1RM strength compared to the jumps with and without an AEL load
traditional group if the study were ex- (20kg, 10kg weight plates in each
tended. However, this is speculative and hand). The athletes performed the ec-
remains to be determined. centric phase of the jump with plates,
then released them before jumping.
The results from these studies do not
The AEL load resulted in an acute in-

Figure 5 Jumping Performance Response to AEL vs Bodyweight Jump Training


Displacement (m)




Pre-Test Post-Test

This figure depicts changes in vertical jump displacement following five weeks of
accentuated-eccentric loaded (AEJ) or body mass-only (BMJ) jump training. *p<0.05
indicates a significantly greater increase in vertical jump displacement in AEJ
compared to BMJ.

crease in jump height (4.3%) and peak Friedmann-Bette (11) found signif-
power (9.4%) compared to perform- icant improvements in squat jump
ing the jumps with body mass only. height (measured on a force platform)
Similarly, Bridgeman and colleagues in the AEL group only. The authors
(20) found that drop jumps performed attributed this to the increases in Type
with an AEL load equivalent to 20% IIx fiber hypertrophy and intracellu-
body mass produced significant acute lar signaling related to muscle growth
improvements in counter-movement and anaerobic metabolism in the AEL
jump height and peak power. While group. In a follow-up investigation,
these acute studies indicate a poten- Sheppard and colleagues (21) divided
tial for AEL to chronically enhance 16 high-level male and female volley-
ballistic performance, few studies have ball players into an AEL or body mass
directly addressed this. counter-movement jump training
In the previously mentioned study, group that trained three days per week
for five weeks. Athletes in the AEL

1. Current evidence does not support the use of AEL training as a superior method
for enhancing hypertrophy, strength, or power compared to traditional resistance
training, although it does not appear to have detrimental effects.
2. It is possible that AEL can induce preferential shifts toward a faster muscle fiber
phenotype; however, given the paucity of the data, more research is required before
this can be confidently concluded.
3. Strength athletes interested in incorporating AEL into their training should start
by taking a conservative approach and should progress based on their individual
Hypertrophy: Perform 1-2 sets of 8-10 reps with an eccentric to concentric load
ratio of 80%-85% / 60-65% 1RM
Maximal Strength: Perform 2-3 sets of 1-3 reps with an eccentric to concentric load
ratio of 105%-110% / 85%-90% 1RM
Power: Perform 2-3 sets of 3-5 reps of eccentric loaded jumps with dumbbells
totaling 10%-20% of your body mass

group performed counter-movement forming more jumping work. These

jumps with a 40kg (male) or 20kg findings demonstrate that AEL train-
(female) eccentric load, which they ing enhances vertical jumping perfor-
released before jumping. The AEL mance over body mass jump training.
group significantly improved count- However, these studies do not address
er-movement jump displacement whether AEL is superior to isoiner-
(11% vs. -2%), velocity (16% vs. -3%), tial loaded (or matched work) vertical
and power (20% vs. +1%) over the jump training. Also, overloading plyo-
body mass-only jump training group metric exercises should be considered
(Figure 5). It is important to note that an advanced application of AEL be-
these superior improvements were cause the athlete needs to have the
achieved while both groups continued ability to transition quickly between
their scheduled strength training and the eccentric and concentric phase
volleyball practices. The only differ- of a vertical jump. Thus, AEL jump
ence between the two groups was how training can be recommended for
they trained counter-movement jumps high-level athletes seeking to further
during their strength training sessions, improve vertical jump performance.
with the AEL group necessarily per-

Section 5: Conclusions paucity of supporting evidence, many
researched AEL training methods are
and Next Steps currently impractical for strength ath-
In summary, AEL training has been letes to implement in their programs.
promoted as a method for induc- Therefore, based on the current evi-
ing greater improvements in maximal dence, we cannot unequivocally rec-
strength, rate of force development, ommend AEL training as superior
vertical jump height, and power out- to traditional resistance training for
put compared to traditional resistance hypertrophy, strength, or power in
training. AEL is thought to provide strength athletes.
a superior training stimulus by using
a greater load during the eccentric
phase compared to traditional resis-
tance training. Despite its theoretical
basis, AEL training does not appear
to produce greater improvements in
whole muscle hypertrophy or maxi-
mal strength (1RM) than traditional
resistance training. Based on single fi-
ber adaptations and markers of muscle
growth and anaerobic metabolism, it
appears that AEL training promotes
a shift toward a faster muscle pheno-
type. In support of this, there is some
evidence that AEL jump training en-
hances vertical jumping performance;
however, it is unknown whether it is
superior to isoinertial loaded jump
training. Future investigations should
address whether training AEL jumps
are superior to isoinertial loaded
jumps for improving vertical jump
performance. Also, studies should in-
vestigate the efficacy of supramaxi-
mal AEL for maximal strength with
exercises more commonly used by
strength athletes. In addition to the

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Study Reviewed: Effect of Resistance Training Frequency on Gains in Muscular
Strength: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Grgic et al. (2018)

Training Frequency Should

Primarily Be Used As A Tool to
Increase Volume

A recent meta-analysis found that increased training frequencies led

to larger strength gains when higher frequency allows for higher
training volumes, but that frequency doesn’t independently enhance
strength gains when volume is controlled.

1. Strength gains tend to increase as training frequency per muscle increases, from
1 to 4+ times per week.
2. In studies where volume was equated, increased training frequency didn’t seem
to enhance strength gains. This suggests that frequency isn’t a driver of strength
gains per se, but it can be used to enhance strength gains when used as a tool
for increasing volume.
3. Higher frequencies were associated with significantly faster rates of strength
gains for upper body strength but not lower body strength, for women but not
for men, and for younger adults but not for older adults, potentially suggesting
differences in recovery rates.

he role of training frequency in ing a muscle or movement 4+ times per
promoting strength gains has been week compared to just once per week, for
debated throughout the history of example). However, many of the studies
iron sports, from early traveling strongmen allowed for higher training volumes to fol-
practicing their feats daily, to bodybuild- low higher training frequencies. In stud-
er-inspired powerlifters of the ‘70s and ies where volume was controlled, higher
‘80s often only training each lift once per frequencies weren’t associated with faster
week, to the more recent pendulum-swing strength gains. As such, it seems that in-
back to higher frequencies. creased frequency doesn’t inherently lead
We recently discussed studies by Col- to faster strength gains. However, increas-
quhoun et al. and Fu et al. looking at the ing frequency is a viable strategy to in-
effects of training frequency on strength crease training volume, which will lead to
gains, but research on the subject dates faster strength gains.
back to the early ‘80s. As such, it was high
time for this meta-analysis on the subject
to give us a thorough overview of the cur- Purpose and Research
rent state of the literature. Questions
The authors identified 22 studies exam-
ining the effects of training frequency on Purpose
strength gains, dating back to 1981. The The purpose of this meta-analysis was to
main finding of the meta-analysis was that statistically analyze all of the research in-
higher training frequencies are associated vestigating the effects of training frequen-
with significantly faster strength gains cy on strength gains.
(~46% faster strength gains when train-

Research Question
Does increased training frequency en-
hance strength gains? Further, does in-
creased training frequency enhance WERE ASSOCIATED WITH
strength gains when accounting for po-
tential moderating factors, including sex, LARGER STRENGTH GAINS,
upper versus lower body, whether train-
ing volume is controlled, whether sets are THIS RELATIONSHIP
performed to failure, age, and single- vs.
multi-joint exercises?
Generally, hypotheses aren’t stated for VOLUME WAS CONTROLLED.
meta-analyses. This one was no exception.

Subjects and Methods without any metabolic or musculo-

To be included in this meta-analysis, a skeletal diseases.
study needed to meet five inclusion crite- Twenty-two studies with a total of 912
ria: participants met these inclusion criteria.
1. It needed to be published in a peer-re- These studies had between 11 and 192
viewed, English-language journal. participants (the median was 29 partici-
pants), lasted for between 6 and 24 weeks
2. It needed to compare at least two dif- (the median was 12 weeks), and they in-
ferent training frequencies using dy- cluded participants of both sexes and of
namic resistance exercise (i.e. studies a wide array of ages. Of the 22 studies, 4
only using isometric exercise were ex- were judged to be of good methodologi-
cluded). cal quality, while 18 were judged to be of
3. Maximal strength needed to be as- moderate methodological quality.
sessed using either a 1RM test, an The meta-analysis itself was performed
isokinetic test, or an isometric test (i.e. as a meta-regression. This means that the
something like jump height wouldn’t independent variable (training frequency)
count as a strength assessment). was treated as continuous, rather than bi-
4. The study needed to last at least four nary (i.e. 1 vs. 2 vs. 3 vs. 4+ times per week
weeks. frequency, instead of just “lower” vs. “high-
5. The participants needed to be healthy, er” frequency).

Figure 1a Summary of meta-regression results

All Studies Volume-Equated Studies

1.25 1.25

1.00 1.00
Effect Size

Effect Size
0.75 0.75

0.50 0.50
Significant; p = 0.003 Significant; p = 0.421
0.25 0.25

0.00 0.00
1x / wk 2x / wk 3x / wk 4+x / wk 1x / wk 2x / wk 3x / wk 4+x / wk

Multi-Joint Exercises Single-Joint Exercises

1.25 1.25

1.00 1.00
Effect Size

Effect Size
0.75 0.75

0.50 0.50
Significant; p < 0.001 Significant; p < 0.324
0.25 0.25
3x / wk
0.00 0.00
1x / wk 2x / wk 3x / wk 4+x / wk 1x / wk 2x / wk

Upper Body Strength Lower Body Strength

1.25 1.25

1.00 1.00
Effect Size

Effect Size

0.75 0.75

0.50 0.50
Significant; p < 0.004 Significant; p < 0.07
0.25 0.25

0.00 0.00
1x / wk 2x / wk 3x / wk 4+x / wk 1x / wk 2x / wk 3x / wk

All data are mean ± standard error of the mean.

Findings joint exercises (p<0.001), for upper body

exercises (p=0.004), for young adults
(p=0.024), and for women (p=0.030).
Significant Associations
Higher training frequencies were sig- Non-significant Associations
nificantly associated with larger strength Higher training frequencies were
increases (p=0.003) overall. Furthermore, not significantly associated with larger
higher training frequencies were associ- strength increases for studies with equat-
ated with larger strength gains for multi-
Figure 1b Summary of meta-regression results

Training to Failure Not Training to Failure

1.25 2.00


Effect Size
Effect Size

Significant; p < 0.078 Significant; p < 0.16

0.00 0.00
1x / wk 2x / wk 3x / wk 4+x / wk 1x / wk 2x / wk 3x / wk

Middle-Aged and Older Adults Young Adults

1.25 1.50



Effect Size
Effect Size


0.50 Significant; p < 0.024

Significant; p < 0.093 0.50

0.00 0.00
1x / wk 2x / wk 3x / wk 1x / wk 2x / wk 3x / wk 4+x / wk

Men Women
1.25 2.00

Effect Size

Effect Size

Significant; p < 0.019 Significant; p < 0.03

0.00 0.00
1x / wk 2x / wk 3x / wk 4+x / wk 1x / wk 2x / wk 3x / wk 4+x / wk

All data are mean ± standard error of the mean.

ed volume (p=0.421), for single-joint ex-

ercises (p=0.324), for lower body exercises Interpretation
(p=0.07), for studies where participants Let me get the boring stuff out of the
trained to failure (p=0.078), for studies way first: I’m going to gripe about the sta-
where participants didn’t train to failure tistics a little bit, but I promise I’ll keep it
(p=0.16), for middle-aged and older adults brief. If you don’t care about stats, feel free
(p=0.093), and for men (p=0.19). to skip the next paragraph.
I’m not entirely sure that the meta-re-
gression model used in this study is the in volume-equated studies, a training fre-
most appropriate way to analyze these quency of twice per week was associated
data, as I don’t think it can adequately ac- with the largest effect size (0.80), while
count for the heterogeneity of study pro- frequencies of once, twice, and 4+ times
tocols. As a really simplistic example, let’s per week were associated with effect siz-
assume that higher frequencies are truly es ranging from 0.53-0.64. Furthermore,
more effective than lower frequencies, and the standard error was quite low for all
let’s assume we have Study A comparing a frequencies except for twice per week. The
frequency of once per week to a frequency model (rightly, by my estimation) said that
of twice per week, and we have Study B there wasn’t a significant relationship be-
comparing a frequency of twice per week tween frequency and strength gains in this
to a frequency of three times per week. In sample of studies, but I’m at a loss for a
Study A, the participants are placed on a physiologically plausible reason why the
really challenging training program, and point estimate would be higher and the
the folks training once per week get 20% confidence interval would be bigger with a
stronger, while the folks training twice per training frequency of twice per week. Rath-
week get 25% stronger. In Study B, the er, I think the model was picking up a lot of
participants are placed on a really easy, low noise (heterogeneity of study participants
volume, low intensity training program, and protocols) and not much signal (effects
and the folks training twice per week get truly attributable to training frequency)
3% stronger, while the folks training three for that particular comparison. The rest of
times per week get 5% stronger. In this the subgroup analyses don’t look nearly as
sort of meta-regression model, those dif- screwy, likely because they include studies
ferences in training programs can’t be fully where volume wasn’t equated (so higher
accounted for, so with two studies in the frequencies = higher volume = larger gains,
model, it looks like increased frequency which smooths things out), but the analy-
decreases strength gains: 20% for once per sis where the largest confounder (volume)
week, 14% for twice per week (average of was controlled for makes me think that
25% and 3%), and 5% for three times per the studies were a bit more heterogeneous
week. Obviously, this sort of effect would than would be ideal for a meta-regression.
be washed out a bit with more studies, and Now, I don’t necessarily think the results
the type of model used in the present study of the present meta-analysis are incorrect.
(random effects model rather than a fixed There would certainly be drawbacks to the
effects model) is built to withstand some alternate ways of analyzing these studies,
heterogeneity between protocols by wid- and the type of model used was a pretty
ening the confidence interval around each conservative one (i.e. false negatives – a less
effect size estimate, but I’m not confident serious form of error – are more likely than
that it’s fully up for the task. For example, false positives), so I’m not trying to say the

authors did anything wrong. I just want to
present my reservations so you know I’m
not just accepting the results uncritically.
The main finding of this meta-analysis NOT INFLUENCE STRENGTH GAINS
was that, while higher frequencies were as-
sociated with larger strength gains, this re-
lationship collapsed when only analyzing STUDIES ON PRIMARILY UNTRAINED
studies where volume was controlled. As
such, this meta-analysis largely confirms LIFTERS, THE EVIDENCE MAY
the meta-analysis we’ve reviewed previ- LEAN SLIGHTLY IN FAVOR OF
ously showing that higher volumes are as-
sociated like larger strength gains (2). HIGHER TRAINING FREQUENCIES
The subgroup analyses are interesting, BEING BENEFICIAL FOR TRAINED
in that they lend credence to some com-
mon beliefs regarding rates of recovery LIFTERS, ESPECIALLY FOR THE
and training frequency. Namely, it’s often BENCH PRESS, EVEN WHEN WEEKLY
assumed that people who can recover fast-
er from training will benefit from higher VOLUME IS CONTROLLED.
training frequencies. We also have some
evidence that younger people recover fast-
er than older people (3), and that women a general trend toward higher frequencies
recover faster than men (4) (though results being better for men, older adults, and low-
are mixed [5]). Furthermore, people often er body exercises as well (just with p-values
assume that you recover faster from upper that didn’t clear the bar for significance),
body training than lower body training so this may just be a coincidence. The fact
(though, strangely, I couldn’t find a study that some of the studies had people train
to support that assumption). In this me- to failure, while others didn’t, further mud-
ta-analysis, higher frequencies were sig- dies the water. We know that training to
nificantly associated with faster strength failure takes longer to recover from, so it’s
gains in women but not men, in younger possible that higher frequencies would
but not older adults, and in upper body but be a drawback when training to failure in
not lower body exercises, which supports groups that take longer to recover, but that
the notion that higher frequencies may higher frequencies could be beneficial in
be most beneficial for people or exercises these groups when not training to failure.
that recover faster from each training ses-
sion (which should be a pretty intuitive as- One drawback of this meta-analysis was
sumption). On the other hand, there was that, of the 22 studies that met the inclu-

sion criteria, only 3 of the studies were Increases in squat strength were virtually
performed on trained lifters. However, identical.
since this meta-analysis was submitted Thomas and Burns (8) used a similar
for publication, four more studies look- design to Schoenfeld et al., testing chest
ing at the effect of training frequency on press and hack squat strength. The dif-
trained subjects have been published. All ference in this study was that chest press
seven studies on trained lifters were matched was performed twice per week in the high
for volume. frequency group for three sets both days,
McLester et al. (6) found that training whereas it was performed once per week
three times per week (one set per exercise for six sets in the low frequency group.
per day) led to larger strength gains than Hack squat was performed once per week
training once per week (three sets of each in both groups (though, again, the high fre-
exercise on that training day). For all of the quency group did train quads three times
exercises tested, the difference was only per week; they just used different exercises
significant for leg press (~46% vs. ~22%), on the other two days). Chest press gains
but the trend was clear across the board. tended to be larger in the high frequency
Across all exercises, strength increased by group, though the difference wasn’t signif-
roughly 35% in the group training three icant (9.1kg vs. 5.8kg). Increases in hack
times per week, and by roughly 20% in the squat strength were virtually identical.
group training once per week. Bench press Fu et al. (9), as you’ll remember from
strength increased by 27.2% in the group a recent MASS article, tested squat and
training three times per week, and 10.6% bench press strength. One group squatted
in the group training once per week. and benched three times per week, while
Schoenfeld et al. (7) compared a the other group squatted and benched
per-muscle group frequency of once per once per week. In this study, gains in both
week versus three times per week (split vs. squat and bench press strength were virtu-
full-body routine). However, exercise fre- ally identical between groups.
quency was once per week in both groups. Colquhoun et al. (10) (also discussed in
For example, in the split routine, bench MASS) also tested squat and bench press
press, incline press, and hammer chest strength. One group squatted and benched
press were all performed on the same day, six times per week, while the other group
whereas they were performed on three squatted and benched three times per
separate days in the whole-body routine. week. In this study, squat gains were virtu-
In this study, the participants training ally identical between groups, and bench
with a whole-body routine tended to have press gains were also very similar (8.6% for
larger bench press gains (10.6% vs. 6.8%), six times per week versus 7.7% for three
though the difference wasn’t significant. times per week).

Figure 2 Bench Press or Chest Press Gains in Volume-Equated Studies on Trained Lifters

Percentage Strength Increase

20 Thomas and Burns
10 Colquhoun

Higher Lower
Frequency Frequency

A brand new study by Gomes et al. (11) no meaningful differences whatsoever. As

used a design similar to that of Schoen- such, while training frequency may not in-
feld et al. and Thomas and Burns. Gains in fluence strength gains when volume is con-
both the bench press (5.6kg vs. 9.7kg) and trolled in studies on primarily untrained
squat (8.0kg vs. 12.0kg) strength tended lifters, the evidence may lean slightly in
to be a bit larger in the higher frequency favor of higher training frequencies being
group, but neither difference was signifi- beneficial for trained lifters, especially for
cant. the bench press, even when weekly volume
Another brand new study by Brigatto et is controlled. When pooling the results of
al. (12) compared once per week frequency these seven studies, the group with the
to twice per week frequency. Gains in both higher frequency tended to gain almost
squat and bench press strength were virtu- 50% more strength on the bench press
ally identical in both groups. or chest press (12.73% vs. 8.72%; simple
average), though the difference isn’t quite
All together, we have one study on
as large when removing the results of Mc-
trained lifters finding a significant differ-
Lester et al. (10.33% vs. 8.41%). The dif-
ence in strength gains favoring higher fre-
ference was much smaller for compound
quency, three studies with non-significant
lower body exercises (14.6% vs. 18%, for a
but possibly meaningful differences favor-
relative difference below 25%), and most
ing higher training frequencies (especially
of that difference was driven by just two
for bench press), and three studies finding

Table 1 Bench Press or Chest Press Strength Gains

Relative Difference
Lower Higher (favoring higher
Author Frequency Frequency frequency)

McLester 10.6% 27.1% 156%

Schoenfeld 6.8% 11.0% 62%

Thomas and Burns 7.4% 10.7% 45%

Fu 15.7% 14.3% -9%

Gomes 5.4% 9.6% 78%

Colquhoun 7.7% 8.6% 12%

Brigatto 7.5% 7.8% 4%

Average 8.7% 12.7% 46%

= possible meaningful difference (>25%)

studies. As always, though, more research So, based on this meta-analysis and my
is needed. Of note, I didn’t include the mini-review of the frequency studies on
famed “Norwegian Frequency Project” in trained lifters, let’s end on some practical
this analysis since it’s not yet published, recommendations and takeaways:
but its bench press results are basically in 1. As long as training volume is suffi-
line with the rest of the frequency liter- cient, basically any weekly training
ature on trained lifters (a mean increase frequency can be used to get stronger.
of 11% in their group training six times
2. Practically, it may be easier to handle
per week, compared to a mean increase
higher training volumes with some-
of 6% in their group training three times
what increased training frequencies
per week). I also didn’t include a study by
(2-4x per lift, per week). If you’re
Crewther et al. (13) in this analysis (and it
doing 12 challenging sets of squats
wasn’t included in the meta-analysis) since
per week, for example, it’s probably
it used a crossover design with each train-
going to be more feasible and tolera-
ing phase only lasting four weeks.
ble to do 6 sets twice per week, 4 sets
Table 2 Squat, Leg Press, or Hack Squat Strength Gains

Relative Difference
Lower Higher (favoring higher
Author Frequency Frequency frequency)

McLester 22.3% 46.1% 107%*

Schoenfeld 10.6% 11.3% 7%

Thomas and Burns 24.0% 21.0% -13%

Fu 13.8% 11.9% -14%

Gomes 6.0% 9.7% 62%

Colquhoun 12.2% 12.0% -2%

Brigatto 13.5% 13.9% 3%

Average 14.6% 18.0% 23%

* = Significant difference
= possible meaningful difference (>25%)

three times per week, or 3 sets four while people who recover quicker
times per week than to do all 12 sets and exercises you recover from faster
on a single training day. may benefit from somewhat higher
3. If your ability to tolerate more vol- frequencies (2-4+ times per lift per
ume within a single training session week), potentially along with an in-
is capped out, increasing frequency crease in volume.
as a strategy for increasing volume 5. For trained lifters, increased frequen-
will likely lead to larger strength cy may only be beneficial for squat
gains. strength gains if the increased fre-
4. People who take longer to recover quency facilitates an increase in vol-
between sessions and exercises that ume. However, increased frequency
take longer to recover from may ben- for bench press may be beneficial,
efit from somewhat lower frequen- even when equating volume.
cies (1-2 times per lift per week),

Higher training frequencies seem to be associated with faster strength gains. However,
most of this association seems to be attributable to higher frequencies allowing for
higher volumes. As such, as long as volume is sufficient, frequency probably doesn’t
matter too much for strength gains. However, when you need to increase training
volume, it may be most feasible to increase frequency while increasing weekly volume.

Next Steps failure). A study designed to test this idea

could have four arms: one with low fre-
All I want is for the Norwegian Fre- quency training to failure, one with high
quency Project study to get published. Is frequency training to failure, one with low
that too much to ask? I’d also be interested frequency training not to failure, and one
in a study designed to directly test wheth- with high frequency training not to fail-
er there’s a relationship between rate of ure. The hypothesis would be that higher
recovery and optimal training frequency. training frequencies may prove more ben-
For example, before training, all subjects eficial when not training to failure, as any
could complete a standardized bench press potential benefits of higher frequency may
workout, and their recovery rates (using be offset by inadequate recovery when
both performance and molecular markers training to failure.
of recovery) over 72 hours could be mon-
itored. From there, split the subjects into
four groups: fast recoverers benching with
a high frequency, fast recoverers bench-
ing with a low frequency, slow recoverers
benching with a high frequency, and slow
recoverers benching with a low frequen-
cy. The hypothesis would be that the faster
recoverers benching with high frequency
and slow recoverers benching with a low
frequency would get better results than the
people in the two groups with mismatched
frequencies and recovery rates. It would
also be good to see whether training to
failure impacts optimal training frequency
(with the assumption that it takes longer to
recover from each session when training to

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Campbell BI. Training Volume, Not Frequency, Indicative of Maximal Strength Adaptations to
Resistance Training. J Strength Cond Res. 2018 Jan 5.
11. Gomes GK, Franco CM, Nunes PRP, Orsatti FL. High-frequency resistance training is not more ef-
fective than low-frequency resistance training in increasing muscle mass and strength in well-trained
men. J Strength Cond Res. 2018 Feb 27.
12. Brigatto FA, Braz TV, Zanini TCC, Germano MD, Aoki MS, Schoenfeld BJ, Marchetti PH, Lopes
CR. Effect of Resistance Training Frequency on Neuromuscular Performance and Muscle Mor-
phology after Eight Weeks in Trained Men. J Strength Cond Res. 2018. Epub Mar 6.
13. Crewther BT, Heke TOL, Keough JWL. The effects of two equal-volume training protocols upon
strength, body composition and salivary hormones in male rugby union players. Biol Sport. 2016 Jun;
33(2): 111–116.

VIDEO: What Do We Know
About Individualization? Part 2

Most scientific studies simply show the average response in the study,
but that doesn’t tell the whole story. Often times, hypertrophy and
strength changes can be vastly different among individuals – but why?
Click to watch Michael's presentation.

1. Snijders T, Nederveen JP, McKay BR, Joanisse S, Verdijk LB, van Loon LJ, Parise G. Satellite cells
in human skeletal muscle plasticity. Frontiers in physiology. 2015 Oct 21;6:283.
2. Petrella JK, Kim JS, Mayhew DL, Cross JM, Bamman MM. Potent myofiber hypertrophy during re-
sistance training in humans is associated with satellite cell-mediated myonuclear addition: a cluster
analysis. Journal of applied physiology. 2008 Jun;104(6):1736-42.
3. Bamman MM, Petrella JK, Kim JS, Mayhew DL, Cross JM. Cluster analysis tests the importance of
myogenic gene expression during myofiber hypertrophy in humans. Journal of Applied Physiology.
2007 Jun;102(6):2232-9.
4. Hubal MJ, Gordish-Dressman HE, Thompson PD, Price TB, Hoffman EP, Angelopoulos TJ,
Gordon PM, Moyna NM, Pescatello LS, Visich PS, Zoeller RF. Variability in muscle size and
strength gain after unilateral resistance training. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 2005
Jun 1;37(6):964-72.

VIDEO: Implementing
Autoregulation, Part 2

We’ve written and talked about autoregulation a great deal in MASS

up to this point, but we haven’t yet shown you how to implement the
existing research-based autoregulation strategies into a program in
the most practical way possible. In this video, Eric shows you how to
implement each strategy for a bodybuilding program.
Click to watch Eric's presentation.

1. Ralston, G.W., et al., The Effect of Weekly Set Volume on Strength Gain: A Meta-Analysis. Sports
Med, 2017. 47(12): p. 2585-2601.
2. Schoenfeld, B.J., D. Ogborn, and J.W. Krieger, Effects of Resistance Training Frequency on Mea-
sures of Muscle Hypertrophy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Sports Med, 2016. 46(11):
p. 1689-1697.
3. Schoenfeld, B.J., D. Ogborn, and J.W. Krieger, Dose-response relationship between weekly resis-
tance training volume and increases in muscle mass: A systematic review and meta-analysis. J Sports
Sci, 2017. 35(11): p. 1073-1082.
4. Peterson, M.D., M.R. Rhea, and B.A. Alvar, Maximizing strength development in athletes: a me-
ta-analysis to determine the dose-response relationship. J Strength Cond Res, 2004. 18(2): p. 377-82.
5. Peterson, M.D., M.R. Rhea, and B.A. Alvar, Applications of the dose-response for muscular strength
development: a review of meta-analytic efficacy and reliability for designing training prescription. J
Strength Cond Res, 2005. 19(4): p. 950-8.
6. Rhea, M.R., et al., A meta-analysis to determine the dose response for strength development. Med
Sci Sports Exerc, 2003. 35(3): p. 456-64.
7. Schoenfeld, B.J., et al., Strength and hypertrophy adaptations between low-versus high-load resis-
tance training: A systematic review and meta-analysis. J Strength Cond Res, 2017. 19(20): p. 21.
8. Zourdos, M.C., et al., Novel Resistance Training-Specific Rating of Perceived Exertion Scale Mea-
suring Repetitions in Reserve. J Strength Cond Res, 2016. 30(1): p. 267-75.
9. Helms, E., Using the Repetitions in Reserve-based Rating of Perceived Exertion Scale to Autoreg-
ulate Powerlifting Training. 2017, Auckland University of Technology.
10. Helms, E.R., et al., Rating of Perceived Exertion as a Method of Volume Autoregulation Within a
Periodized Program. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 2017.
11. Pareja-Blanco, F., et al., Effects of velocity loss during resistance training on athletic performance,
strength gains and muscle adaptations. Scand J Med Sci Sports, 2016.
12. Rauch, J.T., et al., Auto-regulated exercise selection training regimen produces small increases in
lean body mass and maximal strength adaptations in strength-trained individuals. J Strength Cond
Res, 2017.
13. Mann, J.B., et al., The effect of autoregulatory progressive resistance exercise vs. linear periodization
on strength improvement in college athletes. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 2010.
24(7): p. 1718-1723
14. McNamara, J.M. and D.J. Stearne, Flexible Nonlinear Periodization in a Beginner College Weight
Training Class. Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 2010. 24(1): p. 17-22
15. Colquhoun, R.J., et al., Comparison of Powerlifting Performance in Trained Men Using Traditional
and Flexible Daily Undulating Periodization. J Strength Cond Res, 2017. 31(2): p. 283-291.

Just Missed the Cut
Every month, we consider hundreds of new papers, and they can’t all be
included in MASS. Therefore, we’re happy to share a few pieces of research
that just missed the cut. It’s our hope that with the knowledge gained from
reading MASS, along with our interpreting research guide, you’ll be able to
tackle these on your own.

1. Mitchell et al. The effect of dietary arachidonic acid supplementation on

acute muscle adaptive responses to resistance exercise in trained men:
a randomized controlled trial.
2. Knowles et al. Inadequate sleep and muscle strength: Implications for
resistance training.
3. Orvidas et al. Mindsets applied to fitness: Growth beliefs predict exercise
efficacy, value and frequency.
4. Paquette et al. Muscle Activation Patterns of Lower Body Musculature
Among Three Traditional Lower Body Exercises in Trained Women.
5. Winwood et al. The Tapering Practices of Strongman Athletes.
6. Jagim et al. Acute Effects of the Elevation Training Mask on Strength
Performance in Recreational Weight lifters.
7. Berton et al. Effects of weightlifting exercise, traditional resistance and
plyometric training on countermovement jump performance: a meta-
8. Loureiro et al. Effects of Coffee Components on Muscle Glycogen
Recovery: A Systematic Review.
9. Miller et al. Resistance Training Combined With Diet Decreases Body Fat
While Preserving Lean Mass Independent of Resting Metabolic Rate: A
Randomized Trial.
10. Miller et al. Prophylactic stretching does not reduce cramp susceptibility.
11. Kawakami et al. When You Become a Superman: Subliminal Exposure
to Death-Related Stimuli Enhances Men’s Physical Force.

Thanks for
reading MASS.
The next issue will be released to
subscribers on May 1.

Graphics by Katherine Whitfield, and layout design by Lyndsey Nuckols.


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