Leadership Style in Budgeting Participation PDF

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Ernawaty Usman
Department Of Accounting,
Economics Faculty, Tadulako University, Center Sulawesi-Indonesia

Asri Usman
Department Of Accounting,
Economics and Business Faculty, Hasanuddin University, South Sulawesi-Indonesia

Department Of Accounting,
Economics Faculty, Tadulako University, Center Sulawesi-Indonesia


This research aims to find the model of leadership styles in the implementation of budget-
ing participation to support managerial performances in star hotels in Palu. The research
was conducted by a field research and used survey method for data collection. The popu-
lation of the research were employees that involve in budgeting and hotel manager. The
result showed that budgeting participation, directive, participative and supportive styles
of leading have positive influence on managerial performance. Achievement-oriented
leader is influential toward managerial performances.

Keywords: Leadership styles, budgeting participation, and managerial performance.

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 8 Num 4 April 2016
Introduction from him in order to understand his roles
and demanded competence. Participa-
The growth of hotels in Indonesia tion in the preparation of the budget is a
has shown positive trends each year. As managerial approach which is generally
reported globally, companies engaged in considered to improve managerial per-
the global hospitality business and re- formance. Individuals who participated
search record new growth projections in in the preparation of the budget will be
Indonesia until the first quarter / 2013 more responsible for their job compared
reached 24.2% with a total of 30 942 to individuals who were not involved in
rooms. In its official statement, Vice the preparation of the budget. The suc-
President of Digital Media & Commun- cess of managers in preparing the budget
ication STR Global, Jeff Higley, said of company also becomes a barometer in
that the total planned development of assessing the performance of managers.
new hotels in the Asia Pacific region
reached 1,788 hotels (quoted in the The focuses of many researchers
online portal bisnis.com). The rapid are mostly on problems regarding bud-
growth of hotels in Indonesia each year geting such as leadership styles espe-
has made a more competitive market for cially in behavioural accounting domain.
hotel business in Indonesia. Fieldler (1978) and Candra (1978) in
Sumarno (2005) found that the right
Hotel companies are not only re- leadership styles will have positive im-
quired to survive in the future global pacts on budgeting encouragement or in
economy but are also expected to maxi- other words, the effectiveness of budget-
mize profits with the available resources. ing participation will be influenced by
Not only financial management skills, leading styles. Himawan (2010) and Ika
but the managers are expected to do (2010) found positive and significant
short-term profit plans. Short-term plan- results between leadership style and
ning can be realized by planning the budgeting participation.
budget each year. Budget is an essential
tool for planning and controlling the Literature Review
effective short-term within the organiza-
tion (Anthony & Govindarajan, 2005: Leadership styles
73). Budget is not only as a financial
planning tool, but also as a means of Veithzal Rival (2008: 2) revealed
control, coordination, communication, the leadership is "the process of influ-
performance evaluation, and motivation ence in determining organizational
(Hansen & Mowen 2001: 383). goals, motivating followers to achieve
the objective behaviour, influence to
The success in managaing an or- improve the group and its culture".
ganization or company is supported by Furthermore Veithzal Rival (2008: 3)
some factors such as leadership and the stated that:
support of staffs in working to achieve "Leadership is also said to be a
the purposes of the organization. A process of directing and influencing
leader needs to know what is expected the activity of the activity that has to

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 8 Num 4 April 2016
do with the work of the members of from the heads. In this model there is
the group, which contained three im- no participation from employees;
portant implications in this regard; (1)
leadership that involves others either (2) Supportive leadership, this model of
subordinates or followers' (2) leader- leadership is when the leader have
ship involves the distribution of power willingness to explain himself,
between the leader and the group friendly, approachable, and have a
members in a balanced manner, be- genuine humanitarian concern for his
cause the group members are not with- subordinates or employees;
out power, (3) the ability to use differ-
ent forms of power to influence his (3) Participative leadership; in this style
behaviour through various means ". of leadership, the leader tried to ask
and use the suggestions from subor-
Veithzal Rival (2008:3) argued dinates or employees, but the deci-
style of leadership is " a set of leadership sion remains on him
traits used to influence subordinates in
order to achieve organizational goals or (4) Achievement-oriented leadership; in
can also be said that the style of leader- this style, the leader sets series of
ship is a pattern of behaviour and pre- goals that challenge its employees to
ferred strategy and is often applied by a participate. The leader also gives
leader ". The same opinion was deliv- confidence to them to be able to
ered Miftah Thoha (2007: 49) saying do their job right and achieve its
that "leadership style is the norm of be- main objectives.
haviour used by someone when the per-
son is trying to influence the behaviour Leadership styles and manager
of others as he sees". performance

The Path-Goal Theory of Leader- Miftah Thoha (2007:49) found that

ship revealed four leadership styles; di- the if the leader in particular organiza-
rective, supportive, participative, and tion needs to develop and motivate the
achievement-oriented leadership (House staff to increase the organization’s pro-
and Mitchell, 1974). The house's path- ductivity, then the leader needs to figure
goal theory expressed by Miftah Thoha out his way of leading. House and Evans
(2007: 42) inserted four different types in Miftah Thoha (2007:42) described the
or styles of leadership are described as path-goal theory in modern development
follows: about the influence of leader’s behaviour
toward motivation, satisfaction and the
(1) Directive leadership, this model of work execution of the employees.
leadership is similar to autocratic
style of leadership from Lippit and Budgeting participation
White. The employees know exactly
what they are expected to do and un- Munandar (2001:1) argued that
derstand what they are asked to do "budget is a systematically arranged plan
which covers all activities of the com-

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 8 Num 4 April 2016
pany expressed in monetary units and is Budgeting Participation and Manager
valid for a period of time (period) certain Performance
to come". Horngren, et.al. (2003: 6) re-
vealed that "budget is the quantitative Ernawaty (2012) revealed that the
expression of the proposed plan of action involvement (participation) of various
by management and is an aid to coordi- parties in budgeting process along with
nating what needs to be done to imple- participatory budgeting are expected to
ment that plan," while Supriyono (2001: increase managerial performance. The
340) states that "the budget is a detailed objectives or goals that are set collec-
plan formally expressed in a quantitative tively will maximize the performance of
measure, usually in the money, to dem- employees as they will be responsible to
onstrate the acquisition and use of the achieve what they have arranged and
resources of an organization within a agreed upon (Milani, 1975). This argu-
specified period, usually one year ". An- ment implies that the seriousness in
thony, Dearden M Bodford (2000: 499) achieving goals organization by the sub-
argued that "budget is both a planning ordinates will increase the effectiveness
tool and control tool". The opinion ex- of the organization, as it reduces or even
plained that the budget has two impor- eliminates the potential of onflict be-
tant roles within an organization; on the tween individual goals and organiza-
one hand, the budget serves as a tool for tional goals
planning (planning) and on the other side
of the budget serves as a tool for short- Population and Sample
term control (control) for an organiza-
tion. Lubis (2010: 173) stated that "par- Population is a group of people,
ticipation is a decision-making process events or things that have certain charac-
shared by two or more parts, where the teristics (Indriantoro, 2002: 115) while
decision will have an impact in the fu- Sugiyono (2008: 117) defined the re-
ture against those who make it, in other gion's population is a generalization
words the worker or lower-level manag- which consists of object / subject that
ers have a voice in the management has certain qualities and characteristics
process", Kenis (1979) argued that defined by the researchers to learn and
“budgeting participation is process of then drawn conclusions from. The popu-
manager involvement in arranging lation in this research are all five-star
budget for the company” while hotel in Palu city. The sampling is based
(Brownell, 1982) argued that "budgeting on the approach of (Slovin in Umar 1999:
participation is a process by which indi- 67).
viduals are involved in it and have an
influence on the preparation of the Types and Data Collection
budget target performance which then
will be evaluated and are likely to be The data used in this study are
rewarded for the achievement of their primary data. Primary data is a source of
budget targets". research data obtained directly from the
original source. Primary data used in this
study was obtained from the results of

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 8 Num 4 April 2016
questionnaires distributed to samples valid if the value of r count which is the
that have been determined (employees value of Corrected item-total correla-
and hotel managers). tion> of r table. Based on the results if
the data for all variables obtained value
Results and Discussion Corrected Correlation -Total item> of r
tables, so it can be concluded that all the
Reliability and Validity Analysis items in the questionnaire is a valid
The results of reliability test
using SPSS software showed Cronbach's Reliability test is meant to
Alpha value is high. Each variable was measure the stability and consistency of
obtained value of Cronbach's Alpha for the respondents answered the items in
participation budget of α = 0.923, the question are the dimensions of an in-
leadership style of α = 0.925, managerial strument arranged in the form of ques-
performance at α = 0.893. A construct or tionnaires. Tests on research conducted
a variable is said to be reliable if the using the instrument reliability test
value of Cronbach Alpha> 0.60 (Nunally, methods Cronbac's Alpha.Batasan Cron-
1960). Under these conditions, the in- bac's Alpha reliability score Score <0.50
strument on the research to be conducted lower reliability category, a score of 0.50
can be considered reliable or consistent to 0.60 and a sufficient reliability cate-
to measure the construct research. gory scores above 0.70 to a high reliabil-
ity category. (Jogiyanto, 2008: 52), but
Validity test used to measure Cronbachs Alpha Score> 0.60 was con-
whether or not a legitimate or valid sidered quite reliable (Ghozali, 2006: 48).
questionnaires. Validity relates to the
accuracy of measuring devices to do its Regression Analysis
job objective. Validity touch with reality
(actually). Validity is also related to the Classical Assumption Test
purpose of measurement. A question-
naire is said to be valid if the questions Multi-collinearity is the situation
on the questionnaire were able to reveal there is a correlation between the inde-
something that will be measured by the pendent variables with each other. One
questionnaire. (Ghozali, 2009: 49). Inva- way to detect multikolenearitas is using
lid measuring tool will provide meas- the Pearson test. As a criterion, if the
urement results deviate from the goal. correlation between the two variables
This measurement deviation called by exceeds 0.8 then there multikolenearitas
mistake (error) or varian.To test whether (Gujarati, 2006; 63). Multikolinearitas
each indicator is valid or invalid can be test results showed that kerelasi between
seen on the output display Cron-bach the two independent variables do not
Alpha Correlated column Item-Total exist in excess of 0,8. From table corre-
Correlation. From the data pro-cessing is lation (Pearson correlation) can demon-
known that all items have questions Cor- strate the value of the Budget Participa-
releted Item-Total Correlation bigger tion Managerial Performance of (0.623),
than r table. The questions considered directive leadership style with Manage-

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 8 Num 4 April 2016
rial Performance of (0.659), Style Ho is accepted, whereas if t is greater
Managerial Leadership Sportif with the than t table then Ho is rejected (Ha ac-
performance of (0.739), Participative cepted). The basic assumption is needed
Leadership Style with Managerial Per- in this case is the significance level (α)
formance of (0.740) and Leadership of 5%.
Style Achievement Orien-tation with
Managerial Performance of (0.704), the a. Testing Hypothesis 1
value of these variables is under 0.8, or The first hypothesis states that
less than 0 , 8 so that it can be said not the positive effect of budget participa-
occur multicollinearity between vari- tion on managerial performance. The
ables. Based on the results if the data we test results using multiple regression
can see the scatterplot that shows not showed that budget participation has
happen heteroskedastisitas. The residual a positive relationship with a signifi-
normality is to look at normal probabil- cance level of 0.000. Results of mul-
ity plots comparing the cumulative dis- tiple regression analysis showed that
tribution by a normal distribution. Based budget participation has a positive re-
on the results if the data we can see lationship with a significance level of
normal probability plots to meet the as- 0.000 (which means significant), the
sumptions of normality. direction of this positive relationship
means that the effect of budget par-
Multiple regression test results ticipation on managerial performance,
presented that the value of R square is which means better participation, the
equal to 0.555, this means that the re- budget will increase managerial per-
gression equation for budgetary partici- formance.
pation, leadership style describes the
managerial performance of 55.5%, while b. Testing Hypothesis 2
the remaining 45.5% is explained by The second hypothesis states that
other variables which are not included in the directive leadership style positive
this research model. effect on managerial performance.
The test results using multiple regres-
F test aims to show whether all the sion showed that the directive leader-
independent variables included in the ship style has a positive relationship
model have influence together against with a significance level of 0.017
the independent variable. From the re- which means significant implies that
sults of multiple regression showed the leadership provides direction to
singnifikansi level of 0.000 (significant) employees will improve managerial
meaningful participation and leadership performance.
style variables jointly affect managerial
performance. c. Testing Hypothesis 3.
The third hypothesis states that
The t-test is to test the significant the supportive leadership style posi-
level of influence of independent vari- tive effect on managerial performance.
ables on the dependent variable indi- The test results using multiple regres-
vidually. If t is smaller than t table then sion showed that the supportive lead-

The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 8 Num 4 April 2016
ership style has a positive relationship gerial performance. Supportive lead-
with a significant level of 0.0018, ership style in the form of friendly
which means a significant and implies and shows concern for the needs of
that leaders are supportive, friendly employees moderating and strengthen
and shows concern for employees relationship between budgetary par-
will increase managerial performance. ticipation and managerial perform-
d. Testing Hypothesis 4.
The fourth hypothesis states that
g. Hypothesis Testing 7
the participative leadership style posi-
The seventh hypothesis states
tive effect on managerial performance.
that the leadership style pertisipatif
The test results using multiple regres-
moderate the relationship between
sion showed that participative leader-
budgetary participation and mana-
ship has a positive relationship with a
gerial performance. Test results show
significant level of 0.015, which
that the participative leadership style
means a significant and implies that
that involves, communicate and con-
leaders engage, communicate and
sult and listen to the suggestions of
consult and listen to the suggestions
subordinates moderate and strength-
of subordinates will improve manage-
ening the relationship between budg-
rial performance.
etary participation and managerial
e. Testing Hypothesis 5.
The fifth hypothesis states that
the achievement-oriented leadership
h. Testing Hypothesis 8
style positive effect on managerial
The eight hypothesis states that
performance. The test results using
achievement orientation leadership
multiple regression showed that the
style moderate the relationship be-
achievement-oriented leadership has a
tween budgetary participation and
positive relationship with a signifi-
managerial performance. The test re-
cant level of 0.026, which means a
sults showed that the leaders set a se-
signif-icant and implies that leaders
ries of challenging goals and expects
set a series of challenging goals and
subordinates to perform as much as
expects subordinates to perform se-
possible to strengthen and moderate
maksimalnya will improve manage-
the relationship between budgetary
rial performance.
participation and managerial per-
f. Hypothesis testing. 6
The sixth hypothesis which states Conclusion
that the supportive leadership style
moderate the relationship between Budgeting participation has
budgetary participation and mana- positive influence on managerial per-
gerial performance. Test results show formance. This shows the more par-
that the supportive leadership style ticipation involving on budgeting
strengthen the relationship between process, the more managerial per-
budgetary participation and mana- formances would likely to increase.
The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 8 Num 4 April 2016
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The International Journal of Organizational Innovation Vol 8 Num 4 April 2016
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