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.int. A police headquarters reception

JAMES (Mid 20s) has a man in cheaply made handcuffs. He's staring down a tall

@Police Officer
POLICE OFFICER(CONT'D)Look pal, I don't care what you think you saw. You can't
just go picking people up off the street claiming they're a murderer!(MORE)

JAMES(CONT'D)For the last time! I know he did it! I know he's who you're
looking for!(MORE)

@Police Officer
POLICE OFFICER(CONT'D)Oh. It's you. People have been reporting you for a while
now. Even if they were real they're not admissible in court!(MORE)

JAMES(CONT'D)But I'm telling you. I'm right about these people!(MORE)

The police officer looks sympathetically at the man in handcuffs.

@Police Officer
POLICE OFFICER(CONT'D)Just piss off will ya? I've got more important matters to
attend too.(MORE)


The police officer points to the door

@Police Officer

James snarls at the officer while he cuts his handcuffs. He storms out muttering to
himself as the officer returns to his


.Ext. Busy Street. day.

As James walks he desperately tries to calm himself. He's visibly shaking, consumed
by anger.

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He sits down on a park bench while observing the people around him. They each have
a title above their heads. e.g 'The student','the giver',' the selfless'

James stares at a couple walking hand in hand. Their title reads 'The joy-bringer".
They're talking about a fire that happened the other day in the news. James looks

He relaxes.

Until he notices a title reading 'The arsonist' (Late teens). He walks towards him,
already angry.



JAMES(CONT'D)You. You're the one WHO caused that fire a few days ago.(MORE)

ARSONIST(CONT'D)What are you on about? J piss off you freak.(MORE)

JAMES(CONT'D)Their all dead. How could you?(MORE)

ARSONIST(CONT'D)You don't know anything about me pal.(MORE)

JAMES(CONT'D)I know everything about you.(MORE)

The arsonist tries to leave but then James punches him in the gut sending him to
the ground.

The arsonist begins to stand up and fight back but is quickly kicked down to the
ground again.

James picks him up from the floor and throws him like a sack of potatoes.

He proceeds to kick him on the ground. He's out like a light.

James snaps out of his imagination to see the arsonist unscathed walking away.
Everything is back to normal.

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James laughs to himself as he allows the criminal to walk by unnoticed.

He continues to watch the arsonist walking away. When he's quickly snapped out of
it by a homeless EMMA (mid-20s) giving a yelp of pain.

EMMA(CONT'D)What the fuck man! Watch where you're going!(MORE)

Confused he turns to look at the voice, the voice goes muffled as all his attention
turns to the title above her head. 'The Believer'.

EMMA(CONT'D)(Cont.) umm, can I help you?(MORE)

James again snaps out of it and panics.

JAMES(CONT'D)oh. yes. uh -- wait. Emma?(MORE)

Emma begins to slowly recognise James.

EMMA(CONT'D)James?. I've not seen you since primary(MORE)

(smiles softly)

null(CONT'D)I know right? How've you been?(MORE)

EMMA(CONT'D)It's a long story, I lost my job recently and I have just found out
today that I've been evicted.(MORE)

she sighs and while fiddling with her necklace.

JAMES(CONT'D)(cont.) Here(MORE)

He reaches into his pocket and opens up his wallet


As she says this she touches his hand delicately. James

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breathes in sharply.


EMMA(CONT'D)(cont.) I don't need money.(MORE)

JAMES(CONT'D)Then let me give you a place to stay for a few days.(MORE)

He retracts.

(JAMES(CONT'D)Panicked but nervous(MORE))
JAMES(CONT'D)(Cont.). Obviously, if you're comfortable sharing a house for the
time being.(MORE)

He laughs nervously

She smiles while continuing to touch her necklace and visibly relaxes. She needs a
place to stay.

EMMA(CONT'D)You know what, I'd like that. Thank you.(MORE)

James smiles, he's relieved but still nervous. He has no idea what he's doing.

He reaches out his hand. She doesn't take it. She picks up her stuff.

JAMES(CONT'D)Not much stuff?(MORE)
Emma squeezes the necklace tightly.

EMMA(CONT'D)I have all I need with me. He helps me with everything else.(MORE)


Emma either doesn't hear him or chooses not to respond. James decides to drop it.
Unsure of what to say next.

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.ext. Alley way.

They walk awkwardly down the back alley towards the house. Attempting to break the
silence Emma smiles awkwardly towards him.

EMMA(CONT'D)Hey, thanks for taking me in. Thank the lord.(MORE)

She grabs her cross necklace tightly.

(continuous to walk awkwardly)

EMMA(CONT'D)Do you believe in God James?(MORE)

JAMES(CONT'D)No, if he existed he wouldn't have made me.(MORE)

EMMA(CONT'D)What do you mean?(MORE)

James stops staring at her and looks straight ahead.

(sighs) starts to walk quicker.

She's confused and goes to open her mouth but the conversation is abruptly stopped
by the sound of the back door patio doors opening.

EXT. Garden

He makes his way through the garden to his house. He opens the door.

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.Int. House. Living room


EMMA(CONT'D)I'd love one.(MORE)
She smiles gingerly at him as he walks into the kitchen.

The living room is a mess, every surface filled with scrawlings of people with
words above their heads, none of them legible.

She picks one up.

On it is a man curled in a ball, His face violently scratched out. Surrounding him
is a crowd of people with titles across their heads, reading 'your fault' over and
over again.

Her attention is snapped away as James walks into the room with two glasses of

JAMES(CONT'D)Here you go.(MORE)

He hands Emma a glass and quickly pushes the papers off the table and sits down.
Emma looks confused but sits down opposite him. She can't take her eyes off the

James notices and chuckles nervously.

JAMES(CONT'D)Don't worry about them. They're um... just part of an art project.

EMMA(CONT'D)No no, it's okay. They're... interesting. What is it about?(MORE)


EMMA(CONT'D)The drawings? What are they about?(MORE)

JAMES(CONT'D)Urm. uh. I...(MORE)

He's extremely uncomfortable.

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EMMA(CONT'D)It's okay. (pause) look--(MORE)

James sees this as the opportunity to tell her everything.

JAMES(CONT'D)It's about me.(MORE)


JAMES(CONT'D)(reaffirming it to her and himself) (Cont.) It's me.(MORE)

He gulps down the glass of wine.


JAMES(CONT'D)(Cont.) I see people's titles. Like the summary of each human
being in just a few words.(MORE)

Emma holds onto the cross around her neck.

JAMES(CONT'D)(Cont.) It's been there all my life and I didn't think anything of
it until I started actually paying attention to the news. I saw how much
devastation our world lives in and vowed to do something to fix it.(MORE)

Emma shifts in her chair, hand now clenching her necklace. Her knuckles white.

JAMES(CONT'D)(Cont.) I tried to fix it but no one believed me. They thought it
wasn't real. They thought I was crazy. They thought I was useless.(MORE)

He sits up straighter, newfound confidence and trust has enveloped him

JAMES(CONT'D)(Cont.) That's why you're here(MORE)


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James stands up. Emma jumps and her chair flys back.

JAMES(CONT'D)It's okay! I know who you are. I know you believe me.(MORE)

He tries to move towards her but she's terrified.

EMMA(CONT'D)Um. I... Thank you so much but I just remembered that I need to um
do something.(MORE)

She hurries towards the door.

JAMES(CONT'D)What? No, please, you're the believer! You're supposed to believe

Emma turns.

EMMA(CONT'D)What are you talking about! we barely know each other! How am I
supposed to believe you if you just throw your problems at me! I'm not your

JAMES(CONT'D)Because that's what you're title is!(MORE)

EMMA(CONT'D)My-my title! What the f-. Screw this!(MORE)
JAMES(CONT'D)Don't go, please don't go! You're the only one who will believe

EMMA(CONT'D)Believe you? What believe that your fucked up head is real, that
this shit isn't the craziest thing I've ever seen!(MORE)

She gestures to the drawings.

EMMA(CONT'D)(Cont.) No one's going to believe you if you throw that on someone
5 minutes after meeting them! I mean you don't (MORE)

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EMMA(CONT'D)even know my name! I don't even know your name! If you act like
this everyone will just pretend like they don't see you!(MORE)
She continues but it's muffled. Her words strike a chord with James. He knows what
he must do. Her words come back into focus.

EMMA(CONT'D)Are you even listening to me? (she pauses) Fuck this.(MORE)

She throws open the door and storms out. As the door slams, James' drawings fly
around the room.

James begins pacing. Turning at every beat. He begins to hype himself up, for once
in his life his future is certain.

JAMES(CONT'D)It's all your fault. No.(MORE)


JAMES(CONT'D)(Cont.) Not your fault. Her fault. She didn't believe you. No.

He stares at himself in the mirror


JAMES(CONT'D)(Cont.) No one believes you. What's there to believe. It's not
real. No.(MORE)


He stops, picks up a drawing and chuckles at it. It's a man with the title "The

He takes a pen off the table and violently stabs the eyes out.

As he moves the drawing he picks up the wine glass and smashes the top on a table.

Using the stem of the glass he slowly brings it towards his eye. His grin is

.Int. The living room of James' apartment

James sits in his armchair.

His eyes are missing.

His mouth curled up in a crazy but satisfied smile.

He laughs.


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