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A. Encircle the correct interrogative pronouns to complete the sentence.

1. (What / Which) do you prefer, an apple or an orange?
2. (What / Who) are the kids doing in the park?
3. For (who / whom) will you buy this gift?
4. (Whose / Who) blue jacket is that hanging on the rack?
5. (Who / Whom) taught you to bake cakes?
6. To (whom / whose) did you leave the package?
7. (Whose / Whom) are those glasses? They are not mine.
8. (Who / Whom) did you call last night?
9. (Whom / What) do you usually have for breakfast?
10. (Which / Who) of you friends came to the party?
B. Write a question for each sentence. Use the underlined words as clues in
writing your questions.
1. Our coach taught me to play basketball.
2. She wrote a letter to her cousin abroad.
3. Those are my sister’s keys.
4. My brother placed the book on the table.
5. I prefer eating fruits for snacks than junk foods.

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