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t2(Water outlet)

T1(NaOH inlet)

T2(NaOH outlet)

t1(Water inlet)

NaCl Property values ,mol % 2.44 (On behalf of NaOH)

Inlet Outlet Mean
Temprature, oC 80 40 60

Viscosity, Nm-2s 0.0006 0.0008 0.0007

specific heat, kJKgoC-1 3.897 3.864 3.8805

thermal conductivity, 0.33 0.33 0.33

Wm-1 oC-1
density, kgm-3 988.192 1010.191 999.1915

Water Property values at I atm

Inlet Outlet Mean
Temprature, oC 20 30 25

Viscosity,Nm-2s 0.000923 0.000797 0.00086

specific heat, kJKgoC-1 4.184 4.18 4.182

thermal conductivity, 0.605 0.618 0.6115

Wm-1 oC-1
density, kgm-3 998.23 995.68 996.955

Source: Perrys' Chemical Engineers Handbook McGrawHill-8thEd-2008

Stream code Temp./°C m(NaOH) = 8000 Kg/hr

T1 80 m(Water) =

T2 40

t1 20

t2 30
shell and Tube type heat exchanger is used

let we assume overall coefficient to be 750 w/m2.C

m(NaOH) = 2.222222222 Kg/s

Cp = 3.8805 kJ.Kg/°C

ΔTml = 32.741 °C

S = 0.166666667

R = 4

Ft = 0.94 (Coulson and Richardson's Chemical Engineering Design Vol 6 Figure 12. 19)

a 2-pass shell & tube type heat-exchanger will be used

∆Tm = ∆Tml*Ft
= 30.776

Q = m *Cp* ∆Tm (Assume No unintended heat loss,Staedy state,No change in potential or kinetic energy,No

= 265.394 kW

Ui = 750 W/m2.°C

Q = Ui*Ai*∆Tm

Ai = Q/(Ui*∆Tm )

Ai = 11.498 m2

Nacl flow rate = 2.222222222 Kg/s

Water flow rate = 6.346100712 Kg/s

NaOH is sent through tube and Water through shell

20 mm

16 mm

consider the diameters of tubes

Outer diameter (D0) = 20 mm

Inner diameter (DI) = 16 mm

Wall thickness = 2 mm

Length = 5m

Selecting carbon steel tubes arrangment

we use square pitch

Pt = 1.25*D0

Pt = 25 mm

Then we can find number of tubes

Area of one tube = π*Do*L

A1 = 0.31416

Number of tubes = Ai/A1

= 36.5986
= 38

since the heat exchanger 2 passes

tube per pass = 19

Velocity inside tubes

Tube cross sectional area = (π/4)*D12

Tube cross sectional area = 0.0002011 m2

Area per pass = num of tube per pass*(π/4)*D12

= 0.0038202 m2

Tube side valocity = volumetric flow rate/ one pass area

= 0.5821774 m/s

Re = 13296.152

From figure 12.24 Cchemical Engineering Vol6

Jf = 0.045

Equation got from chemical engineering vol.6,(12.17)

tube side heat transfer coefficient
hi = 3990.338 W/m-2 oC-1 (assuming NaOH to behave as Water)

Calculation shell & bundle Diameter

From Table 12.4 for 2 tube passes for square,

K1 = 0.156

n1 = 2.291

Db = D0*(Nt/K1)1/n1

Db = 0.220183236 m

(from fig 12.10) from chemical engineering volume 6

Typical shell clearence = 56 mm

Shell diameter Ds = 277 mm

use 25% cut baffles, baffle arrangement as single segmental baffle

In here number of buffles is 5

Baffle spacing, lB = 55.4 mm

Area for flow, As = 0.00383645 m2

Gs = 1654.15963 kg/m2s

us = 1.65921193 m/s

de = 19.7485 mm

Re = 37985.08308

from fig 12.29 for shell side heat transfer factor,segmental b

jh = 0.0035

Pr = 5.881471791

Nu = 239.9807822

hs = = 7430.855421 Wm-2 oC-1

Over all coefficient

fouling factor for cooling tower water 0.00025
fouling factor for NaCL solution 0.0002
thermal conductivity for carbon steel tubes = 45 Wm-1 oC-1
1/Uo = 0.0010099
Uo = 990.17929 Wm-2oC-1
Vol 6 Figure 12. 19)

e in potential or kinetic energy,No heat flow along axial direction)

ng NaOH to behave as Water)

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