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Worksheet (2) / unit one

Friendship/ Phrasal verbs/ Writing mistakes/ Verb complement patterns

Princess Sumaya University for Technology
19th of Oct, 2020
Instructor: Iman Bani Salameh


1- Revising phrasal verbs

2- Identifying derivational morphemes
3- Recognizing writing mistakes and thesis sentence
4- Dealing with ways of making new friends
5- Recognizing verb complement structure

Q1: Describe a good friend using the following phrasal verbs

Do without / hang on to / open up/ stand up for / cheer up/ bring out/ come by/ turn
down/ put down/ drift apart/ run into

Q2: Reorder the following sentences:

run / has/ the project/ difficulties/ into/ some -1

.shadow/ brings/ that/ the blue/ eye / out/ your eyes/ in -2

3- were once / Asia and North America / drifted / joined they / apart./ but over the

was so steep/ The slope / that I/ hang on / and slippery had to/ to/ a tree to/ -4
falling/ avoid

:Q4: What is the different between

a- Sentence 1 and 2

b- Sentence 1 and 3

a- Sentence 1 and 4
Derivational Morphemes
:A morpheme:  Is the smallest meaningful unit in a language. Morphemes could be

One letter (s) ----- Dog /dogs (bound) (inflectional) (changes the form) -1

a group of letters ---------- 1-Beauty / beautiful (bound/ derivational/ suffix) -2

(changes the part of speech)

Build / rebuild (bound /derivational/ prefix) -2

(changes the semantic meaning)

Note ((re) is not always a prefix it could be a part of the word e.g (reality, regualar) **

a word----- (beauty) -3

A morpheme is not necessarily the same as a word, morpheme  sometimes does *

not stand alone, but a word does (root)

Every word is a morpheme but not every morpheme is a word *

Types of Morphemes

1- Free morphemes can function independently as words (root) (e.g. town, dog) 

2- Bound morphemes appear only as parts of words, always in conjunction with

a root and sometimes with other bound morphemes.

For example, un- appears only accompanied by other morphemes to form a


**Most bound morphemes in English are affixes ( prefixes and suffixes).

**Examples of suffixes are -tion, -sion, -tive, -ation, -ible, and -ing.

**Examples of prefixes are un-, pre-

Types of bound morphemes

1-Inflectional morphemes: Morpheme that change the form of a word but not the
meaning nor the class (part of speech).

***Example they modify the tense,  number of a verb,

Examples : Adding -s to the root dog to form dogs, or adding -ed 

Adding -ed to the root wait to form waited. An inflectional ***.

2-Derivational morphemes, when combined with a root, change the semantic

meaning or the part of speech of the affected word.

e.g 1 In the word (happiness), the addition of the bound morpheme –ness  to the
root happy changes the word from an adjective (happy) to a noun (happiness).

e.g 2 In the word unkind, un- functions as a derivational morpheme since it inverts

the meaning of the root morpheme (word) kind. Generally, morphemes that affix (i.e.,
affixes) to a root morpheme (word) are bound morphemes.

Go to pages 4 and 8 in your book and do the exercises

Writing mistakes and thesis sentence
Q5:Find the mistakes

Ahmad and I is going to party tomorrow -1

No body of them live here -2

All of them is good -3

None of them help the boy -4

We are buy a new car this weekend -5

The flight to London will leave at 9 am on Sunday -6

Our Prophet has invited for Islam -7

He broke his leg, and now it is in plaster -8

?What a wonderful day -9

.what are you doing now -10

Dr ahmad is not here -11

Ali Ahmad and Mohammad are good students -12

Amjad said that he was sleeping when his father arrived -13

Muslims bray five times a day -14

She is a beutfi girl -15


But we have one important thing in common – we love to travel. Whenever I -17
have the urge to explore a new place, I can always count on Eva to go with me. Our
.friendship shows that people who are very different can have similar interest
Verbs patterns Gerund and infinitive constructions

Q1: What is the difference between the following sentences in light of verbs

I hope you will enjoy travelling by the train -1

I decided to begin my project these days -2
I advice you to go with each other -3

*** Verbs patterns

1- Verbs normally followed by gerund (v+ing): Appreciate, consider, enjoy,

give up, keep, put off, suggest, can't help, can't see, can't stand, get through,

E.g They suggest going with each other

2- Verbs normally followed by infinitive (to+ inf): Ask, decide, expect, intend,
need, refuse, seem, tend, plan, afford, fail, hasten, lean, prepare, proceed, seek,

E.g I never expected to meet so many nice people

3- Verb+ object+ infinitive ( advise, allow, authorized, cause, convence,

encourage, instruct, permit, persuade, urge

E.g The sales person convinced me to buy a dress I knew I did not need

4- Verbs normally followed by either infinitive or gerund : Begin, bother,

continue, hate, prefer, start, love, regret

** This could lead to a change in the meaning sometimes

e.g I regret to say that she is not coming (informal way of introducing bad
I regret telling her that ( being sorry of things that have been said or

5- Gerund and infinitive can occur in passive voice

e.g I kept being invited by my friend (PASSIVE)

A friend kept inviting me (ACTIVE)

e.g She asked to be chosen for the job (PASSIVE)

The manager asked to choose her for the job (ACTIVE)

(O+ p.p + bing / to be+ P.P)

Q2: Choose the correct form of verbs:

1- I really strive _______ the latest styles and trends (to wear / wearing)
2- I can't see ________high prices for cloths that will be out of style in a year
(to pay / paying)
3- The teacher encourages _______ each other (his students to help / to
help his students)

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