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A complete hand note based Mental ability eB †_‡K †bIqv|

01. 7 pink, 5 black, 11yellow balls are there . Determine the minimum number at least to get one
black & yellow ball. ( 7wU †Mvjvcx, 5wU Kv‡jv, 11wU njy` ej †_‡K 1wU Kv‡jv Ges 1wU njy` ej †c‡Z n‡j
Kgc‡ÿ KZwU ej Zzj‡Z n‡e ?)
K) 13 L) 16 M) 19 N) 17 DËit M

cÖ_‡g 7 wU Zzjjvg = 7wUB pink = 1 wUI Kv‡Ri bv

2q evi 11 wU Zyjjvg = 11 wUB Yellow = 1 wUB n‡jB n‡Zv
Zvi gv‡b 2 ev‡i ( 7 + 11) = 18 wU ej Zzjjvg †hLv‡b gvÎ 1wU Yellow ej `iKvi wQ‡jv |
3q evi 7wU Kv‡jv ej †_‡K †h‡Kvb 1wU ej Zzj‡j ‡mwU Kv‡jv ej n‡Z eva¨ , KviY c‡ii 7wUB †Zv Kv‡jv | me
wgwj‡q Avgv‡`i ‡gvU 19wU ej Zzj‡Z n‡e | wbwð‡šÍ 1wU yellow Ges 1wU Kv‡jv ej cvIqvi Rb¨ |

02. A person has certain number of cows & birds . They have 172 eyes & birds . They have 172
& 320 legs. How many cows & birds are there ? ( GKRb †jv‡Ki wKQzmsL¨K Miæ I cvwL Av‡Q , hv‡`i
172 wU †PvL Avi 320wU cv Av‡Q | Miæ I cvwLi msL¨v c„_Kfv‡e KZ ? )
K) 74,12 L) 72,14 M) 60,26 N) 54,32 DËit K

me cªvYxiB 2wU K‡i †PvL Av‡Q weavq 172 wU †PvL gv‡b = = 86 cÖvYx|
msL¨v cv‡qi msL¨v †gvU cv
Miæ x (awi) 2 ( x × 2)
cvwL ( 86 – x) 4 ( 86 – x ) × 4
2x +344 – 4x = 320
=> -2x = -24
=> x = 12
∴ Miæi msL¨v = x = 12 wU
cvwLi msL¨v = ( 86 −x) = 74 wU
03. When asked in an 1 hour exam how much time is left, the teacher answered that the amount
of time left is of the time already completed. How much time is left ? ( 1 N›Uvi cixÿvq Avi KZ
mgq evKx Av‡Q Avgvi G cª‡kœi Rev‡e wkÿK ej‡jb , hZ mgq evKx Av‡Q Zvi 1/5 Ask m¤úbœ n‡q‡Q | KZ mgq
evKx Av‡Q ? )
K) 50 mint L) 40 mint M) 30 mint N) 1 hour DËit K
‡gvU mgq= 60 wgwbU
mgq c‡o Av‡Q = x wgwbU
mgq wM‡q‡Q = ( 60 - x ) wgwbU

h‡ZvUzKz mgq †kl n‡q‡Q = c‡o _vKv evKx mg‡qi
=> ( 60 – x) = x ×
=> 300 – 5x = x
=> 6x = 300
=> x = 50 wgwbU
∴ cixÿvi Hall- G mgq GL‡bv evKx Av‡Q 50 wgwbU |

A complete hand note based Mental ability eB †_‡K †bIqv|
04. A cow is tethered in the middle of a field with a circular 14 feet long rope. If the cow grazes
100 sq ft per day, then almost how many days will be taken by the cow to graze the whole
field ? ( GKwU Miæ GKwU e„ËvKvi gv‡Vi g‡a¨ 14 dzU j¤^v `woi mv‡_ evuav Av‡Q | hw` MiæwU cÖwZw`b 100 eM©dzU
gv‡Vi Nvm †L‡Z cv‡i, mg¯Í gv‡Vi Nvm †L‡Z MiæwUi †gvUvgywU KZ w`b jvM‡e ? )
K) 4 days L) 5 days M) 6 days N) 7 days DËit M

gvVwUi e¨vmva© ( r) gvVwUi †ÿÎdj

14 feet 𝜋r2 = × 14 × 14 = 600 eM© dyU
MiæwU 100 eM©dyU Nvm Lvq 1 w`‡b
MiæwU 1 eM©dyU Nvm Lvq =
∴ MiæwU 600 eM©dyU Nvm Lvq = = 6 w`‡b|
A_©vr MiæwU 600 eM©dyU Nvm Lvq 6 w`‡b|
05. Suppose half of the passenger in a bus exit at each stop and no additional passenger boards on
the bus . If on the fourth stop, the next to the person exits the bus, how many people were in
the bus ? ( hw` cÖwZ †÷k‡b hvÎx msL¨vi A‡a©K †b‡g c‡o Ges †Kvb bZz b hvÎx bv I‡V Ges 4_© †÷k‡b †klhvÎxi
Av‡Mi hvÎx bv‡g, Z‡e cÖ_‡g evmwU‡Z †gvU KZRb hvÎx wQj? )
K) 4 L) 8 M) 12 N) 16 DËit N

* cÖwZwU station G A‡a©K A‡a©K K‡i †jvK †b‡g hvw”Q‡jv Zvi gv‡b GK`g †kl station G hv †jvK Zvi c~e©eZx©
cÖwZwU station G wظY K‡i ‡jvK jvM‡e |
* ejv nw”Qj †k‡l station G GKRb †b‡g wM‡q Av‡iKRb †jvK †_‡K wM‡q‡Q | Zvi gv‡b †kl station G 2 Rb
†jvK wQ‡jv |
Zvi gv‡b Avgiv ej‡Z cvwi †h
1st station 2nd station 3rd station 4th station ( †kl station )
16 8 4 2 [ question ‡_‡K †c‡qwQ ]
Zvi gv‡b 1st station ev hvÎvi ïiæ‡Z evmwU‡Z †gvU 16 Rb passenger wQ‡jv |
06. In a party attended by 32 people, 24 were students . If 12 of those in attendance were women,
and if 6 of the women in attendance were students, how many of the men who attended the
party were students? ( GKwU cvwU©‡Z 32 Rb †jvK †hvM †`q , hv‡`i 24 Rb wkÿv_©x | hw` †hvM`vbKvix‡`i 12
Rb gwnjv I G‡`i 6 Rb wkÿv_©x nq, Z‡e, wkÿv_©x bq, Ggb KZRb cyiæl G‡Z †hvM w`‡qwQj ? )
K) 2 L) 4 M) 6 N) 4 DËit K
ejv n‡”Q †h, †gvU 32 Rb party ‡Z attend K‡i|
students Non-students Total
man 18 02 20
Woman 6 [given] 06 12 [given]
24 [ given] 08 32[ given]
∴ Student bv wKš‘ cvwU©‡Z Join K‡iwQ‡jv Ggb cyiæl‡`i msL¨v gvÎ 2 Rb |

A complete hand note based Mental ability eB †_‡K †bIqv|
07. There are 200 questions in a 3-hour examination . Among the questions are 50 mathes
problem. Twice as much time be allowed for each mathes problems as for each of other
questions . How many minutes should be needed for the mathes problems ? ( 3 N›Uvq GKwU
cixÿvq 200wU cÖkœ wQj | G‡`i g‡a¨ 50wU cvwYwZK mgm¨v wQj | MwY‡Zi cÖwZwU mgm¨v mgvav‡bi Rb¨ Ab¨ cÖwZwU
mgm¨vi 2 ¸Y mgq jv‡M | MwY‡Zi mgm¨v mgvav‡b †gvU KZ mgq jv‡M ? )
K) 60 L) 72 M) 90 N) 108 DËit L

Questions time allocated (mins) total time(mins)

Maths 50 1 (say) 50
Other topics 150 1 75
2 125 minutes

When total mins time for maths

125 50 mins
3 hours = 180 ×180 = 72 mins
∴ MvwYwZK mgm¨v mgvav‡b time butget wQ‡jv 72 wgwbU |

08. A football team has won 40 games out of 60 played. It has 32 more games to play. How many
of these must the team win to make it record 75% win for the season? ( GKwU dzUej `j 60 wU
†Ljvi 40wU‡Z wR‡Z | hw` AviI 32wU †Ljv evKx _v‡K I `j‡K ‡gŠmy‡gi 75 % †Ljvq wRZ‡Z nq, Z‡e AviI KZwU
†Ljvq wRZ‡Z n‡e ?)
K) 19 wU L) 23 wU M) 26 wU N) 29 wU DËit N

‡gvU †Ljv wRZ‡Z n‡e already wR‡Z‡Q

(60 + 32) = 92 wU 92 × =69 wU 40 wU
∴ ‡Ljv Av‡iv wRZ‡Z n‡e = ( 69 - 40 ) = 29 wU
09. In a room, all but 18 of the people are above 50 years of age. If 15 of the people in the room
are under 50 years of age, how many people are in the room at 50 years age? ( GKwU K‡ÿ, 18
Rb Qvov evwK mevi eqm 50 Gi Dc‡i Avi 15 R‡bi eqm 50 eQ‡ii wb‡P nq, Z‡e wVK 50 eQi eq‡mi KZ Rb
Av‡Q ?)
K) 9 L) 3 M) 9 N) None of these DËit L
cÖ‡kœ ejv n‡”Q †h,
 eqm 50 Gi Dc‡i KZRb Av‡Q GUv Avgv‡`i Rvbv †bB| mwZ¨ K_v ej‡Z GUv Avgv‡`i Rvbvi `iKviI
 50 A_ev 50 Gi wb‡P Av‡Q 18 Rb|
Zvn‡j Avgiv ej‡Z cvwi
50 + years below 50 years exactly 50 years
unknown 15 ( 18 – 15) = 3
∴ H iæ‡g 50 eQi eqmx gvbyl Av‡Q 3 Rb |

A complete hand note based Mental ability eB †_‡K †bIqv|
10. In a certain brick wall, each row of bricks above the bottom row contains one less brick than
the row Just below. If there are 5 rows in all & a total of 75 bricks in the wall. how many
bricks does the bottom row contain? ( GKwU †`qv‡j, Dc‡ii mvwi‡Z wVK wb‡Pi mvwii †P‡q 1wU BU Kg _v‡K
| G‡Z ‡gvU 5wU mvwi I me©‡gvU 75wU BU _vK‡j, me‡P‡q wb‡Pi mvwi‡Z KZwU BU _v‡K ? )
K) 12 L) 13 M) 17 N) 16 DËit M
cy‡iv e¨vciwU‡K Avgiv µwgK msL¨v g‡Zv we‡ePbv Ki‡Z cvwi Ges row ¸‡jv‡K msL¨v we‡ePbv Kiv hvq | me‡P‡q
Z‡j Av‡Q me‡P‡q †ewk msL¨K BU Ges me‡P‡q Dc‡i Av‡Q me‡P‡q Kg msL¨K BU | 5 wU row ‡Z 75 wU BU _vK‡j
gv‡Si mvwi‡Z BU Av‡Q = =15 wU | Zvn‡j me‡P‡q Z‡j BU Av‡Q = 15 + 1 + 1 = 17 wU

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