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 Annual leave and holidays

 Domestic workers in Pakistan
 Compensation
 Collective agreement database






Annual Leave and Holidays:
After completion of 12 months of continuous service, according to section
49-B of factories act an employee is entitled to 14 days paid annual leave
and this law does not indicate that paid leaves increase with longer service.
The annual leave has to be consecutive and may not be split however if a
worker fails to avoid whole leave during 12 months, it is added to the next
year and not more than 14 days of leave can be carried forward. The
annual leave entitlement of a worker is affected in sickness, accident or
authorized n leave exceeding 90 days. Participation an illegal strike and
leaving employment before making an application for leave and many
more. Workers are entitled to paid festival holidays and announced by
ministry of Interior, Islamabad and Provincial government at the start
calendar year according to sec49-I of factories ACT. The public holidays
can be divided in religious and memorial holidays. The dates of Muslim
religious festivals are subject to appearance of moon and change every
year. There are nearly 22 optional holidays workers are emitted to 1 days
of rest per week. The weekly rest day as usually Sunday according to
section 35 of factories act.

Domestic workers in Pakistan:

Domestic work is a part of huge informal sector in Pakistan about 73%
economy of Pakistan depends on it. Existing labour law are not applicable
on this sector There is no accurate number of workers in the country.
According to study every fourth person hive the domestic worker and
majority from these hire women and children. According to the study of ILO
4_10% of total employment in developing countries is in the domestic work
sector. The labour laws mention domestic workers only twice. The
Provincial Employees Society Ordinance 1965 requires an employer to
provide health insurance to the full domestic workers. Similar provision
found in Sindh social security Council 2016 Act Section 59. The
Government has not notified minimum wages under this law. The first bill
on domestic workers Act 2013 to bring them under labour laws represented
in Senate in 2013. Also, in 2015 but it was passed in 2017.The bill aims
provide rights to the domestic workers- IT has also provided the health,
security, safety and welfare to the domestic workers. Punjab has also
announced a domestic worker policy in 2015 which provides Registration
authority to register worker. Domestic worker is defined as any worker
which take place any house hold, child age, old age Sick care or pregnant
women care and also other matters. The Punjab Government also pass the
law in 2019 about child labour. According to which under 15 years no one
can work in domestic working. He or she should be 18 plus for working.
Domestic workers are also entitled with weekly rest days Sick leave,
maternity leaves and Public holidays provide to them. The normal working
hours 8 hours a day or 48 hours a week. There are many domestic workers
unions which are working now in Pakistan for domestic workers to secure
the laws for them.

According to section of factories Act 1934.If worker works more than the
working hours like 9 hours a day or 48 hours a week worker will get
overtime pay that is double of a regular pay i-e 200%, in seasonal factories
hours increasing to 56 hours per week. There is no extra pay for worker
over night. According to Section 35, Factories Act workers can be asked to
work on weekly rest days or public holidays. Holidays can be compensating
according to this law. There is no extra раy for working on a rest day, while
if he works on public holiday then he will be paid 300% of normal pay. This
law is from Section 49-I of factories Act. By Following this law
compensation of holiday can be done. According to the domestic laws,
domestic worker will provide every facility for medical insurance and
security, low work load. If they have any heath issue or women have any
health problems the factories should provide them 1-to-3-week holidays
which are then compensate after they will get healthy. They should be
treating like workers of other Fields so that balanced of society and laws
maintained when we facilitate them then outcomes will come very positive
way overall development in this sector is very important for the country

Collective agreement database:

A collective agreement is an agreement entered between a trade union and
employer union concerning the terms of employments followed in the field.
The agreements are generally field-specific. They cover the terms of
employment of clerical employees working, for example, in the field of
financing, information technology service, construction, metal industry, or
data communications industry. Collective agreement binds the members of
the signed trade unions and the employers who are members of an
employer union which has signed the agreement. These kinds of
agreements are called normally binding. In addition, there are generally
binding collective agreements. These extensive agreements also bind
unorganized employers and the employees working for them. The
collective agreement negotiated by Trade Union Pro and employer union
defines the benefits and rights of the clerical employees in the field. It
defines the minimum terms on the basis of which everyone can negotiate a
better contract of employment for himself or herself.

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