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Unit -6

Groups and teams in organization

Concept of group

A group consists of two or more people coming together. They interact. They
are interdependent on each other. They share similar interests. They achieve
common objectives.

According to Stephen P. Robbins:

A group is defined as two or more individuals, interacting and

interdependent, who have come together to achieve particular


 According to Arnold and Feldman:

A workgroup is a collection of two or more people who interact with

each other, share similar interests, and come together to accomplish

some work activity.

Characteristics of group

1. Two or more persons

2. Common objectives

3. Collective identity

4. Mutual interaction
5. Mutual support

6. Mutual accountable

7. Group unity

Group dynamics

Understanding of group dynamics is important for understanding the

organizational behaviour. Group dynamics is concerned with the interactions
and forces among group members in a social situation. Group dynamics
concern how groups form, their structure and process and how they function.
Group dynamics are relevant in both formal and informal groups of all types.
In an organizational setting, groups are very commom organizational entity
and the study of groups and group dynamics is an important area of study in
ob. Group dynamics is a system of behaviors and psychological
processes occurring within a social group (intragroup dynamics), or
between social groups (intergroup dynamics). The study of group dynamics
can be useful in understanding decision-making behaviour, tracking the
spread of diseases in society, creating effective therapy techniques, and
following the emergence and popularity of new ideas and technologies .
Group dynamics are at the core of understanding racism, sexism, and other
forms of social prejudice and discrimination. These applications of the field
are studied in psychology, sociology, anthropology, political
science, epidemiology, education, social work, business,
and communication studies.

Reasons of group formation

1. Need satisfaction
- Security
- Status
- Affiliation
- Self esteem
- Power
2.Goal achievement

3. socialization

4. Communication

5. Identity

Dynamics of group formation (Stages of group formation)

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