BS 7671 Iee Bath Wiring

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I Technical& Technology

BS7671 : 2001

The Electrical Contractors' Association


he leaflet sets out the difference in floor or doors. The exact definition of

T requirements between BS 7671 : 1992

Amendment 2 and BS 7671 : 2001.
Section 601 of 85 7671 :1992 was superseded
the zone is given withinthis Regulation
but shouldbe read in conjunction with
the drawingsin the figures at the back
ofthis leaflet andthe drawings given
by BS 7671 : 2001 requirements, for all in Section 601 ofthe Regulations.
installations designed after 1 January 002.
2.1.1 Zone 0 is normally the interior of a
The differences between Section 601 in BS bath tub or showerbasin. Where there
7671 :1992 and Section 601 in BS 7671 : 2001 is a showerwith no basin, the zone 0
are marginal and are best recognised by areais 0.6m around the fixed shower
head or 1.2m around the showeroutlet
looking for vertical bars to the right of the for a removable showerhead. In these
Regulations in the new 601 (BS 7671 : 2001).
These indicate any change from the 3rd cases,the zone 0 is the area from the
floor up to 50mm above the floor (see
Amendment in BS 7671 :1992.
figures 1 and2).
2.1.2 Zone 1 is defined horizontally by the
edge ofthe bath or showertray or by
The Scope now covers anylocation the edge ofzone 0 for showers without
containinga bath or shower and does not a tray extendingvertically from the top
now refer to tubs or showerbasins. However, ofzone 0 up to the ceiling or 2.25m
showers for emergency use in such places as above floor level, whichever is the
laboratories or chemical plants are excluded. lower. The space below a bath tub or
In addition, special requirements, over and showertray where that spaceis
above Section 601,may apply to facilities for accessible without use of a tool is
medicaluse. defined as zone 1.
2.1.3 Zone 2 extendshorizontally from the
2. CLASSIFIGATION OFZONES - edgeofzone 1 by a further 0.6m and to
REGULATION 601-02 the same height (i.e. 2.25m above floor
The new 601 introducesthe concept ofzones level or the ceiling where lower).It is
in or around a bath or shower. The zoning also the area above zone 1 up to 3.Om
above the floor.
concept is similar to that in Section 602 for
swimming pools. The zone boundaries NB: Wherethere is no shower tray, zone 2
effectively limit the type ofinstallation still extendszone 1 by O.6m to makea
possible or the equipment allowable within totalradius of1.2m forfixed head
the zone. Pictorialrepresentations of zones showers and L8mfor removablehead
are given in the figures 1 to 15 at the endof showers (see figures 1 to 6)
this leaflet.
2.1.4 Zone 3 extends zone 2 horizontally by a
2.1 Regulation 601-02-01 further2.4m andincludesthe area
above zone 2 up to the ceiling or a
This gives the dimensionsofthe zones
with respect to showerbasins, bath height of3.Om above floor level,
whichever is less.
tubs or, in the case ofshowerswith no
basin, the fixed shower outlet. The The areaunderneath a bath tub or shower
zones are limited (i.e. end) at the basin is considered outsideofthe zones if it is
ceiling, anywall, fixed partition, the accessible by the means of a tool.

3. PROTECTIONFOR SAFETY, 4.2 Regulation 601-04-02
PROTECTION AGAINST SHOCK- The bonding requirementsDO NOT
REGULATION 601-03 apply to zone3 where a cabinetcontaining
a showeris installed in a room not
At ANYvoltage where SELV or PELV is defined as a bathroom, e.g. a bedroom.
used, protection against direct contact shall
be provided by: 5. PROTECTIONFOR SAFETY,
3.1 Barriers or enclosures to IP2X or IPXXB APPLICATIONOF MEASURES
3.2 Parts shall be insulated to a type-test AGAINST ELECTRICSROCK
voltage of 500V a.c. rms for one minute. REGULATIOV 601-05
NB: This does not mean that a test to this This Regulation modifies the general
voltage has to be carried OlEt after requirementsof chapter 47.
installation. It means bare SELV
conductors andconnections are not 5.1 Regulation 601-05-01
allowed. In zone 0, only SELV not exceeding
12V a.c rms or 30V d.c. may be used.
The SELV source must be located
4. PROTECTIONFOR SAFETY outsidethe zones 0, 1 and 2.
SUPPLEMENTARY BONDING - NB May be under a bath ifthat space is
REGULATION 601-04 accessible only by use ofa tool or it
may be located in a ceiling void.
4.1 Regulation601-04-01
Supplementary equipotentialbonding,
5.2 Regulation 601-05-02
complyingwith Regulation 547-03 is to Protectionagainst direct contactby
be applied betweenthe CPC (at one methods 'placingout ofreach' or 'by
point) ofeach circuit supplyingclass I use of obstacles' is not permitted.
or II equipment and extraneous-
conductive-partswithinzones 1, 2 and 3.
5.3 Regulation 601-05-03
Protectionagainst indirectcontactby
The sizes of supplementarybonding
conductors have not changed,i.e. 4mm2 use of a non-conducting location or by
earth-free local equipotential bonding
ifnotsheathed or mechanically is not permitted.
protected. Smaller sizes may be
employed if compliant with
Regulations 547-03-01and 547-03-02. 6. SELECTIONAND ERECTION
Bonding may be applied"in close OF EQUIPMENT, COMMON
proximity to the location," i.e. above
ceilings, below floors or in adjacent - REGULATION 601-06
rooms. However, Regulation 526-04-01
still applies to the accessibility ofany This Regulation introducesIF ratingsfor
terminationsof equipotentialbonding equipment within zones andapplies to ALL
conductors. equipment at ANY voltage.
NB Bondingbetween extraneous- 6.1 In zone 0, IPX7
conductive-partsalone is no longer 6.2 In zones 1 and2, IPX4 or splashproof
required ifthere are no circuits or IPX5 ifwaterjets are to be used for
supplyingclass andclass II
cleaning in communal areas.
equipment. The requirement is to
bond extraneous-conductive-parts NB This requirement does not apply to
to the CPCs ofcircuits supplying shaversupply units to BS EN
class and class II equipment. If 60742, Chapter 2, Section 1
the only circuit within zones 1, 2 installed in zone 2, provided they
and3 is SELV, then no bonding are located in an area wheredirect
willbe required. spray ofa shower is unlikely.

.3 There are no IPrequirementsfor a voltage notexceeding 12V
equipment in zone 3 except in a.c. or 30V d.c. The source
communal areas where waterjets may must be locatedoutsideof
be used for cleaning and then it's IPX5 zones 0, 1 and 2.
or as requiredby BS7671 generally. Additionally shaver sockets
NB IP ratingsare defined in lEE complying with BS EN
60742 Chapter 2, Section 1
GuidanceNote 1 appendix B.
are permitted in areas
where direct spray from
. OF SELECTION AND ERECTION showersis unlikely.
Zone 3 No socket outlets except
those permitted as zone 2
REGL!L4TIOI\j51?1 7
AND no provision for
Additional wiringrequirements apply o connecting other portable
wiringin zone 0, 1 and2 only. equipment.
Outside No socket outlet, other than
7.1 Regulation 601-07-02 Zones as permitted in zones 2 and
Where applicable, in zones 0, 1 and 2, 3 shall be fitted outsideof
wiring is permitted to feed equipment the zones andwithin the
in that zone or a numericallylower area containing a bath or
zone, e.g. wiringmay pass through shower.
zone 2 to feed equipmentin either
The insulating cords of pull
zones0 or 1 but notvice versa. Note that
cord switches are permitted
this Regulation does not applyto earth in zones 1 and2 but NOT
metalic wiringsystems to 522-06-07.
the switchitself.

8. SELECTIONAND ERECTION 8.2 Regulation 601-08-02

OF EQUIPMENT, SWITCHGEAR Sockets, protectedby 3OmA RCDs
AND CONTROLGEAR - complying with Regulation 412-06,
ARE permitted outside of zones 0, 1, 2
REGULATION 601-08 and3 where a shower cubicle is
This section refers only to switches, installed in a room other than a
bathroomor showerroom.
controlgearandsocketoutlets andnot current
using equipment.
8.1 Regulation601-08-01 OF EQUIPMENT, FIKED
These requirements DO NOT apply to CURRENT-USINGEQUIPMENT -
switches or controls which are
incorporated in FIXED current using
equipment which is suitable for the This section refers only to fixedcurrent using
zone in whichit is installed, e.g. equipmentand not switches, socket outlets
controls of an electric shower. and control gear.
Zone 0 Noswitches or accessories
9.1 Regulation 601-09-01
Zone 1 Onlyswitches of SELV
circuits with a voltage not In zone 0 - only equipmentif suitable
andcannot be reasonablylocated
exceeding 12V a.c. or 30V
d.c. The source must be elsewhere.
locatedoutsideof zones 0, 1
and 2. No sockets of any 9.2 Regulation 601-09-02
voltage are permitted. In zone 1, the followingequipmentmay
Zone2 be installed ifsuitable for the zone:
Only switches or socket
outlets of SELV circuits with 9.2.1 Water heaters (e.g. electric showers)

9.2.2 Showerpumps (e.g. power showers) 10.3 0.4 second disconnection time for
In zone 1, other equipment may be indirect contactprotection nowgone
installed if it is suitable for the zone (five seconds applicable to all circuits).
AND cannot be reasonablylocated 10.4 Supplementary bondingnow required
elsewhere AND is protected by a 3OmA to the CPC of any circuit supplying
RCD complyingwith Regulation412- class I or II equipment within zones 1,
06 OR if it is SELV equipmente.g. an 2 or 3 and extraneous-conductive-
IPX4 SELY fan or lightmay be parts.
installed or an IPX4 mains fan or light
ONLYif it cannot reasonablybe 10.5 Supplementarybonding not required
locatedelsewhere AND it is 3OniA betweenextraneous-conductive-parts,
RCD protected. only betweenextraneous-conductive-
parts andthe CPCs of circuits
9.3 Regulation 601-09-03 supplyingclass I and II equipment
In zone2, the followingIPX4 10.6 The prohibition ofsurfacemetal
equipment may be used: (IPX5 where conduit or metal sheathed cable has
cleaning water jets are likely). gone
9.3.1 ANYSELV equipmentcomplying with 10.7 IP requirementsintroduced
regulations411-02 AND 601-03-02 10.8 SELV switches may now be metallic
and 10,9 Additional requirementsintroducedfor
9.3.2 Water heaters, showerpumps, circuits passingthrough zones 0, 1 and
luminaires,fan, heating appliances 2 on or in walls
and whirlpoolbaths OR other fixed 10.10 No 230V switches can be located
equipment,if it cannot be reasonably within zones 0, 1 and2 unless partof
locatedelsewhere, and SELV certain equipment
equipmentoperatingat voltages
other than as allowed by Regulation 10.11 Insulating cordsonly of pull switches
601-03-02. allowed within zones 1 and 2

In zone 3, any fixed current-usingequipment 10.12 Only certain defined current-using

is allowed and any other NON-FIXED equipment allowed within zones
current-usingequipment providing it is 10.13 No mains voltage socket outlets
protectedby a 3OniA RCD complying with allowed, even outsidethe zones, except
Regulation 412-06. as specifically allowed by Regulation
NB "which can reasonablyonly be located 601-08-02
in" meansonly if the equipmentcannot 10.14 The wording "simultaneously
be reasonablylocatedelsewhere, i.e. accessible" has been removed from
outsidethe zone or the room. bondingrequirements
9.4 10.15 References to BS 5042 (Home Office)
Regulation 601-09-04
skirts for lamp holders removed. All
Electricheating elementsembedded in equipmentmust now complywith
the floor are allowed in any zone relevant IP rating.
provided they are covered by EITHER
by an earthed metallicgrid ORby an
earthed metallic sheath connected to
the local supplementarybonding.


FROM BS 7671 : 1992
10.1 Zones introduced
10.2 PELV not permittedin certain
FIGURE 1 Classification and explanation ofZone 0

Demountable Shower Head
Shower Head

1.2 m

Zone 0

1.2 m

0.05 m
Zone 0
No ShowerBasin
Plan Elevation

FIGURE 2 Classification andexplanation of Zone 0

Fixed ShowerHead

0.6m 0.6m
FixedShower Head

0.05 m

No ShowerBasin
Plan Elevation

FIGURE 3 Classification and explanation ofZone 1

Zone I
V Sho' er Head

Zone I
2.25 m 1.2 m 2.25 m
4 ______
Demount ble Head

0.6 m
Fixed Head

Bath orShowerBasin Shower- No Basin

Elevation Elevation

FIGURE 4 Classification and explanation ofZone 2

Zone2 3.0 m Zone2


Zone 1 Zone 2

Sho ver Head

Zone 1 Zone 2
1.201 1.8 m 2.25 m
2.25 m
— Dependar on outlet

0.6 m _____
0.6 or 1.2 m
0.6 m

Bath orShowerBasin Shower - No Basin

Elevation Elevation

FIGURE 5 Classification and explanation of Zone 2

Zone 1

Zone 2 Zone 3

Zone 0

_____ 2.4 m

FIGURE 6 Classification and explanation of Zone 3

Zone 1

Zone2 Zone 3

Zone 0
4 I

2.4 m

Plan Plan

FIGURE 7 Zone dimensions (plan) Bath tub

FIGURE 8 Zone dimensions(plan) bath tub (fixed partition)

FIGURE 9 Zone dimensions (plan) showerwith basin

FIGURE I0 Zone dimensions(plan) showerbasin (fixedpartition)

FIGURE ii Zone dimensions (plan) showerwithoutbasin (fixed)

FIGURE 12 Zone dimensions (plan) Shower withoutbasin

NB *See also Figure 15

FIGURE 13 Zone dimensions (elevation) bath tub



Outside Zones

0.6m 2.4m

FIGURE 14 Zone dimensions (elevation) showerwith basin

— ...RecessZone 2
_______ I Ceiling
Zone 2 Zone 3 OutsideZones


Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 OutsideZones

Zone0 fj
0.6m 2.4m

FIGURE 15 Zone dimensions (elevation) showerwithoutbasin

Zone 2 Zone 3 OutsideZones

Fixed ShowerHead

2.25 m

Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3 OutsideZones

— Permanentpartition
0.05 m Zone 0

2.4 m

The Electrical Contractors Association
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Tel: 020 7313 4800 Fax: 020 7221 7344
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