Lesson 14 Sinbad, The Sailor-Questions and Answers

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Lesson 14

Sinbad, the sailor- Questions and Answers

1.Although Sinbad was rich, he longed for adventure. So he
set sail again.
2. One day a ship carrying Sinbad and the other merchants
landed on a deserted island. After lunch, Sinbad fell asleep.
When he woke up, the ship had without him. So he found
himself alone on the island.
3.When the giant bird Roc descended on its egg, Sinbad crept
near it cautiously and tied himself to its foot. When the bird flew
away, it took Sinbad along with it. Once the bird landed in the
valley of diamonds, he untied himself, setting himself free.
4. No, Sinbad was not happy to find himself in the valley. The
walls of the valley were very steep, so he could not climb out.
Secondly, the valley was full of deadly snakes.
5. The valley was full of deadly snakes, but it was strewn with
huge diamonds. The snakes would come out in the night but
would but would get to their holes during day as the giant Roc
was their enemy.
6. Sinbad saw the merchants throwing huge chunks of meat into
the valley. Diamonds stick to the meat and the Roc would carry
it to its nest. The merchants would later collect it after scaring
away the bird. Sinbad gathered a lot of diamonds and tied him to
a meat piece, a Roc picked him with the meat and deposited in
the nest. Then soon he freed himself.

1. The qualities of an adventurous person are courage,
fearlessness, common sense, observation etc.
2. Sinbad was not prompted by greed. He could not stay
peacefully at home for long because he longed for adventure.
The way he risked his life for the diamonds only show his
cleverness, intelligence and presence of mind.

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