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Engineering Drawing / Unit 5 /Projections of Straight Lines

Problem Set

Here various problems along with actual pictures of those situations are given for you to understand those
clearly. Now looking for views in given ARROW directions,
YOU are supposed to draw projections & find answers, Off course you must visualize the situation properly.

1. TV of a 75 mm long Line CD, measures 50 mm. End C is in Hp and 50 mm in front of VP. End D is 15
mm in front of VP and it is above HP. Draw projections of CD and find angles with HP and VP.[
2. The Mid-point of a straight line AB is 60mm above HP and 50 mm in front of VP. The line measures 80
mm long and inclinedd at 300 to HP and 450 to VP. Draw its Projection.
3. End A of line AB is in Hp and 25 mm behind VP. End B in VP and 50mm above HP. Distance between
projectors is 70mm. Draw projections and find it’s inclinations with HP and VP. Draw its Traces.
4. Two objects, a flower (A) and an orange (B) are within a rectangular compound wall, whose P & Q
are walls meeting at 900 . Flower A is 1 m & 5.5 m from walls P & Q respectively. Orange B is 4 m &
1.5 m from walls P & Q
respectively. Drawing
projection, find distance
between them If flower is 1.5
M and orange is 3.5 M above
the ground. Consider
suitable scale.

5. Two mangos on a tree A & B are 1.5 m and 3.00 m above ground and those are 1.2 m & 1.5 m from a 0.3
m thick wall but on opposite sides of it. If the distance measured between them along the ground and
parallel to wall is 2.6 m, Then find real distance between them by drawing their projections. [Example]

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1. Draw the projections of a line AB that is 50 mm long and is parallel to both the HP and the VP. The line is
40 mm above the HP and 25 mm in front of the VP.

Solution Steps:
The line AB is parallel to
both the VP and the HP.
So, its FV and TV, will be
parallel to XY and both
will show the TL (= 50
mm). If a line is parallel to
both the HP and the VP, it
must be perpendicular to
the PP. Therefore, point A
and point B will coincide
in SV of the line. Hence,
the LHSV is a point view.

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2. A line AB, 50 mm long, is inclined to the HP at 300 and parallel to the VP. The end nearest to the HP is 40
mm above it and 25 mm in front of the VP. Draw the projections.

Solution Steps :
As the line AB is inclined to the
HP and parallel to the VP, its FV
will show TL.
1. Assuming that the line AB is
initially parallel to both the RPs,
draw its FV a’b1’ and TV ab1 as
shown. a’b1’ is 40 mm above XY
and ab1 25 mm below XY. a’b1’=
ab1 = TL = 50 mm.
2. Rotate a’b1’ about a’ through
300 to get a’b’. a’b’= a’b1’= TL.
The angle made by a’b’ with XY
represents θ.
3. Project b’ below XY to obtain b
on ab1.
a’b’ and ab represent respectively
FV and TV of the line. Note that
a’b’ (= EL) is equal to TL and ab(=
PL) is shorter than TL.
4. Obtain LHSV a” b” by projecting a’b’ and ab with respect to X1 Y1.

3. A line AB, 50 mm long, is inclined at 450 to the VP and parallel to the HP. The nearest end of the line is 25
mm in front of the VP. Draw the projections of the line if it is 40 mm above the HP.

Solution steps: Refer Fig. 5.8.

1. Draw TV ab = TL, inclined at 45° to XY. a is 25
mm below XY.
2. Project ab above XY to obtain a’b’. ab and a’b’
represent respectively TV and FV of the line.

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4. A line AB, 50 mm long, is inclined to the HP at 300 and to the VP at 450. The point A is 20 mm above the
HP and 35 mm in front of the VP. Draw the projections of the line. Assume that the end A is nearer to both
the RPs than end B.

Given: TL = 50 θ = 300 ø =
450 ha = +20 da = +35
Refer Fig. 11.17.
1. Draw the initial FV a’b1’ and
initial TV ab1 of the line
assuming that it is inclined to
the HP at 300 and parallel to the
a’ is 20 mm above XY, a’b1’= 50
mm and θ = 300.
a is 35 mm below XY and ab1
parallel to XY.
2. Draw the initial TV ab2 and
initial FV a’b2’ assuming that the
line is inclined to the VP at 450
and parallel to the HP.
ab2 = 50 mm and ø = 450.
a’b2’ is parallel to XY.
3. Draw f–f passing through b1’
and parallel to XY.
4. Draw t–t passing through b2 and parallel to XY.

5. A line AB, 50 mm long, is inclined at 300 to the HP and 600 to the VP. Its end A is 25 mm above the HP
and 20 mm in front of the VP. Draw its projections.

Given: TL = 50 θ = 300 ø = 600 ha =

+25 da = +20
Solution As θ + ø = 900, the line is parallel
to (or in) the PP.
Method 1: Refer Fig. 11.23(a).
1. Assuming the line inclined at 300 to the
HP and parallel to the VP, draw its FV a’b1’
and TV ab1 as shown.
2. Assuming the line inclined at 600 to the
VP and parallel to the HP, draw its TV ab2
and FV a’b2’ as shown.
3. Draw f–f and t–t.
4. With a’ as a centre and radius = a’b2’,
draw an arc meeting f–f at b’. Join a’b’ for
the final FV.
5. With a as a centre and radius = ab1, draw an arc meeting t–t at b. Join ab for the final TV.

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Note that the arcs b2’b’ and b1 b are tangent to f–f and t–t respectively. Hence α = β = 900
Method 2: Refer Fig. 11.23(b).
As the line is in the PP, its SV will give TL and true inclinations. Hence, first draw SV a” b” as shown. Then
obtain its FV a’b’ and TV ab by projecting the SV on X1 Y1.

6. Line AB is 75 mm long and it is 300 & 400 Inclined to Hp & Vp respectively. End A is 12mm above Hp and
10 mm in front of Vp. Draw projections. Line is in 1st quadrant.

1) Draw xy line and one projector.
2) Locate a’ 12mm above xy line & a 10mm below xy
3) Take 300 angle from a’ & 400 from a and mark TL
I.e. 75mm on both lines. Name those points b1’ and
b1 respectively.
4) Join both points with a’ and a resp.
5) Draw horizontal lines (Locus) from both points.
6) Draw horizontal component of TL a b1 from point
b1 and name it 1. ( the length a-1 gives length of Fv
as we have seen already.)
7) Extend it up to locus of a’ and rotating a’ as center
locate b’ as shown. Join a’ b’ as Fv.
8) From b’ drop a projector down ward & get point b.
Join a & b I.e. Tv.

7. Line AB 75mm long makes 450 inclination with Vp while it’s Fv makes 550. End A is 10 mm above Hp and
15 mm in front of Vp.If line is in 1st quadrant draw it’s projections and find it’s inclination with Hp.

Solution Steps

1. Draw x-y line.

2. Draw one projector for a’ & a
3. Locate a’ 10mm above x-y & Tv a 15 mm below xy.
4. Draw a line 450 inclined to xy from point a and cut TL
75 mm on it and name that point b1 Draw locus from
point b1
5. Take 550 angle from a’ for Fv above xy line.
6. Draw a vertical line from b1 up to locus of a and
name it 1. It is horizontal component of TL & is LFV.
7. Continue it to locus of a’ and rotate upward up to the
line of Fv and name it b’. This a’ b’ line is Fv.
8. Drop a projector from b’ on locus from point b1 and
name intersecting point b. Line a b is Tv of line AB.
9. Draw locus from b’ and from a’ with TL distance cut
point b1‘ 10.Join a’ b1’ as TL and measure it’s angle
at a’. It will be true angle of line with HP.

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8. Fv of line AB is 500 inclined to xy and measures 55 mm long while it’s Tv is 600 inclined to xy line. If end A
is 10 mm above Hp and 15 mm in front of Vp, draw it’s projections,find TL, inclinations of line with Hp & Vp.

1.Draw xy line and one projector.
2.Locate a’ 10 mm above xy and a 15 mm
below xy line.
3.Draw locus from these points.
4.Draw Fv 500 to xy from a’ and mark b’
Cutting 55mm on it.
5.Similarly draw Tv 600 to xy from a &
drawing projector from b’ Locate point b and join
a b.
6.Then rotating views as shown, locate True
Lengths ab1 & a’b1’ and their angles with Hp
and Vp.

9. Fv of line AB makes 450 angle with XY line and measures 60 mm. Line’s Tv makes 300 with XY line. End A
is 15 mm above Hp and it’s VT is 10 mm
below Hp. Draw projections of line AB,determine inclinations with Hp & Vp and locate HT, VT.[Notes]

Solution steps

1. Draw xy line, one projector and locate

fv a’ 15 mm above xy.
2. Take 450 angle from a’ and marking 60
mm on it locate point b’.
3. Draw locus of VT, 10 mm below xy &
extending Fv to this locus locate VT.
as fv-h-vt line on one st.line.
4. Draw projector from vt, locate v on xy.

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5. From v take 300 angle downward as

Tv and it’s inclination can begin with v.
6. Draw projector from b’ and locate b
I.e.Tv point. Now rotating views as
usual TL and it’s inclinations can be
found. Name extension of Fv,
touching xy as h’and below it, on
extension of Tv, locate HT.

10. A line AB, 75mm long, has one end A in Vp. Other end B is 15 mm above Hp and 50 mm in front of
Vp.Draw the projections of the line when sum of it’s inclinations with HP & Vp is 900, means it is lying in a
profile plane. Find true angles with ref.planes and it’s traces.

Solution steps

1. After drawing xy line and one projector locate top

view of A I.e point a on xy as it is in Vp. Locate
Fv of B i.e.b’15 mm above xy as it is above
Hp.and Tv of B i.e. b, 50 mm below xy asit is 50
mm in front of Vp
2. Draw side view structure of Vp and Hp and locate
S.V. of point B i.e. b’’
3. From this point cut 75 mm distance on Vp and
mark a’’ as A is in Vp. (This is also VT of line.)
4. From this point draw locus to left & get a’
5. Extend SV up to Hp. It will be HT. As it is a Tv
6. Rotate it and bring it on projector of b.
7. Now as discussed earlier SV gives TL of line and at the same time on extension up to Hp & Vp gives
inclinations with those panes.

11. T.V. of a 75 mm long Line CD, measures 50 mm. End C is 15 mm below Hp and 50 mm in front of Vp.
End D is 15 mm in front of Vp and it is above Hp.
Draw projections of CD and find angles with Hp and Vp.

Solution: Some cases of the

line in different quadrants.
BELOW HP- Means- Fv
below xy
BEHIND V p- Means- Tv
above xy.

Solution steps:

1. After drawing xy line

and the point c' or its
front view lie in 4th
Quadrant i.e bellow
Hp thats why c' is
bellow xy.

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2. Once we lookup c' we

can lookup the point c usual.
3. Locus of c' and d are 15 mm away from Hp. So these both are lie on the same line.
4. cd is the TV as the lenth is given as 50 mm long.
5. cd1 is the TL i.e. given as 75 mm long.
6. Length of TV and TL is given now we can findout easily the FV as well as TV in Vp in the same manner
as previous case.

Projections Of Straight Lines

To Draw Projections Of Any Object, One Must Have Following Information

A) Object
{ With It’s Description, Well Defined.}

B) Observer
{ Always Observing Perpendicular To Resp. Ref.Plane}.

C) Location Of Object,
{ Means It’s Position With Reference To H.P. & V.P.}


Following Notations Should Be Followed While Naming Different Views In Orthographic Projections.

Same System Of Notations Should Be Followed Incase Numbers, Like 1, 2, 3 – Are Used.

Projections Of Straight Lines:

A straight line is the shortest distance between any two points in space.

Simple Cases Of The Line

1. A Vertical Line ( Line Perpendicular To HP & // To VP)

2. Line Parallel To Both HP & VP.

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3. Line Inclined To HP& Parallel To VP.

4. Line Inclined To VP & Parallel To HP.
5. Line Inclined To Both HP & VP.

Terms Used In Projections Of Lines:

1. True Length (TL) The actual length of a line is

called its true length.
2. Plan Length (PL) or Top View Length The
apparent length of a line seen in TV is called the plan
length or top view length.
3. Elevation Length (EL) or Front View Length The
apparent length of a line seen in FV is called the
elevation length or front view length.
4. Side View Length (SVL) The apparent length of a
line seen in SV is called its side view length.
5. Inclination with the HP (θ) It is the true angle that
a line makes with its projection on the HP. It is
indicated by θ.
6. Inclination with the VP (Φ) It is the true angle that
a line makes with its projection on the VP. It is
indicated by Φ.
7. Apparent Angle with the HP (α) It is the angle
which an oblique line seems to be making with the
HP in FV. It is the angle between FV and XY.It is
indicated by α.
8. Apparent Angle with the VP (β) It is the angle which an oblique line seems to be making with the VP in
TV. It is the angle between TV and XY. It is indicated by β.
9. Horizontal Trace (HT) The point of intersection of the line (or its extension) with the HP is called the
horizontal trace of the line.
10. Vertical Trace (VT) The point of intersection of the line (or its extension) with the VP is called the vertical
trace of the line.
11. Point View of the Line The view of a line seen as a point (i.e., when the views of two ends coincide) is
called the point view.

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Line Inclined To Both The RPs (OBLIQUE LINE):

We have seen that if a line is inclined to the HP, its TV will be shorter than the TL and if a line is inclined to
the VP, its FV will be shorter than the TL. Therefore, if a line is inclined to both the RPs, its TV and FV will be
shorter than TL. Obviously, its true inclinations θ and ø will not be visible in FV and TV. Instead of the true
inclinations, FV and TV will show apparent inclinations with the HP and the VP, i.e., α and β respectively.

The major concern in the projections of the oblique line is to obtain its apparent inclinations, α and β. This
can be achieved in two stages as mentioned below.

Stage 1 Refer Fig. 5.9.

Assuming that a line (say AB1 = TL) is inclined to
the HP at θ0 and parallel to the VP, draw its
projections a’–b1’ and ab1. ab1 will show PL. If the
line is made inclined to the VP at any angle
(keeping θ unchanged) then TV will no longer
remain parallel to XY. It will get tilted through a
specific angle. In such a case, if the TV is tilted
about one of its endpoints (say a), its other end
(i.e., b1) will trace a circle. This circle represents the
locus of that point (i.e., B1) in TV. Note that, in FV,
this circle is seen as a line parallel to XY. This line
represents the locus of that point (i.e., B1) in FV. It
is shown by f–f.

Now, suppose ab1 is tilted about a through, say

β10, in such a way that b1 occupies the new
position b on the circle. ab now represents the TV of
the line inclined to both the RPs. β1 will give the
apparent angle between the line and the VP. Let the

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real angle corresponding to β1 be ø1.

As soon as b1 moves to b, b1’ moves to b’ along f–f.
This is so because the circular path of b1 in TV is represented by linear path f–f in FV. a’b’ now represents
the FV of the line inclined to both the RPs. Let the angle made by a’b’ with XY is α10. α10 represents the
apparent angle between the line and the HP.
Note that ab and a’b’ represent the final TV and final FV respectively of a line AB which is inclined to both
the HP and the VP. To obtain these views, we must know TL, θ and ø. However, in this stage, ø was

Stage 2 Refer Fig.5.10.

Assuming that a line (say AB2 = TL = AB1 in Stage 1) is inclined to the VP at ø0 and parallel to the HP, draw
its projections ab2 and a’–b2’. a’–b2’ will show EL. If the line is made inclined to the HP at any angle
(keeping ø unchanged) then FV will get tilted through a specific angle. In such a case, if the FV is tilted
about one of its endpoints (say a’), its other end (i.e., b2’) will trace a circle. This circle represents the locus
of B2 in FV. In TV, this circle is seen as a line parallel to XY. This line represents the locus of B2 in TV. It is
shown by t–t.
Now, suppose a’b2’ is tilted about a’ through, say α2°, in such a way that b2’ occupies new position b’ on the
circle. a’b’ now represents the FV of the line inclined to both the RPs. α2 will give the apparent angle
between the line and the HP. Let the real angle corresponding to α2 be θ2.
As soon as b2’ moves to b’, b2 moves to b along t–t. ab now represents the TV of the line inclined to both
the RPs. Let the angle made by ab with XY be β20. β20 will represent the apparent angle between the line
and the VP.
a’b’ and ab represent the final FV and final TV respectively of a line AB which is inclined to both the HP and
the VP. To obtain these views, we must know TL, ø and θ. However, in this stage, θ was unknown.

In Stage 1 (Fig. 5.9), we have obtained the FV and TV of line AB inclined at θ0 to the HP and ø10 to the VP.
Similarly, in Stage 2 (Fig. 11.14), we have obtained the FV and TV of line AB inclined at θ2° to the HP and ø°
to the VP. Note that, in both the stages, the line AB has same TL. We knew θ in Stage 1 and ø in Stage 2. If
θ = θ2 and ø1 = ø, then α1 = α2 and β1 = β2. If end A is at same distances from the HP and the VP in both
the stages the end B will assume same positions in both the stages. As all the parameters, namely, TL, θ, ø,
ha, da, hb and db are same in Fig. 11.13 and Fig. 11.14, we can overlap these figures as shown in Fig.

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The most important diagram showing graphical rela ons among all important parameters of this topic.
Study and memorize it as a CIRCUIT DIAGRAM And use in solving various problems.

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These are the points of intersections of a line(or it's extension) with respective reference planes.

A line itseld or it's extension, where ever touches H.P. That point is called trace of the line on H.P.(It is
called H.T)

SImilarly, a line itself or its extension, wherever touched V.P, that point is called trace of the line on V.P(It is
called V.T)

V.T.: It is a point on Vp.

The projection of the V.T on the XY line is indicated by v

H.T.: It is a point on Hp.

The projection of the HT on the XY line is indicated by h

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1. Begin with FV. Extend FV up to XY line.

2. Name this point h(as it is a Fv of a point in Hp)
3. Draw one projector from h.
4. Now extend Tv to meet this projector.This point is HT.


1. Begin with TV. Extend TV up to XY line.

2. Name this point v(as it is a Tv of a point in Vp)
3. Draw one projector from v.
4. Now extend Fv to meet this projector. This point is VT.

Observe & note :

1. Points h & v always on x-y line.

2. VT & v always on one projector.

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3. HT & h always on one projector.

4. FV - h- VT always co-linear.
5. TV - v - HT always co-linear.



1. TV & FV both are vertical, hence arrive on one single projector.

2. It’s Side View shows True Length ( TL)
3. Sum of it’s inclinations with HP & VP equals to 900 ( + =900)
4. It’s HT & VT arrive on same projector and can be easily located
From Side View.



In these types of problems some situation in the field or some object will be described. It’s relation with
Ground ( HP ) and a Wall or some vertical object ( VP ) will be given. Indirectly information regarding Fv & Tv
of some line or lines, inclined to both reference planes will be given and you are supposed to draw it’s
projections and
further to determine it’s true Length and it’s inclinations with ground.

RGUKT 2010

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