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Roll No: Answer Sheet No:

Name of Candidate: Sign of Candidate:

(Pre-Board Exams 2020)
Time Allowed: 25 Minutes
Note: Section A is compulsory. All parts of this section are to be answered on the answer
sheet. It should be completed in the first 20 minutes and handed over to the Examiner
(Abdul Ahad). Deleting/Overwriting is not Allowed. Do not use lead pencil. There will be 5
marks of writing. Do not write with your foot.

SECTION-A (17 Marks)

Q. No. 1: Choose the correct option i.e. A/B/C/D. Each part carries one mark.
1. In a cricket match 500 spectators are counted one by one. How many significant figures
will be there in final result?
A. 3 B. 1 C. 2 D. 0
2. For which angle the equation |̅A.B| = |̅A×B | is correct?
A. 30˚ B. 45˚ C. 60˚ D. 90˚
3. What does NOT change when force is applied on a body?
A. Mass B. Velocity C. Position D. Acceleration
4. A projectile is thrown so that it travels a maximum range of 100m. How high will it rise?
A. 500 m B. 250 m C. 400 m D. 1000 m
5. Distance covered by free falling body in 2 second is:
A. 4.9 m B. 19.6 m C. 39.2 m D. 44.1 m
6. If momentum is increased by 20% then K.E increases by:
A. 44% B. 55% C. 66% D. 77%
7. The displacement of particle having amplitude ‘a’ in SHM in one time period is:
A. zero B. a C. 2a D. 4a
8. A heat engine absorbs 50J of energy and give 45J of work. Its efficiency will be:
A. 60% B. 70% C. 80% D. 90%
9. Velocity of the efflux is measured by the relation:
A. √𝑔ℎ B. √2𝑔ℎ C. √ 1 2 𝑔ℎ D. √ 4 3 𝑔ℎ
10. Which feature of graph allows acceleration to be determined?
A. Area under displacement time graph
B. Area under velocity tome graph
C. Slope of displacement time graph
D. Slope of velocity time graph
11. Which statement is true for projectile when it is at highest point of its path?
A. Horizontal component of acceleration is zero
B. Horizontal component of velocity is zero
C. Kinetic energy of projectile is zero
D. Momentum of projectile is zero
12. The rotational and translational K.E of a hoop are related by
A. K.Erot = K.Etran B. K.Erot = ½ K.Etran
C. K.Erot = 2 K.Etran D. K.Erot =1/4 K.Etran
13. Which quantity must be same for two bodies if they are to be in thermal equilibrium?
A. Internal energy B. P.E C. Temperature D. Mass
14. Which of the following factors has no effect on the speed of sound in a gas?
A. Pressure B. Temperature C. Density D. Humidity
15. Which one of the following properties is NOT exhibited by the longitudinal waves?
A. Reflection B. Interference C. Diffraction D. Polarization
16. In an isothermal change, internal energy of a system:
A. Decreases B. Increases C. Becomes Zero D. Remains Constant
17. An organ pipe of length ‘ l ’ has one end closed but other end open. Wavelength of
fundamental note is
A. Slightly smaller than 4l
B. Slightly larger than 4l
C. Roughly equal to 3l/2
D. Equal to 4l
Roll No: Answer Sheet No:
Name of Candidate: Sign of Candidate:

(Pre-Board Exams 2020)
Time Allowed: 2: 35 Minutes
Note: Sections ‘B’ ‘C’ and ‘D’ comprise pages 3-4 and questions therein are to be answered
on the separately provided Answer Book. Use supplementary answer sheet i.e., sheet B if
required. Write your answers neatly and legibly. It should be completed in the 2: 35
minutes and handed over to the Examiner (Abdul Ahad). Deleting/Overwriting is not
Allowed. Do not use lead pencil. There will be 5 marks of writing. Do not write with your

SECTION – B (Marks 21)

(Chapters 1 to 5)
Q.2 Attempt any SEVEN parts. All parts carry equal marks. (7  3 = 21)
1. How are uncertainties measured in final result of power factor and volume?
2. Prove that if the vectors 𝐴̅&𝐵̅ are parallel to each other, then 𝐴̅∙ 𝐵̅ = ±𝐴B?
3. Why is it helpful to wear a helmet while riding?
4. Prove that 𝑟𝑜 = [ 𝐺𝑀e𝑇2 /4𝜋2 ]1/3 of geostationary satellite.
5. What is the angle of projection for a projectile for which the maximum height reached
and corresponding range are equal?
6. A bucket is taken to bottom of a well; does the bucket possess any P.E? Explain briefly.
7. A motor car is travelling at a speed of 30 m/s. If its wheel has a diameter of 1.5m, find its
angular speed in rad/s and rev/s?
8. What is weightlessness in satellites and gravity free system?
9. What is critical velocy? Derive the relation and compute the value of critical velocity?
10. Write down the steps for addition of vectors by rectangular components method?

SECTION – C (Marks 21)

(Chapters 6 to 10)
Q.3 Attempt any SEVEN parts. All parts carry equal marks. (7  3 = 21)
1. Describe the working of an engine carburetor.
2. Give two applications from daily lives of phenomenon in which resonance plays an
important role.
3. How one can locate the position of nodes and anti-nodes in a vibrating string?
4. What is meant by aerofoils? Explain briefly.
5. How can you generate ultrasonic waves and how can you detect them?
6. What do you know about grating spectrometer?
7. Entropy has often called as “times arrow”. Explain briefly.
8. Write the limitations of first law of thermodynamics.
9. Find the amplitude, frequency and time period of an object oscillating at the end of a
spring, if the equation for its position at any instant t is given by 𝑥 = 0.25𝑐𝑜𝑠 ( 𝜋 /8 ) 𝑡.
Find the displacement of the object after 2 second.
10. In a certain X-rays diffraction experiment the first order image is observed at an angle of
5˚ for a crystal plane spacing of 2.8 × 10-10m. What is the wave length of X-ray used?

SECTION – D (Marks 26)

Note: Attempt any TWO questions. All questions carry equal marks. (2  13 = 26)
Q. 4 a. Prove that Absolute P.E = GmMe / Re (8)
b. Consider a ladder weighing 20N vesting against a smooth wall such that it makes
an angle of 60˚ with the horizontal. Find the reaction on the ladder due to
the wall and ground. (5)
Q. 5 a. Derive equation for kinetic and potential energy of a body executing S.H.M for a
mass-spring system. (7)
b. A car is moving at 20m/s along a straight road with its 500Hz horn sounding. You
are standing at the road side. What frequency do you hear as car is: (6)
(i) Approaching you (ii) Receding from you at 20m/s
Q. 6 a. State Carnot theorem and the characteristics of a Carnot engine. Explain Carnot
cycle and Carnot engine and find the relation for its Efficiency?
b. Find the polarizing angle for a glass of refractive index of 1.55. (5)

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