Society and Literature

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Name: Reden R.

Year and Section: BSIT II-2
Subject: Society and Literature

Guided Questions:
1. Who are the characters in the story?
Dodong-  He is the main character of the story. He feels independent
enough to marry the love of his life at the tender age of 17 years. At the
age of seventeen, he decided to marry Teang. He had several children
throughout the story. 
Dodong's Father- He is the one who advises Dudong to think hard before
jumping into a commitment like marriage. In the story, he asked for the
permission of his father to marry, to which his father reluctantly agrees
to. Dodong's father was shown to be someone who is growing old.
Dodong's Mother - together with Dodong's father, helped with the birth
of Dodong's children.
Teang- The wife of Dodong. She married Dodong at a very young age.
They both bear seven kids and feel that they made a mistake by
marrying so young.
Blas- The son of Dodong and Teang. Just like Dodong, he asked his
father to allow him to marry at a young age.
Tena- The sweetheart of Blas. She is the love interest of Blas and loves
him dearly.
Lucio- Suitor of Teang, 9 years older than her. But once Teang rejects
him, he marries another girl but is unable to have children.
2. What is the setting of the story?
The setting is in a rural area where life is simple. The story was set
in a remote place, which may be a farmland. Since the story was
published in 1933, I will assume that this story was set in the same time,
since there were no hints of advanced technology in the story (not like it
was needed). The story's events happened in different times, since the
story was mostly about Dodong's teenage days until the day when his
son turned 18.
3. What is the theme of the story?
For me, it is very important to enjoy being youth. Don’t rush
things. Great things come in perfect timing. The theme of the story
Footnote to Youth means that people will always go with their feelings
without hesitations they will do anything to get what they want specially
the youth and then regretting it at the end.

4. Write your own reflection about the story and depicts it in a real
life situation?
"YOUTH will triumph LOVE will triumph next will be the LIFE".
As I read the story of Jose Garcia Villa entitled, "footnote to youth" with
his theme mentioned above, there is a little reflection formed.
Teenagers show their behavior as an affectionate individual in the world
of love. Mostly, they give everything in the name of love not knowing
that they are just only one of the victim. They're being hot and
aggressive will soon lead to early marriage. To raise a family is not just
an easy job to do, sooner or later they come to realize how difficult to be
a father and mother and the choice they have chosen.
The real scenario of LIFE will reveal.
Jose Garcia Villa's "Footnote to Youth" is a great story which we
can ponder unto. It had proven my idea that entering into a married life
is a very difficult situation. It needs a careful examination before making
any decision. We don't need to rush these things. We just have to enjoy
our life because things never happen the same way twice. We have to
wait for there is always a right time for everything. Well, I can relate in
the story "Footnote to Youth" by Jose Garcia Villa because I am also a
teenager and the story was all about a youthful scenario. The story
gives me information and realizations which I can relate to reality.
When it comes to love matters, we can never contradict. Love is love
and we can never argue to that but too much love might be the cause
of unexpected outcome. The realization that really struck me was that
never rush things because in the end you will just be blaming why those
things happened. Everything must be planned well. We have the right
to make our decisions yet we just have to see-to-it the decisions that
will be applied will bring us to have a good future and will not result us
to blame ourselves. Yes, it is true that regret is always at the end but
we can avoid it if we only know how to decide things properly.
Do not rush into love or marriage, because it will come at the right
time when the person is ready. This is one of my realizations after I read
the writing of Jose Garcia Villa entitled footnote to youth. In this story
many people can really reflect, especially the youth of today's
generation. As we all know many teenagers now are getting married at
the young age, some reasons are the girl is pregnant or they are very
eager to be with each other so they deciced to get married without
knowing how hard married life is. Marriage is not an easy thing, because
it's a lifetime commitment and we should bear that on our mind.

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